Colored stripes on the screen. Vertical stripe on LCD TV screen


Firstly, it is worth saying that stripes may not occur in the following cases: if there is a malfunction in the operation of the video card, if the matrix or its cable has failed. Unfortunately, if in your particular case it turns out that the reason lies directly in the laptop matrix, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. In this case, there are no other solutions to this problem. Repairs should be carried out with the help of specialists at the appropriate service center, and doing this yourself is highly undesirable, since you can damage the new matrix. In order to find out the cause of the problem, you should pay attention to what noise appears on the screen.

How to fix the problem?

If the fault lies in the matrix cable, then you will see multi-colored vertical lines, and if you connect the computer to the monitor using a special cable, these stripes will disappear. A malfunction of the matrix is ​​indicated by the following display parameters: vertical white stripes, the appearance of a black stripe with ripples, and inversion of the image on the screen. In addition, a malfunction of the matrix is ​​indicated by the appearance of black stripes; they are often translucent, and if the netbook takes a certain position, the screen may turn completely black. A malfunction of the video chip is indicated by: interference (artifacts) appearing on the screen in the form of red, blue horizontal lines, or in the form of colored squares, dashes across the entire display, and also if, in similar cases, the image on the external monitor appears without any distortion, and a change in position The screen and its bend do not affect the picture.

Black bars may appear on the screen if your device is equipped with two video cards, for example, nvidia optimus, which have automatic switching, and there is no scaling option in the video card settings. Accordingly, the absence of this item and the scaling itself is the reason for the appearance of black bars. If black bars do not appear while working on the computer or playing games, but only appear when you play back a video, then this means that the problem is with your playback device (video player). In addition, if black bars occur when loading the operating system and during its operation, then you should reset the BIOS settings to standard.

Let's talk about stripes on the monitor screen, what should you do if vertical or horizontal lines suddenly appear on it? Some people advise immediately running to the masters. They say the problem is complex, and any intervention will only make it worse. Moreover, the price of such a service is about 1000 rubles. But why pay!? Let's solve the problem with our own hands!

To start the reason must be determined streaks appearing on the computer screen.

Alas, but the chance of a software error is MI-NI-MA-LEN. It's a matter of hardware. So check:

A) Are hdmi and other cables connected well? Are they damaged?

I recommend unscrewing everything and blowing it out (even when you are sure that everything is in order). Also make sure that there are no serious deformations on the blue cable (which leads to the monitor). They could very well be the culprit behind the irritating stripes.

B) The video card is damaged due to overheating.

Naturally, you won’t see this visually. There are practically no swellings or other visual signs of damage on it. Indirectly, this can be indicated by a dust-clogged cooling system and Aida temperature readings.

There are two things you can do here:

1. Remove the video card, clean its contacts (especially the part with which it is inserted into the motherboard). It’s extremely rare, but it helps, I’m serious: the chances are slim.

2. check it on another, 100% working computer.

But there may be problems with either of them, the third reason is:

B) Motherboard malfunction.

Stripes on the monitor screen may be due to this. Whether the voltage jumped, whether there was overheating or a manufacturing defect is not so important. The fact is that this happens everywhere. In addition, if when examining it (there is no need to pull it out of the system unit), swelling of the condensers (such barrels) or their blackening ldquo rdquo #8212 is visible, then with 90% chance you have found the reason for your misfortune.

Faulty matrix #8212 causes streaks on the screen.

This is sadness. You can't fix it yourself. Unless you run diagnostics #8212, connect the monitor to a laptop or other PC. The stripes remain #8212 Take the monitor to the service center. I’ll also tell you one interesting method.

At your own risk: lightly press (as if you were gently massaging the body) on the monitor that is turned on, preferably in the area of ​​the stripes. Now watch out: if the location of the #8212 bands changes, the reason is in the monitor matrix or HDMI cable.

Stripes on the laptop screen.

Do the lines/ripples change their location when the laptop is opened or closed? Move it back and forth at different speeds. Are you seeing the above? The matrix cable is faulty.

Video card glitches

Spontaneous computer shutdown

Cleaning your computer from dust

I had uneven horizontal stripes when I bought it, it was a mistake on the matrix, probably the previous owners also gave away the LCD for pennies, but the problem was simply not installed drivers #8230 :)

I had this problem 3 times, they just took and soldered the motherboard, then 4 times I took it to a normal technician, he just ordered and replaced the motherboard

What kind of firewood is needed

Firewood for the motherboard? If you name the brand, I’ll try to help with the search =)

So I'm a fool, I moved my cables and let go)

I have horizontal L/C stripes on my monitor, but I tried to put them into the integrated video card of the motherboard, everything is fine. In 3 months, two vidyukhas were covered, so problem#8230 may not be the vidyuhi's fault.

I came across the fact that graphic artifacts were caused by damage to the mat. fees. This cannot be diagnosed remotely. Take it to the SC. There may also be a power supply (or surges) or there is not enough power, as a result, something starts to work crookedly and then fails.

stripes appeared on the LCD monitor, but when you move the cursor they disappear and appear in another place, what should I do?

Is the Lingvo x3 dictionary not worth it? Is the situation similar in Safe Mode?

Does your computer have one video drive or 2? Boot from another one, try it.

I have such a problem - when I turn on the computer, squares begin to appear on the screen over time (after 2-5 minutes). I decided to leave the computer like that while the Internet was connected. When I approached them a couple of minutes later, there were a lot of purple stripes all over the screen. The picture was frozen and even the mouse did not work; by the way, there were white square stripes around the mouse.

What can I say, Kirill... Have you updated the firewood? Update, and then drag your car to the service center.

Thank you very much, I was very scared when stripes appeared opposite the text and labels, but the very first point was enough to identify the complexity, the plug that is inserted directly into the monitor came off slightly))

Hood) you get such a pleasant feeling when a problem is solved so easily, like: #171uiii, it went #187. well, that's how it is for me)))

And your experience was useful to me! Thank you! I thought the monitor was already #171 covered #187!

stripes appeared after turning off the light for a short time, what should I do?

Sergey, obviously the problem is of a technical nature. There is no UPS, right? Carry to the SC. It's a pity

When loading the computer, several stripes first appear, and when loading the desktop, the screen turns black and everything becomes striped) Is it worth taking it to the service center?

If there are two video devices on board, then switch from discrete to integrated, but in general, yes, to the SC. At the same time, if they offer to purchase components from them #8212, then I would not agree.

I also have a problem, it loads normally, the Internet, the games are all fine, but it’s impossible to play - there are ripples and stripes on the monitor. It’s a long way to take it to the center, but the local master says it’s the motherboard. Is this true?

Your local master has an advantage over me) He could conduct a detailed analysis. I operate only with limited data) Nevertheless, I agree with him. This error is most likely caused by damage to the motherboard. If it is not possible to transport the entire system unit, negotiate with the service center to purchase a new motherboard model. If it doesn’t fit, or the reason turns out to be not this #8212, just return the product.

There is a thick stripe in the middle of the screen, everything is fine on the second monitor. I changed the connector and cable.

You can switch from discrete to built-in video card (if you have one), but in general, congratulations #8212 it took off. Or the motherboard. After what did the problem appear? It even appears on the desktop

Good afternoon. The problem is this: when loading in normal mode, the Windows splash screen shows horizontal blue bars, then a black screen and that’s it. If you boot in safe mode, it loads normally and there are no artifacts. Problem with video?

Dmitry, most likely yes. What preceded the problem?

red horizontal stripes appeared in normal mode does not start in safe mode yes

Look at the comment above, you have a similar problem, I assume.

After loading another toy, ripples appeared all over the screen. All functions work.

Ripples everywhere, even on your desktop? Or only in 1 game? You can try to clean all the contacts (including RAM contacts), try to run with one die if there are several of them#8230but frankly speaking, most likely the video card is screwed up, especially if it is already several years old

When you turn on the monitor, the screen flashes upside down and vertical stripes immediately form. Then, when you move the monitor in different directions, everything becomes normal. It works fine all day, what kind of malfunction could it be, please tell me.

Is the monitor under warranty? Have you followed the recommendations from the article (point 1)? Obviously the problem is with the device itself. But you didn’t even say what it is: LCD, CRT, etc. In general, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made without seeing the patient. Take him to the SC.

I have the same problem, immediately when I turn on the computer there are purple stripes and when it turns on for 5-20 minutes sometimes a blue screen but almost a reboot, what should I do?

I think cleaning it tomorrow might help.

1. cancel automatic reboot, you need to know #8212 what the error is. Let's start from this already.

2. Cleaning is good, but I doubt it will help

Was there a yellow stripe on the left? I cleaned the HDMI cable #8212, everything is ok.

I installed the video camera and vertically wide stripes appeared; against a black background they look purple. As soon as Windows loads, they disappear. Can you tell me what could be the reason?

Why did they install a new video card? Is the old one burned out? Have the drivers been installed correctly? Have the old ones been demolished?) Obviously, the problem is with the video card, but since the problem disappears after loading Windows, then there is no need to worry too much. Error, 90% software.

I was playing a game and suddenly the screen became completely covered in vertical stripes, after restarting the screen does not react to anything. What could this be?

It's rubbish, Andrey. Nobody can tell you remotely what exactly is out of order: maybe the motherboard, maybe the power supply #8230, although wait, what do you mean the screen is not responding? That is, Windows loaded, but hung on the desktop?

I have a problem with the LCD screen, 3-5 minutes after loading the PC, the picture starts to shake (from top to bottom), I had the same problem, I contacted the technician, he cleaned the computer, it seemed to go away, a month later the same thing happened again

Vitaly, is this related to what you are doing? Those. Is the toy running, or is the desktop just open? #8212 does the shaking still appear? Pace. did you measure? Looks like the motherboard is coming.

Sometimes it seems that it’s the pace that’s missing, but a little faster and everything would be fine

I meant temperature

Hello. When watching a video or playing a toy, sometimes the laptop makes intermittent sounds and the video or game slows down. My previous laptop was covered in the same way, the screen became striped.

Do you keep your laptop on a soft surface for an hour? How old is the device? Cleaned?

If the device is new, this does not mean that there cannot be dust inside. Or other jambs with a cooling system. Apparently, you still have it under warranty, so I wouldn’t recommend going inside on your own. There is only one conclusion: take it to the service center for diagnostics, I don’t rule out a factory defect, at least twice in a row#8230mmde, and you’re lucky

There is a new video card (well, like new, for about six months) and it worked fine. But at one point horizontal stripes of color began to appear. The computer turns off when working. Lately it's not possible to turn it on at all. Stripes appear even in BIOS#8217e when loading windows. Sometimes it turns on if you tug on the video card

I imagined you tugging at the video card. Impressed..okay. There are 2 options: either it’s completely gone or there are problems with contact. Shoot. Blow it out. You can test the computer with a discrete video card. But I’m almost sure that I’ll have to fork out for a new device. Which is sad. half a year #8212 this is either a manufacturing defect or hellish conditions. Haven't you dabbled with overclocking for an hour?

My daughter was playing on the laptop and the screen became vertical, how can I set it to horizontal again? I'm craning my neck and sitting as I type)))

Good afternoon, about 2 weeks ago a blue line appeared on my screen. I didn't pay attention to it #8212 I thought it would pass, but today when I played the game it turned bright pink. I turned off the game and it remained on the desktop. What to do please tell me

In the morning I started to turn on the laptop, it turned on but the screen did not work, I connected it to the monitor, there were ripples on it somehow, I reinstalled Windows blindly, the screen worked, I was not happy for long) vertical white stripes appeared, quite wide, I overloaded it, it worked for about 5 minutes normally and all the stripes again, what is the reason ?

With laptops everything is more complicated. (in terms of diagnostics). You did the right thing by connecting it to Monica. Didn't you take your temperature? It seems very likely that the video has been closed or is close to it. Or the motherboard. In any case, be prepared to spend money on repairs.

A transparent stripe appeared at the top of the screen. Noticeable mainly when watching movies. Nevertheless, I think that it is simply invisible, but it is always there and it is not going to go anywhere. It's as if vertical sync is not turned on (the image seems to be torn) only the horizontal bar is turned on.

Greetings. There was a problem: after auto-updating Windows 10, white stripes appeared on the screen. They appear immediately after turning on the computer and disappear only when entering the BIOS, and immediately appear again when exiting it. They have a funny property of being erased by moving the mouse across the screen ala an eraser in Paint, but after a couple of seconds they appear again in the same place. When turned on, the videos begin to flicker.

After an unsuccessful attempt to update the drivers, I reinstalled Windows and it helped for half an hour. Before I even had time to really rejoice, after going into sleep mode and exiting it, the stripes returned as if nothing had happened. After that, I rearranged Windows again, several times and always different #8212 did not help. I downloaded a bunch of drivers and codecs both manually and using various programs that sort of find the ones they need and set #8212, it didn’t help. I changed the cable from the monitor and the monitor itself, disassembled the computer itself and blew out everything that was possible #8212 to no avail 0.

I ask for help in the unequal battle against this white plague.

We approached the issue wisely. And everything was explained clearly. Now we go from the opposite:

1. We exclude problems with the monitor itself (you tested)

2. We exclude software errors (we installed different operating systems... I hope not the Tens variety)

3. We also eliminate the possibility of an incorrect connection (the bolts were overtightened, not fully inserted into the connector, etc.)

What's left? Alas, BP is under suspicion, mother, Vidyakh. Problems with the latter are easily diagnosed (if there is a built-in one).

I took a video card from a friend to check, the stripes disappeared. It turned out to be her)

Vidyashki most often get covered up, it’s a pity, of course, but at least you’ve identified the reason) you’re great)

Hello, I have this problem: when you turn on the computer, the entire screen immediately ripples, when you start the BIOS, the screen breaks into green itcher squares and writes strange white characters against this background. After Windows starts, only green vertical stripes appear. If Windows starts, which is not always the case, it starts diagnostics and writes that the computer was started incorrectly. After which it restarts and everything is all over again. I completely disassembled the computer, cleaned everything, but the problem remained. I can’t enter safe mode because the symbols are clumsy. Do I understand correctly that the motherboard died?

Evgeniy, you are right, unfortunately.

With a high degree of probability, it is the motherboard that is causing the problem. You can exclude the video camera (if in addition to the discrete one there is a built-in #8212, just pull out the first one)

Hello! Today the computer worked fine as always, then multi-colored horizontal stripes appeared, I read your advice, checked all the contacts, removed and put back the video card. And lo and behold, the stripes became vertical, I climbed down again, moved the video and they became horizontal again. Help me what to do Please.

One road #8212 carry to the SC. Either the video card is to blame or the slot on the motherboard (the mother itself) is damaged. If everything was cleaned/inserted correctly, then purchasing new components cannot be avoided. It sucks, but what can you do?

Hello! Tell me what exactly could be the matter. After turning off the network on the monitor in mode #171idle#187, i.e. when the Windows greeting goes on or a little over a second while in VLC before opening the video there is a black background, diagonal white stripes run, not very noticeable, then from left to right, then vice versa. On a regular black background (video or image) everything is fine. How long can the iron last after this before it completely fails?

But no, diagonal ones are always on a black background. How long can the iron work in this mode?

It’s really hard to say how long it will last, maybe a year, maybe a month, or maybe it’s some kind of manufacturing defect and in this mode the device will function for another five years. In any case, I would start saving money for a new component (by the way, a reason to take it to SC #8212 to find out what exactly went wrong). To be more specific (it’s impossible without seeing the patient)

Good afternoon. Our family computer has broken down. He is 4.5 years old. 07/21, after downloading the updates, I did not restart the computer, but simply turned it off. When you turned it back on, the updates were installed. The computer began to work in normal mode, but during the process white squares suddenly appeared on the screen and the screen went dark. My husband rebooted from the main button. Everything here is cloudy, the sequence of events is forgotten. But in the end the computer reported that the video adapter driver had been reinstalled. And the computer worked without problems until July 25. That day I was looking at the news on VK and when watching the video, white squares SUDDENLY appeared and the screen went blank. (But not the system unit, the valves were turning) I rebooted from the start button. And it began. When loading, a black screen with download options, because... the previous session was ended incorrectly. We vacuumed the system unit (it was time to do it anyway), changed the battery (#171 native #187 already showed 2.6V) cleaned all the contacts with an eraser (well, just in case).

The computer reset the settings because... There was no battery for some time. The beeper beeps once (#171 order#187 #8212 AMI BIOS). I tried to boot, but it began to self-diagnose, but could not auto-recover. showed the details of the problem (barely clear to me). I tried to roll back to the previous state. At 20.07. It did not help.

Every time you turn on the computer, the following happens: there is no BIOS post, it shows a key combination with their description in its color picture, then jumps to a screen where it says that the previous session was terminated incorrectly and offers to boot in safe mode or in normal mode. In safe mode there are short white bars and the screen resolution is changed to 800x600. In normal mode it doesn't load at all.

tried reinstalling the video card driver. As a result, the video card cooler accelerated to crazy speed and nothing on the screen - Windows did not load.

We tried a knight's move: we took the disk out of the case and moved it to another with obviously working hardware. We tried to boot. There are no white stripes, BUT otherwise everything is the same. Perhaps we have a combination of several problems?

What is the problem? I believe this is not the end.

You described everything in such detail that I really feel obligated to answer as clearly as possible. And help, but alas! It is much better to diagnose this problem in a service center, because as you yourself mentioned, anything can happen. Yes, and I’ll tell you, for example, #171 it’s your fault #187 #8212 are you going to run out and buy a new video adapter because some blogger advised that?) Don’t do that)) I, of course, consider myself a competent specialist, but making a diagnosis in the mode online #8212 is a game of luck. You have to watch it live.

Sometimes when I turn on my PC, horizontal blinking stripes appear. Solved by rebooting the computer. In games and tests everything is fine, only sometimes when turned on. The firewood in the video is the latest. Video card 460 gtx 1 gb. What could it be? The video card is living out its time.

Those. If you DO NOT reboot #8212 will the stripes remain on the desktop and in games?

To be more precise, I did not include games with stripes. When stripes appeared, #8212 rebooted the PC immediately. After rebooting, the PC turned on normally and all tests and games ran fine. The video card temperature reached 65 degrees and did not rise again. I also noticed a strange phenomenon, and only in one game #8212 Stalker, all parts, when starting the game, the game menu #8212 the picture on the screen was not stable, that is, somehow shifted, not centered, and the menu froze #8230by simply collapsing and opening back the games everything became normal. All other games, such as Crisis 3, Metro, work at maximum settings and there are no problems #8230 I'm wrong, maybe the problem is in the drivers, although they were downloaded from the official website, with the selection for this video card (460 gtx). The previous geforce 7300 gt video card worked fine, I think maybe the remnants of the old drivers may conflict? Or are the last days of my video #8230 coming?

Sergey, judging by what was described, the problem is of a technical, not software nature. And it’s far from a fact that Vidyakha is to blame. This can happen if there are problems with the motherboard. At Nvidia, before installing new drivers, the old ones must be correctly and completely removed; to ease my conscience, if I were you, I would do this.

Hello! My laptop was in excellent condition. But I accidentally deleted the operating system (lol, this happens) After installing a new OS, I had stripes on the screen, and the screen seemed to double, so you can hardly see anything on it and it’s impossible to work #8230 There is none of this in safe mode, everything is fine, the screen has no stripes. Tell me, is there any way I can try to solve this myself?

Can! Laptop #8212 is not a rocket, 90% of problems can be solved without contacting a service center. Have you installed all the drivers? What kind of Windows? Assembly or license?

Maybe you can give me some advice #8230 It’s a bit difficult to describe the problem, but I’ll try:

On a laptop SOMETIMES (for example, in a browser when scrolling a page, with a large number of thumbnails), a horizontal multi-colored thin (1 pixel) strip appears across the entire width of the window (NOT THE MONITOR, but the window). Appears periodically as you scroll the page and not necessarily in one place (but more often at the top of the page). Disappears almost immediately. Well, sometimes it can linger for a few fractions of a second. It's hard to say more precisely.

In other cases, the strip was never noticed (watching a video, or just large images).

What about in games? What happened after? Either way, it's almost certainly a software bug. Are codecs/drivers, adobe flash player, browser itself updated?

Video card MSI NX8800GTS-T2D512E

It has been standing for a long time, everything worked without any problems.

The computer did not work for two months; it was turned off from the network.

The first time I turned it on there were no problems.

The next time I boot, I get stuck #8212 black screen.

Then I booted only into safe mode, vertical blue bars appeared on the screen.

I changed the cable to the monitor, the VGA-DVI adapter rang, updated the firewood, looked for viruses, cleaned the system unit, changed the thermal paste, no visible damage. What can you do about it?

In addition to the 8800 GTS, does the motherboard have an integrated video card? Try booting from it. In general, there is nothing you can do here. Either it or the motherboard is covered. It cannot be diagnosed remotely, bring it from the service center.

A laptop from Toshiba, the laptop is about 6 years old, costs Windows 10, when you start the screen there are stripes, they constantly change color and dots appear, the mouse does not work at that moment, there is a sound of turning on Windows but there is no picture. What could it be?

Bogdan, during this period, has the laptop been disassembled/cleaned at least once? It is very difficult to judge, because... There are few introductory notes. From what we have, I can draw two conclusions: (choose whichever you like best) #8212 software (Win 10 after all) error. or technical (motherboard, video, screen).

The appearance of stripes on a laptop screen falls into the category of complex breakdowns. And if you hope that you will deal with this problem within a few minutes, then unfortunately, this is not the case.

Difficulty of diagnosis

Diagnosing such a problem on a laptop is much more difficult than on a regular computer. This is due, first of all, to the design features of laptops and their more complex structure.

Stripes on a laptop screen can be horizontal, vertical, black, white or colored, and the reasons for their appearance usually lie in problems with the latter’s hardware devices.

You can also see ripples on the screen, skewed images, mirror color rendition (black - gray, red - green, etc.), displaying the image as a negative.

Reasons why stripes appear on a laptop screen

Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon:

  • 1. The simplest reason in this situation is overheating of the video card.

For example, this situation happened with the Dell M5110 laptop. In the lower part, in the area of ​​the discrete video card (there are two of them), it got so hot that the leatherette on which it stood began to melt and stick to it.

As a result, the periodic appearance of colored stripes and ripples on the screen. The problem was partially solved by purchasing a stand with laptop coolers. Stripes appear, but very rarely.

  • 2. Complete failure of the video card.

As a rule, the main reason for such a breakdown is also overheating or hardware failure. The power supply copes well with surges in the power supply, so this reason is unlikely.

In such a situation, either stripes appear on the screen even when the OS is loading, or the laptop does not start at all.

This problem can be solved by repairing or upgrading the video card. This is not easy to do on a laptop; you need to have the skills of at least a novice electronics engineer. But we will talk about these points further.

  • 3. The system board has failed.

The situation is the same as point 2; diagnosing the problem is difficult, but possible. We will talk about this further.

  • 4. The cable has failed.

From the motherboard to the matrix there is a special cable through which the signal is transmitted.

Poor contact at the connection point, burnout or fracture of the cable can cause interruptions in signal transmission to the matrix, hence the appearance of stripes.

  • 5. Problems with the matrix, its failure.

The situation is critical, there is only one way out, the matrix requires replacement.

In this situation, it is a rare case when reinstalling or updating the video card drivers helps, and hoping that this will help is not worth it, it is indeed a rare case.

Diagnosing problems

The most important task in all this is to correctly diagnose the cause of the problem.

A complete diagnosis of the reasons for the appearance of stripes on a laptop screen can only be carried out in service centers using special equipment.

But initial diagnosis, which can also tell us a lot, is also possible at home.

Using an additional monitor

An additional monitor can be connected to a laptop via a connector VGA.

There can be two results:

  1. Everything will be displayed normally on the additional monitor;
  2. Similar bars will appear as on the laptop screen.

The result of step 1 tells us that the laptop’s video card is working, problems should be looked for in the matrix and cable of the laptop.

Result 2 tells us that there are problems with the motherboard and video card. In both cases, repairs cannot be avoided.

Checking the matrix

  • Checking the matrix at home is possible by partially deforming it.
  • Try not to push the monitor screen too much in areas where there are the largest number of stripes.
  • Then, carefully, with both hands, try to slightly bend the screen in a horizontal plane.
  • In both cases, notice how the colors of the stripes change, their contrast and brightness.
  • If changes are visible, then the cause of the breakdown is in the matrix or cable.

When do you need to change the laptop matrix?

We replace the laptop matrix in cases:

  • Provided that a parallel connected monitor is working. If, when the matrix is ​​deformed in the horizontal and vertical planes and its surface is pressed inwards, the color rendition of the stripes changes, the stripes disappear and reappear.
  • The presence of stripes is observed at all stages of computer boot - BIOS, WINDOWS.
  • Ripples appeared on the screen, wide white or multi-colored stripes were visible.

  • The matrix displays the image in negative or the colors are being substituted, for example, it should be red, but green is displayed, blue is yellow, black is light gray, etc.

Checking the cable

  • The cable is flexible and this is understandable, because the laptop screen cannot be in the “stowed” position all the time, and this is not a computer. Deformation of the cable occurs constantly, and therefore the probability of its failure is high.
  • Slowly opening and quickly closing the lid and vice versa, observe how the strips “behave.” Any changes on the monitor screen indicate that the source of the problem is the cable.

What does the matrix cable look like for the Asus X51RL laptop.

When do you need to “deal” with a loop?

Condition – a parallel connected monitor shows a clear picture.

  • It is necessary to repair, or better yet change, the matrix cable in cases where the image on the screen is unclear, ripples, flickers periodically, or has a large number of colored and white lines.
  • While the laptop is booting and running, there are vertical columns of white pixels on the screen.
  • Opening and closing the lid “revitalizes” all these errors on the screen.

Video card

The video card requires attention if the laptop screen and a parallel connected monitor display a picture with multi-colored lines, and other errors in the image are also duplicated.

  • At the very beginning of the computer boot, there are no horizontal, vertical, black, white or colored stripes, but when Windows boots, the stripes appear.
  • When Windows boots, the image disappears and a black screen appears.
  • The laptop gets very hot in the area where the video card is located (the motherboard may also get hot).


  • The motherboard requires attention in the same cases as the video card (see above).
  • If replacing the cable, video card and matrix did not correct the situation.
  • Now let's look at ways to solve the problem with stripes on a laptop screen.

Ways to solve the problem


Problems with the cable going to the matrix most often arise in older laptop models. In new models, manufacturers are already using more advanced design solutions, thanks to which the cables last a very long time.

This is the difficulty of repair; finding such a cable for an old laptop model will be difficult, but possible.

Before you go to the radio market or electronics flea market, write down the model of the matrix, without this there is no way.

The service center is unlikely to want to sell you such a rare “spare part”, and no one will want to lose a client, but what if you decide to give the laptop to them for repair.

If you find the cable you need, you’re lucky; if not, you can try to do it yourself.

To do this, you will need some minor electronics skills, a soldering iron, solder, rosin, a tester and, most importantly, MGTF type wire.

To ring a loop with a tester, you will have to reach both ends. The repair technology is simple to the point of “disgrace”.

We call, find a break (if there is one), and instead of the broken wire, solder a duplicate wire parallel to it.

If there is no break, then the problem lies in more expensive components.


The system board may not fail completely. As a result of overheating of its individual section, the microchip or bus responsible for exchanging data with the video card may fail.

Also pay attention to the PCMCIA slot where the video card is inserted, to see if there are any burnt or oxidized contacts there. After all, they pour tea and coffee onto laptops.

But in any case, repairs cannot be avoided. But first order diagnostics, and if you are offered to re-solder any chip or clean the contacts, you can still agree to this.

Complicated repairs to a burnt-out motherboard are not worth it; it’s easier to replace it with a new one.

Video card

The situation is similar with a video card. A video chip is soldered onto it, which can fail as a result of overheating.

Here you need to follow three paths. Let's consider them in descending order, with respect to the high cost and reliability of the work.

  1. Replace this chip immediately (expensive, but reliable);
  2. Dismantle and reinstall the same chip - Rebowling (in most cases it gives results);
  3. Warming up the chip (pay less, but in 99% of cases the problem will recur after a while).

Everyone decides for themselves which method to use.


Do not forget, before leaving your laptop for service, to agree with the technician on the prices for all types of work performed, or better yet, agree on their contract.

Also, do not forget about the certificate of work performed, which indicates the date of repair, what was changed or what was repaired, as well as the warranty.

Bottom line

Of course, it is impossible to describe all situations when stripes appear on a laptop screen.

The problem is so specific and individual that it requires separate study in each case.

It all depends on the laptop model, matrix type, design features and analysis of how often such problems appear on this particular model.

But if we take in percentage terms what was most often repaired and changed in this situation, then cases with matrix replacement are about 40%, cable replacement or repair is about 20%, video cards are about 20%, motherboards are approximately 20% (with taking into account the failure of the integrated video card).

As we see, in most cases it is necessary to change the matrix, but this is not a cheap undertaking; if the cost of replacing it exceeds 50% of the price of a new laptop, then there is no point in such repairs, it is easier to buy a new one.

But everyone decides for themselves. We wish that your laptop screens always delight you with clear and bright images. Good luck.

If you find that out of the blue you have appeared stripes on a computer monitor screen, then the main thing is to put aside panic and not worry; this phenomenon can be eliminated if you use the help of a specialist in time. Under no circumstances try to correct the situation yourself! This kind of problem, although not difficult, is only for an experienced specialist. By doing something on your own, you can only worsen the situation, which in the end can also seriously affect the upcoming repairs financially. If you value the life of your computer, then it will be better if you leave the repair work to a specialist.

If your computer screen begins to work incorrectly, stripes of various types appear on it, then this is a serious reason to diagnose the device. In this case, you can always use the services offered by our specialized service center. We will always welcome you, we will repair your device in a short time and will be able to answer why the malfunction occurred.

Our specialists have been carrying out this type of repair for several years, so it is not difficult for them to understand the cause of the problem and eliminate it. All repair work is carried out using special equipment. If after diagnostics it turns out that stripes are running across the screen due to a malfunction of any part, then we can always replace it, since we always have the necessary components at hand, and you can purchase them at any time.

We offer the lowest prices, which apply to all types of services and all details, you can see for yourself if you choose our telemama workshop. There are special advantageous offers for all our regular customers. Also, at the end of the repair, we always issue a long-term warranty on the device.

The reasons for the appearance of horizontal or vertical stripes on a computer display are as follows:

In a situation where vertical and horizontal stripes on the screen your computer, the reasons for this behavior may be the following:

  1. in 20% of cases, a malfunction occurs if the matrix itself is damaged. To correct this situation, you need to replace the screen.
  2. in 20% of cases, white stripes may appear on the screen, if there are problems in the cables, check all settings and whether all cables are well secured. If after this the interference disappears, then that was the cause of the problem.
  3. in 50% of cases, as practice shows, a black line appears on the screen when there is a problem with the video card. This situation often occurs if there has been overheating. If the cooling system is heavily contaminated or the coolers are not functioning properly, overheating may occur.
  4. in 10% of cases, color stripes on the monitor screen may also occur due to other problems; to calculate them, diagnostics must be done. You can carry out this procedure at our Telemama service center completely free of charge.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a computer display begins to work with interference, and it’s not easy to figure them out on your own. In such a case, we are always ready to help. From the above it follows that the monitor may begin to malfunction for various reasons, ranging from poor cable connections, malfunctions of the video card, display, to problems with the motherboard. To understand what exactly provoked the appearance of interference on the monitor, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. We produce all this in our specialized service center. When the first signs of a malfunction appear, contact us and we will help you fix your computer. We promise that after our repair, your PC will work as before and even better!

Telephone is a very common problem. The main trouble is that such a malfunction can appear at any time: on the day of purchase or after several years of use.

However, despite the frequent occurrence of the problem, there are still device owners who do not know how to solve it.

What does the defect look like?

The main thing to remember is that the display does not lose functionality after a malfunction is detected. But this is not a reason to abandon the device in this condition, because only its owner suffers from the incorrect functioning of the smartphone. If stripes appear on the phone screen, the image quality drops, so you will have to exclude reading and watching movies (few people like to “break their eyes”). That is, there will no longer be any point in having such a device.

The defect manifests itself as distortion of the content on the display. It ripples and runs in stripes (horizontal or vertical) of different colors: from black to iridescent tints.


Using this section, you can indirectly find out the cause of the breakdown, but it will be quite inaccurate. However, it's worth a try.

  • For example, colored and white stripes on a phone screen are often a sign of mechanical damage to some component of the display or a loose cable fit into the groove.
  • Black lines indicate the need to replace this part of the smartphone.
  • Colored ripples indicate a problem with the controller.

However, without opening the case, such “diagnosis” cannot be confirmed, so either your own hands or service centers can help.

How does the defect manifest itself?

This section is also important, as it will make it clear which part of the device (hardware or software) the fault relates to. Everything is quite simple here:

  • If stripes appear on the phone screen only when you launch a specific application or make any changes to the settings and files of the device, then the problem is a failure of the operating system.
  • When lines appear on the display after mechanical intervention, damage, or when touching the touchscreen, we can safely talk about problems in the hardware itself.

After determining the type of malfunction, you should move on to methods for solving it.

Line on the phone screen: what to do?

If the problem is caused by mechanical damage, then there are two ways: take the gadget to a service center or disassemble it yourself. In the latter case, you should look for a master class in video format that will show you how to open the case and get to the display. Next, you will need to carefully examine this part of the gadget to understand the extent of the damage.

If the problem is only that the cable does not fit tightly into the groove, then it is quite simple to correct it, and the stripes on the phone screen will disappear. But if it or the controller (chip) is damaged, there is nothing left but a complete replacement of components.

In the event of a software failure, the situation is usually corrected by a hard reset (resetting the settings, during which all personal data is deleted; it is recommended to save important files before performing it) or cleaning smartphones from viruses. Although the first method is more reliable, since many OS protection programs do not see the pest.

Reflashing the device also helps, but this step is best performed only by people with experience, otherwise the gadget will turn into a “brick” with a wave of the hand. Although this is also an option, then display malfunctions will be the least of your worries, but it’s not worth experimenting with.


Telephone problems arise in a number of situations, since a modern gadget is a very fragile thing. Among the common reasons, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • strong pressure on the display;
  • impact or fall from a great height;
  • moisture ingress (causes corrosion of microcircuits);
  • viruses leaked into the system with unverified applications;
  • manufacturing defects;
  • controller failure;
  • rupture or loose connection of the cable;
  • overheating when charging;
  • system failure;
  • unsuccessful flashing or update installation.

And these are not all the possible factors leading to breakdown. If the smartphone is assembled from low-quality parts, then you just need to shake it vigorously - and voila! Something inside will come off. Therefore, there are dozens of nuances, all of them impossible to predict.

Precautionary measures

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to follow the basic rules for using equipment. Smartphones should not be dropped, wet, charged using an inappropriate adapter, or disassembled unnecessarily. You should not give them as a toy to small children, or install applications from suspicious sources. An even better solution would be to install a program that blocks ads, then the phone will definitely not be harmed.

And of course, it’s worth purchasing high-quality equipment. Otherwise, it’s pointless to even be surprised by another breakdown, because nothing else can expect such a “miracle” from the owner.