What can be sanctions for search engines? Yandex sanctions and filters


Good day. For any webmaster, the most important goal is high positions of his website in search results. But not every webmaster remembers that the search engine was created not only to raise his site to high positions and increase traffic to his site, but also to ensure that ordinary users receive high-quality results for their queries. And the last purpose of the search engine is a priority for search engines, and therefore every webmaster must be able to balance between these two goals of search engines, so as not to fall under the filter and sanctions of search engines. And it is precisely about the filters of the Yandex search engine that we will talk today in this article.

Yandex main filter– this is the so-called ban. The ban is imposed on the entire site, all pages of the site are excluded from the search. The most common reason for a ban may be search spam. What is search spam? This is when a website page is oversaturated with keywords or phrases. Many people do this deliberately, believing that the higher the keyword content of a page, the higher its position in search results, but this is not so, this judgment has been erroneous for several years, and many pages fell under search engine filters for precisely this reason. Some webmasters do not consciously saturate their pages with search phrases and may also fall under sanctions from the system.

The most common reasons for search engine sanctions

  • Oversaturation of website pages with search keywords or words.

    As mentioned above, many do this deliberately, believing that the higher the keyword density, the higher the site’s position, but this is not so. Search engines fight such phenomena as search spam and punish such sites with a ban, that is, by excluding the site from their search. In order not to fall under the Yandex filter, you need to wisely approach the placement of keywords in your text; after writing the text, be sure to re-read it and delete unnecessary ones keywords to make the text readable for users. And always remember that a keyword density of 5% is not a guarantee that the site will be in the TOP of search engine results, but a guarantee that the site will fall under the search engine filter.

  • Publishing a list of search queries on website pages.
  • In the recent past, it was very fashionable to publish on a website page a list of key phrases that lead to a transition to this page from search engines. But, this technique has not worked for several years, and may negatively affect Yandex’s attitude towards your site or your site may even get banned. The engines of many popular CMSs make it easy to track key phrases that led to transitions from search engines to the site and place them on the page. So, this function needs to be disabled immediately, because this is a direct road to a ban.

  • Publish a list of key phrases on the pages of your website.
  • Again, a popular misconception is that placing a list of keywords on a page of your site will improve your site's ranking. Some place such lists at the bottom of the page in a noticeable color or even make them match the background color of the page itself. But you understand, you can hide this list of keywords from users, but search robots don’t care what color this list is, it still sees them and evaluates them accordingly.

  • A large number of keywords in meta tags.
  • Tags such as h1-h6, meta keywords, description. Overspam of these tags may result in a ban.

  • if the site contains pages that do not contain useful information for users or created specifically to promote a site for certain requests, you can get caught in the Yandex filter and get banned.
  • the presence on the pages of a website of text hidden from users, no matter how it is hidden.

Signs of a ban

  1. Complete exclusion of the site from Yandex search.
  2. But, there are times when the entire site or some pages fall out of the index and this does not mean that it has been banned, there could simply be problems with the hosting and when the robot crawled, it was not able to index the site. If this happens, then you need to wait, and after the search engine updates, your site will return to the index. If even after the updates your site has not returned to the index, then you need to write to the support service with a question about the reasons for your site falling out of the search. Sometimes violations are not noticeable to webmasters, but by corresponding with the support service you can find out about the violations and correct them.

  3. Another sign of a site falling under the Yandex filter is a partial loss of the site from the index; from 1 to 10-30 pages of the site remain in the search.
  4. This Yandex filter is also called AGS. In this case, when corresponding with the support service, you will receive a response that the search engine algorithms have decided not to include your site in the Yandex index. To get out from under this Yandex filter, you just need to develop your website, because in narrow circles the AGS filter stands for Anti-GovnoSite, so draw your own conclusions.

Other reasons for falling under the Yandex filter

  1. If the site consists of stolen content, if the uniqueness of such content is zero.
  2. The content is completely uninteresting to users. But this point is quite vague, it’s hard to say how the search algorithm believes that the content is not interesting to users!

  3. Sites with content containing spelling errors or poorly written content may fall under the Yandex filter. Don't forget, you are creating sites for users!
  4. If your site consists only of videos and no content at all, then such a site may not only fall under the filter, but also not be indexed by the search robot.
  5. If the site is created solely for selling advertising.

Bring appearance your site to the human species, and it will not fall under the filter.

How to get out from under the AGS?

It's quite difficult. To get out from under the AGS, you need to double-check your site for the presence of non-unique content, and if there is any, then you need to replace it. Remove all duplicates, fill your site with new content, that is, start updating the content. You can change the domain, review the site structure and change it if necessary.

Types of Yandex filters

Pessimization– a type of filter that disables the site’s link ranking. When a site falls under such a filter, all links, both purchased and natural, leading to the site stop working, and the site’s performance drops sharply. Signs that a site has fallen under the filter are a sharp decrease in the site’s position by several hundred positions, and all pages of the site remain in the index. If positions fluctuate by several dozen, this does not mean that your site has fallen under the filter.

The reason for site sanctions by Yandex may be the placement on the site pages of so-called “link dumps”, various directories of links and any other links that are not intended for ordinary users, but are placed only to manipulate search engine results. For example, if you are planning to register your site in any directories, then you should not place backlinks or banners of a particular directory where you are registering your site, because there is a high chance of getting caught by the Yandex filter. You can also fall under the filter due to sales links. Therefore, you should approach such links wisely and place no more than 5 of them on one page. Pessimization can also affect sites that are full of all kinds of advertising banners, pop-up windows that interfere with users’ viewing of the site, and the site’s T&C is reset to zero.
The “pessimization” filter was replaced by the “You are the last” filter.

You're the last one is a Yandex filter, in which the site is excluded from the search, but remains indexed. In the search, the site can be found, but only by unique phrases that are present on the site. When you enter a site address as a query, the site that falls under the filter may not be in first place in the search results. You can fall under the filter due to non-unique content that is intended to make money. At the same time, the owner of this content, that is, the original source, may also fall under the filter. To get out from under the filter, you need to change non-unique content.

Affiliate filter is a Yandex filter that applies to sites of the same subject matter belonging to the same company. The Yandex filter believes that there should be only one company website in the top search results, and not several at the same time. At the same time, both one affiliate site and all sites belonging to one company may fall out of the search results.
Today, it is impossible to determine the signs of a site being hit by a filter, since the algorithm for its operation is not known.

Filter "You're spam". It is not officially presented, but it was noticed and they were able to classify it. This filter does not include the entire site, but only the page or pages for certain queries that are full of keywords for this query. That is, it is checked separate page for a specific request and if its content contains many search words for this request, then it can go under the filter. Its creation was aimed at combating SEO texts that are oversaturated with keywords, created solely to promote a page for certain queries, and which are of no benefit to users. To check whether a page falls under the filter, you need to enter the desired query, but in a modified form, and if the page you are checking is in the results, it means that it is under the filter.
To get out from under the “You are spam” filter, you need to rewrite the text, removing spammy keywords from it, reduce the size of the content, and adapt the page for users, and not for search robots.

Filter "Nepot". It consists of zeroing the weight of links from the site. This happens when there are a large number of outgoing links from the site.
Adult filter- This is a Yandex filter for sites with adult themes. A completely decent site, the content of which does not contain pornographic or erotic content, can also fall under the filter if there are erotic advertisements on its pages. Therefore, you need to be careful with advertising of an erotic nature.


Let's summarize what was said above. There are not so many Yandex filters and it is very easy to fall under them. As has been said many times in this article, you need to write content for users and create sites for people (SDL - site for people), Yandex representatives always talk about this. There is no need to use black methods of site promotion, or abuse sales links and advertising. Write unique content that is primarily interesting to users. By following these rules and always thinking about users, your site will not fall under Yandex sanctions.

Yandex has its own system of rewarding and punishing sites. If the site is “obedient” and follows all the rules and regulations, then it is raised in the search results (put on the first pages of the search ranking), if not, it is dropped to the last pages or banned (a filter is applied). And it’s not easy to get out from under the filter. You can’t say: “Forgive me, omnipotent Yandex, I won’t do this again.” It will not work. In some cases it is not removed at all. Never.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Now we will tell you about all the Yandex rules so that you comply with them and know what you can be punished for.

Types and types of Yandex filters

There are only two types of filters: pre-filters and post-filters.

Pre-filters are superimposed by the search bot at the site indexing stage. If something seemed suspicious to the robot (for example, strange changes on the site, a surge in user activity for no reason, etc.), then it simply decides to temporarily lower the resource in the search results until it understands the situation. And demotes it - drops it to page 5-20 of the search.

Postfilters are superimposed after the relevance of the document is calculated. If there are suspicions (or evidence) of cheating on behavioral factors, you will receive a rating downgrade. If not worse.

There are also two types of filters: manual and automatic.

Everything is clear here: automatic ones are those that are applied automatically by the search engine using a special algorithm, manual ones are applied by moderators after studying the problem.


Yandex has several types of punishments - filters. We will tell you about the most popular of them:

  • Pessimization.
  • AGS (a filter that puts sites on the Yandex “black list”).
  • Ban (the site is completely removed from the search results).
  • “You are last” (the page or site is shown last in the search).
  • “Overspam” or “footcloth”. This filter is applied for spam texts without formatting.
  • For boosting PF (behavioral factors). Not the entire site’s position is deteriorating. The filter includes those pages on which the search engine robot has detected cheating. The result of applying the filter is leaving the TOP-100.
  • Affiliate. This filter is applied if you decide that it is easy to deceive the search engine, created several sites and were able to push them into the top ten leaders. That is, several of your sites in the same topic were in the TOP 10.

Let's look at each filter and ways to get out from under it in detail.


You discovered that the site was very far from the first page of results. Congratulations, you have the Pessimization filter applied to you. For what? For non-unique content, a huge number of links and advertising, etc. Here are some reasons that Yandex itself writes about, read carefully.

What to do?

Do not panic. It's unpleasant, but not fatal. Start cleaning your site: remove texts that contain a lot of keywords, content borrowed from competitors, and unoriginal images. Check the meta tags (remember, each page must have its own unique Title), format the text so that it is easy for users to read, remove advertising. The filter will be removed in a couple of weeks.


A terrible filter - site pages fly out of the index. Receive this filter to resources that have no useful information, few unique users, but a lot of outgoing SEO links.

The main task of this filter is to clear the search of garbage. Therefore, “junk” sites are removed from the search, and only sites with useful information are raised in the search results.

What to do?

Work. Change the content on the site, make it useful for visitors, publish new pages and edit old ones. Clean outgoing links, remove most of them. Create a unique design - on 1C-UMI this can be done by changing CSS styles, within the capabilities provided by the template. Do everything possible to increase site traffic. Try to attract as many users as possible from those pages that remain in the index. Optimize them, increase their volume, add new information.

It is very difficult to remove a website from the AGS. Approximate withdrawal time (subject to proper work above the site) - six months.

It’s better to try not to fall under this filter from the beginning - immediately create a website for people, with good content, without unnecessary advertising and stupid texts.

It happens that the filter is applied unfairly. Write to Yandex support and prove that your site is clean to the search engine and users. Such requests are processed very quickly.


The site disappears from the index. At all. You can only find it through a manually typed address in the browser. If the site is in a ban, that’s practically “all”: no traffic, no clients, no sales. It’s easy to get into it if you use “dishonest” methods search engine optimization: increase behavioral factors, buy links in insane quantities, be sure to introduce a virus onto the site that will be automatically downloaded to the user’s computer, write SEO text in white letters on a white background so that people don’t see it, but search engines read it. Of course we're joking.

What to do?

Completely rework the site: change the design, structure, content, remove all old information, clean the resource from viruses.

"You're the last one"

Also an unpleasant filter, but less scary. Usually it is imposed on those who are lazy to write original texts and prefer to quickly steal them from competitors. Since the texts have already appeared on another site, yours will be the last one in the search results.

It’s easy to check the presence of a filter: enter the exact phrase from the page into a search engine. The page will not appear in the search, and if you turn on “Show all without restrictions”, you will see the page in last place.

What to do?

Remove all non-unique content or modify it to make it unique: add pictures, videos, Additional information. Write to Yandex support service and wait for the result. The average support response time is a week. Nothing has changed even after a few weeks? Check everything again and write to Yandex again.

Overspam (footcloth filter)

Only those who oversaturate their texts with key queries fall under this filter. Don't put keywords in every sentence - and there will be no spam. We have already written about how to choose and use keywords correctly.

You can fall under this filter if there are several H1 headings on the page, a lot of highlighting tags (strong) or the text contains the replacement of Russian letters with English ones (this is a technique of dishonest copywriters who thus increase the uniqueness of the text).

The “tailored” filter threatens those who post text on the site as a continuous “sheet”, without breaking it into paragraphs, and do not use illustrations or videos.

What to do?

Format your footcloth, divide it into blocks, highlight headings and subheadings, create lists, dilute the text with pictures and videos. If there are too many keywords, there are two options to solve the problem: either add more text, or remove unnecessary keywords. And don’t forget to dilute them and incline them - the keywords should be readable.

Check the number of headings and subheadings in the article, using the text.ru service, check the text for symbol replacement.

The Yandex blog has a useful article about proper text optimization. Be sure to read it.

Cheating PF (behavioral factors)

PF cheating is an imitation of user actions on a website, that is, deceiving a search robot. And Yandex strictly punishes fraud - it imposes a filter and the site flies out of the TOP-100.

You need to improve behavioral factors correctly: publish useful materials, give people what they expect, interest them, push them to comment, repost, etc. To avoid falling under this filter, you only need one thing: be honest and not try to use cheating programs PF.

What to do if you have already fallen under the filter?

Write to Yandex support and stop ALL actions that increase behavioral factors. After correcting all the shortcomings, the site will be restored in the search results within a year.


Affiliates are similar websites owned by the same owner. Yandex finds them and blocks them.

Search engines are difficult to fool. You will not be able to bring several of your sites to the TOP by dishonest means and remain unpunished. If the sites in the search have:

  • identical owner contacts (this is easy for a search engine to read);
  • identical data in feedback forms;
  • one hosting;
  • similar design;
  • the same information about the company;
  • identical product catalogs with the same descriptions and prices,

- then you will 100% fall under this filter. The result of the overlay is that one site will remain in the search, the rest will no longer be ranked.

What to do?

  • Register sites under different owners.
  • Provide various contacts and information about the company.
  • Publish unique information about products/services.

Now you know everything about the main Yandex filters and the sanctions it imposes. To avoid being filtered, work honestly and publish useful content. Then your website will grow and develop.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

The dangers of posting non-unique content on your website are known throughout the Internet. Filters for using someone else's text, photos and videos greatly reduce the site's position in Yandex and Google results. Not everyone works under the slogan “Content is king,” which leads to various sanctions from search engines.

To combat sites with a lot of low-quality and useless information, search engines have several options. This article will highlight the Yandex “You’re Last” sanction.

Reasons for applying a filter

Borrowed texts and illustrations from the site. If Yandex finds non-unique content (and it will definitely find it), then further development resource becomes a heavy burden. Therefore, I recommend posting only high-quality information that matches the theme of your site.If you have ever been caught posting non-unique content, the resource will be punished. Up to blocking the hosting by the provider if relevant complaints are received.

Let's look at what you may face for using stolen material on a website:

  • Non-unique text and illustrations may cause mistrust among visitors, since they may have previously seen similar information on another site.

If your resource consists of non-unique content, then white SEO promotion impossible, all that remains is to use traffic boosting and spam, which ultimately leads to additional ones from search engines.

Signs of falling under the Yandex filter

Enter a phrase from the title or part of the text from the page into the search bar of the search engine (preferably at least 50-70 characters). If you don’t find your site in the TOP 10, then most likely welcome to the “You’re the last” filter.

Ways to remove sanctions for non-unique content

How to avoid the Yandex filter

How to check an article for uniqueness

The simplest option is to install the Advego Plagiatus program. It is easy to use and absolutely free. After installation, you can open it immediately.

There are three ways to add text for verification:

  • Menu item “File” -> “Open Document”. In this case, the uniqueness of the text is checked from file.
  • Menu item “File” -> “Open link”. In this case, the uniqueness of the content on the web page is checked.
  • Paste content into the area indicated in the screenshot.

Once selected, click one of the scan options “Quick Scan” or “Deep Scan”.

The first method randomly selects several search phrases, the second method accurately checks each of them.

The program will analyze the uniqueness of the article and display the result of how original the text is. If the content is not unique, the program will show on which sites such text is found.

Let's sum it up

Search engines oppose plagiarism of content on the Internet. They especially like unique texts. If your site has been sanctioned by Yandex at least once, it is extremely difficult to get out from under the filter. Search engine bots are impartial judges that have many algorithms, including self-learning ones (MatrixNet), which check the page for compliance using thousands of parameters. Therefore, do not use non-unique content on your site, otherwise be kind to the “You are the last” filter.

How I solved the problem with the Yandex filter for unhelpful content, spam, and excess advertising. Removing such a Yandex sanction is a rather complex and lengthy process. I described some recommendations in my last article. Describes general methods for determining search engine sanctions and general initial actions. Which the user must perform at the initial stage of dealing with this unpleasant consequence.

It's time to combine all the actions into a sequence and describe the entire process of getting out of search engine sanctions.

The content of the article:

Less useful content, spam, excess advertising - we perform a full site audit

Many believe that it is necessary to fight with the listed Yandex filters. In reality, everything looks completely opposite. The problems may be deeper than meets the eye. To identify obvious problems in the structure of pages, as well as identify gross errors in the content. It is important to perform a high-quality audit of all site content. This will allow us to identify the set of most serious mistakes that need to be fixed first.

In this case, the Saitreport service helped me significantly ( Website Report - diagnostics and audit). Let's say your site is young and contains a small number of pages. Then you can perform a free audit of 25 pages. To scan and diagnose more pages, purchase additional option. I used this service several times, paying only 190 rubles for a site audit. This is not a lot of money compared to the consequences of a search engine filter.

Let’s not dwell on the extensive functionality of the service; the following points must be taken into account:

  • Component of the content on the site, unique and non-canonical pages.
  • A large number: headings of the same type, highlighting words and phrases, errors in text and HTML.
  • A huge number of internal links on the site, as well as significant nesting. Example of my audit: Number of links: 7 545 Deepening up to: 6th level of accessibility from the starting one.
  • There are significant page redirects - circular links.

This is the minimum you should pay attention to in order to carry out further work. We have sorted out the site audit, if you have any questions, write in the comments. Let's continue.

Excessive advertising on the site - more than three ad blocks

This problem is quite easy to solve. I purchased a paid theme template with ad insertion feature. Thus, the ad unit code is not contained in the text of the article.

Yandex text filters: Spam, Prespam, Over-optimization how to solve this problem

Dealing with this sanction is difficult, or rather very long and tedious. How to solve this problem - an audit will help you understand some of the reasons for this filter (sanction).

Solving the text filter problem:

  1. Check all articles for spam text. Spam levels should range from 49% to 55% no more. This indicator is quite favorable, less is better.
  2. The content of specific words and phrases in the text. Use a keyword or query no more than 3-4 times. It is not worth repeating one word more than 10 times.
  3. Avoid large quantity highlights in the text. In this case, variety will help; indicate some significant words in italics.

Based personal experience, I advise you to adhere to the following criteria and actions:

  • Use the LSI technique in combination with SEO. Use additional search queries in combination with keywords. Try to create a cloud of thematic text surrounded by the main key. There is no point in pushing requests everywhere; implement them only where appropriate.
  • Impact visitors with images, visualize content elements (icons, badges, etc.).
  • Simplify the text, write only to the point, revealing the main question of the topic at hand.
  • The most optimal criteria for an article: at least 5000 characters, spam 48%-53%, uniqueness 92%-100%, water in the text 12%-16%
  • Check the main page for spam as well, it is a priority for indexing. If there is a problem, reduce the number of articles displayed by home page site.

These are the most basic actions for which you will receive a favorable result.

Filter for less useful content or non-unique content on the site

Sanctions for unhelpful content are quite relevant and apply to many sites. Not many webmasters know how to deal with unhelpful articles and images. Everything is very simple:

  • The best thing to do would be to check all articles for uniqueness. Then correcting texts with poor performance.
  • Enter all alt, metakeywords, description, this also applies to images.
  • The most important thing for sanctions of this kind is to indicate 301 redirects to all images. After further correction of the nesting of the image in the text. Indicating not image attachment pages, but the addresses of the media file or without a link at all.

I talked about the most important actions that affect solving the problem with the Yandex filter for unhelpful content, spam, and excess advertising. Having followed all these recommendations, the Yandex search engine will remove such sanctions from the site in a month.

In my case, the withdrawal occurred after 1 month 14 days. All of the site’s positions for queries have been restored, many are in the top 5, 10, 20, and 50. Single articles occupy the first 3 top positions in search results. The total number of requests on the site in Google is more than 2000, Yandex is more than 2500. I will tell you about the additional actions that I performed in the next article.

  • Read articles on this topic:

Has your site suddenly disappeared from search results? It is very likely that he was sanctioned by search engines. If you are actively doing something with the site (promoting or simply developing), then you may well become familiar with the sanctions.

Sanctions are punishments and restrictions that Yandex and Google impose on sites for violations of the so-called “search license”.

Search engines reserve the right not to include certain sites in their scope of attention. Therefore, sanctions are often imposed without any serious grounds - simply because a certain condition of some hidden and secret algorithm worked. Have you inserted an unnecessary (according to the algorithm) mention of an iron into your most interesting article about irons? Get sanctioned for spam text. Of course, sanctions do not work so directly, but general principle exactly like that.

Sanctions are rarely imposed definitively and irrevocably. A ban can only be obtained for the most serious and easily detectable violations. In the vast majority of cases, search engines “forgive” sites. But to do this, site owners need to fix what the algorithms didn’t like.

Why are sanctions needed at all?

Sanctions are needed to protect search engine results from “black” and “gray” optimizers. Without sanctions, not a single normal site would be able to break into the Top 10, since all the places would be taken by doorways and other automatically generated garbage.

Are sanctions always fair?

Sanctions are often called “filters” because with their help search engines filter results, trying to make it more useful to users. But they don’t always succeed. A classic example is the recent "". It is very difficult to understand how the absence of a large online store in search results for the name of this store can help Yandex users!

How to find out if a site is under sanctions

You will definitely notice sanctions if they are imposed on your site.

Sanctions always mean a drop in search traffic.

If your site is under sanctions, visitors from search results practically do not go to it, because they do not see it among the search results for their query. Sanctions are mostly imposed automatically, but sometimes live search engine moderators interfere with the work of the algorithms. For example, the first thing to do if you suspect sanctions is to look at Google Webmaster Tools.

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You also need to check the email associated with Yandex.Webmaster. Sometimes she receives letters in which Platon Shchukin (the collective name of Yandex technical support employees) reports sanctions and problems with the site. We emphasize: Yandex will not inform you about all sanctions. Neither before nor after the application of most of them will any “chain letter” be received. But some sanctions - for example, the same "Minusinsk" - are imposed with a warning.

It is very important to make sure that you do not impose “sanctions” on yourself.

  • Did you make a mistake and closed the site from indexing?
  • Has your website been hacked and outgoing links placed on its pages?
  • Is your website slow and taking 10 seconds or more to render pages?
  • Have you caught a virus and are trying to infect your visitors’ computers?

These are quite common situations.

List of sanctions

There is no complete official list of sanctions, but SEO specialists have been able to identify several main types. Unfortunately, not all sanctions can be diagnosed independently, since many methods require comparison with other sites. In fact, diagnosing sanctions is one of the most subtle aspects of the work of optimizers. Therefore, in this article we will focus not on diagnosis, but on describing the reasons for imposing sanctions - and how to avoid them in the first place. Diagnosis and lifting of sanctions should definitely be carried out by specialists.

1. For spam texts

Many optimizers live in the rosy world of SEO ten years ago and think that to reach the Top it is enough to write huge sheets of texts filled with dozens of keyword occurrences. But now everything is different: search engines like texts where keywords occur with normal, natural density.

How to avoid?

Must be strictly observed technical task. If the specification for the text for a specific page says that in 3000 words you need to insert “site promotion” 5 times, “site visibility” - 3 times, “promotion” - 2 times, then you need to write an article of exactly this volume, and with exactly this number of occurrences. Inserting additional keywords “to be safe” is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous.

2. For non-unique texts

This filter is also often called "You're Last". It is imposed for non-unique content.

How to avoid?

To avoid this filter, never borrow texts and protect your own.

3. AGS

Yandex not only acknowledged the existence, but officially announced this filter. It is imposed on low-quality sites, with the vast majority of pages excluded from the index. This sanction is imposed mainly for automatically generated, non-unique content, not intended for human reading, and even in combination with a large number of outgoing links. In general, if a search engine suspects that your site is not useful to people, then it can impose this filter. Google has a roughly similar filter - Panda.

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How to avoid?

Write unique texts, monitor the quality and quantity of outgoing links. Pay attention to the links your visitors post (for example, in comments).

4. Affiliate filter

Yandex is good at detecting that two sites belong to the same company. The coincidence of domain registration data, data in the “Contacts” section and many other factors (even placement on the IP addresses of one hosting provider) do not allow two sites to be ranked in the Top for highly competitive queries at the same time.

In order not to fall under the affiliate filter, you need to be absolutely pedantic and without making mistakes to create two completely different sites with the same business goals, which is often both impossible and pointless. In general, promote one site and do not try to deceive search engines. Even if you fool the algorithm, competitors can always “knock” the support service, and live moderators will easily understand that the sites belong to the same company.

How to avoid?

Do not try to bring two sites of “seemingly different companies” offering the same services into the Top 10.

5. Filter for blocking ads

Yandex severely punishes intrusive pop-up ad blocks - especially those that cannot be closed or are difficult to close. Nowadays, such “exploits” are popular because they work well for collecting contact information, displaying special offers, requests to subscribe to pages on social networks, etc. But problems may arise with them due to this filter.

How to avoid?

6. Reference pessimization

Let's collect several sanctions under this name.

Link explosion is a filter for the unnaturally rapid appearance of a large number of links. Usually it is a consequence of illiterate promotion through the purchase of links on exchanges.

Penguin is a Google filter that detects artificial links through analysis of anchors (link texts).