The computer does not see Nokia. Why doesn't the computer see the phone via USB?


Everyone faces this problem at least once: you connect a smartphone or tablet to a computer via USB cable, but nothing happens other than charging. The computer does not see the phone or identifies it as an unknown device. The situation is common, but ambiguous, and there are quite a few reasons why it occurs. Today we will figure out what causes such problems and how to deal with them.

Software and hardware failures lead to a situation where the PC does not recognize the mobile device connected to it:

  • Lack of device driver in the PC operating system.
  • The driver does not match the device model.
  • There is no USB driver in the system or it is malfunctioning.
  • Connection with a cable that is not suitable for data transmission or is damaged.
  • Malfunction of the USB socket (both on the computer and on the phone), group of sockets or USB controller on the PC.
  • Failure of any of the computer equipment, blocking by static electricity.
  • Error in phone system settings.
  • Blocking access to the phone using security programs running on a PC (including if the gadget is infected with a virus).
  • The application used to synchronize your phone and PC (if you are using) has crashed.

When software problems The computer, as a rule, does not display the contents of the phone’s memory, but the device charges normally when connected to it. If the problem is due to a physical malfunction, charging most often does not work either, but there are exceptions when only the data lines do not work.

An analysis of the previous situation—what happened before the problem arose—helps outline the range of possible causes. For example:

  • You have reinstalled the operating system on your computer or removed some of the drivers (the reason is that the required driver is missing).
  • The phone (tablet) was no longer detected after flashing the firmware, cleaning it from viruses, deleting applications, optimizing and other manipulations with the OS (the operating system of the mobile device malfunctioned).
  • The device has been subjected to mechanical damage (the USB socket is damaged) or has been repaired (after replacing parts, a driver of a different version is needed or the fault has not been completely eliminated).
  • You are using a USB cable that you have never used to connect your phone to a computer before (the cable is only for charging or is damaged), etc.

We quickly determine the culprit of the problem

Tracing a cause-and-effect relationship makes it much easier to localize the problem, but in about half of the cases there is nothing specific that precedes it. If this is the case for you, the following steps will help you determine where the failure occurred - in your mobile device, PC or USB cable.

  • Move the cable in the area of ​​the connectors (kinks most often form in these places) and see if the phone (tablet) is detected in the explorer or device manager of the computer. Or connect the devices with another cable that is known to work and is suitable for data transmission.
  • Connect your phone to another computer, as well as another mobile device to this PC. If the phone is not detected anywhere, the problem is definitely in it. The same is the case with a computer.
  • If the problem seems to be in the computer, check the phone in all USB sockets; perhaps the problem is in one or more of them (for example, only in the front group).

If you conclude that the cable is the source of the problem, simply replace it. Read on for what to do in other cases.

The culprit of the failure is the phone. What to do?

If the diagnostics clearly indicate a problem with your mobile device, perform the following steps in order. After each step, check to see if the problem is resolved. If not, move on to the next one.

  • Reboot your device.
  • Connect your phone to your computer. After connecting, slide down the menu bar quick settings and make sure that the "Connect as" list does not have "charge only" or "camera" or "media device" checked. Select the "USB storage" option.

  • Open system settings Android (in older versions - “Settings”). Go to the section " Wireless network" Turn on modem mode. Or vice versa, if it is on, turn it off. In some editions of Android, this parameter controls not only the modem, but also the connection of the gadget to the PC as a drive.

  • Experiment with putting your device into USB debugging mode. Open the “System” and “For Developers” sections in the settings. Uncheck or check the box next to “USB Debugging”.

  • Disconnect the phone from the computer, turn it off and remove the battery from it (the phone) (of course, if it is removable). After 5 minutes, replace the battery, turn on the device and try connecting again.
  • Remove applications that failed after installation. If the connection does not work in specific application To synchronize, clear its cache. If it doesn’t help, reinstall (both on your mobile device and on your PC) or try using an analogue.
  • Scan your device with an antivirus.
  • Reset the device's operating system to factory settings.

The culprit of the failure is the computer. What to do?

  • Shut down the OS, turn off the PC from the outlet (or press the key on the power supply) and hold down the power button for 15-20 seconds. This will discharge the capacitors and remove stray static charge, which may block detection of the connected device.
  • If your phone is not recognized by only one group of USB ports, open the cover system unit and make sure that their connections are secure. By the way, normal charging of a mobile device through the port does not mean that the second one is working properly.
  • Boot the operating system. Open Device Manager and check if portable devices are listed in the equipment list, and your phone is among them. If it is present, but marked with a black arrow in a circle (disabled), right-click on the line and select the “Enable device” command from the menu.

  • If there are unknown devices in the hardware list (indicated by an exclamation point in a yellow triangle), one of them may be the phone. To make sure it is him, disconnect your mobile device from USB. If the unknown device disappears from the list, then that's it. And the reason for the failure is the lack of the required driver in the system. We will tell you below how to reinstall and where to download the driver for your phone.
  • The problem with recognizing connected devices may also be due to boot failure, damaged or missing USB drivers. In this case exclamation marks will be in the “USB Controllers” section.
  • Reinstalling drivers didn't help? Scan your computer disks with an antivirus and then temporarily disable security programs. By the way, the latter can block access to mobile device as a medium if it contains suspicious or clearly malicious software. So it’s worth checking your phone for viruses too.

  • Uninstall the programs that caused the problem after installing them, or perform a system restore to control point, created on a day when there was no problem yet.
  • If, in addition to the phone, the computer does not recognize other devices connected via USB - a mouse, keyboard, printer, flash drives, etc. (whether they are charged or not is not indicative), the source of the failure may be any faulty component of the system unit or something then from the periphery. You can determine the culprit at home by turning off the equipment one by one or replacing it with a known good one.

How to Reinstall Mobile Device Driver and USB on Windows Computer


  • Connect iPhone to PC.
  • Open the folder %CommonProgramW6432%\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers (to avoid typing the command manually, copy it from here, paste it into the address bar of any folder and click the go button). It contains 2 files (out of four) with the .inf extension - usbaapl.inf and usbaapl64.inf.

  • Open context menu each of these files and execute the “Install” command.
  • After installation, restart your computer.


Smartphones and tablets for Android, such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Meizu, HTC, etc., as a rule, do not create separate folders for storing their drivers, and they are often not found on official websites so you can just download and reinstall. Therefore, to begin with, you should trust the reinstallation of the drivers already present in the system by Windows itself.

How to do it:

  • Open the context menu of the problematic device in Device Manager. Select the "Update Driver" option.

  • In the next window, first select automatic search updates. If Windows does not find anything suitable, check the second item - installing and searching for drivers manually.

  • Next, click “Select from the list available on your computer.” A new window will display all mobile device drivers that are already installed on the PC.

  • To narrow your search, in the “Select a driver for this device” section, check “Compatible only.” Check the one that best suits your request (if there is more than one item in the list) and click “Next” to proceed to the installation.

For the driver to work correctly, restart your computer.

If reinstalling the driver already installed in the system did not help, you will have to look for something else on the Internet (with the risk of downloading a virus instead of the one you are looking for), so download them only from reliable and trusted sites, like, and check with an antivirus before installation.

Drivers for the most common models of mobile gadgets are also collected in the “USB Drivers for Android” application, which is available for free download on Google Play.

USB drivers for Windows can usually be found on the websites of laptop manufacturers or motherboards desktop PCs. Sometimes they are included in the chipset driver.

If the phone is not recognized in firmware mode

The fact that the computer and phone do not see each other in fastboot mode is indicated by the message “Waiting for device” that appears in the firmware program. Most often, this error occurs due to the lack of a mobile device driver in the system, so first of all, do what is written above - reinstall the driver or download and install it again.

If it doesn't help:

  • Make sure that you follow the instructions for working with the firmware installation program exactly and that it is running as an administrator.
  • Check if USB debugging is enabled on your smartphone (if not, enable it), and the device itself is in bootloader mode. If this mode is blocked, find instructions online for unlocking the bootloader specifically for your device model.
  • Connect the phone to the rear USB socket as short as possible and with a known good cable, without using any adapters or hubs.
  • Your phone may not support USB standard 3 (blue jack), so only connect it to USB 2.0 (black jacks).
  • Install all released Windows updates on your computer.

If the problem persists even after doing this, try flashing the phone on another PC. And better - with a different version of the operating system.

When the problem is a broken physical interface

Faulty physical interfaces, especially on a mobile gadget, it is advisable not to use it at all (do not load it with current to avoid aggravating the breakdown), even if the phone or tablet retains the ability to charge through them. You can organize content transfer either by wireless communication(Wi-Fi, bluetooth), or via cloud services, which are available on both devices. In particular, iTunes and iCloud for Apple technology, Google Drive, Yandex Disk, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and many others - for everyone.

Cloud services are convenient to use for transferring photos, videos, music, documents and other types of files. There are enough options to synchronize contacts on Android and PC Gmail. And to control your phone directly from your computer, you can install an application like MyPhoneExplorer (consists of 2 parts - for the phone and for the PC), which supports both wired and wireless connections of devices without requiring driver installation. Very comfortably.

In short, there is always a way out and it is often much simpler than it seems at first glance.

Sometimes you need to connect Android to your computer. Windows control to transfer specific files. Sometimes problems arise and the computer does not see the phone via USB, charges, but does not allow you to move files.

We propose to take a general look possible options, and then discuss all solutions to problems.

Reasons why the computer does not see the phone via USB

This may be due to software incompatibility or technical problems. From time to time the cable gets damaged and the contacts in the smartphone break. In the first case, you need to try a different cord, and in the second, contact service center to replace the connector. A broken port on your computer can also cause problems, so switch the wire to a different socket to fix the problem. These are the most common hardware failures.

With software errors it is more difficult, since there are many reasons for failures. These could be missing or outdated drivers, incorrect connection modes (when the computer charges the smart phone, but blocks the transposition of documentation into folders) and other incompatibilities, which we will discuss in detail below.

What to do if the computer does not see the phone?

Listed below are all the methods that can help solve the cable connection problem.

Check your USB connection settings

This method will help if charging is in progress during pairing, but the information cannot be reset. To transfer documents, you must connect Android as a media device (MTP). To do this, follow these steps:

Attention!In some cases, you may have to connect your phone to your computer and switch between different options several times before the desktop recognizes the device as a media device.

If you have older versions of Android, try this.

Connect the device to your computer, it should be recognized.

Install the USB MTP driver

It happens that the smartphone does not display due to problems with the driver, so try updating it.

Once the driver is installed, the PC should recognize Android phone. You may need to restart your computer for the update to take effect.

Download and install Media Feature Pack for Windows 10

We have already mentioned that you must use the MTP protocol to transfer content. It is bundled with Windows Media Player, and some versions of Windows 10 do not have Windows Media Player or support for related technologies. If your Windows version 10 does not recognize Android, download and install the Media Feature Pack from the official Microsoft website.

Use the included USB cable

Remove Android Drivers

Sometimes the system does not have the latest drivers or they are not installed correctly. It is recommended to remove them and install them again.

It remains to check whether the method worked.

Enable USB Debugging

From time to time, the connected gadget is recognized when USB debugging is active. If you are using Android 4.2 or later, this feature may be hidden. To enable it, do as follows.

  1. Go to "Settings - About phone".
  2. Click on “Build Number” 7 times.
  3. Go back.
  4. Open "Settings - For Developers".
  5. There, scroll down and activate “USB Debugging”.

Sometimes it is already turned on, in which case it should be turned off.

Turn on airplane mode

If Windows stops seeing your phone, launch airplane mode through the quick settings panel in the curtain or by going to “Settings - More”. Often after this the device is recognized by the PC. This is a simple method, so don't be lazy to try it.

Reboot your phone in Recovery or Fastboot mode

Read about how to enter it in our other article, where we described the process for each manufacturer. After you enter Fastboot or recovery mode, connect your smartphone to your PC and wait until the necessary components are installed. After this, a guide should open in front of you with a suggestion of what to do with the connected device. When finished, reboot Android.

Install KIES from Samsung

If your Samsung gadget is not recognized by Windows, download the KIES software from the manufacturer’s official website and install it on your computer. With its help you can definitely connect your smartphone.

Use USB 2.0 ports

Try switching the cable from USB 3.0 to USB 2.0. Users reported that it worked for them sometimes.

Reinstall ADB

Windows occasionally does not recognize the smartphone due to problems with the Android Composite ADB interface, so you should reinstall it.

This solution works with Android 5.0 and newer OS, but it can also be compatible with older ones Android versions. Users have reported that it is not always worth downloading the USB driver from Google, and often the problem is resolved simply by following the first four steps.

Reboot your Android device

Sometimes this simple solution is the most effective. People have repeatedly reported that after rebooting the phone, the computer recognized the mobile phone without any problems.

Connect your phone directly to your computer

Some USB devices may not be recognized if you connect them to a USB hub or extender. Therefore, if you are using a USB hub, disconnect it and connect your Android directly to the PC to solve the problem.

Clear cache and data for external system storage and storage systems

This solution works on Android 6 and above. But if you have an older system, try this anyway.

After deleting the cache and data, restart the gadget and connect it to the computer again.

Sync Android with PC using a third-party app

This does not guarantee 100% performance, but it often helps. Just install the sync app from Play Market, which will help the computer recognize. Try, for example, Mobile Go to connect and transfer data from Android and iOS to PC.

There are many reasons why your computer can't see your Android phone. We hope these solutions will be useful for you and you will solve your problems.

In this article we will look at how to connect a Nokia phone or smartphone to a computer using the Nokia PC Suite program.
Attention, if you have Nokia PC Suite installed and still the computer does not see the phone or cannot connect to the Internet, uninstall the previously installed program and install a new one, this usually helps!

How to connect your Nokia phone to your computer, I can’t connect my phone to the computer, the computer doesn’t see my phone, how to access the Internet through the phone using it as a modem, many people are now asking these questions on the Internet. Nokia PC Suite is a solution to all problems with connecting your phone to a computer and using the Internet from your phone using your phone as a modem. Here we will learn how to connect a Nokia phone to a computer using the Nokia PC Suite program. First, we need to download the Nokia PC Suite program for free from this link; this new version weighs about 65 MB. Who does not have the Internet from a computer, but uses unlimited internet from your phone, you can download it directly from your phone and then install it on your computer. After installing Nokia PC Suite, you can connect your phone as a modem to your computer and use telephone Internet on your computer.

1) If you have already downloaded, then start the installation by clicking on the downloaded Nokia_PC_Suite_ALL, a window will open to select a language for the program, select and click on the checkbox as in the attached picture below.

2) A new installation program window will open, confirm the installation by clicking on the checkmark.


4) The next step is to select the installation location for the program, leave it as is, and the installation process begins.

5 In the program window appears Installation completed and the message that this program will install Nokia PC Suite on your PC. Previous versions will be replaced with new ones. Confirm and click on the checkbox.

6) Installation of Nokia PC Suite on your PC is completed, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

7) After rebooting, a shortcut to the PC Suite program will appear on your computer and a window will open to start connecting your mobile phone to the computer, confirm with an arrow to the right.

8) Select the type of connection between the phone and the computer Connection via cable.

9) Connect the phone to the USB using a cable. The computer finds the connected phone, searches and installs necessary drivers and displays a message that new equipment has been found and is ready for use.

Even if after installing Nokia PC Suite and rebooting the computer for the changes to take effect, the program window does not automatically open asking you to connect the phone to the computer via USB, this is not a problem, since when you connect the phone, it will be automatically detected. Now if you open the My Computer desktop shortcut, you will see your phone in the list and can view files on your phone and memory cards. You can also use Internet on your computer using your phone as a modem, as well as update the phone’s firmware. After installing this program, you will no longer need any drivers; everything you need for Nokia is in one set.

  • Reviews, comments, questions and answers on the topic how to connect a Nokia phone and smartphone to a computer you can add below, I hope this article helped you.
  • Please help useful tips with users and troubleshooting methods.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, help and useful advice!!!

10 p.m. 34 min.
Hello! When connecting a Nokia6 phone to a PC, the connection is visible, but the PC does not see everything that is on the phone (empty)

04 o'clock 17 min.
Hello, the sensor on my phone does not react at all. And through which input to connect the phone + computer? Thank you

6 p.m. 30 min.
After last update No computer can see the Nokia 1020 anymore. I hope very much for your help.

10 p.m. 41 min.
Everyone below is fucking monkeys

02 o'clock 03 min.
I connect to the Internet via bluetooth, nokia phone 5130, Windows 10) Everything works fine, one problem, every hour the connection drops and you need to reconnect... What could be the problem? Tell me please

13 o'clock 23 min.
Thank you very much, everything worked out. Connected Nokia N8 to a Laptop with win8.1. It worked only via bluetooth, but it worked.

15 o'clock 14 min.
When connecting NOKIA 222 using a cable, the program writes "connected in incompatible USB mode

00 o'clock 51 min.
No result, connected to a laptop

11 p.m. 58 min.
Need to unlock NOKIA 222 I installed nokia cable connection driver, nokia suit, but it does not detect the phone. It says “Your Phone is in file transfer mode and cannot be used with PC Suite.” There are only 2 options on the phone itself: only charging and storage. In the device manager it is identified as Nokia 222, but the driver itself is not installed. Mynokia tool cannot connect to the phone. What to do? Help, I urgently need to unlock my phone :(

6 p.m. 51 min.

20 o'clock 33 min.
Hello, please tell me, we connected the Nokia 5130c-2 as a modem to the PC, the Internet shows that there is speed and time is passing, everything is as it should be, but I open the browser and that’s it, nothing opens, it says reload the page. Why is that? What to do? Thank you in advance!

6 p.m. 37 min.
Does this program work for NOKIA215?....

15 o'clock 35 min.
I can't unlock my phone

12 o'clock 19 min.
I already have the Nokia PK Saite program, but I bought a different phone model and now I can’t access the Internet. I now have a Nokia 215. It tells me that it is impossible to determine the authenticity of the phone. Help me please!

21 o'clock 53 min.
Svetlana, what model is this? Doesn't it have a Wi-Fi hotspot function?

21 o'clock 43 min.
I installed the nokia pc suite program, it works fine, the internet connection is established. but when I open any of the browsers, there is no Internet. What could be the matter here? Tell me please!

08 o'clock 18 min.
I can’t install nokia pc suite on my laptop, it says maybe the Windows installer is not installed. HELP

19 o'clock 08 min.
Everything worked out, Nokia 6300. Thank you!

13 o'clock 46 min.
everything will connect well, but on your phone you need to enable connection via Nokia pisi and how to do this if the screen doesn’t work, it’s stupid, somehow a useless program if the phone screen is broken

17 o'clock 04 min.
Why is the network interrupted approximately every 30 minutes when you go online and have to connect again (how can I make sure it doesn’t interrupt? Thanks in advance!

10 o'clock 13 min.
and I did it in 7 minutes HAHA

2 p.m. 41 min.
This program of yours is crap. The phone is not visible, it is identified only as a camera, there is no access to files, the browser window is empty. You are driving your “programmers” with a filthy broom - they are probably the stupid sons of some stupid mayors and bureaucrats. Damn the day I bought Nokia!

13 o'clock 24 min.
Thank you

6 p.m. 58 min.
I can’t connect the phone, what should I do? help

10 p.m. 42 min.
How to connect Nokia X to a computer on Android?

17 o'clock 50 min.
and my phone has no cable jack at all!

10 p.m. 17 min.
Maybe in your phone settings you need to select the Nokia PC Suite mode, or you have a Nokia phone model that needs the Nokia Suite program. You need to try different options and everything will definitely work out.

21 o'clock 51 min.
This program does not detect my phone and in the section (where you can select the model of the phone, it is completely empty, and the installation wizard shows that the device is not detected

09 o'clock 32 min.
How to connect the Internet on your computer via a Nokia phone modem, see the page www..php.

09 o'clock 12 min.
My phone is Nokia 301DS. How can I access the Internet through a computer using the phone as a modem?

21 o'clock 26 min.
First of all, you need to restart your phone and computer and connect again, there may be a simple problem.

20 o'clock 21 min.
I've been using Nokia PC Saite for a long time and haven't had any problems. But now, I can’t connect; while connecting, a window pops up that says ““network connection failure!” Perhaps the modem is being used by another application or is configured incorrectly."" Tell me how to solve this problem.

21 o'clock 43 min.
Nokia PC Suite program is only for Nokia phones and smartphones. For LG there must be a different program or driver, look at the office. LG website or on the Internet. I will soon add it to the site for downloading via a direct link.

21 o'clock 05 min.
I have installed Nokia program PC Suite. But I have an LG phone. I can't open files on my phone. What to do? Help me please.

16 o'clock 08 min.

15 o'clock 29 min.
Dial the code *#7370# a full reset to factory settings erases everything, applications, files, the phone will be like new.

00 o'clock 24 min.
Nokia 5130 displays "insufficient memory" message. The phone is completely empty. When viewing the memory status, next to the message there is 21 GB. But the phone is empty!!! Resetting and reinstalling did not give anything.

6 p.m. 14 min.
Nokia PC Suite program - connection setup freezes when installing PC Connectivity Cable drivers, in the main program window the phone phone is visible in the window

09 o'clock 37 min.
Try if your phone model is suitable to reset with the phone turned off, see the link www..php

09 o'clock 06 min.
I have this problem on my phone security code when the phone is turned off and I forgot the code and don’t know what to do mynokiatool_111 is there but it comes up to me that the phone was not found, what should I do, what other program should I download

17 o'clock 59 min.
If you select Nokia PC Suite mode on your phone when connecting to a computer and the problem persists, you can try restarting the computer and phone and try again.

17 o'clock 47 min.
I have all the points except 7 - it only works halfway.... I connect the phone to the computer via a USB cable and select the Nokia mode.... and that's all.... nothing else happens..... Nokia program PS Suite is trying to connect but there are no results.... error. what to do?

20 o'clock 09 min.
Sometimes it happens that you need to reinstall some programs; I myself also reinstalled Nokia PC Suite when I couldn’t update the phone’s firmware.

19 o'clock 48 min.
It helped after reinstalling Nokia PC Suite, but it probably starts to fail over time.

19 o'clock 01 min.
Try reinstalling Nokia PC Suite

17 o'clock 28 min.
For some reason, Nokia PC Suite does not see my phone and the computer cannot determine the phone model, it says “an error occurred while installing the equipment.”


If you are faced with a situation, when the computer does not see the phone throughUSB, then you have come to the right place - in this article we will tell you how to solve this problem.

Note: Before you start solving the problem, you also need to determine when the computer stopped seeing the one connected viaUSBtelephone. Did this happen suddenly and unexpectedly, or after certain manipulations with the phone or computer, etc. All this together will help you deal with the issue much faster.USB .

If you have iPhone will most likely help solve the connection problem . If you have a phone Nokia Lumia or Microsoft Lumia, there will definitely not be any problems connecting to the computer (at least software ones), since the manufacturer has taken care of the ideal compatibility of devices on Windows, whether desktop or mobile version operating system.

Reasons why the computer does not see the phone connected viaUSB

Before we begin to solve this problem, it is necessary to understand the reasons why the computer may not see mobile phone which is connected to it. So, it might be:

  1. The USB cable is damaged.
  1. The USB connector on your phone is damaged.
  1. The computer does not have the software necessary to work correctly with the mobile device.
  1. The USB port directly on the PC itself does not work or is disabled.
  1. A different connection mode is selected on the phone, for example, “ Charging only».

So, in the case of a damaged connector or cable, the solution to the problem suggests itself - replacing the cable or repairing that same connector.

In case of absence software, it needs to be installed. To do this, use the driver disk that comes with your phone. If it is not there, you need to visit the website of the mobile device manufacturer and find the appropriate software there. As an alternative, you can visit the most popular resource on mobile devices in Runet: 4 PDA and use the topic search there by entering your phone model.

If the problem is with the USB port directly in the personal computer itself, the solution to the problem is described in .

What to do if the computer is onWindows XP does not see connected viaUSB Can't see your phone?

If you have just purchased a mobile device or are connecting it to a personal computer or laptop for the first time Windows XP, there are two options for solving the problem:

This, of course, in our advanced times is more logical, but not as simple as we would like.

  • Install the protocol on your computer MTP, which can be downloaded from the official website Microsoft By this link.

By installing this software and restarting your computer, you will most likely be able to safely connect your phone to PC viaUSB.

Note: big advantage of newer versions OS Windows , in particularWindows 10 , is the fact that the operating system automatically installs the software necessary for the operation of a particular device.

In six months of working with OS Windows 10 personally, I have never had any problems with drivers or other software; I easily connected and started working even with devices that were not supportedWindows 8 / 8.1

The computer does not see the phone throughUSB due to incorrect connection mode

Note: often, devices that are locked graphic key, are not detected by the computer until the user unlocks the screen.

After connecting your phone to your computer via USB, make sure that your mobile device reports the corresponding operation in the notification area. It should indicate what device the phone is connected to.

Most mobile devices have three or four connection modes:

  • Charging only.
  • Data Storage / Media Device.
  • Camera (PTP).
  • USB modem.

The correct connection mode in which the computer should recognize the phone and allow you to work with it is data storage.

Mode " Camera» limits actions and functionality. What means " Charging only“You probably understand yourself. In the case of modem mode, you will also not be able to access your mobile device.

Most likely, all the manipulations described above have already helped you deal with the problem, why doesn't the computer see the phone throughUSB and solve it. If the essence of the problem is of a physical nature, that is, damage to the cable or phone connector, or you simply don’t want to figure out what’s wrong, but you need to access your mobile device from a computer, there are other ways to exchange files between devices:

  • Data synchronization via cloud storage. For example, Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, Yandex Disk or CloudMail. Ru, which we wrote about .

  • Using programs by type .

You can finish here, the connection problem is solved. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

Computer can't detect Android device via USB? The problem is quite common, and its cause can be either a simple cable failure or a malfunction of the operating system. In most cases, in order for your gadget to be successfully detected by the computer, you need to activate the correct connection type in its settings.

In this guide, we will describe in detail what can cause the device to be incorrectly detected on a PC via a USB cable, and also consider all the options for solving the problem.

USB debugging on different OS versions is located in different menu sections:

  • Version 2.3 and earlier - Settings > Applications > Development.
  • Version 3.0 to 4.1 - Settings > Developer Options.
  • Version 4.2 and new - Settings > About phone > Build number (quickly click on it about 7 times), then return to Settings > Developer options.

If after these steps, when connecting the cable, the phone or tablet simply charges, then the reason for this phenomenon is that it is connected in media player or charging mode.

The wrong connection mode is selected.

In this case, when you reconnect, open the notification shade and select “Enable USB storage” in it.

Or go to settings Android systems and try to find a menu with connection methods, in which select “Connect as a media device (MTP)”.

Correct connection mode.

Modem mode enabled

The problem may occur due to modem mode being enabled. Go to network settings and make sure that this mode disabled.

Accordingly, if it is activated, you need to disable it by simply dragging the slider to the “Disabled” mode or uncheck the box opposite it (here it all depends on the version of the system and shell).

One of the first things to do if your computer does not see your Android smartphone via USB is to check the connection. There is a possibility that there is a malfunction in the cable or one of the connectors of the computer (device).

If the system does not notify you that a new USB device is connected, you need to make sure it is working USB connectors. Just plug any other device into the connector (for example, a regular flash drive) and check how it works. If it is not detected, the connector may be faulty. Try connecting your Android device through a different connector.

If the computer detects the device, but does not want to recognize it as disk drive Most likely, you need to install an additional driver.

Driver update

One of the most common reasons why the computer does not see Android when connected is the lack of installed drivers for your phone. Also, drivers for working with an Android device may be accidentally deleted or simply need to be updated.

To configure the driver yourself, use the instructions below.

Subtleties of connecting a device on Windows XP

If the connection is established on a computer with the Win XP operating system, for correct identification in the system, you may need to install the additional Media Transfer protocol, which you can download. If the device is old (2010, for example), it may work correctly without installing the protocol.

If you are using a relatively new device, it is recommended to upgrade to a more recent one. current version Windows operating system.

Other possible causes and their elimination

If all the methods described above did not help solve the problem when the PC does not see the Android phone, then the reason may be something else.

  • Memory clearing.
  • Sometimes you need to remove extra files, if all the memory on the memory card is full. Try cleaning and USB connection again.

  • Checking your phone for viruses.
  • Today, there are many viruses roaming the Internet, including those designed specifically for mobile devices. operating systems. Download an antivirus to your device and scan it. After that, try connecting it to the computer again, if the contents are displayed, do not be lazy to scan the device’s memory again, but with the antivirus installed on the PC.

Alternative synchronization option - Bluetooth or WiFi

If you cannot solve the problem due to which your personal computer or laptop cannot see your Android phone, but you urgently need to transfer files from the device to your PC, you can use one of the applications for exchanging data via Bluetooth or WiFi. Among such applications, pay attention to or.


As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for this problem and they are all different. But the most common one is to activate any other connection mode on the phone, except for the USB drive we need. Therefore, first of all, we recommend that you pay attention to this.

A conflict can also arise due to the active “Modem Mode” function, drivers, and in some cases due to a hardware malfunction.

In addition, it should be recalled that manufacturers recommend using only original USB cables, since cheap Chinese analogues not only quickly fail, but can also cause damage to the device’s USB ports.