How to solve a problem with a plugin. What to do if Shockwave Flash slows down your computer? Why does Google Chrome flash plugin crash issue?


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Determining if a plugin is the problem

You can selectively disable plugins while Firefox is running. If you suspect a certain plugin, disable it first, then test for your problem. If you don"t know which plugin to disable:

If you find that disabling a plugin fixes your problem, continue following the steps in this article.

Updating or re-installing your plugins

Many problems with plugins can be solved by updating to the latest version of the plugin.

If updating to the newest version of the plugin or reinstalling it does not fix the problem, you can leave it disabled.

Manually uninstalling a plugin

If you can"t use an uninstaller program to remove a plugin, you can remove it manually:

  1. Type about:plugins into the address bar and press EnterReturn to display the About Plugins page.
  2. Each entry in the About Plugins page will have "File:" and "Path:", showing the name and location of the plugin file. Use Windows Explorer to navigate Navigate to the folder shown for the plugin you want to remove.
  3. Rename the file to add an X in front of the filename (for instance, npswf32 becomes Xnpswf32 ).

The plugin will be removed.

Re-initializing the plugins database

In some cases, you may not be able to install or re-install a plugin. Re-initializing the database plugins may fix this problem.

Shockwave is a technology responsible for displaying vector 3D graphics, Flash games and other elements. Sometimes users different browsers encounter an unpleasant error - a failure in this plugin. What to do in this case?

It is worth immediately noting that in other respects (where Flash playback is not required) the browser will work the same as before the plugin crashed.

The most simple solution is to restart the browser. But this only helps if the failure was isolated and does not happen again. If rebooting does not help and the plugin crashes systematically, you will have to spend a couple of minutes to resolve this error.

Most often, this problem occurs in the most popular browser. Google Chrome. The fact is that other browsers have a version Flash Player is standalone, while in Chrome it is integrated and updated along with the browser itself. Most often, users who have two plugins installed on their computer, which begin to conflict with each other, experience plugin crashes. To check this, you need to write in the Chrome address bar chrome://plugins and press Enter. In the window that opens, you need to find the line Adobe Flash Player.

If next to the inscription it says 2 files, then perhaps the reason for the failure of Shockwave Flash lies precisely in them. Therefore, you need to try disabling one of them. To do this, you need to find the button on the right side of the screen More details and find the line again Adobe Flash Player.

Now you need to figure out which plugin you need to disable. To do this, you need to focus on the Location line. The first plugin will be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\…, and the second in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\…. As is clear, the first one is integrated, and you need to disable it by pressing the corresponding button.

If the version of Adobe Player has not been updated previously, you can do this now by downloading it and installing it after closing the browser.

If the problem persists, you can swap the plugins by enabling the disabled one and disabling the enabled one.

In the Opera browser, there may also be problems with the Shockwave plugin. To fix this, you need to write in the address bar opera:plugins and press Enter. Find the plugin in the window that opens Shockwave Flash and turn it on.

In the browser Mozilla Firefox the procedure is as follows: menu Tools> item Add-ons>tab Plugins > Shockwave Flash > Disable.

The Shockwave Flash plugin slows down your computer. Wait until the plugin is restored or stop running it. This is exactly the error message that computer and laptop users receive when working through an Internet browser. Moreover, it makes absolutely no difference which browser you use. The error with the plugin occurs in any of the existing browsers. Faced with the described problem, the customer contacted us and asked us to fix it. Those. It was necessary to ensure that the Shockwave Flash plugin worked stably on the computer.

In general, as it turned out, the customer is a big fan of heavy browser games. He launches them through Odnoklassniki. They are played with. And just when he launches one of his favorite games and the Shockwave Flash plugin error occurs.

Before the investigation into the problem that arose, there was no experience in solving it. And such problems did not arise on computers collected in our service. Therefore, we had to figure out the issue that arose from scratch.

The first assumption was that perhaps the problem was in a damaged or outdated version Shockwave Flash on the computer. A fresh Shockwave Flash was downloaded from the official website and installed on the computer. At the same time, all the browsers on the computer were updated. The PC was scanned for viruses.

But all the manipulations performed did not lead to a solution to the problem. Then I had to turn on my brain and just think. The solution to the problem turned out to be simple.

Windwos 7 Home Premium SP1 is installed on the customer's computer. At the same time, the RAM on the computer was only 1024 MB (one gig). By launching the task manager and the target browser game that the customer was playing (the game is called “Inferno”), one could observe how, as the game objects loaded, the amount of space occupied by the Opera browser (in which the game was opened) increased. random access memory up to 700 MB. And this is with a total of 1024 MB! An error with the Shockwave Flash plugin occurs precisely when running game Requires more and more RAM (see screenshot).

Pay attention to the screenshot - the game is currently loaded at 77%, and the Opera browser process has already taken up 480 MB of RAM. At the same time, 91% of the total volume of computer RAM is already occupied.

It was decided to increase the amount of RAM on the computer. “Before that” the computer had only one 1024 MB memory stick. Initially it was planned to add another one for 2048MB. But this option would not allow using Dual-Channel technology. Therefore, 2 dies of 2048 MB each were installed. Total 4096 meters of RAM.

Flash player crash Google browsers Chrome, Opera and others based on the Chrome engine, accompanied by a message Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding- a fairly common phenomenon that can happen to both a novice and an experienced user. In the English version the program writes the error “Shockwave Flash has crashed”.

The reason for such a failure, as a rule, is that a conflict occurs in the installed flash players when trying to display video clips or animated banners in the browser. The fact is that the Chrome browser and others on its engine already have a built-in plugin responsible for playing Flash. At the same time, users often install another one additionally, for example, from Adobe or Macromedia. Accordingly, when trying to play a video, these two libraries cannot decide which of them will do it. As a result, the flash plugin crashes and a corresponding message states that it is not responding.

How to fix Flash Player error in Chrome

The solution to this problem is actually very simple. Launch the Chrome web browser and write this in the address bar:


This will open the list of installed browser plugins:

In the page that appears, in the upper right corner, click on the “More” plus sign to expand all the information about the installed libraries.
Now we scroll through the list of modules and find the line Adobe Flash Player(Adobe Flash Player). If there is “2 files” in parentheses to the right of it, then the “Shockwave Flash is not responding” error appears 100% due to a conflict.
The next step is to try to disable the built-in player that comes originally built into the Internet browser. It is located in the application folder and its library is called pepflashplayer.dll:

That is, only one Flash plugin is enabled, the second is disabled. Restart Chrome. Checking the video playback. For example, on YouTube or RuTube.

Didn't help and the flash player still crashes? Then let's try to do the opposite - enable the built-in module and disable the third-party one.
As a rule, you must earn money either by one method or by another.

Comment: If you have only one such plugin installed and it periodically crashes, then you need to try downloading latest version Adobe Flash Player and install it according to the instructions.

It happens that when you launch some Internet pages or other content, a message appears that the plugin is not responding. What to do in such a situation? The browser from Google - Chrome - is most often affected by such failures. The conflict occurs with Adobe plugin what's happened? The plugin is not responding because something happened to the media player. At the same time, the program itself begins to slow down terribly during operation, freezes and displays messages indicating that the plugin is not responding. What to do to get performance back again.

Why does this problem occur in Google Chrome?

In most cases, problems with the Chrome plugin occur when the user wants to open a page or run an animation running using the Flash plugin.

Google's browser has its own plugin. A conflict occurs when built-in and separately installed plugins try to work at the same time. They are incompatible with each other, which leads to a failure of the built-in resource.

How to deal with conflict?

To do this, you need to go to and find the installed plugins there. Among them should be those responsible for flash content. You need to leave only one and turn off the rest. It is better to disable the built-in browser tool.

How to fix it in Opera?

Quite often this problem occurs in the Opera browser. “The plugin is not responding,” the program tells the user. If this happens, the problem may be incorrect installation update files. Because of this, errors appear, freezes, and the video generally refuses to play.

To solve this problem, most often it is enough to simply restart the plugin. Find the one you want in the settings, turn it off, and then turn it on again.

If the error continues to pop up, then you need to download and install new version flash player from the official website. What is it? The plugin is not responding due to new updates being released. It needs to be updated like other programs.

If you have installed the latest version and are still experiencing problems, it is recommended that you clear your browser cache. To do this, the following actions are taken:

  • Find the Flash Player folder on the computer’s system drive and completely delete all information from it. After that, also find the Macromedia folder, select another folder in it with the name of the flash player and delete it.
  • Via control panel operating system go to the settings of the flash player and in the additional settings click on the “Delete all” button

If freezes occur when playing video, it is recommended to turn off hardware acceleration. To do this, just go to a website that uses the appropriate technology in its work, point at the video and press the right button. It will appear where there will be an item with disabling hardware acceleration.

If everything is fine, but the videos in Opera still do not start, then the appropriate drivers may not be on the computer. They need to be reinstalled.

If all of the above does not help and errors still occur, then using uninstallation utilities you need to completely remove the Opera browser from your computer, and then download the latest version from the official website and install it again.

Browser plugin crashes from Mozilla and others

If the flash player freezes or crashes in Firefox, you can try to deal with these problems in this way:

  • The action is performed when a message pops up stating that the plugin is not responding. What should I do for this? Click on the “Stop” button.
  • After this, you need to try to launch the site page and the content located on it again.
  • It also happens that the plugin requires more time to launch. If an error appears, you can click on the “Continue” button and try to give it a chance.

If the plugin still doesn’t respond, what should I do? It is necessary that there is content, except for one - the current one. Updating the flash player to current version. In other browsers, it is the latter method in most cases.