Methods for installing fonts in Windows. Methods for installing fonts in Windows Installing a windows 10 font instead of the system one


The Windows 10 operating system is the most popular today. This is why users often have questions related to debugging programs or installing components in a given OS.

Users are often interested in how to install fonts in Windows 10. Note that even not the most advanced user can cope with this task. To do this, you do not need to have any special skills or abilities. Let us next consider the installation sequence and control methods.

Why install new fonts

Initially, Windows 10 already has a certain set of fonts. So why install new ones? This need may be due to the specifics of the work. For example, typists or layout designers need fonts that are not available in a given OS. Solving this problem is very simple. It is enough to install some files.

Where to get the right font

You can easily find the font you need on the Internet. To use it successfully, you will first need to download the key file itself. Keys usually have TrueType or OpenType files. Such files have the extensions “.ttp” or “.otp”, respectively.


After you have downloaded the font or group you need, you need to go to the folder in which they were saved. As a rule, groups of fonts are saved as archive files that need to be unpacked.

After unzipping, you can proceed directly to the installation. To do this, just point the cursor at the file and use the right mouse button to select “Install”. Note that if you need to add several fonts at once, then first select a group of corresponding files and follow the previous sequence of actions.


The Windows 10 operating system has a folder in which all used fonts are stored. To find it, you need:

  • Go to Windows folder located on drive C.
  • Next, find the Fonts folder. All data is stored in it.

The second installation method is to copy the file to this folder. By logging into it, you can manage fonts, that is, install new ones and delete those that are not used. But it is not recommended to do the latter, since they may be required for the smooth and correct operation of the OS.

To remove unused files, you just need to hide them. To do this from context menu select "Hide". The file itself will not be completely deleted - it will simply no longer appear in the lists of available programs. Operation will not be disrupted as a result of these actions. operating system. And if necessary, you can restore hidden files and use them in the process of work.

Many people are interested in where the fonts are located in Windows 10. Often, users did not pay attention to this subtlety when working with older versions. But something new doesn’t always suit the user, and therefore, especially for those who are accustomed to a special font, this short review, learn how to install the font.


When considering how to install the required font types, it is worth considering what such elements actually represent visually. In essence, these are ordinary files for which there is a special extension. For example, if we talk about a font known as TrueType, then it is characterized by the following extension.ttf. For another type called OpenType, the extension is already .otf. There are some other formats, and you can also learn about them in this brief overview.

Often, when searching for what you need, you may come across a number of folders and you should not be afraid of this, since quite often there can be several similar files that are responsible for a single product.

Before installing a font, you can look at it and simply decide whether it suits you or not. What exactly does its outline look like? To do this, you just need to open the file itself and double-click to launch the selected element. This is how you can easily and simply observe what a given type of font looks like and evaluate how well it met your expectations. If you don’t look through it, you may end up downloading a bunch of unnecessary stuff that ultimately doesn’t fit or doesn’t work at all. You can start viewing from the archive and the preview usually looks like this.

After such viewing, you can select what you need, and for installation you can use several methods:

First way.

Using the preview window. To do this, you have already launched the file itself and selected the desired font. All that remains is to click on the button called “Install”.

Second way.

This method is best used when you need to work with several fonts at once and need to install several. We go to the menu with the right mouse button, there we select the install item and just click it.

You can install several files by selecting the files, and then again through the menu with the right button and select install.

Third way.

Some people didn't even think it existed. But if you figure out what the font installation process is, it’s simply copying the file with the installation font into a special folder. Therefore you can copy necessary files to this folder.

We found the necessary fonts and copied them to a folder called C:\Windows\Fonts. It is to this place that the computer itself copies the font files when you use the first and second methods.

Install custom

It happens that you come across a font of a non-standard type (extension). You can try to install it too, but if an error occurs, you will need to do the following:

  • use a font converter (there are quite a lot of them online);
  • or type “ps to ttf” in the search bar and use the conversion service.

Adding and deleting

How to apply and add fonts is already clear, but what to do if there is a need to remove a specific font. Everything here is also not so complicated and for this you just need to follow these points:

Get access to the folder with all the fonts. You can do this this way:

  1. logged into the control panel;
  2. went to the section called design and personalization;
  3. opened the fonts.

Everything here is extremely simple, we select among this number of files and simply delete it if it is not needed.

This is how you can easily and simply change, add, and even, if necessary, remove fonts from the Windows 10 system.

All computers with Windows 10 installed use the same standard fonts. They can be used in all built-in and third-party programs. But sometimes there is a need for additional fonts that are not included in the built-in set. In this case, you will have to resort to manual installation.

View a list of installed fonts in Windows 10

If you want to know what fonts are already on your system, follow the steps below:

  1. Using the system search bar, find the built-in “Settings” program and expand it. Open computer settings
  2. Go to the “Personalization” block.
    Open the “Personalization” block
  3. Expand the “Fonts” sub-item. You will see a list of already downloaded fonts. Study it before searching for and installing third-party fonts. Perhaps one of them will appeal to you, and there will be no need for additional actions.
    In the “Fonts” sub-item you can see and configure all fonts

The presence of special fonts is most often needed for programs such as Photoshop, Word and other photo, video and text editors.

Installing additional fonts

If you decide that you need a new font, use any of the methods below. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, the result will be the same - the list of fonts in your computer’s memory will be replenished.

Using the official store

Windows 10 has its own store, which also contains fonts for the system.

  1. Once in the “Fonts” sub-item of the “Personalization” block (how to get to this section is described in the “View a list of installed fonts”), click on the “Get additional fonts” line.
    Click on the line “Get additional fonts”
  2. A list of available fonts will expand. Study it and choose the option that you like best.
    Choosing the appropriate font
  3. After going to one of the offered products, click on the “Get” button (or “Buy” if the font is paid) and wait until the installation is complete. After the process is completed, the new font will be added.
    Click the “Buy” button

Using a file

Not all existing fonts are available in the official Microsoft store. Most of them are posted on third-party sites in free or paid form. Windows 10 can work with two formats containing fonts: ttf and otf.

At the end of the process, you will receive a new font in your computer's memory.

Using a special folder

Windows has a special folder that contains all the fonts and allows you to manage them. You can go to it via the path C:\Windows\Fonts. To add a font, drag or copy a ttf or otf file to this folder. Once the file is posted, it will automatically be added to the list of other fonts.

Using a third party program

Designed to work with fonts a large number of third party programs. Some of them can work not only with standard formats, but also with extensions that Windows cannot read.

It is worth resorting to using third-party applications if you are going to sort through many fonts, since doing this standard means the system is not very convenient.

Font Massive Light

This application can display a list of found fonts, as well as each character from the set. It can be used to remove and install packages. In addition to standard formats, FontMassive supports the .pfm and .pfb extensions.

The program can compare fonts, search for similar ones, convert them into a format for Adobe Illustrator and does not require installation. Download it free version for 32 and 64-bit systems you can from the official website of the developer.

It is more convenient to work with fonts in FontMassive Light


This application is suitable for those who want not only to install other people's fonts, but also to create their own. Using the program's built-in tools, you can draw, save and add your own font to the system. FontForge has a huge number of possibilities that allow you to work out each character in detail. You can download the utility from the official website of the developers.

Using FontForge you can create your own font

Video: installing fonts in Windows 10

Installing PostScript Type 1 fonts

PostScript is a special programming language developed by Adobe. It is often used in the description of PDF files and for storing and describing fonts. PostScript Type 1 is a globally accepted encoding format.

To install fonts of this format required special program from Adobe - Adobe Type Manager. After downloading and opening it, go to the Add Fonts tab, specify the path to the font file and use the Add button. Done, the new font has been added to your library.

Specify the path to the font and click the Add button

Fonts take up very little memory, so deleting them will not free up hard drive space. But, if you want to clear the list of available fonts, leaving in it only those options that you constantly use, you can erase unnecessary fonts. This can be done using almost all the methods described above: through computer settings, a special folder and third party program.

It doesn't matter which method you choose, because the only thing you need to do is select a font and click the "Delete" button. For example, you can go to the C:\Windows\Fonts folder, select the appropriate element and click on the “Delete” button. After confirming the action, the font will be permanently erased.

Select the font and click the “Delete” button

There are several ways to add a new font to the system library. Can be done quick installation from a file, use the Fonts folder or a third-party program. The list of used fonts can also be seen in the computer settings. Removing a font is done through the Fonts folder, a third-party program, or system settings.

But also to all other users. Fonts allow you to diversify your texts and also allow you to decorate various pictures. You can download thousands of fonts for Windows 10, and install new fonts for your computer with just one click. In some cases, downloading fonts for Windows 10 is a necessity, not just a desire. For example, if you downloaded a document, but the text in it is not displayed because fonts were used that you do not have.

How to install new fonts for Windows 10

Fonts come in any Windows version 10, and their number does not depend on the version of your OS. Fonts are preset, but you can increase the number of fonts. To do this, you must first download the fonts yourself and then install them. Gone are the days when installing fonts for Windows was a real quest. Windows 10 supports extremely easy installation new fonts, which consists of literally two steps:
  • Download the required font for Windows 10;
  • “Run” file;
After you download the fonts, you need to click on the font file in the same way as you click to open any program. After that, you need to activate and install this font. But all this will be done literally with one click, and you won’t have to copy anything anywhere. In older versions of the OS, you would have to independently transfer the fonts to the fonts folder and then install them, but on Windows 10 there is no such problem.

If you need fonts for text that is written in Russian, then you need Cyrillic fonts. If you need fonts for text on English language, then you need latin fonts. If you want to write text in a language that has non-standard diacritics, such as French or Czech, then you need to find specialized fonts.

On this page we have posted a package of Cyrillic fonts, that is, those that support Russian letters. As a rule, such fonts also support English texts. The opposite situation, that the Latin font supports the Cyrillic alphabet, is less common. But if you installed the font on your computer, it will be immediately available in all programs. And in photo editors, and in text editors, and in other utilities that work with texts.

Installing fonts in Windows system 10 is no different from a similar operation in the “seven”. Therefore, if you have experience downloading fonts in earlier Windows operating systems, the process will be easy. For those who are interested in the topic for the first time, we have prepared detailed step-by-step instructions.

Typically, a large number of fonts are used by designers in their work: when creating websites, logos, and printed products. Others just want to decorate a presentation or photo with a beautiful, unique font. Regardless of your goal, we publish succinct and clear instructions: how to install fonts on Windows 10.

Where to download fonts

Let's look at sites from which you can download fonts for Windows 10.

Most of them are the same, the only difference is the number of fonts available for download. On websites, the name of the font is written by the same name, so you will immediately see the style of the font and be able to evaluate it.

How to install fonts

Step 1. Choose the font you like. The menu on the right is sorted by category:

We'll focus on Ubuntu, a simple, lightweight sans-serif typeface (a typeface is synonymous with the concept of "font").

Step 2. In the window that appears, check the data. Does the font name match the one you wanted to download. Let's look again at the style - for this in Windows there is an example of a phrase in which all the letters of the Russian alphabet are succinctly laid out.

Another installation method

It is suitable if you need to install several headsets at once.

Step 1.

Note! It is not the “C:” drive that is important, but local disk, in which your system is installed. Therefore, it may differ and be called “D”, “H”, etc. The main thing is to find the folder with the system.

Step 2. Take the downloaded fonts and drag them into the folder. Ready!

How to remove fonts

Removing unnecessary headsets in Windows 10 is even easier.

Step 1. Go to the mentioned folder “C:” - “Windows” - “Fonts”.

Step 2. If you want to delete one font: left-click on it, select “Delete”, as in the screenshot below.

Another option: Right-click on the font and select the “Delete” line.

Step 3. If you want to get rid of several typefaces at once: select one of the fonts with the left button, then hold down the “Ctrl” key and click on the others. The result should be the following.

After selecting the files, click the “Delete” button. That's two the best way Permanently remove fonts in Windows 10.

Note! Be careful with system fonts. This is the name given to the “native” Windows headsets installed with the system. These fonts include: Tahoma, Times New Roman, Calibri, etc. It is not recommended to remove them.

How to change fonts

If you need to change headset settings, use the “Control Panel”. Opening the desired window is simple:

Where are fonts stored in Windows 10?

Installing fonts without administrator rights

If you are a regular computer user without administrator rights, you will not be able to install fonts using the methods described above. There is a solution: the Platform program.

Step 1. Download the program. It is free, go to the official website: Click the green “Download from DuckDuckGo” button.

Step 2. Program installation.

  1. Click on the downloaded file with the mouse.

  2. Select Russian language.

  3. Follow the installer’s instructions: click “Next”.

  4. We accept the license agreement.

  5. Important point : Check the box “Choose another location”.

  6. We need to put the program in a folder where you will not be asked for administrator rights. For example, in “My Documents”, “Desktop” or “Downloads”.

  7. Select “Install”.

  8. Check the box to create a shortcut to have easy access to the program.

Step 3. Open the folder in which you installed the program. In our case, this is “Downloads”.

Step 4. We drop our fonts into the created folder.

Step 5. Let's launch the program. Ready!

Errors when adding fonts

“This is not the correct Windows 10 font” - this unpleasant message appears if the file is damaged and the font is not installed. The easiest way is to download the font from another site. Look at the beginning of the article: one of the three resources described will probably have the headset you need.

Installing drivers for various hardware in Windows 10

In Windows 10, drivers are updated automatically. In case of problems, follow the instructions.

Step 1. Click on the search icon on the taskbar. Type "Device Manager" into the text box.

Step 2. Open Manager.

Step 3. Click on one of the categories to see the name of the device, right-click on it and click “Update Driver”.

Step 4. Windows will start searching for the latest current version drivers.

Video - How to change system settings fonts in Windows 10