What parameters should headphones have? Prices for Panasonic RP-HJE125


A huge number of people use headphones today, but not everyone knows what to look for when choosing them. Users are most often simply interested in the quality of sound transmission and personal comfort when listening to music, but these indicators directly depend on technical features one or another model of headphones. Let's consider the main characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing such products.

Frequency response- this is one of the main indicators that determines sound quality, its richness, depth and reliability of transmission. This parameter is expressed in units such as hertz (Hz) and kilohertz (kHz). To accurately determine it, as a rule, a certain frequency range is indicated, for example 5 Hz - 20 kHz. The larger the interval between the first and second values, the better the quality of the headphones and the more accurately they transmit sound.

Deviation frequency response between left and right channel- this is a parameter on which the detail of the sound depends. The more the frequency response value differs between channels, the worse the sound will be, the sounds from all instruments will be “blurred”. It should be noted that the deviation in the region of low and high frequencies feels much less than mid-range deviation. As a rule, headphone models with a small spread have a fairly large monetary value, since their production requires significant expenses.

Sensitivity- this is a characteristic on which the maximum sound level for which headphones are designed depends. To ensure a sufficiently high volume, this figure must exceed 100 dB. At a lower value, the sound may seem quiet and inexpressive, especially when listening to music on city streets or in public transport. Sensitivity largely depends on the material from which the magnetic core is made. Headphones with a small membrane diameter usually have a magnet with low power.

Impedance is the nominal resistance, which is expressed in Ohms (Ohms). When choosing headphones, you need to take into account that their electrical resistance must match the resistance of the sound source used. When using portable equipment, it is necessary to choose headphone models that have an impedance in the range of 16-40 Ohms. In most cases, products of this type are characterized by a resistance of 32 Ohms. High-end accessories with impedances greater than 300 ohms distort very little, but require a high-voltage amplifier to use them effectively.

Maximum power is a value that reflects the volume at which headphones are capable of transmitting sound. It is worth noting that the volume also depends on the supplied power, the nominal resistance of the product and its sensitivity. It is imperative to ensure that the input power is not higher than permissible, as this can lead to some disturbances and damage to the headphones.

Coefficient nonlinear distortion is an indicator that allows you to evaluate distortions when converted to sound signal electric. The user perceives this as wheezing, slight inaccuracies in timbre, or as a loss of crystalline sound. This coefficient is measured by the ratio of the magnitude of additional distorted signals and the magnitude of the main signal. Expressed this parameter as a percentage, and the lower it is, the clearer the sound the headphones can reproduce. The permissible distortion also depends on the signal frequency, and the lower it is, the greater the coefficient can be.

When buying headphones, it is important to understand that any choice you make will be a compromise in some way. Only the right priorities will allow you to find the optimal solution that satisfies the main requirements. Conventionally, we can distinguish three criteria from which we will have to build. It's about accessibility, portability and, of course, sound quality.

These three terms can be represented in the form of a triangular petal diagram, where the growth of one petal means the contraction of the other two.

Thus, choosing the best sound quality implies a maximum price tag and a rejection of portability. Likewise, an ultraportable wireless headset won't provide the best sound, nor will it likely be cheap. That is why it is important to highlight at least one of the criteria that you are willing to sacrifice.

2. Decide why you need headphones

Headphones, like any gadget, are bought for specific tasks and purposes. You need to understand when and how you will use them. The choice of headphone type depends on the usage scenarios.

For home and office

For use at work and at home, full-size headsets are usually purchased, which provide full coverage of the auricle and the most comfortable fit on the head. This type is ideal for long-term listening to music.

You can also consider over-ear headphones, which, due to their smaller earcups, are usually more compact than full-size ones. They do not wrap around the auricle, but are placed on top. A striking example is .


The most popular among office headphones are closed acoustic models. They have better sound insulation, so your music will not be heard by others. The open type is suitable for home use. These headphones have holes on the outside of the ear cups that allow sound vibrations to travel in the same way as in a natural environment, making the sound more realistic.

When choosing over-ear or on-ear headphones, don't underestimate the importance of ear pad material. Velor or even synthetics make your ears not sweat as much as faux or natural leather.

For the city

For simple walks, it is quite possible to use the previously mentioned on-ear headphones. But if we are talking about moving on the subway and traveling on other public transport, then best choice will become in-ear headphones, also called earplugs. They are compact, extremely convenient to use and do not create problems when moving in a dense stream of people. One of the best in terms of price and quality ratio can be called.


Headphones of this type are usually complemented by silicone ear pads of various sizes, so that each user can choose the right one. Also very popular are tips made of porous foam, which, heated by body heat, adapt to the human ear canal. Compared to silicone ones, they are less durable, but they hardly distort the sound.

The braid of the wire also plays an important role. One of the most practical is fabric, like, for example, . This prevents the wire from tangling and reduces the risk of damage due to accidental pulling.

Separately, we can highlight completely wireless headphones like. Accessories of this type provide maximum freedom of movement, but their price is quite high. In addition, there is a high risk of simply losing them.

For Sport

For running and the gym, in-ear wireless headsets are typically used. They may have neck-mounted arms or ear pads with hooks for better fixation inside the auricle or on its outer part, as is the case with.

Many of these headsets are sweat-proof and even total immersion under water, which allows you to swim without interrupting your favorite music.


IN Lately Increasingly, Bluetooth sports headphones are equipped with sensors to track physical activity, as is the case with. Such headsets allow you to replace the usual fitness trackers, but they are also much more expensive than their classic counterparts.

For traveling

If you fly often and like to listen to music on the road, it makes sense to consider a headset with active noise cancellation. Most often these are large full-size headphones, which can be either wired or. Their ability to block out external sounds allows you to immerse yourself in your favorite music, even if a restless child is sitting next to you.

An important feature of travel headsets is their foldable design. It allows the headphones to take up much less space and reduces the risk of damage when transporting in a bag. Expensive models are often supplemented with a hard case for better protection.

For games

The choice of gamers is full-size, over-ear headphones with a built-in or detachable microphone. An important criterion when choosing is the presence of surround sound technology, as in some models. Simulating a 5.1 or even 7.1 configuration will be a big advantage in 3D action games, where you often have to navigate in space by ear.


Most gaming headphones have a long, 2-meter wire. It is important that it has a reliable braid and rigid bulges at the plugs, eliminating kinks and possible breaks.

Noise reduction is also an important parameter. In this case, this applies to both headphones and a microphone, so that you are not distracted by external factors and can be heard well.

3. Assess the basic characteristics

Regardless of the type and class, all headphones have basic technical characteristics that allow you to form an idea of ​​​​the sound capabilities. When choosing relatively inexpensive headsets, you shouldn’t take such numbers too seriously, but you also shouldn’t ignore them.

Frequency range

This parameter characterizes the spectrum of sounds that the headphones can reproduce. The standard range is 20 - 20,000 Hz. The human ear simply does not recognize more, although in the description of headsets one can often find meanings that go beyond these limits. There is nothing bad about this, but it cannot be called an undeniable advantage either.


Sensitivity tells how loud the headphones will play, all other things being equal. The relationship is direct: the higher the sensitivity, the higher the maximum volume. 95–100 dB or more is considered good indicator for normal use.


This parameter also affects the headphone volume ceiling, but it should only be taken into account by bass lovers using stationary amplifiers. In combination with a high-quality sound source, high-power headphones provide brighter and richer sound. If you are going to listen to music mainly from a smartphone, you are unlikely to be able to unlock the potential of high power.


The nominal input resistance of headphones, also called impedance, affects both volume and overall sound quality. You need to focus on this parameter in accordance with the device with which you are going to use the headphones. For smartphones and portable equipment, you should select headsets with a lower impedance - up to 32 or even 16 Ohms, and for stationary devices - with a higher one, from 32 Ohms.

frequency response

The amplitude-frequency response is demonstrated in the form of a graph and characterizes the quality of transmission of various frequencies.

The minimum number of sharp bends in the frequency response curve indicates a balanced sound and accurate transmission of the original audio material. The height of the curve on the graph reflects the volume in a specific range. “Hump” at the beginning of the frequency response curve, at low frequencies ah, speaks about the bassiness of the headphones.


It is also worth noting the method of connecting wired headphones. Most models on sale have a mini-jack plug (3.5 mm). A regular jack (6.3 mm) can be found on professional-level headsets, and a micro jack (2.5 mm) has become very rare lately. Nevertheless, pay attention to what kind of plug the headset has and whether there is an adapter included.

4. Listen and read

Of course, you shouldn’t blindly focus on all the numbers in the characteristics, especially if you choose relatively inexpensive headphones. Two headsets with equal parameters can sound completely different, since the quality is also affected by many other features that are not always indicated by the manufacturer in the description.

You can find out for sure whether the selected headphones are suitable for you by listening to them first. This applies to covering and overlay headsets, which specialized stores often allow you to test before purchasing. This is a chance to evaluate not only the sound, but also the ease of fit on your head.


Also, before purchasing, you should definitely refer to reviews and full reviews that can be found on the Internet. Such feedback allows you to get at least some idea of ​​the real sound quality, design features and possible weak points of the device, identified after long-term use.

Buyer's checklist

  1. First of all, decide on the maximum price and main use case.
  2. Next, based on the purpose, select the type of headphones: over-ear, on-ear or in-ear.
  3. Select several models of a specific type that fit your budget.
  4. Rate important features selected models: ear pad material, wire braid, headband design, and so on.
  5. Study the technical parameters that characterize sound quality.
  6. Check out reviews and reviews online, and see if there's somewhere you can test the headphones before purchasing.
  7. Make your choice.

As we know, knowledge is power, especially in technical matters. The main characteristics of the headphones, usually indicated on the packaging, give an idea of ​​their capabilities before listening. You just need to figure out what's what.


Everyone has encountered a situation where some headphones sound louder than others, even though the level on the player (or smartphone) is set the same. This fact is often associated with the difference in headphone power. But headphones are not an amplifier; such a premise is fundamentally wrong.

In fact, how loud the headphones will sound depends on their sensitivity. Traditionally, this parameter lies in the range of 90–120 dB, and for most models available on the market this range is already 95–105 dB. Sensitivity shows how loud the headphones will play, all other things being equal. The higher it is, the higher the maximum volume and the less load on the built-in amplifier of the player or smartphone. I noticed another direct relationship: the cheaper the headphones, the less likely it is that their real (and not indicated in the technical data sheet) sensitivity will be high.

Headphones AKG K 315. Sensitivity - 126 dB, impedance - 32 Ohms, maximum input power - 15 mW.


But when it comes to power, you shouldn’t chase watts. Especially when the main source of music is a smartphone or portable player. With high sensitivity, a few milliwatts are enough for the music to play loudly, and the gadget’s amplifier is not overloaded and uses up battery power sparingly. Yes, if you choose headphones with high power, the sound will probably (just maybe) be solid and punchy. But this will not last as long as you would like - the gadget’s battery will begin to discharge rapidly under such a load. Moreover, there are often cases when the built-in amplifier simply cannot cope with powerful headphones. As a result, you won’t hear a good sound (loose, shallow bass), and you’ll get distortion at volumes above average.

For headphones used at home, high power is no longer a problem, because it is assumed that they will be used with a stationary amplifier. Then high power will contribute high quality sound.

Beyerdynamic DT 1350 headphones. Sensitivity - 129 dB, impedance - 80 Ohms, maximum input power - 100 mW


Another factor that significantly affects sound quality, energy consumption and generally determines the compatibility of headphones with the amplifier part is impedance. From the point of view of physics, impedance is somewhat different from the more understandable term “resistance,” but from a consumer point of view this is not so important, so it is quite possible to find such writing on the packaging of headphones.

Any amplifier has a certain range of loads with which it is capable of operating optimally. The impedance of the headphones, measured in ohms, accordingly determines the operating mode of the amplifier. Portable equipment usually contains amplifiers designed to operate with an impedance from 16 to 32 ohms. Therefore, these are the numbers you will find in most headphones. However, it is quite acceptable to use headphones with an impedance of 40–60 ohms with portable equipment. The fundamental difference is that for the latter to work you will need more power, which means battery consumption will increase. Also remember that if the headphone impedance differs significantly from the recommended one, the amplifier will operate in a “freelance” mode, which may result in distortion and a general decrease in sound quality. And in extreme cases, it will also lead to failure of the amplifier or headphones.

Denon AH-C250 headphones. Sensitivity - 109 dB, impedance - 87 Ohms, maximum input power - 100 mW

High-impedance headphones, whose impedance amounts to hundreds of ohms, should only be used with stationary amplifiers. Most often, high-impedance headphones are made for professional purposes, although they can also be found among expensive high-end models for home use.

Attention, if you choose a model for home: the impedance of the headphones must fall within the recommended load range, which is indicated in the technical data of the amplifier. In general, most headphones and amplifiers are quite clearly divided into low- and high-impedance, so there shouldn’t be any particular problems finding a suitable pair.

frequency range

The frequency range of headphones is probably the simplest and most understandable value. The wider it is, the better the sound. If the factory settings go beyond the audible range, for example, 5 Hz - 25 kHz, it indicates that the edges of this very audible range will be reproduced without much loss. Maybe because this is a simple value, and even with large numbers, manufacturers tend to embellish it. There are often standard numbers such as 20 Hz - 20 kHz. And no indications about the conditions under which the measurements were made, not to mention the frequency response graph. 20Hz can really be there, but with such a volume that only instruments in a deaf acoustic room, where perhaps (just perhaps) the measurements took place, will hear them.

Sony MDR-1R headphones. Sensitivity - 105 dB, impedance - 48 Ohm, maximum input power - 1500 mW, frequency response - 4–80,000 Hz

Ears versus numbers

In conclusion of the review of the main characteristics, I want to save readers from one common illusion that “headphones with the same passport data sound the same.” Not at all.

With the same frequency range, the same sensitivity, power and impedance, different headphones will most likely play completely different from each other. Since our impression of the sound is formed by the accuracy of the response of the emitter, the shape of the frequency response and a number of other indicators that are published by developers extremely rarely, while others cannot be measured at all. Unfortunately or fortunately, but modern measuring instruments have not yet reached those heights when they learn to perceive a musical signal in a complex manner, like a person. Therefore, having studied the characteristics for compatibility with the rest of the equipment set (source, amplifier), weighing their cost against your wallet, you still need to go and listen to them. No other way.

In the list of items that a person carries with him every day, one of the first places you can safely put is headphones for a mobile phone, audio player and, in general, anything that can play music. In transport, in nature, on a morning jog and even at work, headphones accompany the music lover. Their most important quality is the ability to listen to your favorite music anywhere, and thereby abstract yourself from the world around you. And if the development of music players made music accessible, then headphones made it possible to personalize it and take it with you.

Mobile phones and audio players usually come with headphones, but manufacturers often make them “for change.” They are no different good quality sound or convenience, and very quickly require replacement. But it's not that simple. When choosing new headphones, you can simply get confused by the varieties of cords, arms, decibels, bowls and hertz. It is not always clear what lies behind these words and what characteristics are really important. We propose to look into this together in order to make the choice of headphones balanced and rational.

Types and sizes

Conventionally, headphones can be divided into two categories: “earbuds,” which are also called “eardrops,” and full-size headphones. The most significant difference in them is the diameter of the diaphragm, i.e. sound source. It is believed that the larger the diaphragm, the better and fuller the sound will be, but the bigger size will be the headphones themselves. If in earbuds the diaphragm diameter rarely exceeds 9 mm, then in studio monitor headphones (the “scientific” name for headphones) it can be 30 mm or more. As a transitional option, a variety of headphones with a diaphragm diameter of 15 mm are offered. For example, .

In our experience, we cannot say for sure that small headphones are bad and large ones are good. First, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages for its use case. Plus, expensive earbuds can sound significantly better than cheap over-ear headphones. Therefore, in any comparison, it is important to always keep the price category in mind.

In-Ear Headphones They are valuable because they do not take up much space - they are compact, you can always carry them with you, simply putting them in your pocket along with the player. Earbuds are good for people who want a compact option to access their music anytime, at a fraction of the cost. Although, not all “earbuds” have an affordable price - there are also hi-end models for connoisseurs.

In-ear headphones and"vacuum"

In-ear headphones can be located in the auricle or inside the ear canal. The word “earbuds” usually means the former, while the latter are popularly called “vacuum” headphones, or even simply “plugs.” They usually achieve better sound by placing them deep in the channel and cutting out external noise. Headphones of this type sit tightly in the ears, and the surrounding sounds are almost inaudible. Good “plugs” have replaceable elastic bands of various diameters made of soft, high-quality material, which will minimize all the inconveniences from their placement, and the most expensive ones are made from a cast made from the auricle and canal of their future owner. Artists use such devices on stage in order to hear themselves and the sound without the roar of a multi-kilowatt acoustic installation playing “to the audience.”

However, not all music lovers like such headphones. Many people are afraid of the need for deep placement; users are worried about the safety of their hearing (although when using high-quality headphones and a reasonable music volume, there is no reason for such concerns). Others reject “plugs” simply because they want to hear not only music, but also the sounds of the surrounding world - after all, moving around a metropolis with “disabled” hearing organs can be simply dangerous.

The main reason for the nerves of the owner of any headphones is tangled wires. In top-end earbuds, this is solved using the small headphone box with which they are sold. If it is not included with your headphones, it can be purchased separately. It doesn't take up much space and eliminates the problem of tangled wires. Vivid examples of such headphones are the Koss Twins and KEB4 models. Other ways of “dealing with wires” have also been invented, but usually it is enough to accustom yourself to folding and removing them from your pocket in a strictly defined way in order to forget about this problem.

Over-ear headphones

And yet only in full-size headphones you can achieve the best sound. However, this does not mean that if you buy the first large headphones you come across, you will immediately get the desired quality - you have to pay for it, like everywhere else. But with such headphones you can demonstratively renounce the world around you without unnecessary words demonstrate to others that you can’t hear them. It is more convenient to listen to music in full-size headphones at home or in the workplace - on the street and in transport, people around them usually look at a music lover in full-size headphones as if they were an alien. However, for some, on the contrary, this is a desired effect.

Over-ear headphones have better durability than in-ear headphones, and big size allows you to realize maximum musical possibilities.

Such headphones can have several types of bowls: open, semi-closed and closed. This characteristic affects sound reproduction at low frequencies, the audibility of sound in headphones to others, as well as the degree of isolation from the outside world. Music is also heard differently in them.

Open (left) and closed (right) headphones

Closed headphones They usually reproduce heavy music better - you can feel the pressure, drive, and density of sound. To support low frequencies, the sound resonates in a closed volume of the bowl, which gives better bass response. In the same time open headphones usually more detailed, better convey the stereo effect, their sound is “open” and “light”, and the sound is reproduced with minimal distortion. At the same time, listening to music with open headphones will introduce everyone around you to it, which they obviously won’t like.

Fastening and comfort

One of the most important characteristics of headphones is comfort. If they are inconvenient for you, then no matter how cool they sound, you won’t listen to them for a long time. Therefore, special attention must be paid to fastening.

“Earbuds”, in addition to the usual mounting option, can be attached using a bow to the ear or through the neck. This is convenient for those who wear hats or go jogging. For girls and guys with long hair, this fastening option will not spoil the hairstyle and will not cause inconvenience. Models with a bow on the ear should not press or protrude, otherwise you will not be able to wear such headphones for more than a few hours.

Headphone models with ear hook: Sennheiser MX 680 Sport, Aircoustic SPO 6061 and Sennheiser PMX 680 Sport

There are also headphones designed specifically for sports. They have a more ergonomic fastening and do not fall off during active movements. For example, the Panasonic RP-HS200E-K model. Sennheiser even has a line of such headphones, made together with Adidas, which includes, and.

Full-size models wrap around the head with a bow on top, which is made of plastic or metal. In addition, the bow may be able to be lengthened or shortened. While monitor headphones cost more, they are a long-term investment, so you should pay special attention to the material and workmanship.

The trim on the ear cups on full-size headphones is called ear pads. They are made from various materials - leather and leatherette, velor, foam rubber. In any case, when buying large headphones for long listening sessions, it is important to try them on - your ears should fit entirely inside the ear pads. And in general, regardless of the type, headphones should not press or cause discomfort. Of course, a person gets used to everything, but why create unnecessary troubles for yourself if you can avoid them in advance?

Sound characteristics

They say that modern acoustic systems - including headphones - should not be chosen according to technical specifications, but by ear. And indeed, we have to listen to them and enjoy them, and not measure parameters and verify linearity. But still, knowledge and understanding of the basic electro-acoustic characteristics will never be superfluous if the topic of high-quality sound reproduction really worries you.

Human hearing distinguishes sounds with vibration frequencies from 15-20 Hz to 18-22 kHz. Accordingly, all musical works contain sounds in this range, otherwise the human ear simply will not hear them. Conventionally, the entire frequency range is divided into low, medium and high frequencies. Ideally good headphones should cover the entire range - from the lowest frequencies (15 Hz) to the highest (25 kHz). This ensures that you hear all recorded sounds. However, the range covered does not guarantee the quality of the music being reproduced. It is very important that at all these frequencies the sound is reproduced with a minimum of distortion! And this will be more difficult to express in simple numbers...

The correspondence between the input signal to the headphones and its output volume is displayed as a graph amplitude-frequency response(AFC). The smoother the line on the graph and the smaller its peaks and valleys, the smoother the sound will be at different frequencies. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with studying frequency response graphs - the fact is that special structures are used to construct them, noticeably different from the shape of the human ear (and even more so from the shape of your specific ear). This means that the output at different frequencies for your ear will be slightly different than for the measuring setup. Therefore, such graphs can only be used for comparison, and only within models from the same company. Different conditions frequency response measurements from different manufacturers makes comparisons between different brands meaningless.

Sound pressure(SPL) is measured in decibels (dB), and is an indicator that indicates the volume of a sound source compared to a given one. Most often, the sensitivity threshold of human hearing is used as a given threshold; it is taken as 0 dB SPL. As for the maximum level, the eardrum is an elastic organ and can withstand peak sound pressure above 130 dB, but for extremely short periods of time. With constant exposure to loud music, gradual degradation of hearing can occur. This process can be easily tracked by how, on familiar compositions, after a while you want to increase the volume by 1 unit more. In fact, if you value your ears, you should do exactly the opposite - turn it down a little, or even turn off the player altogether. And hope that the hearing will be restored after a certain time.

As for headphones, their specifications often indicate another indicator - dBm, or decibel per 1 milliwatt of supplied power. Sometimes it is called sensitivity. With equal resistance (impedance) of the compared headphones larger number dBm indicates that the headphones will be louder.

An important characteristic is total electrical resistance headphones, also known as impedance. If you want to get maximum volume and quality, it is necessary that the impedance of the headphones and the output impedance of the sound amplification equipment are matched with each other. To do this, you should study the instructions for your player or phone - what impedance headphones is its output designed for?

Headphones for portable devices on average they have a resistance of 32 to 55 Ohms. Within these limits, you can not pay much attention to the impedance - the main thing is that the sound source “pulls” a 32-ohm load. In other cases, the rule applies: the output impedance of the source must be less than or equal to the resistance of the load (headphones).

Sennheiser HD600 classic studio headphones have an impedance of 300 ohms

Professional headphones have an impedance of 120, 300 or 600 ohms. And although they can, in principle, be included in a player designed for 32-ohm devices, their sound will be too quiet. To “drive” such headphones, a special amplifier may be required. Or, if we are talking about a computer, a sound card with a dedicated amplifier for high-impedance headphones.


The length of the wire is important, but even more important is its strength and durability. When choosing the first parameter, the main thing is not to go to two extremes: 5-meter or more cords, which are needed for recording studios, will be absolutely unnecessary if the source is at arm's length. And conversely, cords that are too short, which do not allow you to “reach” the player into your backpack pocket, are also impractical. Fortunately, everything is simple here - if headphones are designed for use with portable equipment, their cord length rarely exceeds 1.5 m. And the longest wires are for headphones for TVs, sometimes up to 7-10 m.

AKG 240 studio monitors are equipped with two pairs of connectable oxygen-free copper cables

Expensive full-size headphones are often equipped with detachable, replaceable wires - if the cable fails, it can simply be replaced. This is a very big plus, since cable failure accounts for 80% of all typical problems with headphones in general. If the wire is not replaceable, pay attention to its thickness and type of braid. By the way: the twisted wire, although it looks original, has long been recognized as inconvenient (since it always tries to pull the headphones off your head) and therefore has gone out of fashion.

Wireless system Sennheiser RS ​​120 II

Wireless systems have also been invented for computer technology, consisting of a transmitter docking station and headphones with a receiver. They provide wireless transmission at a distance of 15 to 150 meters (depending on the type of channel - infrared or radio). There are also Bluetooth stereo headsets that are widely used with mobile phones, however, their maximum range reaches 10 meters. In-ear headphones, for example, can also be wireless, but this is a rather expensive professional system. Some models are equipped with IR sensors, but they must be constantly visible to the player, which is not convenient for portable use. Overall sound quality wireless headphones most often noticeably inferior to their wired counterparts - due to losses during compression of the audio signal for its transmission “over the air”.


If the headphones will be used not only for listening to music, but also for talking on Skype or communicating via online games, then you should pay attention to models with a built-in microphone. Full-size options are suitable for use in conjunction with a computer. But for walking on the streets they are quite bulky and it is better to choose something smaller in size, for example, Razor in-ears. It is optimal if the microphone can be turned away or disconnected from the headphones for periods when it is not needed.

Gaming headphones

A separate subtype of headphones is gaming headphones. They are usually distinguished from products for music lovers by their bright colors and specific sound, which primarily values ​​the accuracy of sound positioning. It is believed that the player should always be able to hear by ear where the fire is coming from. In addition, gaming headphones are usually made full-size and comfortable for long-term wearing, since gaming battles often last for several hours.

Gaming headphones

There is also a special subtype of gaming headphones - multi-channel systems. They appeared with the entry into the market of 5.1-channel game consoles and sound cards. Most often, such headphones still have two diaphragms (after all, the average person still has two ears), and a special unit pre-mixes the 5.1-channel signal into stereo 2.0. However, most often this can be done on the computer/set-top box itself, and therefore there is no particular need for such systems.

Let's sum it up

At the stage of choosing the size of headphones, it is advisable to pay more attention to reasoning about where you will most often use the headphones, and how important it is for you to hear the world around you (as well as its relation to your music). When driving a bike or when jogging, it is better to use regular earbuds or open headphones - you need to hear what is happening around you. But it is important that they hold up well. But for listening at home or in public places, it’s better to have closed ones so as not to disturb others. If you can't decide, choose semi-closed headphones. We recommend “plugs” for those who often travel on the subway or fly by plane - in both cases, the level of ambient noise makes it very difficult to listen to music.

Well, and most importantly, if sound quality really matters to you, try not to skimp on headphones. In the world of audio, the rule of thumb is that your system is only as good as its weakest component. And what's the use of recordings in lossless format, cool sound card or an expensive player, if the user then puts cheap “disposable” headphones on his head? And vice versa, purchasing expensive “monitor” headphones may lead to the need to review your entire musical “arsenal” - after all, the weak points of both the recordings themselves and the equipment reproducing them will be very clearly audible.

Good luck with your choice!