Learn SEO promotion yourself. SEO Training


Popularity SEO profession is constantly growing, which is not surprising - this is due to the increasing complexity of promotion on the Internet. If previously website owners handled optimization themselves, now they can’t do it without the help of an expert. There will always be a need to attract targeted visitors to the resource. Over the past year, the number of vacancies in this area has increased by about 20%. More and more people want to know how to become an SEO specialist, because this is not taught in universities. Is it possible to learn all the intricacies of the profession on your own? Yes, but you will have to work hard for this.

What you need to do to become an SEO specialist

Once upon a time, owners of online stores and similar resources spent a lot of money trying to promote their site, and success was not at all guaranteed, because they had to act almost at random! Fortunately, today you can do without risk. Exists three ways to gain the necessary knowledge.

  • Practice. A long and risky path associated with independent experiments in the field of search engine promotion. You will need your own website (preferably several) and a certain amount that will be spent on maintaining its activity. You can get information from specialists’ blogs - there are really a lot of them.
  • Theory. Textbooks, websites, master classes. Quantity theoretical material impressive, but to become a top-notch SEO specialist using this method, you need serious self-discipline and a relentless desire to learn. Not the easiest option - it's like trying to study foreign language exclusively from the book.
  • Combination of practice and theory. SEO courses- the simplest and affordable way. Its advantage is the ability to immediately apply knowledge into practice, and your success will be monitored by experts who will help you avoid problems. The “practice + theory” method requires free time (usually in the evenings) and certain financial investments.

Tips for beginner SEO optimizers

Don't try to get to the hardest part right away.

As a first project, it is better to choose something with low level competition. If there are still competitors in the chosen field of activity, do not try to promote high-frequency queries - a beginner has no chance in this. Start with the low frequencies. Don’t try to trick behavioral factors or use automatic promotion - you can easily fall under the search engine filter. Also be careful when purchasing links.

The plan is the main thing.

You will have to perform a huge number of complex actions, and many of them must be performed in a certain sequence. The slightest mistake and the site falls under sanctions. To prevent this from happening, make a plan according to which you will act, and do not move on to the next stage until the previous one is completed. For example, before installing a template on a website, be sure to clear it of hidden links, duplicates and other garbage, otherwise the search engine will consider the resource to be of insufficient quality.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your competitors.

Are your competitors doing better than you? It doesn’t matter, because you can see what they do for this! Analysis of the actions of other optimizers is one of the main aspects of the activity of any representative of the promotion industry. There is no need to strive to surpass your “rival” in everything - it is better to act carefully, and in some cases you can try to contact him and ask him how to act in a given situation.

Study the effectiveness of your own work.

Periodically check if everything is in order: conduct tests, analyze the results of your activities and the effectiveness of website promotion. SEO is a relatively unpredictable field in which unforeseen circumstances often arise. So that they do not bother you, you need to pay attention to the little things.

Always learn.

Good knowledge of English will be a huge advantage, since the latest information is posted on foreign websites. However, domestic specialists are not far behind their Western competitors. Periodically read books and articles, watch video lessons, take new courses. Attending seminars and conferences - great way learn something special. Representatives are sometimes present at such events search engines, with whom it is always useful to communicate.

Experiment! Just be careful.

Search engine promotion is a flexible tool. It is impossible to say with 100% certainty which method will lead to success - there are too many variables. The best option will try something new and unusual. However, remember that when experimenting, you should not go beyond the limits set by the search engine! Even if you manage to “outsmart” the search engine’s operating mechanism, in the future this may negatively affect search results, or even lead to sanctions.

Take your time and learn to wait.

It is impossible to get quick results in such a competitive field. If you do everything correctly, the first thousand visitors will begin to regularly come to your site in about a year. The faster the indexing, the sooner you will be able to achieve the desired effect, so take care of the speed of work. Remember that the profession of an optimizer is suitable for diligent and patient people. Many bloggers have to write a lot of articles that no one pays attention to, but then their patience is rewarded.

Is it easy to become an SEO expert on your own?

No, it's not easy. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to assimilate a huge amount of information, have patience and always remain attentive. However, there is nothing supernatural about this. At the right approach (combination of theory and practice) mastering the profession will take relatively little time and will not require serious financial investments. In return, you will receive a highly paid, interesting, prestigious and in-demand job that you can do from anywhere in the world.

It’s easy to learn SEO from scratch on your own. SEO is the science of search engines. An SEO specialist studies from scratch what foundations are laid in SEO.

SEO from scratch is fun!

SEO training from scratch

Let's start with the fact that all search engines look at websites. Yandex copies pages for itself and remembers them. To then provide the result to users. When the user asks for something, that is, enters his request, Yandex will issue a result.

  • Index is what Yandex memory is called in SEO courses from scratch. This is where the pages go.
  • Search results - this is how search results are called in books on SEO. What the search engine offers us to read is understood here.

Video tutorials on SEO, including SEO from scratch in WordPress, contain tips on optimizing your website from scratch.

  • SEO is a set of practical techniques required to ensure that a website ranks first.

Where to start SEO from scratch?

  1. SEO from scratch 2018 begins with compilation.
  2. SEO online also involves distributing keys into groups.
  3. Promotion includes optimizing a page for one or more keywords.
  4. SEO text is strengthened by filling out hidden fields - meta tags (description and title).
  5. SEO lessons from scratch include creating links - both internal (from article to article) and external (from someone else's site to an article).
  6. Settings from scratch also means adding robots and sitemap - files with which SEO becomes even more powerful.

Practice shows that SEO starts from scratch with home optimization pages. Home is the cover of the site. That is, what we see when we type the site.

SEO from scratch from A to Z

Free SEO courses always start with the principles of search engines. Search engines crawl sites, record their content, and then return results when readers make search queries.

The result is links to your pages.

For SEO from scratch optimization, it is important that the site has many pages. SEO of a website from scratch concerns only those sites that have something to promote - SEO articles with SEO texts that can be promoted in search.

Principles of SEO promotion from scratch

  1. Promotion from scratch can be done in a few months.
  2. You need to constantly write articles.
  3. In addition to daily publication there should be.
  4. Before creating articles, select keys. Constantly expand list of keywords

(semantic core) for new articles.

Hello, friends. My name is Artem and I am the author of this blog. Last time, in an interview with Andrey Kulutsky, we completely figured out who he is and what he does, how much he earns, etc. Today we will delve into the topic and talk about how to become an SEO specialist and quickly get the first result. Again, Andrei Kalutsky, a SEO specialist, practitioner, and a person who mastered this profession from scratch, will help us figure it all out. For questions regarding cooperation, you can contact Andrey here.

Andrey, tell me where a newbie should start?

  1. First there must be interest and desire to work. If there are no problems with this, then you can move on to studying the theory:
  2. get at least a basic understanding of CSS and HTML;
  3. understand the algorithms of search engines;

master the basic tools for website optimization and promotion;

After that, move on to practice. Take on a few small projects and gradually improve your skills.

Can you really master all of the above on your own?

Yes, that's exactly how I started.

  1. Is there any special forum for SEO specialists?
  2. searchengines.guru ;


A lot of useful information about SEO optimization is published on these sites.

I am sorely lacking free time. The whole problem with a flexible schedule is that I have to independently plan the workload, monitor project deadlines, work with customers and supervise other performers.

How do you plan your time?

First, I define the overall goal and highlight the priority tasks. For example, to optimize a new website, you first need to order articles and links. After that I move on to minor edits technical work and attract additional specialists.

Why do you love your job?

What difficulties arise?

Problems rarely arise with programmers and designers. The main problem with copywriters. They may not comply technical task, miss deadlines, submit poor-quality work, or generally write text that does not correspond to the topic.

How to find a good copywriter for a project?

First, remember: if you look for a new copywriter for every one-time order, you will spend too much effort, time and budget. You must have a full-time copywriter.

Find good specialist It’s difficult to find reasonable prices. As a rule, such a person is busy with work and is rarely distracted by small tasks. Ask people you know who filled their websites with content. If there are none, place orders on freelance exchanges. Perhaps after a long search you will find the right person.

What problems arise with customers?

Due to increased busyness, many customers are unable to provide the necessary data for the project in a timely manner. Let's say you need to fill out a page about a company's services. To do this, you need to get a price list, photo and short description each service. At this stage, you are extremely vulnerable, since there will be no content - there will be nothing to optimize. Such force majeure events disrupt the plan and negatively affect the final result.

To avoid delays, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. write a separate clause in the contract explaining that the project period begins to be calculated from the moment all necessary materials are received;
  2. draw up detailed technical specifications;
  3. create, print and send to the customer a detailed checklist of everything needed;
  4. Periodically call the customer and remind them of your requirements.

What are your plans for the future?

I will gradually increase the volume of work. I want to increase my salary to 10,000 hryvnia per month over the next few years. We'll see later. The main thing is that the number of projects does not affect the quality.

Hold out for six months. During this period you will have to work a lot, read and freak out. If you don’t break down, adequately assess your strengths and thoughtfully approach each task, then you will succeed.


  1. To become a CEO, you must have an interest and desire to work.
  2. Study the theory: search engine algorithms, optimization and website promotion tools.
  3. Get to practice. Start with a small project and gradually improve your skills.
  4. From the first days, learn to prioritize and plan time.
  5. Practice - The best way training. If you would like to take the course, pay attention to the University of Netology.
  6. To implement most projects you will need a team: programmers, .
  7. You will have the most problems with copywriters, so find a full-time specialist.
  8. Request information from customers for the project. Due to increased busyness, many will not be able to provide the necessary data in a timely manner.

Dear readers, now you know who SEO specialists are and what they do. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

We all came from other professions (related and not), but we were united by one thing: a terrible interest in what was happening on the Internet.

If the thought “I want to become an SEO” has stuck in your head and you don’t know where to start, then listen to the dinosaurs. We had a long trek with rocks, holes, tripping, rattlesnakes and so on. Once they even almost went extinct;) But jokes aside, it’s time for fascinating stories about how we learned SEO from scratch.

Oleg Vasiliev

Believes that the SEO profession begins with a detailed study of responsibilities

Tips from Baku if you are attracted to an SEO vacancy:

Look better: whether you are just someone looking for a job or a student, there are many similar vacancies on the market, they will even help you learn how to optimize for free :)

Don’t be lazy: find and read what SEO is, who an SEO specialist is and what his responsibilities are. For what? So as not to waste your time or the time of your manager who will guide you. Yes, yes, exactly to guide. You will learn the basic information on your own.

Know and conquer: in order to learn competent SEO website promotion, you need to completely immerse yourself in your profession, quickly delve into the topics of your clients and be prepared for the fact that there is no magic pill that solves all problems. There will be no template projects or solutions. And yes, if all three describe you, then you belong in Semantics.

Daria Kuznetsova

Content marketer. Trying to learn SEO for free at the expense of colleagues' free time

I want to become a SEO specialist. No, really! I’ve been beating around the bush for a long time, but I still haven’t mastered this science. Of course, I know how to optimize text, I can put together a decent semantic core for an article and I know what is “gray” and what is “black”, and I am also aware of most of the factors influencing ranking. This knowledge is not enough to promote the site, but I can definitely handle the content.

The idea of ​​learning SEO came to me a long time ago, when I was trying to become a millionaire, just like Zuckenberg. What I did then:

  1. I read the exact definition of the word SEO in various sources (both English and Russian).
  2. I read the book by Ashmanov and Ivanov “Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines”, but I understood little.
  3. I started reading Devaki’s blog blindly.
  4. I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube.

To be honest, I never learned how to become a good SEO. I just didn’t understand how to connect the acquired knowledge and put together a complete picture from all the scraps.

My advice is this: to learn SEO website promotion, you need to hang out with SEO experts. No, not with your classmates/classmates who think that they are cool guys and it’s time for them to create their own business. And with those who have been practicing SEO for a long time and successfully. For example, with us;)

Our blog is full of articles that clearly convey to a beginner everything you need to know to make your dream of becoming a SEO professional come true. Welcome!

Vladimir Shestakov

Became an SEO specialist on my own thanks to my curiosity

I used to be a webmaster. I looked at my SEO colleagues for a very long time and envied them very much. It seemed to me that they had a very interesting job and, as it turned out later, I was not mistaken. Soon, envy strangled me so much that I decided to leave the heated place of plankton and become, for now, a non-professional search engine optimization. Thanks to a long-standing personal interest in web technologies, I quickly got to the heart of the matter. At first I tried to learn SEO website optimization from my former colleagues. They advised me on books, blogs, and told me what and how they do. To keep up with trends and prospects, I became an avid reader of many SEO blogs, which helped me learn SEO from more than just the technical side of things. Finally, I attended several workshops that gave me even more insight into my work.

Later, I began to practice and carry out assignments and routine work of the guys who were my mentors. And later he began taking on freelance projects. Several years of experimentation, chasing trends and complete immersion in the issue made me a true professional.

And to everyone who wants to become an SEO, I would like to say this: a passion for technology helps you achieve success. If you are curious, like to get to the bottom of the issue, you want to have some “secret knowledge”, then yes, everything is ahead of you.

Anna Serebryakova

Head of SEO Department. Advises you to immerse yourself in your work

It would be like this: in 2010, when I was on maternity leave and had nothing to do, I came across the blog shakin.ru and read it all in a week. I was literally hooked. Then the search forum, then a lot more data... I just read non-stop. Then I found (or she found me) an interesting vacancy: “We need a SEO specialist to join the studio staff.” So I began to learn SEO promotion.

In general, the most important thing in SEO is daily training, complete immersion in the profession and the desire to reach the truth of what you want to comprehend. There are also some nuances: the result of promotion depends on many factors, and finding the perfect combination is a real art. As they say, you can play badly by accident, but you can’t play well by accident. You can become an SEO specialist from scratch only through total immersion into work despite the fact that projects must be diverse. In this case, the statement “the more the better” works 100%. Let you do something wrong at first, but then you will understand the line between what works and what doesn’t work.

Roman Muller

Believes that you just need to try

How did I become an SEO specialist on my own and practically from scratch? The first time I tried to do SEO was in 2012, in the spring. I remember how I collected LF for my website. mobile applications just digging into the depths of what was then still “Magadan”. I collected the keys incorrectly, received a drop from the potential sea, but still the units were somehow there. I also had experience in SEO optimization for online cinema (for Russian TV series, to be more precise). Again, there was a wrong approach to work and the maximum was about 1k units per day, monetized mainly with teasers and advertising in the player.

Eh, it was a great time when you could just spam links and get to the TOP. Now we need high-quality links and we need to work with sites in more detail and scrupulously. The situation is changing for the better for users; there are now more and more high-quality sites in the search results, and learning SEO promotion is becoming more and more difficult. This has its pros and cons: popular engines like WordPress already have hundreds of different SEO plugins, which undoubtedly makes life easier.

How to learn SEO promotion? The advice is simple: try, even if you doubt it, even if you are sure it won’t work out, just try. Well, this advice is not only for the SEO area ;)

Igor Ivanov

A real dinosaur of the Internet and, in addition, the head of the studio. I am sure that you can become a good SEO specialist from scratch only through suffering

Started with serch in 2006, at least some helpful information was just there. To get even a crumb of something worthwhile, I had to look through tons of shit and all sorts of nonsense. I experimented on my projects, or rather, I made projects specifically to test something. I spent a lot of money... it’s scary. But that was the only way understanding came. Yes, it still is. Nothing much has changed. Information on the Internet can give a reason and direct thoughts in the right direction. But one way or another, everything still has to be double-checked and analyzed.

After the search, valuable information began to appear on the blogs of SEO specialists, “homeless people”, and the search generally became some kind of rubbish. Over the past three years, blogs have already been closed or there was nothing to write about. Now you are interested in webinars or social network: You can find a lot of interesting things in the feeds of specialists.

To become an SEO specialist from scratch, you need practice and only practice. Only in person can you understand how everything actually works (or doesn’t work). And it is also important to understand that practice is not one or two projects, but several dozen.

From the author: opinion regarding SEO optimization in Lately diverges. Some people believe that this direction is no longer relevant, others - that it continues to be one of the most effective methods website promotion on the Internet. Let's take a closer look at the issue and find out whether SEO training is worth it and where you can get it.

Search engine optimization is an interesting niche in which even a person who does not understand advertising or promotion on the Internet can start working. Of course, in this case it will take more time to study basic SEO lessons, however, if you delve into the material for 2-3 months, you will be surprised at the level of knowledge gained.

Main tasks of an SEO optimizer

SEO for beginners will seem like a huge world of incomprehensible terms and in-depth analytics, however, this direction can be described in simple Russian language. A specialist in the field of search engine promotion is obliged to improve the site’s position in Internet search results by improving the content and adjusting the usability of the site.

In other words, the SEO specialist makes the resource more convenient for visitors. In turn, the search engine notices that users get what they want when visiting the site and spend more time on it, and, as a result, promotes the site in the search rankings so that other people on the Internet get here.

What skills and knowledge are needed to work as a CEO?

To get started full-time job In this topic, it will be enough to understand:

basics of SEO promotion;

the principle of operation of the main search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.);

structure of writing SEO articles.

The following skills will give your development in this topic an additional boost:

knowledge in English;

marketing basics;

ability to analyze the market;

additional knowledge on website development (for example);

understanding the basics information technologies.

Four global SEO trends for 2016

To achieve more significant results in website promotion, you must understand the mechanics of search engines. It should be noted that it is updated every year, so you need to constantly monitor new trends. Check out the latest features of search engines, revealed after a series of studies:

There's no point in looking for cheat codes.

Plugins and other web developments that improve the efficiency of the site’s core are no longer as relevant as they used to be. This is due to a large number of innovations. The creators of all kinds of technical modules simply do not have time to edit and customize them new format, so it’s much more logical to do the main work yourself.

Content is the basis of search engine promotion.

You have found yourself in the era of a real information war. Websites compete for visitors, attracting them with more and more interesting content. It is no longer possible to do without it, since search results It also depends on how much time visitors spend on the site.

A catchy title, information content, a solution to a specific problem - all this should be present in the text. Moreover, people began to reveal lies and various “deceptions” even at the embryonic stage, so work on honest and useful content.

Mobile optimization is a basic need.

If a user logs into a browser and enters a query into a search engine via a smartphone, for example, “Moscow taxi,” then more likely he will come across a site tailored for a mobile format.

Local issuance has become a priority when issuing commercial websites.

From now on, when people are introduced search queries For commercial purposes, sites with a territorial location in the same city where the client is located will be primarily displayed.

An exception would be the use of gadgets that have the GPS tracking system disabled, or performing a search indicating a specific city in the request.

Where can I get basic knowledge?

You can learn the basics of SEO by following these steps:

studying books in this area;

understanding information through educational articles and videos on Youtube;

by completing specialized SEO courses (free at first, then you can try paid ones);

by meeting more experienced specialists who will agree to help you dive into this topic.

All of the above options work and have bright followers who, having followed one of the above roads, later became successful specialists. However, there is a key point that should never be missed. We are talking about the practical component of training.

You should not adhere to the strategy - first education, then work. No - that’s not possible. It is much more effective to grasp the basic principles of SEO optimization, and then immediately apply the accumulated knowledge in practice, gradually adding to the wealth of information.

How can you make money from your SEO knowledge?

There are several options for making money in this area with the proper level of knowledge:

Teach others online.

Try and monetize it by teaching the basics of SEO optimization to other people. This can be done through video or text materials - whichever is more convenient for you.

Get a job as an employee.

Good optimizers are a valuable treasure in the labor market. Now, if you have proper experience in the field of search engine promotion and can guarantee a specific result for the company, then feel free to count on a monthly salary of 50,000 rubles.

Become a freelancer.

Register on the appropriate exchanges on the Internet and select orders that suit your profile. This option can be called optimal for beginners to get their hands on.

Collaborate with a web studio.

You can enter into a contractual agreement with any web studio involved in website development. The essence of the agreement is that the partner company will recommend you as a promotion specialist to its clients. In principle, this format can be considered freelancing, however, to some extent stabilized, since there will be constant orders.

Open your own company.

This path is considered the most difficult. It is suitable for those who want to open their own business in this area, providing search engine promotion services through the hands of other people. Of course, in this case one cannot do without developed management skills.

Now you generally understand the mechanics of search engine optimization and know where to learn this interesting craft. You can try enrolling in SEO courses, or immediately move on to practical activities, gaining knowledge from real experience. Either way, SEO training is not a waste of time.

This area is very popular and useful, so we wish you good luck and rapid SEO development. Our blog will help you with this, where interesting articles regularly appear covering all areas of website development and promotion. So subscribe so you don't miss anything! See you again!