How to set up an Internet connection on Windows 10. How to quickly set up wired Internet on a computer or laptop


The latest modifications to Windows operating systems are such that to connect to the Internet using various types connection, the user himself does not need to configure anything. However, when trying to establish an Internet connection, some important parameters It is still necessary to take into account, since automated tools do not always give the expected effect. Next, we’ll look at how to set up the Internet on Windows 10, with a description of several special cases of establishing a connection. We will also try to find out some of the main causes of failures and give some tips for quickly eliminating them.

Internet connection types based on Windows 10

Regarding options quick creation connection to the Internet, today almost all users of Windows systems can use only four main types of connection:

  • cable;
  • high-speed based on PPPoE;
  • wireless via Wi-Fi or ADSL modem operating in router mode;
  • connection via modems mobile operators(3G/4G).

In principle, there is nothing wrong with combining connections and setting up several of them at once, otherwise the situations that users may encounter can be completely unpredictable. But still, each of these connections will need to be configured initially.

How to set up the Internet on Windows 10 with a cable connection?

So, the simplest thing is to install an Internet connection by connecting the provider cable directly to your computer or laptop.

If Internet access for the user is already activated by the provider, the computer device will receive the settings automatically when the cable is connected. After this, a network icon will appear in the system tray, indicating that the connection is active. However, this technique only applies to those cases where the settings are actually set to receive automatically, which can be immediately checked in the IPv4 protocol parameters. To do this, simply enter the ncpa.cpl command in the Run menu, and then expand the properties of the established connection. In practice, this type of connection is used in cases where the provider provides dynamic (changeable) rather than static (permanent) addresses.

What to do if the connection doesn't work?

But what should you do if, with this type of connection, the Internet does not work on Windows 10, and the computer is not capable of receiving automatic settings? In this situation, you need to contact your provider and clarify the settings. In particular, this applies to static addresses. In the protocol properties you will need to enter the IP of the computer yourself, standard parameters gateway and subnet mask, and also, if necessary, set the addresses of DNS servers.

The values ​​for gateway and mask are almost always the same - and You can find out the exact options via command line, preferably launched as an administrator, by executing the command ipconfig /all.

How to connect the Internet to Windows 10 via PPPoE?

Sometimes you can use it via a DSL cable based on PPPoE technology. Usually, as in the case of a regular cable connection, you do not need to configure anything, but you may only need to enter your login and password. In some cases, you will have to set up the connection manually.

You can set up a new connection through the network management section and shared access, but you can also use the properties of the Internet Explorer browser for Windows 10 (both sections are located in the Control Panel). When creating a connection, you just need to select its type (in this case PPPoE) and follow the instructions of the configurer. Upon completion of all manipulations, you need to click the immediate connection button and enter the requested authorization data.

Wireless connection via router

Now let's see how to connect your computer to the Internet via a router. The operations performed when setting it up yourself look somewhat more complex. This is only due to the fact that the user himself will have to register all the parameters on the router. To enter the web interface, you need to use any available browser (even Internet Explorer for Windows 10), enter the router address in the address bar, then enter your username and password, and then enter the options provided by your provider in the wireless network section.

Note: the router address, login and password can be viewed on the label on the back of the device, but most often for standard models either is used as the address, or the same combination, but ending with 1.1, and admin is entered as the login and password .

But the advantage of this technique is that on a computer or laptop all parameters are set automatically (in the properties of the IPv4 protocol, receiving all addresses is set to this mode).

Using mobile operator modems to connect

Finally, a few words about how to set up the Internet on Windows 10 when using modems from mobile operators. In principle, there is nothing particularly complicated here either, especially since most of these devices have preset settings. The user will only need to install the modem driver, if it is not installed automatically, and also (as necessary) set Internet addresses, dialed numbers, logins and passwords.

When choosing to create a new Internet connection through the network and sharing management section, in this case the dial-up connection item is used.

Some types of problems and methods for resolving them

How to install the Internet on Windows 10 seems clear. Now it’s worth talking a little about possible errors and failures that can be observed regardless of what type of connection is used in each specific case (of course, unless the equipment involved in providing communication fails purely for technical reasons). Most often, a problem is signaled by the appearance of an icon in the tray with a notification that the Internet connection is limited or absent. In this case, it is advisable to immediately check the properties of the protocol used and make sure that the settings for static addresses are correct. In the case of dynamic addresses or a Wi-Fi-based wireless connection, all options must be set to automation. Sometimes the problem may be with the ISP, so it is often recommended to change the DNS addresses.

You can use, for example, addresses free servers Google. It is especially worth paying attention to the use of a proxy (these settings can be found in the browser properties).

If the provider does not provide this, this item must be deactivated. However, if we talk about how to increase Internet speed on Windows 10 with active proxy servers, one of the solutions can be to deactivate the use of proxy settings for local addresses. Finally, don't forget about device drivers. Control software for network card or modem, which many call the Internet driver, in Windows 10 you need to check at least for correct installation or update. This can be done through the standard “Device Manager”. And always pay attention to the connection status. Perhaps there is no Internet only for the reason that established connection It's just not included.

The Windows 10 operating system has become one of the most popular among users around the world today. On this page you will find detailed guide on setting up various types of network connections on Windows 10. After reading the material, you will understand that everything is actually extremely simple.

So, in this article we will look at installing several types of connections:

  • a regular Ethernet connection (DHCP, as a rule), which is widely used by most providers in various regions, i.e. connecting the provider cable to the Ethernet connector of your computer;
  • high-speed PPPoE connection - used less frequently, but some providers use this type connections for client authentication on the network;
  • connection to Wi-Fi networks via a laptop or PC with a Wi-Fi adapter;
  • connection of external 3G/4G modems connected via a USB interface.

As you can see, there’s just a bunch of material waiting for us that will be useful for studying by any user who wants to acquire such a benefit modern society, like access to the Internet. So let's start with the most common type of connection, which is the Ethernet connection. Of course, all of the material below will be written with the average user in mind who just wants to connect their Windows 10 PC to the network. This means that we will not go into detail about the terminology.

Setting up a network connection DHCP and with a static IP address


The simplest Internet connection that many ISPs use is a DHCP connection. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a dynamic host configuration protocol. That is, all the necessary data for connecting to the network and gaining access to the Internet is automatically sent to your computer if the appropriate settings are configured on it.

Checking what type of connection you have is quite simple: take the cable from the provider that he ran into your living space and connect it to the Ethernet connector on the system unit (technically, the motherboard). As soon as you do this, you will immediately have access to the Internet. Yes, everything is that simple, and you don’t even need to configure anything. However, if you have a DHCP connection, but nothing happened when you connected, then you may not have your IP address and DNS server address set to automatically obtain.

To automatically receive this data, you need to do the following:

  • then click on “Configure adapter settings”;
  • double-click on the network connection in the new window;
  • click on the “Properties” button;
  • double-click on the “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” component (or IP version 6, if your provider uses this protocol);
  • check the boxes next to the options for automatically obtaining an IP address and DNS server address;
  • save the settings.

If you have a DHCP connection, you should immediately have access to the Internet. However, it should be noted that the settings for automatically obtaining IP and DNS are set by default in Windows 10, so you most likely will not have to use the above steps. However, if you have problems, use them.

Connection via static IP address

In addition to the DHCP connection, some providers provide their users with a connection using a static IP address. If you have such a connection, then in order to access the Internet, you will have to tinker a little with the settings.

If you have a connection via a static IP address, then the provider should have notified you about this and also provided the data to complete the connection. Connect the provider's cable to the Ethernet port of your motherboard. Then go to Network Connections→Configure adapter settings→Double click on the network connection→Properties→IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) (or TCP/IPv6 protocol).

Check the boxes next to the options for manually setting the IP address and DNS and enter the addresses that your provider indicated to you (or find them in the contract). Save the network connection settings, after which access to the Internet will be open. As you can see, it's a little more complicated than with a DHCP connection, but still extremely simple.

Setting up a network connection with PPPoE

Some providers provide their clients with a network connection to access the Internet using the PPPoE protocol. In essence, this protocol is used for the user authorization system. If your provider uses this protocol, then he must have provided you with the necessary data to authorize the network. Sometimes they may be included in the connection agreement.

So, let's now figure out how to connect to the Internet through a PPPoE connection. You will need to do the following:

  • Right-click on Start and select “Network Connections”;
  • then click on “Network and Sharing Center”;
  • then click on the option “Create and configure a new connection or network”;
  • Left-click on “Internet Connection” and click “Next”;
  • Having opened the next window, select “High-speed (with PPPoE)”.

A window will appear in front of you in which you will need to enter the authorization data issued by your provider. Once you have finished filling out the required fields, click on the “Connect” button. If you have entered the authorization data correctly, you will immediately have access to the Internet, which, however, can also be easily understood by the network connection icon in the notification panel.

There, by clicking on the network connection icon, you can find a special “Dialing” menu, with which you can carry out various manipulations: modify the settings of your connection, delete it, or connect again. As you can see, everything is quite simple if you have the necessary data from the provider.

Connecting to a wireless Wi-Fi network

Connecting to an already installed Wi-Fi wireless network is an incredibly simple task that can be completed in just a couple of clicks. If you have a router in your home that distributes wireless network, then you can connect to it using any device that has a Wi-Fi adapter, be it built-in or external.

To connect to a Wi-Fi network, you need to do the following:

  • activate the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop/computer;
  • click on the icon Wi-Fi signal in the notification panel;
  • select the network connection of your Wi-Fi router;
  • click on the “Connect” button and enter the password, if necessary;

You won't have to do anything else. As soon as you enter the password and connect to the Wi-Fi network, you will be able to access the Internet. To disconnect from the network, click on the connection in the list again and click the “Disconnect” button.

Setting up 3G/4G connection

If you prefer to use more mobile versions Internet connections, then they can be easily configured on Windows 10. Let's see how to configure a 3G/4G modem. So, the very first thing you need to do is connect the purchased modem to your computer and install drivers for it. You can find the driver on the manufacturer’s official website or on the physical media included with the modem. In general, you can even just find it on the Internet.

Once you have completed installing the required driver, let's now move on to creating the connection. It is worth saying that it is created almost exactly the same way as a PPPoE connection. Do the following:

  • right-click on Start and select “Network Connections”;
  • then click “Network and Sharing Center”;
  • then click on “Creating and setting up a new connection or network”;
  • LMB select the “Internet Connection” item and click the “Next” button;
  • select the connection type “Dial-up”;
  • Enter the required data in the fields and click on the “Create” button;

After clicking the button, the network connection will be successfully created, and you will also have access to the Internet. However, the speed of your connection will depend solely on how good quality contact your telecom operator. But you probably already know about this. To accomplish some additional settings in the created connection, to disconnect from it, you need to click on the icon in the control panel.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

A local network between two computers is an excellent way to conveniently and quickly transfer files. It can be used for both home use, connecting several computers at your home and for work purposes. And despite the fact that Windows 10, like previous versions Windows has all the necessary tools to create and configure local network, the procedure for creating it is somewhat complicated for ordinary users.

Creating a local network in the Windows 10 operating system

There are two main ways you can create a local network. This is the creation of a wireless local network via wi-fi, or the creation of a local network using network cable. Both methods have their pros and cons.

Creating a LAN using a cable

You should immediately indicate what you have at home wi-fi router and all computers are connected to it, no additional effort is required to create a network. There is already a connection between your computers, so there is no need to connect them additionally to each other. But in most cases, the need to create a local network arises when there is no such connection. In this case, you will need to connect the computers directly to each other (modern models can easily be connected with a simple Internet cable). Then, the first step is to make sure that the “Workgroup” parameter is given the same name on each of the connected devices. To do this, you should do the following:

Next, you need to configure network discovery settings. Included network discovery will allow you to interact with your computer on the local network, while disabled will block this opportunity. It's good to be able to toggle this setting for safety reasons. This is done as follows:

This is already enough if the computers are connected by cables through a router. But if they are connected directly, a number of additional settings should be made. We do the following:

Thus, we have created and configured a local network via a network cable. The computers share files and printer access with each other, which will suit our purposes.

If you still have questions about creating such a local network, you can watch this video.

Video: creating a LAN between computers in Windows

How to create and configure a wireless network via Wi-Fi connection

A wireless connection is more convenient for most users, although the connection may be less stable than we would like. To create it in Windows 10 you will have to use the command line. But to simplify the process, which must be repeated every time you turn on the computer, we will immediately consider creating an executable file that will reproduce this command. To do this, create a text file and enter the following block of commands there:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=”network-name” key=”connection-password”

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

In this case, the name of the network and its password must be entered without quotes.

Next, when saving the file, we change the .txt format to .bat simply by changing the file format signature after the dot in its name. Executable file ready. It is worth running every time you start your device.

After the network has been launched with this series of commands, another device can connect to it using the connection password and network name you set.

Setting up access to folders on the created network

Now that a local network has been established between two computers, let’s figure out how to open shared access to certain folders. Sharing can be configured to any separate folder, and to the entire disk - depending on your goals and the level of trust in the user of another computer. For this:

Now all that remains is to configure the security settings. To do this, go to the appropriate tab in the folder properties and do the following:

Thus, access for users to the specified folder was configured. You can do this for any number of folders and users.

Adding a new device

If you have already set up a local network according to the instructions above, then adding a new device for general use will not be difficult. To do this, just open the control panel of your computer, go to the “Hardware and Sound” section, and then select “Devices and Printers”. In this folder you will see all connected devices. We do the following:

Now that the device has been shared, all you need to do is connect it via a computer on the local network. This is done like this:

Connection problems in Windows 10

If you have created and configured your local network correctly, you should not have any problems. Just make sure that:

  • You enter the security key correctly when connecting to a local network via wi-fi
  • The cable is connected securely to both computers.
  • You have given all necessary access and security rights.
  • All connected devices have the correct IP address if it is not set automatically.
  • Network discovery of your device is enabled in the settings.

In addition, there are a number of specific problems when connecting devices.

For example, if when you try to connect to a device you receive a standard Windows error If this action is not possible, the following steps should be taken:

Removing LAN in Windows 10

Despite the fact that in most cases it is enough to disable device detection on the local network using the method indicated above in this article, there is no need to keep local connections on the computer that are not used.

Therefore, we will consider how to delete an already created local network that we do not need.

This can be done in Windows 10 through the registry. To call it, press Win+R and enter the regedit command in the window that appears.

Attention, any incorrect change to the registry can harm your computer. You perform these actions at your own peril and risk.

In the registry, follow this path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

There you will find many traces of the past network connections with specific names. Just delete those subsections that point you to network connections that you no longer need.

One of the common problems after upgrading to Windows 10, as well as after a clean installation of the system or simply installing “major” updates to the OS, is that the Internet does not work, and the problem can affect both wired and Wi-Fi connections.

This manual provides details on what to do if the Internet stops working after an update or Windows installations 10 and about the common reasons for this. The methods are equally suitable for those users who use the final and Insider builds of the system (and the latter are more likely to encounter the problem raised). We will also consider the case where, after updating the Wi-Fi, the connection became “restricted without Internet access” with a yellow exclamation point. Additionally: How to fix the “” error.

If the Internet does not work immediately after installing Windows 10 on a computer or laptop, then the problem is most likely caused by the drivers of the network card or Wi-Fi adapter.

At the same time, some users mistakenly believe that if the device manager shows that “The device is working normally”, and when they try to update Windows drivers reports that they do not need to be updated, then the problem is definitely not with the drivers. However, it is not.

The first thing you should take care of after installing the system in case of such problems is to download the official drivers for the chipset, network card and Wi-Fi (if available). This should be done from the website of the computer motherboard manufacturer (for a PC) or from the website of the laptop manufacturer, specifically for your model (and not use driver packs or “universal” drivers). Moreover, if there are no drivers for Windows 10 on the official website, you can also download them for Windows 8 or 7 in the same bit depth.

When installing them, it is better to first remove those drivers that Windows 10 installed itself, for this:

After this, run the driver file previously downloaded from the official website, it should install normally and, if the problem with the Internet was caused by this particular factor, everything should work.

Another one possible reason, according to which the Internet may not work immediately after Windows reinstallation- for its operation, some kind of configuration is required, creating a connection or changing the parameters of an existing connection, such information is almost always available on the provider’s website, check (especially if you installed the OS for the first time and do not know whether your provider requires Internet settings).

Additional Information

In all cases of unexplained problems with the Internet, do not forget about the troubleshooting tools in Windows 10 itself - it can often help.

A quick way to start troubleshooting is to right-click on the connection icon in the notification area and select “Diagnostic problems”, then follow the instructions of the automatic problem fix wizard.

The tunneled high-speed PPPoE protocol is used in a point-to-point access scheme to connect to Internet services. It is important to know how to programmatically configure PPPoE on Windows 10.

When using this PPPoE, in order to access the Internet, the subscriber must go through the authorization procedure by entering a login and password. In this case, the provider has the opportunity to monitor traffic activity on the user side and exercise control over payment for the services it provides.

Initially, the provider with whom the user enters into an agreement draws a “grid” line to the subscriber’s home. After connecting the wire to the network card, you need to make sure that everything is functioning and the indicator light periodically blinks, confirming activity.

In all these cases, we get to the “Parameters” window, there, on the left panel, you need to specify Ethernet.
By clicking on the “Network and Sharing Center” section,
go to the screen for visualizing fundamental information on the operation of the “grid” and custom connections. Here in the group "Change" network parameters» Click on the mouse and select “Create and configure a new connection or network”.
Then the Internet connection option is indicated.
In the future, on the screen where you need to specify the desired connection, mark “High-speed (with PPPoE).”
At the next step, in the provider's billing, enter information for the authorization process, or rather, the login and password received by the subscriber during the conclusion of the contract. Another Windows window will open with empty fields for entering information transmitted to the subscriber by the Internet service provider:

  • user login (name);
  • password from your Internet provider.

But the name of the inclusion is set arbitrarily. Checking the “Remember this password” checkbox will help you create a high-speed connection “automatically”. And to finish creating a PPPoE connection in Windows 10, you need to click “Connect”.

Automatic connection

If in Windows a router for Internet communication is used with already configured connections, taking into account PPPoE, then no additional settings on the PC will need to be changed. The cable is connected to the device simply. The setup is similar to the procedure for setting up an Ethernet connection.

For creating PPPoE connections V automatic mode, that is, activated without user intervention, there is the simplest option: using the “Task Scheduler”. By typing “Task Scheduler” in the “Start” search bar or by going to the “Control Panel” section and selecting the appropriate item in “Administration”.
On the left side of the “Simple Task Creation Wizard” screen that opens, specify the following options:

Next, you need to write down the details of the script by entering the full path to the program: C:\Windows\System32\rasdial.exe, or SysWOW64 (instead of System32) for x64. In the same window, add arguments indicating the name of your connection. For example, the name of the connection is “Test”, the user name is “user”, and the password for accessing the Internet is “PassWord”. Then the syntax in the "Arguments" field is as follows: "Test user PassWord".
Then click “Next” and “Finish” to save the created task.

Deactivating broadband connection

The algorithm of actions is almost the same. It is enough in the same screen previously used for configuration, called “Network and Sharing Center,” to disable this selection.

Possible problems

It happens that the status of the Windows connection changes in the Notification Panel, which means that the Internet has started working. However, there are often errors:

  • The network cable is connected correctly, but the computer is ignoring it. Then the reasons lie in the drivers for the network card.
  • The adapter is probably not enabled correctly in Device Manager. "Windows".
  • You may have made an incorrect selection in the “Windows Network and Sharing Management” section.

You need to remember that the center’s specialists will always remotely tell you how to set up the network operating mode, or send their technician to help.