How to set a program to autorun. How to add any program or file to startup in seconds


Hello. I'm on a little vacation here, so I decided to write some new articles. And today we will look at a rather interesting topic, namely adding sites to the list for automatic start at start operating system. In fact, individually, each of the presented methods will be simple, but I decided to combine all the methods known to me into one article. As usual, only the tools of the operating system itself. Methods:1. Adding a shortcut to the startup folder2. Using the registry.3. Using the task scheduler.

Now consider the listed methods.

  • 1 Method No. 1. Adding a program shortcut to the startup folder.
  • 2 Method No. 2. Adding a program to autorun via a registry entry.
  • 3 Method No. 3. Adding programs to startup using the Windows Task Scheduler utility.

Method No. 1. Adding a program shortcut to the startup folder.

This method comes first, as it is the simplest of all presented and in most cases it will be more than enough. To do this you just need to do a couple of steps:

1) Click on the executable file of the program. And in context menu select “Create shortcut”. We cut the resulting shortcut from the current location. You can also simply copy the shortcut from your desktop, if available.

2) Next, we need to transfer (copy) it to a folder, which folder you choose. If you want this program to load only for your user, then open Explorer and paste into the address bar:

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

If you want the program to run for all users, then add to the folder:

That's it, after these steps the program will automatically start when the system starts.

Method No. 2. Adding a program to autorun via a registry entry.

1) Open the registry, to do this, press the Win+R key combination and enter regedit.

2) There are also two options for the development of the event: a) Open a thread only for the user: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run b) Open a thread for all users: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

3) Right-click on the empty space on the right side of the window and select “Create” - “String parameter”.

4) Set the name corresponding to the name of the program and double-click on it to open properties and set the value. In “value” we indicate the full path to the program’s executable file. It can be taken from the properties of the desktop shortcut or the executable file itself.

Method No. 3. Adding programs to startup using the Windows Task Scheduler utility.

Yes, in OS Microsoft Windows There is a built-in utility for adding programs and not only to autorun. Moreover, with a very large number of settings.

1) Open “Task Scheduler”. You can open Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools and select it from the list. Or press the Win+R key combination and enter taskschd.msc. The following window will open.

2) Click on the “Create a simple task...” button on the right. The “Simple Task Creation Wizard” will open (where would Microsoft be without creation wizards;). We enter the name of our task and, if necessary, give a couple of lines of description. And click the “next” button.

3) We select when our program should start, since I am now adding a web server and I want it to start before entering the user password, I will select “When the computer starts.”

4) We are interested in “run the program”. Bill Gates doesn’t recommend the rest;)

Quite often, when installing user applications, it becomes necessary to start them along with the operating system. Next, we propose to consider the question of how you can add a program to startup in Windows 7 or any other version of this OS. As standard methods, we can offer several simple options that any user can use without much difficulty.

How to access the startup section?

Naturally, you need to know where the main settings are located that are responsible for the autostart of any application. Some people advise using the main Start menu, but this option does not seem very convenient.

In Windows 7, the easiest way to access this section is through the Run console by entering the msconfig command, after which the corresponding tab is selected in the system parameters. Here you need to look through the list of programs that can be loaded with the system, and simply check the boxes of the necessary components. But some applications installed by the user may not appear in the list. What to do in this situation?

How to add a program to Windows 7 startup using the simplest method?

Let's start with basic techniques. The most in a simple way, which allows you to solve the problem of how to add a program to startup in Windows 7 or any other modification within a couple of minutes, is to create a shortcut for the executable component, and then move it to the autostart section through the most common “Explorer”.

The shortcut is created in the file manager through the RMB menu (right mouse button) and sent to the “Desktop”. Please immediately note that the autostart section, located in the ProgramData directory, is hidden, in fact, like the main parent directory. Therefore, before deciding how to add a program to startup in Windows 7, you need to use the view menu in Explorer and turn on display hidden files, folders and disks. Afterwards it is simply copied to required section. You can also use the cut and paste feature.

In the eighth Windows versions For quick access to the startup folder, you can use the “Run” console, in which the line shell:Common Startup is written, followed by copying the shortcuts.

How to add a program to startup in Windows 7/8/10 through the registry?

But there could be a completely different situation. In some cases, when there are several registered users working on the system, it is much more advisable to use an editor to solve the problem of how to add a program to startup in Windows 7 or 8 system registry(regedit in the Run menu, which is called up with a quick combination of Win + R).

For a local user, the HKLU branch is used, and the settings for all users are in the HKLM branch. In both cases, you need to find the CurrentVersion section, where the Run folder is located. In the right side of the editor, a new string parameter is created via RMB and assigned an arbitrary name, for example, Run Google Chrome for the browser of the same name, a window for editing its value is called up, and then the full path to the application executable file (in our case Chrome.exe) is manually entered in the address field.

Then simply save the changes, and the program will start along with the main components of the OS itself. To check, you can simply reboot the system (which is a prerequisite when adding an application to autostart).

Using the Scheduler

Finally, the question of how to add a program to Windows 7 startup can be resolved by using a special tool in the form of the “Task Scheduler,” which many users often forget about or simply do not know about its existence. But in vain. Indeed, through its use, it is often possible to solve many issues that regular means they don't dare.

It is called through the “Run” console by entering the line mmc.exe, followed by a space - taskschd.msc. In the menu on the right, you select the creation of a new task, assign it an arbitrary name (for example, “Launch Chrome”), a new task is also created on the triggers tab, after which similar actions are performed on the actions tab. Only after this, the action to launch the program is selected here and the path to the executable file is indicated using the browse button. As you can see, everything is done quite quickly and simply.

Using General Settings

You can also click the “Start” button to find the startup section, open a menu common to all and copy the created shortcuts there. This technique, again, is intended only for those cases when programs need to be added not for one individual user, but for all users registered in the system, although many administrators do not welcome this method.

These are the main methods that allow you to add user programs and applications to the autostart menu of the operating system. Which of the above methods should you prefer? It seems that the simplest and most accessible option for most users would be to create and copy shortcuts. Using the system registry is more suitable for administrators (especially if such actions must be performed for each registered user). In this case, by logging into the system under his own “account”, the administrator can perform all procedures without using the registration of other users and without logging out as his own.

By the way, ordinary (home) users of Windows-based computer systems can also be advised to install optimizer programs. Such software packages You can almost always find a section for managing system autostart components. And in them you can just as easily add or exclude programs from the list of those that will be activated when Windows finishes loading.

Please note that when switching to the tenth version of the system, using the configuration is inappropriate, since it will be redirected to the “Task Manager” (the autostart menu is located here). Otherwise, the steps to activate the autostart elements are absolutely no different from those given above.

And one more point related to editing the registry involves launching the editor exclusively with administrator rights. Otherwise, in the absence of appropriate privileges, not only the creation of string parameters, but also access to the editor as such may be prohibited. For all systems starting from modification 7, there is a provision for this special opportunity. If you can’t launch the editor from the console for some reason, you can simply open the executable file regedit.exe from the System32 directory.

  1. Hello, I want to ask, how to add a program to startup so that when you turn on the computer, this program starts itself. I would like to automate everything in my operating system. For example, a person got up in the morning, turned on the computer and went to wash his face, then have breakfast, and at that time Windows booted up, went online and automatically launched several necessary programs. A man approached the computer, and everything was ready for work.
  2. Hello admin, first of all, thank you, I read your article and created the necessary string parameter in the registry, that is, everything is as taught, now after turning on the computer, the Internet connects itself. But then a wonderful thought came to my mind: what if I made my favorite one start automatically in the same way? Google browser Chrome. That is, I turn on the computer, first of all the Internet automatically connects, then the browser and the program in which I work launches Adobe Photoshop. Is it possible to arrange this somehow?
  3. I have the following question: I added shortcuts to several programs and a browser to the Startup folder, but for some reason the browser sometimes starts before the computer goes online, so browser pages naturally open with errors. I don’t have a router, but to automatically access the Internet, I created a “batch file” and also placed it in the startup folder.

How to add a program to startup

Hello friends, I think after we learned how to create automatic connection to the Internet, then adding any program to startup will be like a piece of cake for us. Let's look at three ways to solve this problem.

Note: add to startup only necessary programs, since loading any program takes time and if you add a dozen programs to startup at once, your Windows will load much slower.

The first method is very simple, we will simply add shortcuts to the programs we need to the startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

The second method is also simple. We will add the program to startup using the registry.

The third method is more complicated; in it we will use a task scheduler; it will be useful to us if any program refuses to start using the first method.

The easiest way add program to startup, this is to use the folder StartUp, specially invented for these purposes, located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. Let's copy the shortcut to this folder Adobe programs Photoshop and Total Commander, as well as Opera and Google Chrome browser shortcuts, then restart the computer and see if this whole company starts automatically.

Before adding a program to the startup folder, you need to find this very folder; in early operating systems, for example Windows 7, this was very easy, you had to click on the Start menu, then All Programs and Startup. In Windows 8, there is no Start menu and you have to constantly strain your gray matter to find anything previously associated with the Start menu. We'll do something tricky and get into the startup folder using the shell:Common Startup command.

In the lower left corner of the Windows 8 desktop, right-click and select Run.

Enter the command shell:Common Startup in the input field.

And please, our Startup folder opens, copy into it the shortcuts of those programs that we want to add to startup. I add Adobe Photoshop and Total Commander and also Opera and Google Chrome browser shortcuts, then restart the computer.

Everything loaded automatically for me, the Internet, programs, and browsers. But, if you do not have a router, and you set up an automatic connection to the Internet according to our article “How to make an automatic connection to the Internet,” then in some cases browsers will start before connecting to the Internet, which means that in all browsers instead of open Internet pages there will be errors.

To avoid this, you need to use the task scheduler, this is an excellent tool built into Windows and few people use it because they simply don’t know how, but this is not about you and me, friends. The Task Scheduler will give the program the interval between Windows fully loading and the program starting. That is, the program you need (for example, a browser) will launch a little later (for example, after 30 seconds) when Windows goes online.

How to add a program to startup by editing the registry

We need to create a string value in the registry, it's very simple. I have an FTP client program installed on my computer - FileZilla and I need to add it to startup, I want to do everything using the registry.
Right-click on the Start button and "Run"

Enter "regedit" and OK, the registry opens.

Registry sections responsible for autoloading programs:
For the current user:
For all users:
I'm the only one working at the computer and I'll choose the first branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

I go to the section and right-click, select New->String parameter from the menu,

You can choose any name, for example FileZilla.

Now we indicate the path to the program, right-click on the created parameter and select “Change”,

Specify the location of the program's executable file: C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe and click OK.

From now on, the FTP client program - FileZilla is in auto Windows boot 8 and the next time you turn on the computer, the program will start automatically.

How to add a program to startup using the Task Scheduler

To improve the hacker experience, let's launch some program through the task scheduler, let's say the same Opera browser, and in the scheduler settings we specify that it should start some time after the other programs are launched, so as not to create a crowd in the general startup.

Run -> enter the command in the input field mmc.exe taskschd.msc

and the task scheduler opens. Action -> Create task.

Specify the "Name" of the task, for example "Opera" Go to the Triggers tab

And click "Create"

In the "Start task" section, select "At login". We postpone the task for 30 seconds and click OK.

"Actions" tab, click on the "Create" button

And in the window that appears, click Browse.

We indicate in Explorer the location of the executable file of our program C:\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe and click Open

And click OK again.

At the end of the article I want to tell you that there is good program AnVir Task Manager is a cool startup manager, in this manager you can exclude any program from startup, but also add the program you need to delayed startup. This happens a little simpler than in the task scheduler I presented. If interested, you can read our detailed article on this topic.

Startup is a set of important components that are activated from the moment the computer starts. Usually these are antivirus, background programs and those that the user himself wants to add to the Startup settings.

Do not confuse autoloading with autorun. The latter is used to open flash drives, Cell phones and cameras connected to a computer.

For many, the question of how to add a user-needed program to Windows 7 startup is relevant. We'll talk about this today.

Adding a program to startup using the Windows 7 operating system

Here are some ways:

  • To begin with, you should turn to the application itself: in its settings and parameters you will probably find the command “Launch when Windows startup"or similar. This is the most correct step that guarantees correct work applications.
  • If you do not find the corresponding command in the application settings, open all programs through “Start” and find the “Startup” folder. Having opened it, drag the shortcut with the mouse button pressed desired application or paste it into the folder using the “Create Shortcut” command (opens when you right-click). Autostart will be effective for all PC users after rebooting the computer.

Let's reveal another way. It involves a number of actions:

  1. Call up the Run service dialog box by simultaneously pressing the Win + R keys.
  2. In the input line, type “misconfing” and click on “OK”.
  3. In the “System Configuration” window that opens, click the “Startup” tab and see a list of applications.
  4. By removing or restoring the checkbox, we connect or disable the selected application.
  5. If the application you need is not there, go to the “Run” service again, but this time enter the “regedit” command into the line, which will give access to the registry.
  6. If we want to make autoloading of selected applications available only for the user, we will need to open a branch called HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, if for all PC users, then we will open the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Run.
  7. Using the right mouse button, create a “string parameter”, then open its “Properties”.
  8. In the “Properties” window, set the value by inserting the full path to the main application file into the line (the path to the file can be copied by opening the “properties” service for this application).
  9. After clicking, the application will be added to startup.

For some, the “StartUp” folder will be called “StartUp” and may be hidden. To make it visible, open Explorer and click on the “Tools” command in the top line, and in the pop-up window click on “Folder Options”.


Before you add it to Windows startup, run it and go to settings. Quite often, developers of many programs, be they special office utilities or players, provide the “Run together in Windows” option, which you simply need to do. If you found it and specified it, the program itself will be registered in the system menu and will start with .

However, if there is no such parameter, and the program needs to be added to startup, use the following algorithm of actions. Create a shortcut to the program's executable file and place it anywhere on your hard drive, or, for example, on your desktop for quick access.

Go to the Start menu. IN standard programs Find the "Startup" submenu. Right-click on it and select “Open” from the list of commands that appears. A window will appear in front of you, which is a startup menu in the form standard folder Windows Explorer. Drag or copy the previously created shortcut for the program that you want to add to startup from the desktop to this folder.

The shortcut added in this way will launch the program simultaneously with the start of the operating system while the computer boots. If you need to add a program to startup for all users of this computer, then in the “Documents and Settings” folder in the root directory of the system drive, find the corresponding subfolders of the programs displayed in the “Start” menu for all users (All Users). And add a shortcut to your program to the shared Startup folder.

Video on the topic


There are still several ways to add an application to startup. Not every program can be loaded through the registry; for some it is not easy to create a shortcut, while for others autoloading through the scheduler is not suitable. On Windows 7 and above earlier versions The easiest way to add an OS to startup was to drag the program shortcut to the Startup folder, which was displayed in the Start menu.

Helpful advice

And the second method will tell you how to remove a program from startup that was thrown there after installation. Method 1. How to add a program to startup in Windows 7. Click “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Startup”, right-click, and in the menu that appears, click “Open”. This will open a folder where you can add a shortcut to launch the program that you would like to see when the system boots.

If you often install and test programs, and you need to add several programs to startup, it is not necessary to install third-party software. It is quite possible to get by using standard methods of adding executable files in the startup menu.

You will need


The easiest way to add items to a menu is manual addition. In order to add a program shortcut to the startup menu, you need to click the “Start” menu - select “Programs” - right-click on the line “Startup” - “Open”.

Enter the name of your shortcut - click the "Done" button. You created a shortcut in this folder.

To add items to startup There is a more complicated way. It involves editing the registry. If you understand it well, this method will seem no less easy to you than the previous one. Click the "Start" menu - select "Run" - enter the command regedit - click "OK".

In the program window that opens, on the left side, you will see the registry folders. Follow the following path: . This folder contains programs that run only when the current user logs into the operating system. For example, in order to add a shortcut to the Notepad++ program to startup, you must add the following key: "Notepad++.exe"=" C:Program FilesNotepad++

It is not difficult to register a program in startup. Moreover, a lot of utilities have already been created that help simplify this process. The startup settings are located in the registry, and you can replace this data without problems.

You will need

  • The program that needs to be placed in startup.


For some individual user they are responsible, for some program for all users -. To add a program to the registry, just run regedit.exe (C:\WINDOWSSystem32
egedit.exe), find the corresponding key, add to it an entry like "FIREFOX.EXE"="C:Program filesMozillafirefox.exe" (for example - "NAME OF THE EXECUTABLE PROGRAM.EXE"="Path to it").

In Windows, there is a special Startup folder, which also contains shortcuts to programs launched at startup. It is enough to place a shortcut there for the program that you would like to see when loading Windows and after the next reboot it will appear. The Startup folder is located in C:\Documents and SettingsAll Users Main menuProgramsStartup.

Exist third party programs and system tweakers, which also allow you to change the list of programs that are in startup. There are a great variety of these programs, I would like to mention one of the most popular - CCleaner (cleans the system and has alternative options Windows settings), Total commander ( file manager). Both programs are quite easy to use and have a sufficient set of settings for changing registry data and startup.


You should not directly edit the keys Windows registry, this may cause the system to crash. You should be careful when editing registry keys.


  • How to add a program to startup, method for Windows 7

Scripts can be added to the startup of certain programs. This is not always convenient, given that the operating interface Windows systems provides a special utility to perform the same function.