Speeding up games on your computer. Game Boosting or how to speed up games on your PC Game installation accelerator on Windows 7


Every user has played various games at least once in their life. Sooner or later, your favorite new products begin to slow down terribly, and the picture ruins all the fun. The system is very slow, a lot unnecessary files and programs that interfere normal operation. I really want to play, but the system requirements continue to grow. Let's look at how to deal with this in order to slightly improve computer performance, what methods exist to speed up and optimize Windows operation 10.

Optimizing Windows 10 for games: ways to speed up the operating system

No matter how new the operating system Windows is, it still requires improvements. The OS brings convenience for users, constant updates, but in some cases you want to improve the performance of your computer. There are a lot of owners of old PCs, or not the newest components, but playing games while enjoying a quick picture is always a joy. And I don’t want to wait while the games are installed.

Optimizing for Windows 10 is quite difficult, because there are many methods for cleaning, many files and programs that only fill up disk space, slow down the system and, of course, games. Before deleting any programs, files or services, be sure to check on the Internet what exactly can be cleaned.

How to speed up game installation on Windows 10

Increasing computer performance in games

Requirements for games are growing over the years, and sometimes it is not possible to purchase expensive components or even constantly change them. It becomes very sad when your favorite game starts to slow down. Let's look at exactly how you can improve the performance of your system and computer.

First way

Second way

Third way

Optimizing ping, FPS in online games

First way

This method will perfectly help increase your ping, as well as the number of frames per second.

Second way

Now you can clean the partition of the system itself.

Programs for optimizing Windows performance

Video: how to achieve higher FPS in games on Windows 10

There are many ways to improve performance. It's worth taking advantage of each one to keep your OS in excellent condition. It must be remembered that for users there are always good programs assistants that will clean your computer of unnecessary junk and improve system speed, as well as your mood.

It's not uncommon for problems in games to appear over time and literally appear out of nowhere. It also happens differently - the computer slows down even at the beginning, immediately after installing an application. There are reasons for everything, but both such cases have one thing in common - they interfere with enjoyment Windows user 7. To resolve this, you can try increasing your PC performance.

Why games slow down on Windows 7

First, the user needs to pay attention to the settings of the game itself, in particular the graphic ones. The whole point is that players are trying to install and play games whose system requirements do not meet technical specifications devices. This is the simplest and most obvious problem that every PC or laptop owner may encounter. You can easily fix this problem - change the graphic settings of the application you are using, set all values ​​to minimum.

Often, PC and laptop users simply forget to keep up with updates to video card drivers and other system components, which naturally has a negative impact on the optimization of the computer as a whole and leads to problems in games.

Laptop users, unlike those people who sit at personal computers, may experience problems associated with strong heating of the device. For laptops, this is very important, since most often they are not used as they should be. Surely it is unlikely that if you have such a device, you will put it on the table and sit at it the same way as at a desktop PC. Most likely, you will make yourself more comfortable, for example, lie down on a sofa or bed and put the laptop on top of you. In most models of such devices, the cooling system is located at the bottom or on the side. This means that when working on various soft surfaces, the device can “absorb” dust in large quantities, and this is extremely harmful to the cooling system and, as a result, to the entire device.

Stationary computers can also overheat, but usually this is due to other reasons - high performance of the central processor and other components and the lack of an effective cooling system - a cooler, which simply physically cannot generate all the heat coming from the CPU.

Optimizing your computer: how to increase performance

Operating system optimization in our time is available not only to highly qualified engineers, but also to absolutely ordinary users. It will allow you to achieve the best performance of the entire system as a whole and will improve the performance of games both on a desktop computer and on a laptop.

Working with the system registry

The registry is present in every computer. This is a kind of database that contains various types of configuration information personal computer or laptop, settings of the operating system used, parameters software. It is quite natural that fragmented and cluttered system registry may cause errors in the operation of the computer and a significant deterioration in PC performance. Information is entered into the system registry every time software is installed and uninstalled, so unnecessary garbage may remain here. You can find problems in the registry using special programs, in particular CCleaner:

  • After installation and launch, you should open the tab called “Registry” and click on the “Search for problems” button. The time it takes to complete this process directly depends on the amount of information stored on your computer, so be patient.

    Finding problems in the registry

  • When this procedure is completed, click on the “Fix” button, and an alert may appear in which you will be asked to save backups data. It's best to go along with this if you're not sure what you're deleting to avoid possible problems in future.

    Fixing registry problems

  • The last step is to click the “Fix marked” button and wait for the procedure to complete.

    Removing unnecessary data in the registry

  • Remember that the registry of this operating system is subject to fragmentation, which is why computers running Windows 7 regularly deteriorate. System utilities, unfortunately, cannot work effectively with the system registry, so you will have to install additional program eg Auslogics Registry Defrag.

    Defragmentation and cleaning of the hard drive

    To clean your hard drive and defragment it, you do not need any additional software. Everything can be done using traditional systems Windows tools 7. To perform defragmentation, perform the following manipulations:

  • Open the Start menu;
  • Select "My Computer";

    "Computer" in the "Start" menu

  • Select the drive by right-clicking the mouse on which system information is stored (drive C by default) and go to “Properties”;

    Select “Properties” of the disk

  • Go to the “Service” tab;

    Disk defragmentation in the “Service” tab

  • In the “Disk Defragmentation” section, click on the appropriate button.

    We defragment the selected disk

  • This procedure allows you not only to defragment to improve performance and optimize the entire system, but also to change file system disk (usually NTFS is used).

    The time it takes to complete defragmentation directly depends on the size of the selected disk, the amount of information on it and the degree of file fragmentation. Thus, the process can take from several minutes to several hours. It is advisable to stop using the computer at this time, as this will lead to a significant slowdown of the PC.

    Cleaning and freeing up RAM to speed up processes

    The number of programs and applications running has a significant impact on performance. All of them have an impact on the computer's RAM, so before running software that requires system resources, you should close everything you can.

    First you need to close those programs that you do not currently need. Typically, all active applications are displayed in the task manager. You can open it using a simple key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del or click on the taskbar at the bottom and select “Task Manager”.

    Launching Task Manager

    A window will immediately appear with a list of all running applications. Select the one that you do not currently need and click on the “Cancel task” button.

    We clean RAM by disabling unnecessary applications

    Of course, in addition to active and visible applications, others also participate in the operation of the computer, working in the so-called background. All these programs can be seen in the same task manager if you go to the “Processes” tab.

    Disabling processes to free up memory

    As a rule, some of them can have a significant impact on PC performance and optimization, but remember that disabling processes unknown to you can lead to data loss or deterioration of the computer (especially if you close system process). It is for this reason that it is advisable to disable only those processes that you know.

    Optimizing visual effects

    Windows 7 has an updated graphical interface - Aero, which consumes an impressive amount of system resources. Accordingly, it can influence system optimization, and disabling it will allow achieving productivity. Problems with this interface usually only occur on weak computers and laptops with an integrated or just an old video card. In all other cases, changing the visual effects will practically not change anything.

    In order to reduce the consumption of system resources, it is not necessary to completely disable Aero. You can change some settings in a special menu:

  • Open the “Start” menu and “Control Panel”;

  • In the list of all utilities, find and open “System”;

    Open the “System” parameter

  • Next, you need to select “Advanced system settings” and go to the “Advanced” tab;

    Click on the “Advanced system settings” tab

  • Click on the "Options" button and select "Performance".

    Performance settings

  • So here it will be presented full list special visual effects. If you do not want to completely disable the Aero interface, you can uncheck only the following items: animated controls, fading, casting shadows, displaying them, displaying a rectangular selection.

    Disabling interface visual effects

    Disabling these options will optimize the system and leave the operating system interface looking nice. Of course, you can turn off other settings, but remember that in this case the effect will be much more noticeable.

    BIOS setup

    BIOS is an integrated environment designed to change computer hardware settings. By using BIOS settings'and you can achieve the best performance from your PC or laptop. Flashing the BIOS or changing parameters such as processor frequency, bus speed, etc. is not recommended, as you risk that your CPU will simply burn out. Therefore, we will consider the simplest options that are optimal even for ordinary users.

    First, pay attention to the settings of the cooling system (depending on the BIOS version, the names of the items may change). For this:

  • Enter the BIOS using the Del key while starting the computer;
  • Open the Advanced menu;

    Enter the BIOS settings

  • Here, pay attention to the Fan Speed ​​option. It can have three settings: Enable (the cooler will always operate at high speeds), Auto (the cooler will adapt to the system load), Disable (turns off the cooler);

    Setting up the cooler in BIOS

  • Select what you need, save and exit the BIOS.
  • Secondly, if your device has two video cards (integrated and discrete), then in the BIOS Advanced menu you can change the switchable graphics settings. To do this, select the VGA Mode SELECT item and in the list indicate what you need: dGPU Mode - the built-in video card is activated or Power Xpress Mode - the discrete video card is activated.

    Switchable graphics settings in BIOS

    Setting up the swap file

    The paging file is a kind of addition to random access memory. We can say that this is virtual memory that the user can configure independently. The paging file is taken from a hard drive of a size specified by the user. As you know, the transfer speed of a hard drive is much lower than RAM, so it is impossible to say that the page file can completely replace RAM, but it has a beneficial effect on overall optimization. To change and configure the paging file:

  • Open the Start menu and select Control Panel;

    Open the “Control Panel”

  • Next, go to the “System” tab and open “Advanced Settings”;

    Open the “System” parameter

  • Go to “Performance” and click on the “Options” button;

    Performance settings

  • In the “Advanced” tab there is a “Virtual Memory” section, which is what we need;
  • Click the “Change” button.

    Click “Change” in the “Virtual memory” section

  • A settings window will appear where you select the disk partition whose paging file you want to change, click on the “Specify size” button and set it. Remember that the page file is essentially certain area occupied on the hard disk. It is not recommended to set a large value, because the system will automatically place data about programs in this file, and access to it is much slower than to RAM, and accordingly, performance may drop.

    The optimal size is approximately 30% of the amount of RAM. The last step is to click the “Set” button and restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

    Setting up the video card Reduced performance on Windows 7 may be caused by incorrect graphics adapter settings. This problem is most relevant for laptops, since they have integrated and discrete video cards. It will be no secret to anyone that modern manufacturers regularly release not only drivers, but also for your products. For example, for Nvidia - Geforce Experience, and for ATI Radeon video cards - Catalyst Control Center. With this software, you can change many settings, including optimizing the device as a whole.

    So, if you have a discrete and integrated video card, then you need to change the options in the software you are using. For Nvidia video cards:

  • Right-click in an empty space and select “Nvidia Control Panel”:

    Open the Nvidia panel

  • A settings window will appear, in the left menu of which you should find the option “Manage 3D parameters”;

    Setting up an Nvidia video card

  • Next, select the tab " Software settings" and click the "Add" button;

    Nvidia Software Settings

  • After clicking, a list of applications installed on your computer will appear, select the one you need and indicate your preferred graphics adapter in the corresponding list.
  • This way you can configure any application, and now after launching it, all work will be redirected to the video card that you specified.

    For video cards from ATI Radeon, everything is a little different:

  • Right-click on the desktop and select “Catalyst Control Center”:

    Open Catalyst Control Center

  • A settings window will appear, where you first need to change the view to “Advanced” and select the “Configure 3D applications” option;

    Changing the Catalyst Control Center View

  • After clicking, a list of settings will appear. Select the option you need and select the “High Performance” option from the list that appears.

    Performance Tuning in Catalyst Control Center

  • Thus, the system will automatically launch the most powerful graphics adapter after activating a certain application.

    ReadyBoost function

    Few people know, but the Windows 7 operating system provides the ability to use flash drives as additional device data caching. This way, users can significantly increase the speed of data reading and writing functions, accordingly, optimize their computer or laptop, and improve performance. You can activate ReadyBoost in the following way:

  • Insert the USB drive into the corresponding connector of the system unit;
  • After the autorun window is displayed, select “Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost”;

    Launching the ReadyBoost option

  • In the window, activate the “Use this device” option and specify the maximum amount of memory;

    Configuring ReadyBoost parameters

  • Click the "Apply" button.
  • Everything is ready for use, a special file will be created on the flash drive, which will contain information about programs and applications. Remember that the flash drive should never be removed, at least until you finish working on the computer.

    Using additional software

    Most of the above manipulations can be performed using special software. In addition, such programs often have additional functionality and advanced settings that allow you to optimize the system in the best possible way.

    Razer Game Booster

    Razer Game Booster is one of the most popular applications that provides a wide range of options for optimizing games and other programs installed on your computer. The utility is free and can be easily found on the Internet. To work, you will need to register on the developers’ website, which will not be difficult for anyone, and then log into the program interface using your username and password.

    The setup is completed in a few clicks - just specify “Game Mode”, after which system resources will be directed only to the game launched by the user:

  • Select the "Launch" tab;
  • Click the "Add" button and select a game;
  • Select the game and activate game mode in the menu below.
  • Of course, everything would be fine, but the program works ideally only with powerful computers. Therefore, on older PCs it is better to use other optimization utilities.

    This program appeared a long time ago and has a good reputation. It is used everywhere, as it has a pleasant and understandable interface, as well as all the necessary functionality to optimize the system. The program is distributed free of charge. Therefore, any user can easily find it on the Internet and download it. CCleaner allows you to analyze your system, including finding information that may be hidden in some applications. This information can be viewed after launching the Cleanup function. Also, using such a utility, you can scan the registry, as was mentioned a little earlier; accordingly, this tab is selected. This program has few disadvantages, in fact, that is why many PC users resort to using it. Perhaps the only thing that can be noted here is the ability to delete important data from the registry, but even here the user will be notified in a timely manner about the creation of a backup copy.


    GameGain is software that allows you to get the most out of your computer or laptop. It has a very pleasant and understandable interface, a minimum of settings, which means that almost no one will have any difficulties working with GameGain. This utility is also free and can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded. After launch, a window will appear asking you to select the operating system, as well as the type of processor. As you enter this information, move the slider until you get optimal performance. It should be said that running the computer at maximum “overclocking” parameters, and in the case of this program it will be “overclocking,” leads to a decrease in the operating time of the computer or laptop. You risk losing your “iron friend” ahead of schedule.

    System Care

    System Care is a program designed to clean the system files of the operating system from various debris. Unfortunately, the program is paid and does not have the ability to change the language, and for some Russian-speaking users this may be an obstacle. In addition, System Care has a rather complex interface, vaguely reminiscent of CCleaner, but unlike this program, users will have to figure out what and where it is. Unfortunately, this program is of no use. It is spread virally, fraudulently, and after the first scan of your computer, during which viruses and a huge amount of unnecessary junk are allegedly found, you are given the opportunity to buy it.

    Driver Booster

    Driver Booster- a program that executes automatic mode search for the latest drivers for key elements of a personal computer or laptop. This utility will be useful to everyone, since you need to update drivers regularly, but searching for them every time for your model of components is a very boring task. This free software can be easily found on the Internet and installed on your computer. Driver Booster has a clear and simple interface, performs a quick and convenient check for updates and does not require constant user control. Unfortunately, batch driver updates with this utility often take a lot of time and regularly require a system reboot. Nevertheless, it is a very convenient and good program.

    What can I do to prevent games from slowing down again? How to keep the system in order?

    To stop games from lagging, you should regularly maintain your computer or laptop in good condition. Try to avoid installing many unnecessary programs, completely clean the system of software, and also do not forget about the system registry, which, even after removal, may contain residual files and data. To do this, use CCleaner and make it your “best friend”. Once a month, defragment and analyze the system, then games on your computer will stop slowing down.

    Performing these operations will allow each user, regardless of the configuration of the personal computer, to optimize the operation of the device and increase performance both in online and single-player games. Regularly check for residual data and files and delete them, then your computer will work efficiently.

    Many programs require excellent computer performance. This is especially true for games. But because of not proper operation Windows systems and its low optimization often cause crashes and slowdowns in games. Even with sufficiently powerful computer characteristics, the system does not allow games to be displayed correctly, and the lack of RAM interferes with the gameplay. But, there are many ways to solve this problem and increase PC performance.

    Why do games slow down?

    There are two types of reasons why games slow down: software and hardware. With hardware, everything is simple: computer characteristics are important for running games. Many modern games are not suitable for older processors or require more RAM. The characteristics of the video card (often also the network one) affect the speed of video information exchange. You can check the performance in the task manager, where the CPU and memory load is displayed.

    If the CPU load is more than 90%, it is clear that there are not enough resources for correct operation. The photo shows a diagram of the system's operation when idle. When loading, the history window will have completely different values.

    When running games on laptops, the user may encounter another hardware feature. Errors and slowdowns in games may indicate a low laptop battery. The system's hardware saves energy for long-term operation, so it does not allocate the proper amount of memory for running games. This feature is often found on DELL brand laptops. To continue the maximum operation of the system, it is worth connecting the laptop to the power supply.

    Another interesting reason associated with hardware failures is poor cooling of the video card or processor. A broken cooler can damage the processor after it overheats, which is much more serious than, for example, cluttering the system with unnecessary files. It is also worth paying attention to the dustiness of the inside of the computer: over time, a lot of dust sticks to the boards. a large number of dust that interferes with the operation of current parts.

    With the software type of reasons, everything is more complicated. This is a whole complex of problem sectors of the computer, on which performance depends.

    Factors affecting the performance of a computer or laptop

    • incompatibility of computer software, programs, games, operating system with PC components;
    • the presence of extraneous, unnecessary files;
    • cooler failure or poor heat dissipation from the central parts of the computer;
    • in many cases, the cause is a conflict between programs: installing two antiviruses at the same time or incompatible drivers confirms this.
    • errors in setting up the operating system and/or incorrect use of it;
    • BIOS malfunction;
    • malware infection;

    However, at the software level, there are many ways to solve performance problems. In general, the combination of these methods is called optimization.

    How to optimize your PC on Windows

    How Registry Tweaks Can Improve Performance

    As you know, a computer registry is a global database containing various data about the operation of the system and the computer in general. This global database reflects the parameters and settings of individual applications. Everything is based on how the data in the registry is structured and presented. System failures and errors primarily begin with registry data errors. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly work with data, edit and optimize the PC registry.

    The most in a simple way Entering the computer's registry is using the command line. Opening command line using the Win+R key combination, then enter the regedit command. Thus, the user opens the Registry Editor window.

    The sequence for cleaning the registry is as follows:

    • open the registry editor;
    • go to the link HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion;
    • remove unnecessary programs;
    • the same thing should be repeated with another registry branch;
    • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when you disable any program in startup, it is quite possible to disable the antivirus.

    How to speed up your work by defragmenting and cleaning your hard drive

    The most common way to optimize the operating system is to clean the hard drive from extra files. These may be copies, reports active programs, temporary files, browser cache, etc.

    The standard Windows Disk Cleanup tool is also used to clean the disk from temporary and unused files. Click “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “System Tools”. Then we launch the program. We select the disk we need, remove/place the indicators opposite exactly those categories of files that need to be cleaned (deleted), and proceed to clean it.

    Another convenient way to overclock your computer and system is to defragment your hard drive. This procedure makes it possible to increase the speed of access to files and, as a result, increase the speed of the system. Ultimately, everything depends on the level of disk fragmentation: with a high value, performance increases significantly.

    The defragmentation program is located: Start->All Programs->Accessories->Services. And then select “disk defragmentation”. Specify the desired disk to defragment. In addition, the program analyzes the disk and can tell the user whether defragmentation is needed in this moment. And if desired, the user sets a schedule according to which this procedure will be carried out.

    Cleaning and freeing RAM

    You can unload and clear RAM different ways. In a broad sense, unloading RAM and increasing system performance is called optimization.

    Closing unnecessary programs and applications

    The first step to unload RAM is to end all unnecessary programs running on the computer.

    The task manager displays programs that are running. By “removing tasks” you can unload the RAM, which will give your computer more speed. This is especially true for applications that constantly run in the background.

    Cleaning startup

    No startup required for cleaning special programs and funds. At the command line, enter the MSCONFIG command. So, we will launch the system configuration. Go to the “Startup” item. It is not easy to understand the list of programs that appears. And disabling one of the programs can lead to serious consequences. In particular, to the malfunction of the system or its failure.

    Restarting Windows Explorer

    The explorer.exe process is responsible for everything that the user sees on the screen: the desktop, program images, etc. With a small amount of OP, this process freezes and the images behave strangely. In this case, it needs to be restarted.

    To close a process, you need to hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys and right-click on an empty space in the Start menu. Then select “Exit Explorer”. This will close the explorer.exe process.

    To re-enable it (and it can start automatically), you need to open the Task Manager menu again, create a new task in the “File” panel, and enter the name of the process.

    explorer.exe will be restarted.

    Removing malware to improve performance

    Activity malware on your computer may affect its performance. Because The virus also takes up a share of RAM, it interferes with the work of other applications, and sometimes blocks them altogether.

    Using a multi-level antivirus with updated databases will solve this problem, preventing harmful effects on RAM.

    Optimizing visual effects

    The system interface includes many visual effects that serve to create presentability, uniqueness and, in a sense, style appearance systems. However, such effects have a negative impact on productivity, because occupy a large amount of RAM. And many effects are subtle and therefore completely unnecessary.

    In order to optimize visual effects, you should open “Explorer”, then select “Advanced system settings”. In the “Performance” tab, select “Options”. Now the user has a menu where he can control the operation of visual effects.

    How to configure the BIOS to overclock your computer and improve its performance

    The system operation process can be optimized by adjusting some parameters in the BIOS. This must be done carefully so as not to contribute to any software errors.

    When configuring processor consistency, you must enable the following parameters:

    • CPU Level 1 Cache;
    • CPU Level 2 Cache;
    • CPU Level 2 Cache ECC Check;
    • Boot Up System Speed;
    • Cache Timing Control;

    All these parameters determine the level of system performance, the speed of the processor and information processing, and the stability of the processor.

    You can regulate the operation of RAM using the following parameters:

    • DRAM Frequency;
    • SDRAM Cycle Length;
    • RAS-to-CAS Delay;
    • SDRAM RAS Precharge Time;
    • FSB/SDRAM/PCI Freq;
    • Memory Hole At 15–16M;
    • Optimization Method;

    These parameters include changes in the recharging speed of memory cells, the overall speed of data exchange with RAM, bus frequency, number of clock cycles, and so on.

    It is worth noting that making changes to the BIOS settings may have a negative impact on the operation of the system.

    Setting up the swap file

    A page file is a virtual memory that expands the computer's physical memory.

    You can set up a paging file and clear your computer’s RAM by following a simple algorithm:

    In the “System” tab of the Control Panel, find and select “Advanced system settings”. Next, in “System Properties”, select “Settings” in the “Performance” tab.

    In the performance parameters, we are interested in the settings in the “Advanced” field. Here we set the item that does not include a swap file, confirm. But when returning to the system, you should follow the same algorithm, only to return the previously set settings.

    There is another way to clear virtual memory, using the Group Policy Editor window.

    Select “Security Settings” -> “ Local policies" and select a folder with the same name.

    Call up properties, select “Local security setting” and confirm.

    Video: how to clear your computer's RAM

    The optimal size is approximately 30% of the amount of RAM. The last step is to click the “Set” button and restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

    I’ll tell you about setting up a video card as a way to optimize a computer using the example of setting up an NVIDIA card.

    Video: How to Increase NVIDIA Graphics Card Performance for Gaming

    The first step is to install the card drivers. After installation, you can start configuring the settings.

    By right-clicking on the desktop, we open a pop-up window in which we select the panel NVIDIA management. We are interested in the 3D Parameter. We carry out the settings according to the 3D application. And further:

    • turn on all GPUs;
    • turn off vertical sync;
    • select adaptive power management mode;
    • turn off triple buffering;
    • We configure texture filtering for the highest performance;
    • turn off anisotropic filtering;
    • Turn off scalable textures.

    These basic parameters are enough for the correct operation of applications and launching games. But depending on the drivers and video card model, some parameters may not be in the settings. These settings can increase the frame rate per second by up to 30%, but do not guarantee a 100% result.

    Computer hardware acceleration

    If your computer’s video card is having difficulty working (incorrect image, lag, spontaneous shutdown of visual effects), you should use hardware acceleration computer.

    Hardware acceleration in a broad sense is the offloading of the central processor using hardware to perform tasks separately, i.e. distribution of work across several hardware modules. For example, processing video files of various formats takes up most of the computer’s RAM, and in order to unload CPU, a hardware accelerator module is used.

    Correct operation of hardware accelerators consists of installing the necessary drivers on the computer. In general, the entire work of hardware accelerators is based on the support of software and an entire driver base in the operating system. The graphical interface and visual effects require hardware acceleration, like many graphics engines of modern games and video editors.

    How to enable hardware acceleration

    On the Windows 7 operating system, hardware acceleration is enabled as follows:

    • a special driver is installed (in most cases);
    • right-click on the Desktop -> “Personalization” -> in the “Display” column, select parameter settings, additional parameters. Next, change the parameters in the “Diagnostics” tab. This tab will contain adjustments to the hardware acceleration mode:
    • Configuring video cards from individual companies specialized programs(in the hardware acceleration and video conversion section):

    You can disable hardware acceleration by following the instructions above, but moving the slider to the other side. Often the hardware acceleration feature is not available. The PC does not support hardware acceleration because... The device driver is installed incorrectly or is not designed for this function at all.

    Video: how to enable and disable hardware acceleration?

    Installation and use of optimization programs

    Razer Game Booster

    The program was created to improve computer performance, simplify gameplay, and generally optimize the operating system. Compared to similar programs, it shows good results in terms of quality and efficiency. Does not cause any harm to the system and file databases data. However, it performs comprehensive cleaning and optimization of RAM and registry. The program contains functions for capturing screenshots and recording video of gameplay, and also implements backup files in the selected cloud storage. Recommended by many gamers and experts.


    CCleaner is a simple and extremely effective program for cleaning and optimizing the system. One of the most best programs in terms of reliability and breadth of use profile. It has many advantages: speed of launch/operation, high-quality search and removal of temporary and unnecessary system files, like fixing registry errors, is quite effective. There is also a paid and free version. However, in free version the loss in functionality is minimal.


    The application makes changes to the registry file system, optimizing the operation of the computer. Automatically sets all the necessary registry settings.

    Video: how to use the GAME GAIN program

    Advanced System Care

    The program is a package of basic options for debugging, repairing, restoring, and simply monitoring the system for any malfunctions. Presented in two versions: paid and free. As a rule, the free version does not always work correctly, especially since it does not include all the system protection components provided by IObit. The free version update fails on many computers or does not occur at all. However, the program in terms of functionality and form of execution in the interface differs sharply from all others for the better. Therefore, if the user is seriously interested in increasing productivity, it is worth using Advanced SystemCare.

    Easy Cleaner

    Free program for stable system operation. Its main tool is cleaning Windows registry. But, in addition to this, the program performs a wide range of optimization tasks. In practice, Easy Cleaner is a good tool that would be useful to every PC user. But the program does not always work correctly. Often there are failures when deleting files (after searching for them), and the program freezes during its operation. Meet on forums negative reviews and low program evaluations.

    Red Button

    Initially, the program was conceived as an easy, uncomplicated solution for optimizing the system for amateur users. All you need to do is press the big red button. The result will come by itself. This is the simplicity of the program.

    The latest versions of Red Button have recently been paid. There are analogues of the program, the prices for which have now been raised as much as possible. According to reviews, the program is not highly reliable, and there is nothing unusual in its operation. Red Button is the simplest common tool for optimizing and cleaning the system.

    What can I do to prevent games from slowing down?

    To avoid problems with poor performance, you need to carefully optimize the system. And it’s worth doing this regardless of what type of activity you do on your PC. Rules for cleaning and preventing clutter of RAM and hard drive will ensure the correct and efficient operation of your computer.

    In order to maintain a sufficient level of performance, you need to listen to the advice of experts on optimizing your computer and operating system. This is especially true for fans of online games that require maximum processor power and constant exchange of network and video traffic.

    The most noticeable difference between operating systems Windows and Linux is that almost all operations in the first are performed in a graphical interface. That's why professionals often prefer Linux with its all-powerful command line. However, Windows also has its own command line and even powerful PowerShell. They can make your life a lot easier, for example, when installing applications.

    Few people know that regular Windows applications can be freely installed via the command line. In the same style as on Ubuntu with its APT package manager. The console manager for installing and uninstalling applications for Windows is called Chocolatey, and it works very simply. For example, for Chrome installations you just need to enter the command choco install chrome, and then confirm the installation by entering the letter y or cancellation n. No installers with clicking "Next" or anything else - Chocolatey does everything for you.

    The Chocolatey repositories contain official installation images of popular programs. The entire repository catalog can be viewed on the project’s official website.

    How to install Chocolatey

    The Chocolatey manager is installed the same way it works - through the console. Important note: you need to use the command line PowerShell with administrator rights. To run it, for example, in Windows 10, you need:
    Now you need set script execution policy to the parameter required for installation:
    1. Enter the command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
    2. Press Enter.
    After all this, it’s finally possible install Chocolatey:
    1. Make sure you are running PowerShell with administrator rights.
    2. Enter the command iwr chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex
    3. Press Enter.

    After entering this command, the application will begin downloading and installing. When the installation is complete, you can close PowerShell and go to a regular command line Windows string with administrator rights. You can call it through Run → cmd or simply enter Command Prompt in the Start menu search and right-click on it and select run with administrator rights.

    Repository and programs in Chocolatey

    Of course, the Chocolatey repository only contains free and free apps- no piracy. In total, the manager community supports more than 4,600 software packages. On special page all programs and commands for installing them are displayed - very convenient.

    Successful installation of 7-Zip

    Here are some of the most necessary Windows programs from the local repository + commands to install them:
    • Adobe Flash Player Plugin: choco install flashplayerplugin
    • Google Chrome: choco install googlechrome
    • WinRAR: choco install winrar
    • Mozilla Firefox: choco install firefox
    • Adobe Reader: choco install adobereader
    • 7-Zip: choco install 7zip.install
    • Skype: choco install skype
    • Notepad++: choco install notepadplusplus.install
    • VLC Media Player: choco install vlc
    • CCleaner: choco install ccleaner
    • LibreOffice: choco install libreoffice
    • Paint.NET: choco install paint.net
    Many people hate the command line and typing text into it. Especially for such people there is an interface version of Chocolatey - it can be installed in the same way, through the command choco install chocolateygui.

    You can remove applications with the command choco uninstall [package name].

    Much depends on configurations computer and what system requirements the game itself is designed for. Many people believe that if their PC configuration matches the one specified in system requirements games, then everything is fine. However, it is not. Most often it is indicated there minimum requirements. That is, the game will work well only when the settings are set to low.

    If your computer corresponds minimum requirements, then all settings need to be set to a minimum: resolution, graphics quality, textures, and so on.

    Terminating running programs

    Often the game may lag due to the fact that some other demanding program is running along with it. For example, launched antivirus that performs the scan.

    In this case, you need collapse game and end up on the desktop. Next you need to open .

    Now you need to take a closer look at system resource monitoring and determine which process eats the most. Then right-click on it and press “ Cancel task”.

    By the way, if you play games, then at this time you should turn off all sorts of Torrent and p2p clients. When files are transferred, the computer is loaded and games slow down.

    Most users still try modify your system. Installing various beautiful cursors, transition effects, etc. The desktop is filled with icons and gadgets. It's all decent loads the computer is causing the brakes. Moreover, many people don’t need this if you always work in a program or play a game that has its own interface, with its own style.

    Cleaning your computer

    In this case we mean software cleaning. That is deletion unnecessary registry entries, as well as temporary files. A lot of such garbage remains in the system. Moreover, you constantly delete many files and programs, but their entries are still stored in the registry. Because of this, the computer starts to brake.

    To prevent this:

    Defragment the disk

    All saved on HDD files are written in parts. Time passes and there are too many of these parts scattered throughout the system. It becomes difficult for the computer to assemble them into one part, thereby productivity drops.

    To prevent this you need to regularly defragmentation hard drive. There is a way to do this third party utilities, and built-in system ones. Let's use the system one for this:

    Now defragmentation will take place, after which the system will work noticeably faster. Recommended conduct this procedure, at least once every 2 months.

    Page file and system optimization

    The first step to Windows optimizationdeletion various modifications and gadgets. This will significantly improve productivity. But that's not all.

    If an application on the system does not have enough RAM, it starts using “ Swap file" Therefore, it is better to configure it. This is done like this:

    It's also worth downloading a program for your system that will open hidden by developers settings. Such programs are called “Tweakers”. They are different for each system.

    Video card settings

    A lot also depends on the settings of the video adapter. If you configure it correctly, performance will increase and games will not slow down.

    Ati Radeon

    For these video cards, the settings need to be set to approximately following:

    We also go to “ Special installations”.