Computer temperature and what they should be for different components. Programs for monitoring processor and video card temperatures


Overheating of components shortens their service life, and in some cases instantly disables the computer. That's why it's important to monitor the temperature, especially when you're gaming, watching high-definition videos, or the room is hot. Laptop owners are also at risk, since this form factor often experiences cooling problems.

You can check the temperature of your Windows computer using the free Speccy utility from the developers of CCleaner. Immediately after launch, it displays a list of components and the current number of degrees next to them. Speccy has been translated into Russian and presents information very clearly, so it is perfect even for those people who do not like to understand technology.

Programs like HWMonitor are popular among experienced users. It works in the same way, but does not contain detailed descriptions of the components. But it displays more detailed data, including the maximum and minimum temperature readings since the program was launched.

For Mac owners, there are alternatives in the form of Macs Fan Control and iStat Menus. The last one is the most advanced, but paid.

What temperature is considered normal?

First of all, you should monitor the temperature of the video card, processor and drive. These parts of the computer are more prone to heat than others. Manufacturers name different conditions for the normal operation of components, but on average they are as follows:

  • Processor - up to 95 °C.
  • Video card - up to 95 °C.
  • HDD drive - up to 50 °C.
  • SSD drive - up to 70 °C.

Ideally, most of the working time, the temperature of the components should be significantly lower than these indicators. Especially when you do not load the system with resource-intensive tasks.

The figures given are approximate, but you can find out the exact values ​​for your equipment. It is enough to google the name of the model of a particular component, adding to it the English word specs. The search engine will take you to the manufacturer’s website with full specifications of the device. Among them there must be an item Operating temperature with the recommended operating temperature range or Junction with the maximum permissible value in degrees.

The model name can be viewed in any of the above programs. For example, let's take the Intel Core i3-7100 processor model, the name of which is displayed by the Speccy utility. Enter a query into Google Intel Core i3-7100 specs, click on the first link and get to the official Intel page with characteristics. Here we see the Junction value - 100 °C. This means that temperatures up to this mark are normal for our processor.

If the temperature of your components exceeds the manufacturer's recommended values, accept.

Hello, friends! In this article we will discuss about the temperature of computer components. How and with what to measure them, what they should be and, most importantly, what to do if the temperature is higher than normal.

So. It all starts with a subtle increase in noise from your system unit or laptop. Radiators are slowly becoming clogged with dust and fans require a higher rotation speed to maintain normal temperatures, which accordingly increases the noise level. This is the first sign that something is wrong and a minimum of diagnostics is needed to get away with a slight fright. But since this happens inconspicuously, no one pays attention to it.

Then, when the cooling system fails, performance drops. The computer starts to slow down. The system deliberately reduces the performance of components or one of them to maintain normal temperatures. This is a protective function against damage. Sometimes reboots occur at the most interesting moment of the game or a blue screen pops up out of the blue. For me, this is a clear sign that it is necessary to open the computer case and see what’s what. If the computer is under warranty, then you need to take it to a service center.

The last stage is the failure of the component. This can mainly happen due to a cooling system failure. For example, the fan on the video card has stopped. To avoid this, let’s figure out how to control the temperature of your computer’s components.

The main ones for me are the temperatures of the processor, video card and hard drive. It is convenient to measure them using the AIDA or HWMonitor program. AIDA is a paid program, but it has a trial period of 30 days. The trial version does not show the temperature of hard drives, so let's add HWMonitor to it.

You can download utilities from official websites using the links below

AIDA64 Extreme Edition will be enough for us

On the official HWMonitor website on the right in the section Download the latest release choose the Setup version so as not to unpack

Download and install both programs. When you launch it for the first time, AIDA64 warns you that it is commercial software. Click OK

In order to see the temperatures, go to the Computer section and select Sensors

Temperatures will be displayed on the right.

Brake hard.

You can leave the computer in this state for an hour and if after that the test continues, then most likely everything is fine.

It is also important to monitor the processor load. If it starts to overheat, throttling will turn on - skipping cycles. I've never had this happen, so I can only assume that it won't be a standard picture. In this case, you can stop the test and move on to point 3.

Normal temperature of components

The normal temperature for different components will be different. Here I will try to provide a safe framework.

CPU temperature

It seems to me that it is necessary to build on the maximum temperature indicated on the manufacturer’s website. At least Intel indicates the maximum critical temperature in its specifications. For example, for Intel® Core™ i3-3220 it is 65 °C

The description of the critical temperature is as follows

That is, the operating temperature under load should be lower.

The critical temperature varies between models. Please refer to the specifications for your model. For example, for Intel® Core™ i3-4340 - 72 °C.

That is, for Intel processors it would be good if the temperature under load was< 60 °C.

I was unable to find any temperature values ​​for AMD processors. Since my AMD A8-3870K processor warmed up to 68 °C under load, we’ll take it to 70 °C.

We have decided on the temperature under load.

Idle temperature.

I will be calm if it is located up to 40-45 °C, regardless of the processor brand.


How to find Intel processor specifications. We take it and set our processor model in Google or Yandex. You can view it in HWMonitor

or in the properties of your computer (Start > right-click on the Computer icon > Properties or Control Panel\System and Security\System)

This is all that I was able to successfully use to bring the temperature of computer components within decent and safe limits.


Let's summarize about the normal temperature of computer components.

Intel processor - up to 60°C under load.

AMD processor - up to 70°C under load.

Without load we will accept 40-45°C

Video cards up to 80°C under load. No load up to 45°C

Hard drives 30 to 45°C

I don’t monitor the temperature of the motherboard and there have been no critical situations.

Try to clean your computer from dust during the May holidays and there shouldn’t be any problems.

Thanks for sharing the article on social media. All the best!

Nowadays, when the climate has become hotter, there are often cases of computer shutdowns during operation, this is due to overheating.

To avoid such an unpleasant incident, there are ways to diagnose PC temperature, let’s consider them.
What overheating of the main components can lead to, and the importance of monitoring the temperature
What is overheating?

This is the achievement of temperature values ​​that exceed the established operating standards, as a result of which the system component will not function normally; critical failure is also possible when the maximum level is reached.

How will this affect the operation of the system?
It will work slower than usual, a strong fan hum will be heard, perhaps in the same way as mentioned above, when crossing the critical point, automatic shutdown will occur.

Also, constant high temperature during operation directly affects the service life of the component.

Because of this, there is a need to periodically monitor the heating indicators of devices. So if you detect a failure in time, repairs or cleaning will cost you pennies.

There are several ways to determine system indicators:

  1. Using Bios;
  2. Specially developed programs.

Restart the computer and press the delete button on the PC, and on the laptop f12 (delete) when turning on when the manufacturer's logo is displayed (if you missed it or pressed it too late, reboot again and try again).

So you will go to the bios menu and then go to the “Hardware Monitor” tab » or “H/W Monitor”, “Status”, “PC Health” - the names may vary depending on the bios version. In this tab you can view all data on the temperature of the main components.


This program does not require installation; you just need to download it from the Internet. By launching it, you will view all the data on the performance of heated elements; in addition, it indicates the maximum and minimum limits for heating the components. All this together makes it very convenient for periodic temperature checks.

This is a utility that takes up little space on your computer, but is not inferior in functionality to other programs. When started, displays basic and sensor data about heating.

AIDA- This is one of the old programs formerly known as “Everest”, which enjoys well-deserved popularity. Its functionality will allow you to find out almost everything about your PC or laptop, including conducting tests that make it possible to look at the behavior of the device under load. After launching AIDA, go to the “computer” tab, and then to the “sensors” item. The following system temperature readings will be displayed there:

  • CPU (Central Processing Unit) heating data;
  • Data about the cores (there can be up to 4 of them);
  • Indicators (graphics processor);
  • Motherboard.

As mentioned above, AIDA also contains a function for checking performance under an artificially created 100% load. To do this, you will need to launch the program and select the “service” tab in it, and in it the “stable system test” item, after which a window will appear in which you need to tick all requests and click “Start”.

A test window will appear at the bottom showing °C, time, % load. It is recommended to carry out the test for no more than 30 minutes, since during this time either nothing happens and normal operation continues, or a decline in performance begins along with heating. If the second case occurs, stop the test.

We have figured out how to check the temperature of the computer, now you need to understand which temperatures are considered critical and which are not:

  • CPU
    The upper limit for most models is 80 °C or more. Reaching a value of 80-90 °C is critical, since a process is started that specifically reduces performance in order for the CPU to cool down, but if it continues to heat up, an emergency shutdown follows. Therefore, it is important to monitor and maintain indicators at 75 degrees; 50-60 is optimal for the summer period. (It is worth mentioning that there are gaming processors whose operating values ​​are 80-100 °C, but they are an exception).
  • Motherboard
    Modern models operate at around 50 degrees, but can also reach 60 in the hot season. At the same time, the critical bar remains at 120 °C, which indicates the rarity of system failure due to the motherboard.
  • Video card
    Here the temperature gradient is very high, everything depends primarily on what model you have installed. For example, a new gaming card works fine even when reaching 80 degrees, but for an older model these indicators would be disastrous. Look in the documentation for your video card about its performance indicators, but if there is none, then everything can be easily found on the Internet.
  • HDD
    The optimal operating limits are 30-45 degrees. If the values ​​increase to 50-55°C, then this affects its service life, and you need to install additional cooling as soon as possible or send it for dust cleaning.


The importance of periodically checking the heating of a PC or laptop as a method of prevention is very high. In this article you also learned about how to check computer temperature and that it is not difficult.

If you notice a gradually increasing average temperature of the equipment, this will be a sure sign that it is time to clean it from dust, change thermal paste, or replace radiators and coolers.

If this is not done, then the performance and service life of the devices will decrease to a critical point, after which they will fail, and this will mean large financial costs for the purchase of new equipment.

Agree, it’s better to spend 5 minutes once a month than to buy a new processor or video card once a year.

The only available “factory” method find out the processor temperature- this is to view it through Bios, this is the method I will show at the beginning of the article.

A little theory for proper understanding. Increased heat generation is the main “enemy” of any computer. Therefore, each owner needs to take care of proper cooling of the PC “filling”, including the processor, since each element has its own operating temperature range.

Overheating leads to decreased performance, software freezes, unscheduled reboots and hardware failure.

The heart of a computer is the central processing unit (CPU). It is he who is responsible for performing all operations and falls on him. Failure of the processor will make it impossible to further use the PC or laptop (of course, until it is replaced with the same one).

Therefore, it is worth monitoring the change in CPU temperature. How to find out the processor temperature? There are several ways to do this.

I will immediately write what needs to be done, so the text below may seem “strict”. BIOS - basic computer nude that includes all the necessary information. Including indicators from sensors. To activate the menu you must:

  1. To restart a computer.
  2. When the boot screen appears, press the appropriate key (Del, F2 or F10 - depending on the operating system and firmware).
  3. In the menu, find the Hardware Monitor item (PC Health, H/W Monitor or Status - again depending on the OS and BIOS type).

The permissible temperature depends on the CPU model. Average – acceptable maximum –> 75 degrees Celsius. To accurately determine the temperature range, study the documentation for your CPU (I recommend looking at all the parameters on the manufacturer’s official website).

Advantage third party software is definition CPU temperature at any moment of time. There are many programs that allow you to monitor processes occurring both with computer hardware and installed software. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

HWMonitor - I found this program to be the most convenient. This program works for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP.

Download the program from my website and run it, you will find out the processor temperature within 20 seconds, here is the link:

Or “Google” the name of the program and download, run and the results are right in front of you. One of the most convenient utilities that allows you to find out the temperature of not only the processor, but also the video card, hard drive, motherboard, etc. You can also track the rotation speed of the coolers and the amount of voltage supplied to the PC elements.

All the necessary information is in one place, which is very convenient. The program is updated regularly. HWMonitor is compatible with all modern devices.

Core Temp.

The program is interesting in that, along with the temperature, it displays all the characteristics of the central processor. The downside is that the utility specializes only in the CPU; it is not responsible for everything else, although in this article we are looking at ways to determine the processor temperature...


One of the simplest programs, which does not make it any less useful. Its primary purpose is to monitor fan speed. But there is a tab where you can track the temperatures of all vital PC devices.

Please note that all the utilities presented are freely available. Installing the software will not cause difficulties for an inexperienced user.

If it is discovered that the CPU temperature readings are higher than normal, in principle, there is no need to immediately run for repairs. There are several ways to fix the situation yourself, naturally. skills needed on assembling and disassembling “gadgets” + clear and good instructions from YouTube...

  1. Cleaning your computer. It is necessary to remove the housing wall and visually examine the condition fans. Dusty coolers run slower, not cooling components sufficiently. The solution is to vacuum your computer or laptop without damaging the elements.
  2. Replacing thermal paste. This substance promotes heat exchange between the processor and the adjacent part of the cooler radiator. Over time, the thermal paste dries out, causing its conductive functions to be impaired. Replacement instructions can be easily found on the Internet.
  3. Fan replacement. If the above methods did not help, and the CPU continues to heat up, then replacing the cooler can solve the problem.
  4. Installation of an additional fan. Each motherboard has auxiliary connectors for connecting additional equipment. Installing an auxiliary cooler will help reduce the temperature.
  5. If the presented methods did not help, then you can safely think about replacing the processor itself, here I would already recommend contact service.

The high temperature of PC components is what is encountered precisely when it breaks down. To avoid breakdowns, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your computer’s hardware, starting with the processor. I hope on our topic: how to find out the processor temperature You have no questions left.

Video for this computer lesson:

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If you need to find out the optimal temperature of your processor, video card or other component of your computer or laptop, then this article is for you. Here we will talk about what the temperature of each component should be.

The need to measure the temperature of a particular component arises in some cases, often not very positive, for example, when a laptop or computer overheats. Perhaps in this case, first of all, you need to measure it, so today we will consider such points as normal and critical temperature, for all computer components separately.

There are more than enough utilities for measuring the temperature of components, so you can familiarize yourself with them and download any of them there, it can be the lightweight HWMonitor utility, or maybe a professional program for complete computer diagnostics - Everest. The choice is yours, but if almost any user can figure out the first, the latter is more likely for professionals.

Optimal temperature of components.


What temperature is normal for a processor? It all depends on the company and model of the processor. For AMD this is one set temperature, for Intel it is another. They are developed using different technologies and use different architectures.

For AMD, the normal temperature is 35-45 degrees Celsius. The maximum permissible temperature is on average 65°C. If it’s higher, then it’s worth thinking about how to deal with processor overheating.

For Intel processors, the maximum permissible temperature for some models can be considered 80°C, while the normal temperature in idle mode is 40-50°C.

What can we say in general:

Normal temperature for any processor (average value) is 45°C

The maximum temperature for the CPU will be 60°C

Adhering to this norm, the processor will not fail prematurely. Also, do not forget that for a laptop these standards may be slightly higher than for a PC.

Video card

For a video card, the optimal temperature will be 40-60°C

The maximum permissible temperature for the GPU is 85°C

Higher temperatures have a bad effect on the performance of the graphics card. Particular attention should be paid to the temperature; you should not accelerate it to a critical temperature.


The normal temperature for a hard drive is 30-40°C

The maximum temperature for HDD is 45°C

Temperature changes are especially dangerous for a hard drive; because of this, it fails very quickly. Even more dangerous for the HDD is low temperature; it is not recommended to turn on the laptop immediately outside, especially in winter. The same goes for , otherwise your media may simply stop working.

In general, any component, or even the entire laptop, can fail due to high temperature, so I recommend checking the temperature of your computer at least occasionally and preventing it from overheating.

From this article you learned what the temperature of the computer (laptop) components should be and what indicators are normal. The following articles will be devoted to combating overheating if the temperature is too high, so do not miss out on useful information.