How to disable private mode on iPhone. How to enable incognito mode (Private Browsing) by default in Safari on macOS and iOS


The issue of online privacy is increasingly becoming a concern for Internet users. There are many ways to protect your privacy online, and the simplest of them is to run your browser in private browsing. This article will talk about how to launch Safari by default on a Mac, iPhone or iPad in incognito mode while browsing the Internet.

What is Incognito Mode (Private Browsing) in Safari on iPhone and iPad?

Whenever you open Safari in private mode on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the browser automatically prevents websites from tracking your browsing activity, and no browsing data is saved. In addition, Safari includes a number of privacy-focused features to enhance security.

How to Set Safari to Run in Private Mode (Private Browsing) on ​​Mac by Default

You probably already know how to open a private window in Safari on Mac, but in your browser settings you can set Safari to run in incognito mode by default.

1. Open Safari on Mac;

2. From the menu bar, open Safari → Preferences → General, or use the keyboard shortcut that opens Preferences in any app on your Mac;

3. Under Open when Safari starts, select the New private window option.

Now each time a new window will be launched in private browsing mode. The settings are saved even after restarting the Mac.

How to Set Safari to Run in Private Browsing Mode on iPhone and iPad by Default

1. Open a new private tab in Safari on your iPhone or iPad (launch the browser, then click Tabs → Private Sharing → Done);

2. Leave this tab in the foreground in Safari, that is, do not disable private mode.

The next time you launch Safari, this tab will appear and each window will launch in private mode.

Based on materials from yablyk

Private access in Safari is an enhanced security mode that excludes the storage of any information related to the resources you visit, text fields you fill in, and downloaded files. And although every user operating system iOS and the Safari browser are able to personally clear the history of visits and any activity on the Internet; “Private Access” is necessary not so much for the sake of hiding information on a Mac, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, how much to protect confidential data - web resources will not be able to collect information, deliver targeted advertising and remember recent actions (especially when making purchases).

How do I enable or disable Private Browsing?

To disable the mode, you must open the tabbed menu again and click on “Private Access”. It is important to remember - not closed pages will appear again when you access the confidential protection mode. Therefore, for additional security, after completing the current session, it is better to “erase all evidence.”

Features of the mode

  • Complete isolation. Each open tab is not connected to others open pages and allows you not to worry about transferring data from “neighboring” sources;
  • No "memory". The pages you visit are kept strictly confidential, including no one will know about recent requests to search engines, downloaded files (the information is never added to the Downloads section, but the files are saved to the Mac OS hard drive or to internal memory iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone). Additionally, the Handoff mode will not work (again due to the peculiarities of the mode), tabs will never be saved to iCloud, even with the full synchronization option enabled. And one more thing - login and password data does not remain in memory and is entered anew each time.

    Recently, Apple has strongly recommended that third-party resources not track the actions of users surfing the network in private access mode. Of course, not everyone fulfills the requirements, and therefore it is worth combining forces by also using VPNs (virtual private networks). It is truly impossible to find data in such a bundle! True, you will have to pay for a high-quality VPN, otherwise the speed will be low or access will be interrupted frequently. Alternative option– use a browser from a third-party developer, like Tor.

Private Access mode is officially available starting from 7 iOS versions. If a similar function is not found in the Safari browser, it is recommended to download updates for your smartphone, tablet or player (“Settings”, “General” menu, item – “Software update” - the search will take a few minutes). If the required button is found, but there is no question of the required confidentiality “clearing” of recent actions, then you should restart the equipment and again go through the steps of the instructions described above. The problem is definitely temporary and can be fixed in just a few seconds. Did not work out? .

Starting with the operating system iOS 7 browser Safari received significant improvements, including a browsing mode that does not save any information during the session, excluding cache files, cookies, browsing history after finishing working with the application.

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This feature increases the level of anonymity on the network and is very popular among users. Moreover, from now on the activation process has become much easier on all iPhones, iPads or iPad Touches. From now on, the switching occurs directly in the browser. The changes greatly simplify interaction, but sometimes they require a little clarification.

Engage private browsing pages in Safari on iOS It's very easy and it works the same on all devices.

Open Safari. Go to any website page and tap at the bottom of the screen to display navigation buttons. Then look for an icon on the panel that looks like two intersecting squares.

Click on it and then on " Private access"to activate anonymous browsing mode, after which the browser stops saving your browsing history, cookies and cache.

The activated mode is easy to determine; browser elements will turn dark gray, both on individual web pages and on the toolbar Safari.

Please note that entering and exiting mode Private Access will not delete previously saved cache and history. You can clear cookies, cache and browser history through settings Safari.

To exit the mode Private Access, it is enough to repeat all the above steps in the same order. After exiting the mode, Safari will re-open all tabs that were available before activation " Private Access».

It is very easy to use and you can turn it on or off at any time. But what if you want to get rid of it completely? We will help you with this.

It is worth noting that this method will not just disable Private Access, but will completely remove the ability to use it. Just in case, we will also tell you how to simply disable the mode.

How to disable Private BrowsingiOS

  1. Open Safari and click on the tabs icon (it looks like two intersecting squares).
  2. Click on the words “Private Access” to deselect it and turn off the mode.

When disabled, Safari can track cookies, browsing history, and site cache, just like any other browser. In any case, you can always delete all this data.

Now let's move on to how to completely get rid of Private Access so that no one can use the function.

How to completely remove the Private Browsing feature

You will notice that the Private Browsing text no longer appears in the browser. This means that no one will be able to use the mode as long as restrictions are enabled on the device.

By-effect this method is that it also activates the adult content filter. For most, limiting such content, on the contrary, will seem like a useful bonus.

If you don't know what Private Browsing even means, it is a feature that allows you to use the Safari browser without storing the cache, history, and cookies of the sites you visit. This mode useful for many reasons, but is usually used for private browsing. However, keep in mind that privacy does not mean anonymity. For complete anonymity, you will need a private VPN or TOR browser like .

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IN Lately More and more attention is being paid to data privacy. Apple did not ignore this issue either. Not many iPhone and iPad owners know about such a function in the browser as “Private Access”. But for some it can make life easier.

Private access is a mode in the Safari browser. In this mode, the browser does not cache your data: logins, passwords, pages visited and other private data.

There are many reasons why there is a need to hide your Internet surfing history. Perhaps your children often play with your iPad or iPhone. In essence, yes, and it doesn’t matter, it’s everyone’s personal business. And so, in order not to clear your browser browsing history every time, this mode exists.

It’s not that this mode is a special innovation; before that it existed in iOS 6, but only with the introduction of iOS 7 did it become more accessible. Apple Company brought “private access” into a public place.

To enable private browsing mode in Safari:

  1. Open your browser
  2. Go to the tab bar (bottom right icon)
  3. On the left you will see “Private Access”.
  4. We press the button.
  5. After this, you will be offered to close all tabs or leave them open.

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