How to register an iPad without a credit card. Register an Apple ID without a card from a computer


Each owner Apple gadgets you need your Apple ID - only with it you can download applications from App Store, buy music at iTunes Store and use various services, such as iCloud. But many users encounter problems even at the registration stage, the main one of which is the impossibility of completing the registration process without data credit card. This instruction will show in detail how to create an Apple ID without a credit card.

Registering an Apple ID without a credit card is only possible if iTunes Help. So if you don't have it installed, download latest version from the official Apple website. Actually, this is the only preparation that is necessary to begin with.

How to create an Apple ID without a credit card

Step 1: Launch iTunes and go to iTunes Store, located in the side menu. Next, select App Store, which is at the top in the middle

Step 2. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and pay attention to the lower right corner - the flag of the country selected for registration in the App Store is displayed here. If you have another country specified, click on the flag and select the required one. It will be possible to change the country after registration, but the process will become much more complicated (you will have to enter a foreign postal code and phone number)

Step 3. Now comes the most important part. Find any free app or game in the App Store and click the button For free

Step 4: A pop-up window asking you to enter Apple data ID click Create an Apple ID

Step 5. The registration process begins. Confirm your desire to begin registration and accept the user agreement. At the next stage, you will need to enter some data: your email, password (must contain one lowercase, one capital letters and at least one number), select three secret questions and answers, and indicate your date of birth

Step 6. Next, you will need to fill out the window with the choice of payment method. In our case, as you can see, we added new way payments – No. This is what we need to choose. Please provide your last name, first name, place of residence, city code and telephone number below. Click Create an Apple ID to complete registration

Ready! A letter will be sent to your email address asking you to confirm your Apple ID registration - all you have to do is follow the link provided in the letter and you can start using a full-fledged Apple ID created without a credit card.

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There are many applications in the Apple Store, but some of them are available only in a few countries, one of them is the USA. This does not mean that it’s time to pack your suitcase, everything is resolved very simply - you need to register an American Apple ID, in this article I will tell you how to do this.

What is Apple ID and why is it needed?

In short, then Apple ID (Apple ID) is the account used to sign in to iTunes and the Apple Store.

The first time an Apple ID is created is when you turn on your phone or tablet for the first time.

Every Apple ID is tied to the country and depending on it you see a list of programs, applications, movies, etc. in your device's App Store.

Everyone has the opportunity to create several Apple IDs in different countries.

What is needed to register an Apple ID

In my example, I'll show you how to register an account in the US and here's what you need to prepare to get started:

Let us now go through the registration process step by step on our iPhone or iPad.

Your device must be set to standard app Store.

We go into the application and scroll to the very bottom of the screen, there you will see your current Apple ID if you have logged in to it before.

Click on it and then on “Exit” or in English. "Sign Out" If you haven't signed in to your account before, you can skip this step.

A dialog box will appear on the screen asking you to create a new account or use an already created one, select “Create new Apple ID" or in English. "Create New Apple ID."

On the next page, select the country, in our case United States or USA and click “Next” or in English. "Next".

We agree to the license agreement.

Now you need to enter your new e-mail, which you should have previously created, and any password. The password must contain at least 8 characters including 2 letters, lowercase (small) and uppercase (uppercase).

Also on this page you need to maintain a backup e-mail, it will be used to restore your account, select security questions with the answers, enter your date of birth, then click “next”.

If everything was correct, then you will be taken to new page, where you need to fill in the remaining data.

In the payment information field you need to select “No” or in English. "None"

If you don't have this word, then most likely you did not start registering through a free application, go back and start over.

Scroll below and enter our data, they may not be real, but in this case you will not be able to download paid applications, or restore your account if you lose control over it. Therefore, do not lose the password for your main and backup mailbox.

First name, last name, telephone number and the first two lines of the address may be fictitious. City, State, Zip code must be entered in real terms; if you don’t have them, I will leave examples below. Once completed, click “next”.

This was the penultimate step, if you completed it successfully, you will see on the screen a message similar to the one in the screenshot below.

To your email address You will receive a notification with a link to confirm your account. Go to the letter and go to the parcel. You will be taken to the Apple website, where you need to enter an e-mail and password for your new Apple ID.

By logging into your account you will complete registration, which means you will be able to download new free apps available to US citizens.

Download required applications, you can get out account and enter the old one.

For those who do not understand anything, I advise you to watch the video instructions below.

Examples of American addresses with postcode

If you were unable to find an address in the USA yourself, then use one of the list below.

Upd: Article updated October 28, 2016. Current screenshots, current tips! :)

I have long wanted to describe this process, of course, it is described in many places, but I want to describe the Apple ID registration process and one very big pitfall that you may encounter. The thing is that Russian people are big fans of freebies, and Apple stores have a lot paid programs and games. But there are also many free applications there.

But Apple forces you to register and indicate the number bank card, so that on occasion your money will be debited. Yes - it’s convenient, but what to do if you don’t have a bank card at all or simply for some of your own (quite justified) reasons you don’t want to indicate it? There is a solution - instructions below.

Registering an Apple ID without a credit card

1. Go to iTunes. Click on the button in the upper left corner (by default, there is Music, but it could be something else).

In the drop-down menu, select Programs.

This will take you to the App Store (Apple's application store).

2. Attention! the most important and responsible step. If we want to register in the future without a card, then we do this. We find any free application. That is, where there is no price under the icon and click on it.

3. Now click on Free App and you will see a login/registration window.

Click on “Create a new Apple ID”.

4. The process has begun! :) click “Continue”.


  • e-mail – your email inbox(this will be your Apple ID in the future),
  • password (not for your email, but create a new and complex one for your account)

  • safety – you need to choose 3 question-answer combinations. You need to come up with the answers yourself and remember them. You may need it someday when recovering your password.

When you fill everything out, click the “Continue” button.

6. In the new window in the payment methods you should see the No button. If it’s not there, then go back to point 1 and do everything again carefully.

You can also choose VISA or MasterCard. Then iTunes will prompt you to enter the card number, expiration date and CVC code to pay for purchases. Payment using mobile phone available exclusively to Beeline subscribers.

Next, please fill in the address information carefully below. Theoretically, you can come up with information - no one forbids you, but in the future, when recovering your password or some controversial issues, you may need it. If you come up with one, write it down somewhere.

If you register a German, American or some Japanese account in iTunes, then it is better to indicate the address here, something wrong, but real. For example, for an American account I simply found the address of a store on Google.

Then you should receive a confirmation by email. By following the link from the letter, we activate our account and can now easily log into iTunes. You see - it is not necessary to indicate the map at all. With this account we can download everything that is free in the App Store, iTunes Store or iBookStore.

Possible problems during registration:

1. I don't have a No button.

If you did everything correctly and especially did not skip point 2 from the instructions, and the button does not appear, check the settings of the country under which you are creating your account. Register either Russian or American accounts - verified. Also important iTunes version. Read on the forums what kind of this moment recommended version (not to be confused with the latest and most recent). But I tested the latest version for the instructions and everything was OK.

2. My registration letter did not arrive in the mail.

In this case, try registering again for another email with another email service. There have been cases of letters arriving within a few hours. Also check your spam folder – the email may have ended up there by mistake.

3. The password does not work - I can’t find the password...

An example password is Tt123456, which is accepted during registration. Current password requirements:

  • at least one capital letter
  • at least one capital letter
  • numbers
  • there should not be more than 3 repetitions of one character
  • Password length must be at least 8 characters

4. What card is needed to link to Apple ID?

Apple ID is a user account that provides access to all services and applications for your or. Therefore, the use of any Apple device begins with creation of Apple ID. Since most programs and games on the App Store are paid, when you register an account, Apple asks you to link a payment card to your account so you can make purchases. But what if you don’t have a card or you simply don’t want to fill out these fields?
Our instructions will help you skip this step and create your account without specifying payment details.

  1. Launch the App Store application on your device and go to the “Best Free Apps” section. It is important to remember that applications must be free, otherwise nothing will work.
  2. Select any application you like and click “Download”.
  3. Next, a window will appear in which you need to select “Create an Apple ID” and proceed to registration.
  4. At the first stage, we select our country of residence and move on to the next step.
  5. Read the user agreement and click "Accept".
  6. Enter your address Email, which will subsequently act as your Apple ID and come up with a password of at least 8 characters. The password can consist of capital or lowercase Latin letters and numbers and must not contain spaces. Click “Next” and proceed to security settings.
  7. From the list of proposed questions, select the most appropriate ones and enter the answers to them in the appropriate fields. This is done so that if your account is hacked or your password is lost, you can restore access to it by answering these very questions. Therefore, it is advisable to choose questions to which you are likely to remember the answer.
  8. Never make a mistake when indicating your age. Users under 18 years of age will have certain restrictions, and those under 13 years of age will not be able to create an account at all.
  9. Finally, we come to the payment details. Thanks to the fact that at the very beginning we chose free applications, we now have an option such as “No”, which we select. If you chose any paid app, this option would not be there.
  10. Next, fill in your personal information: first name, last name, address, and so on.
  11. After clicking on the “Next” button, wait for a letter to your email with further instructions. If the email has not arrived, check your SPAM folder. Open the letter, click “Confirm Now” and indicate our Apple ID and password.

That's all, actually. Now you have full access to all services and applications, albeit only free ones. You can also create an Apple ID using iTunes. In the program we follow the path: “App Store”? "Quick links" ? “Best free apps”, select any application and click “Download”. The rest of the registration process is no different from the previous method, so just follow the instructions above and everything will work out for you.

Many new users of Apple devices do not know how to create an account for the AppStore and other similar resources. It's actually very easy. In this article you will learn why an Apple ID is needed and how to create one.

What is an Apple ID for?

It is necessary for iPhone owners to:

  • Find your smartphone if it is stolen or you lose it;
  • Implement iPhone synchronization from iCloud;
  • Download free applications from the AppStore;
  • Purchase various products in the AppStore;

If you have no plans to purchase paid products in Apple stores in the future, first create an Apple ID without a credit card, for free. In the future, you can always attach a credit card to your ID to top up your account.

How to create an Apple ID without a credit card

In the Russian Federation, credit cards began to become popular quite recently, which is why in Russia, iPhone owners have difficulties registering an account on the device and indicating bank information. Also, the owner of an iPad or iPhone may not have his own bank account, and therefore a credit card, because he is a minor user who was given the device by his parents.

There are also users who do not want to show off their credit card when creating an ID. Therefore, there may be many reasons for reluctance to indicate payment information when creating an ID. Luckily, you can quickly open an Apple ID without a credit card at any time.

Some novice users mobile devices complain that there is no “None” column, which allows the user to log in for free. Where is the way out? Follow the instructions below.

To register you need to perform simple manipulations:

  1. To get started, launch the App Store on your smartphone and use the “Featured”, “Top Charts” or “Search” sections to select a free application.
  2. Open free software, which you have selected, and click “Download” and then “Install”. Next, a window will appear on the device screen in which the user can enter an existing Apple ID or create a new one.
  3. Since you don’t have an account yet, click “Create an Apple ID.”
  4. Registering an account involves selecting a country, click “Next”.
  5. In the “email” field you need to enter your email address. This will be your login.
  6. Next, enter the password twice and click the “Go” button. If you can’t log in, you should pay attention to the fact that the password must contain letters of different sizes and numbers. The minimum number of characters for a password is eight characters.
  7. Then you need to enter your security settings.
  8. If you want to make an ID on iPhone without a credit card, then click the “None” button. If you decide to register an ID on your iPhone with a credit card, you need to enter all your card details. You can also enter this information later.

If you want to create a free Apple account, but nothing works, then you tried to download a paid application. The “No” item, which allows you to refuse paid registration, appears only if you go through the account registration process when purchasing free software.

To complete registration, enter your personal information and check your email. To the address you entered when registering your new account, you should receive a letter, opening which you will only have to click on “Verify Now” and specify your login and password ID to complete the registration.

How to create a free Apple account using iTunes

If you are unable to create a new account on your smartphone, you can follow the registration instructions using iTunes.

When trying to create a new account on your computer, you will need the following components:

  • PC with free access to the Internet;
  • Current version of iTunes;
  • Personal email.

There is nothing difficult about creating a new account. This is a fairly common operation that can be done with virtually no problems. So, having prepared everything you need, you need to do the following:

  1. Launch the program and enter the store.
  2. Click “Create...” and confirm the action.
  3. Confirm your agreement to the terms of creating a new account on iPhone.
  4. The password must not contain the same letters, numbers or spaces three or more times.
  5. Registration with Apple has age restrictions. If you are under thirteen years of age, you will not be able to create a new ID, so if the system does not allow you to create an account, indicate your age is over 13 years. It is best to indicate an age of over 18 years, this will expand access to the products that the AppStore offers.
  6. Next, registration will continue, enter all the necessary data and at the end click “Create Apple ID”
  7. Check your email. If it is empty, check the email in spam.

How to restore access to your account

Sometimes device owners choose questions in the security settings to which they forget the answers in the future. Fortunately, it is possible to restore access to your account if there are problems in the password and security questions section. To familiarize yourself with the method, watch the video:

If you don't want to encounter similar problems in the future, you won't need to use security questions to activate it.

If you still cannot log into your Apple account, you can contact Apple support. When contacting the regional support service department in order to change or create an account, you need to understand that they, as a rule, do not have information about your account. To do this, specialists must contact the central support service department. This can take up to half an hour, so be patient.