Enabled Touch ID. Fingerprint to protect iPhone


Today we'll talk about how to set up and use a fingerprint on iPhone 5S. It is a technology for identifying the owner of the device and makes it easy to unlock the gadget.

Touch ID is the name of this feature. Using it on an iPhone 5 or 6 is not difficult, but you need to know the basics of how it works. The fingerprint method here replaces the legacy password system. And while the password is often forgotten or lost, the fingerprint is always unchanged. And it’s very easy to install it. The device instantly reads the information, and just as quickly, automatically, the lock is removed from the gadget.

Using this technology, the user can authorize any purchases from Apple store. The sensor has flexible settings and recognizes information from any angle. And it doesn’t matter at all how the finger was applied – the procedure will be successful. The Apple device will recognize its “owner” in any case.

Before you configure a feature, the first thing you need to do is enable it.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • Go to the settings of your device.
  • Click on the “Touch ID and Passwords” section.
  • Create and enter a password using numbers. Be sure to remember the set set of numbers. You will need it in the future if you want to change your fingerprints or protect them from being changed.
  • Make your own prints by selecting the appropriate option. Next, you will need to lightly touch the “Home” button, and the system will automatically scan the image. When everything is ready, you will hear a vibration signal.

If the scan was unsuccessful and a number of areas were not processed, these areas will be highlighted in red on the display. You can make 5 more scanning attempts.

And keep in mind that the “Home” button must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust before the procedure.

Setting up the Touch ID function

So, we discussed above how to install the function. Now let's find out how to set up a fingerprint.

It is assumed that the password has already been created and entered into the system (we did this earlier). After this you need to follow this algorithm:

  • Wash and dry your hands well. Also check the “Home” button for cleanliness.
  • Enter the Touch ID and password settings, where you enter the previously created combination of numbers, that is, your password.
  • Click on the add fingerprint button. Touch the “Home” button (while holding the gadget in your hand the way you do it most often).
  • Touch the same button again without pressing. Remain in this position until vibration occurs or a specific request appears on the display.
  • Touch your finger slowly several times, then lowering and then raising it. Each time you need to change the position of your finger.
  • A window will pop up asking you to adjust the grip. Here you need to hold the gadget as you usually do during the unlocking process. You need to lightly apply your fingertips to the “Home” button (but not the central segment, as was done in the beginning).

If the procedure does not take place for some reason, try repeating it, but on a different finger.

Unlocking a gadget and making purchases using Touch ID

Finally, let's get down to the main thing and learn how to put this useful function into practice. Once you have adjusted the sensor, you can use the technology to unlock your device. To do this, you just need to click on “Home” with the same finger that is registered using Touch ID.

How to use technology for shopping? It’s also very simple, but you need to know some nuances. The sensor here is a replacement for Apple's ID number identification password.

So, you need to do the following steps:

  • See if the Touch ID and password section is enabled in the settings, and in addition, a parameter regarding online stores where purchases will be made. If you cannot activate these items, log in to the system using the standard identification method using ID.
  • Go to the online page of the store you need.
  • Click on the selected product. A window will immediately pop up asking for your ID.
  • For the desired product to reach you, all you have to do is lightly touch “Home”.

How to use Touch ID in Apple Pay

On newer models of Apple gadgets (for example, the sixth line), the sensor is used more widely. It is applicable for purchases in stores, in various software, on online resources in the Safari browser using the service Apple Pay.

The technology is also used on iOS gadgets to make online purchases from devices running on the Mac operating system. This is where Apple Pay comes in handy. However, most often users use the technology to unlock the gadget.

Ways to manage Touch ID settings

In the Touch ID menu settings, you can implement functions such as:

  • Disabling or deactivating the technology for passwords and various online stores.
  • Taking fingerprints. If you make several prints at once, recognition will be slower.
  • Naming a previously created fingerprint with a different name. To do this, you need to click on it.
  • Removing an element with a swipe gesture.
  • Identification in the list by touching the "Home" button.

This fingerprint will not be highlighted for long in the list.

If your gadget runs on OS 10, click on the previously mentioned button using Touch ID to unlock the device.

If you don't want to use this button, go to main settings. Next, click on universal access and select the item with the name of the button. All that remains is to enable the opening option using a finger application.

Sometimes the user is required to enter a password or ID number from Apple ID instead of using the Touch ID function. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • After a recent reboot of the gadget.
  • If the system does not recognize the fingerprint 5 times in a row.
  • If the gadget was in a locked state for more than 2 days.
  • When the user recently registered fingerprints or recently erased them.
  • When the user wants to enter the Touch ID and Password section.

If you are unable to use a function for any of the reasons above, try one (or each) of these methods:

  • Check that the operating system on your iOS gadget is the latest version.
  • Make sure the Home button is perfectly clean and dry. Also check your hands for this item. If the button is dirty, carefully wipe the element with a clean, lint-free cloth.
  • The button must be completely closed with your finger. And this also applies to the rim around it. Scanning with the sensor is also complicated by touching or moving your finger too quickly.
  • If you use a case to protect the display or a special film, make sure that they do not cover the desired button and its frame.
  • You should make sure that the iPhone unlock option is activated in the Touch ID and passcode section. You also need to check that the fingerprint registration has been made and saved in the system.
  • If all else fails, try imprinting another finger.

Well, if the last method does not solve the problem, contact the seller, an authorized repair shop or support service on the company’s online resource.

Alexander Grishin

The fingerprint scanner is responsible for the security of your phone's data, along with your digital password and graphic key. It appeared in Apple devices a long time ago, but many still do not know how to make a fingerprint on an iPhone and configure its normal operation.

Now we'll tell you how to do this.

In iPhones, for convenient use, a sensor that reads identification is built into the physical “Home” key and is called Touch ID. Installing such protection applies not only to screen locking, but also to login authorization to many popular applications.

Instructions for setting up a fingerprint

  1. Go to the gadget settings menu and click on the “Touch ID and password” item;
  2. In the menu that appears, click on the option “Enable password” or “Change password” if it has already been set;

Now you need to set up Touch ID. To implement this task, enter the settings menu again, after which you need to go to the “Security” tab;

  1. Find the item “Touch ID and password” and click on it;
  2. First of all, the iPhone will ask you to enter a security code, enter your password and follow the instructions;
  3. In the next step, a window will open asking you to scan your finger. Having previously wiped the surface of the scanner and the finger itself, you need to lean it against the “home” button several times in different positions. Each touch should be stopped after a slight vibration of the phone;
  4. After this, a message will appear asking you to take the phone the way you usually hold it when you want to unlock it. When you choose a comfortable position, take a control scan of your fingerprint.

If your iPhone 6 or any other Apple gadget will be used by other people, then in the same settings you can add the necessary users, who will also have to leave their fingerprints. The number of co-owners cannot exceed 5 people.

Note! Before trying to unlock the gadget by touching your finger, check it for dirt so as not to provoke the system to securely lock the screen.

IN latest model iPhone appeared new system authorization - Touch ID fingerprint scanner. More precisely, a fingerprint sensor, because it is not an optical scanner, but a CMOP chip (Fig. 1).


All information is provided for informational purposes only. Neither the editors nor the author are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this article.

The technology for the production of such sensors was developed by AuthenTec, which Apple acquired in August 2012, along with the corresponding patents.

The sensor receives the key characteristics of the fingerprint (not the photo) and stores them locally on the phone. Apple swears that this private information is not sent to central servers.

Why is this necessary?

If you need access to a friend’s phone, then bypassing the biometric protection is not difficult: just take his/her hand in a dream and put it on the device. Problems arise if we have access to the phone, but the user is unavailable or constantly conscious. In such situations, you have to use the method of making fake fingerprints.

By the way, hackers have long been making artificial fingerprints to deceive biometric security. The first such systems appeared in the early nineties, and options for making artificial copies were immediately found. Tsutomu Matsumoto's 2002 guide is considered a classic.

The problem is that in Lately The quality of sensors is increasing, so the requirements for the quality of prints are also increasing. But still, with enough diligence, anyone can make a print, even if not the first time.

How to do it

Firstly, you need to know exactly which finger the victim uses for authorization, otherwise the amount of work will increase by an order of magnitude (literally by an order of magnitude: we will make ten fingerprints instead of one).

Having identified the desired finger, you need to find a high-quality fingerprint. We warn you right away: it is almost impossible to find a high-quality fingerprint on the smartphone itself. Here all the prints are partial and/or blurry, which doesn't suit us.

A bottle, glass or doorknob is very suitable for taking fingerprints. Such a print can then be easily processed and photographed.

The fingerprint should be developed using graphite powder so that it is clearly visible. If there is no powder, you can use cyanoacrylate vapor, which is part of superglue. You can drop a couple of drops of superglue onto the bottom of a bottle cap and gently press the cork against the surface around the print without touching it, so that the cyanoacrylate vapors affect the print. The chemical will reveal contours no worse than graphite powder.

Then the print needs to be photographed in macro mode. Now every smartphone has a camera that will provide enough good quality photos.

Next, the digital image is opened in Photoshop or another graphic editor. We need to prepare a mask for the future form. The print should be processed: increase contrast and sharpness - and switch to black and white mode (Fig. 2).

There are several ways to make a convex mask and what substance to fill it with to obtain an artificial imprint. To do this, you can use gelatin, latex milk or even wood glue.

In general, any clear liquid substance that solidifies into a stable form.

The mask can be made directly onto the toner bumps from the laser printer, but a more reliable option is to use a light-sensitive circuit board.

The print is printed on transparent film on a laser printer with a resolution of 1200 DPI. We place the printout on a photosensitive form and etch the form for filling.

The last step: fill the mold with gelatin and place it in the refrigerator to harden (Fig. 4). The finished fingerprint can be “put on” your own finger and used for authentication.

Fingerprint doesn't work finger on iPhone 5S: probable prerequisites and methods for solving the problem

Scanner fingerprints Touch ID is one of the most useful features of iPhones and other phones that have this advantage. It not only protects the phone and its data from prying eyes, but also serves as a key for purchases in the app store App Store and the Apple Pay payment system. The scanner also protects third-party applications, for example Sberbank Online. But, like any technical innovation, it does not work perfectly on all devices. In this article, we will figure out what to do if Touch ID on iPhone is not working.

What is Touch ID

First, let's look at what the mentioned fingerprint scanner is. Touch ID, called one of the fundamental functions of the iPhone, first appeared specifically on the iPhone 5s; later models without exception are equipped with this option. How to take a screenshot on sony xperia. How to take a screenshot on iPhone 6. The scanner is built into the main one work button Home. His device is only 170 microns wide (that’s twice as thin as a human hair!) and can quickly analyze the subepithelial layer of the skin of a person’s finger touching the button using a fingerprint image with a resolution of 500 ppi. How to delete a comment on Instagram, how to delete a comment on an iPhone is easier. It is logical that such a narrow system can often be “picky”, which is why the fingerprint on the iPhone 5s does not work.

One of the features of Touch ID is that it can be “trained,” customized, and also stored in memory up to 5 times. fingerprints(both 1 person and several), any of which will be the key to your accessory and individual applications in it.

Setting up Touch ID correctly

From time to time, the iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner does not work well due to an error in its initial option. Therefore, first of all, you should set up Touch ID using your new “smart” device, following Apple’s advice:

  1. Before setting up the sensor, enter the password for the device (4-6 digits, depending on the OS version). How to make a 3D intro on Android!? Specifically, it will help you unlock your device if the scanner suddenly malfunctions.
  2. Make sure the Home button is also clean and dry.
  3. Go to the options under the "gear" icon, select "Touch ID and password". Enter the code from step 1.
  4. Click on "Add fingerprint". Then touch (do not press too hard - just a light touch) the Home button. With all this, it is fundamentally natural to hold the device, position your finger in the way that is most convenient for you.
  5. After touching the button, hold your finger until it vibrates slightly or until the text appears on the display: “Lift your finger and place it on the Home button a couple of times.”
  6. After this command appears, apply your finger, slightly changing its placement.
  7. Next, the device will offer to record your successful capture into its memory. How to take a screenshot (snapshot) of the screen on iPhone 10. Here you should hold the phone in your hand because it will be comfortable for you to place it in your hand when unlocking the accessory. In this pt, you no longer apply the center of the fingertip to “Home”, but its edges.
  8. After you have stored the 1st fingerprint in memory, you can repeat the function for others. How to take a screenshot on Samsung s8 ~. For greater reliability of the scanner, the iPhone’s memory should contain up to 3 of your fingerprints.

"Train" Touch ID

If you are faced with the fact that the fingerprint on the iPhone 5s does not work well, then try to “train” your Touch ID. To do this, you need to go to “Options”, “Tooch ID and password”, enter the appropriate code. Then touch the scanner with the pad of your finger stored in its memory. At this time, the name of her fingerprint on the display will take on a grayish color.

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Start “training” your own scanner - continue touching “Home” with your finger in different positions. These manipulations will help increase the speed of both scanning and fingerprint detection. To achieve the best results, repeat the mentioned method of action a couple of times.

Fingerprint scanner not working: universal ways to fix the problem

If you are faced with the fact that it does not work on the iPhone 5s fingerprint, then we will offer you more possible causes of the malfunction and methods for eliminating them:

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in this video I will show you how to use your IPhone 5 /iPod touch 5 do iPhone 5s. with its biometric scanner.

Apple iPhone 5S - setting up the fingerprint scanner

iPhone 5S - scanner setup fingerprints.

  • First of all, check that the scanner is turned on and configured in accordance with the algorithm from the second subheading. How to set up Siri on iPhone - district portal. In the "Settings" section "Touch ID and password" the sliders opposite unlocking, App Store, iTunes Store, Apple Pay must be active, and in the "Fingerprints" tab at least one finger must be stored in memory.
  • Try entering one or more other fingerprints. Please note that each of them can be assigned its own name.
  • Cause it doesn't work fingerprint on the iPhone 5s, it could be the condition of your hands. 5 proven options to reset your iPhone. If you just came from the cold, have been in the water for a long time, have applied a greasy cream, or there are minor damages on the pads of your fingers (microcracks, scratches), then this may be the reason that the iPhone could not correctly recognize your fingerprint.
  • Clean the Home key with a dry paper or cloth. A ring of dirt that is invisible to the eye sometimes accumulates around its circumference, which reduces the working diameter of the key and complicates the operation of the scanner.

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Now let's move on to more specific cases of faults.

Touch ID doesn't work in cold weather

If the fingerprint scanner on your iPhone 5s does not work in the cold, then the following life hack is for your attention:

  1. To carry out further manipulations, find yourself again in icy conditions and go to the “Touch ID and password” tab located in “Settings”.
  2. Click on "Add a new fingerprint". Your hands should already be cold.
  3. According to the scheme indicated in the second subheading, add the fingerprint of your frozen person to the device memory finger.
  4. If even this manipulation did not help, then there is only one thing left to do - unlock the phone using a digital password.

Problems after update

The overwhelming majority of users complain that imprint finger on iPhone 5s does not work exactly after they updated iOS to current version. The most effective “lazy” way here is to wait for the next “update” in which this bug will be fixed. But if you need a properly functioning scanner on the Home button, then try to troubleshoot the problem using these methods:

  1. Close all running programs and perform a Soft Reset (simultaneously pressing the Home and Power keys for 10 seconds). It would be a good idea to clean the scanner itself and your fingertips with a napkin. How to take a screenshot (screenshot) on sony xperia z. Go to the “Settings” section “Touch ID and password” and delete all existing fingerprints (swipe left or click on their name, then “Delete fingerprint”). Next, select "Add a new fingerprint" and refer to the detailed algorithm described above in the settings.
  2. If the previous method did not help, then you will have to completely flash the device. Be sure to keep it in a safe place before surgery. backups available in iPhone information. How to take a screenshot of the screen on an iPhone. On your PC or laptop must be downloaded and authorized through your Apple ID iPhone program iTunes. Disable Find My iPhone. via USB cable to the “big brother”. If the PC OS is Windows, then during this manipulation, hold down the Shift button on the keyboard; if you have a Mac, hold down the Alt/Option key. Next, select "Restore" by specifying the downloaded firmware.

Touch ID failure

The fingerprint on the iPhone 5s may not work as a result of a malfunction of the scanner - you will see this message on the screen after several futile attempts to unlock the device with using Touch ID. The reasons for it can be different: slight wear and tear on the device itself, conditions that make it difficult to scan a fingertip, etc. How to take a screenshot of the screen on iPhone X using the side buttons? 1. How to take a screenshot on android, ios and win. Open the app or screen you want to take a photo of. The prevention of this problem, according to many users, is the monthly update of the fingerprints recorded in the memory. The latter must be completely deleted and new ones must be added through “Add fingerprint”.

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The way to solve the problem is traditional: clean the Home button and fingertips, remove old “fingers” from memory and add new ones using the standard procedure.

Problems with the App Store

Another problem that can be solved is the malfunction of the scanner when using it in the App Store. In this store, Touch ID is actually the key to downloading new apps. In this case, you can “fix” the fingerprint scanner like this:

  1. Go to the "Touch ID and Password" section in "Settings".
  2. Opposite "App Store, iTunes Store" make the slider inactive.
  3. Reboot your device.
  4. Return to step 1, activate the slider responsible for “App Store, iTunes Store”.

Touch ID scanner is broken

Failure of the Touch ID system itself is rare, but still possible. In this case, the only solution to the problem is to replace the iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner. To eliminate the possibility of error, delete all fingerprints and restart your iPhone. Add your fingerprint to Touch ID & Password again. How can I delete my account? I can't delete it. account It doesn’t show there on the iPhone. If unsuccessful, repeat the procedure a couple more times. If after this the scanner remains blind and deaf to your fingerprints, then only qualified diagnostics and, possibly, repairs will help it. service center Apple.

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Which is equipped with the current flagship Apple smartphone– – significantly simplifies unlocking your device and paying for purchases in iTunes.

In addition, it allows you to provide access to the device to a “stranger” person without having to declassify the password. Whether it is an employee, a relative or a simple acquaintance, you can add and remove a particular fingerprint from the database. Also, sometimes the prints are smeared - in this case, it is enough to simply save a new scan.

The process of removing a fingerprint from the base Touch ID pretty simple. To do this you need to do the following:

1 . Launch the Settings app on your device from Touch ID.
2 . Click on the item " Touch ID and passcode».
3 . Enter your password.
4 . Go to section Touch ID and press the button Change in the upper right corner or swipe from right to left. In order not to confuse unnecessary scans with important ones, .

5 . Then click on the button Delete».

As you can see, to remove an unnecessary fingerprint, you just need to do a few simple manipulations. If you removed a smudged print, rescan and save a new scan.