Basic settings of the VKontakte group: what they are for and what they affect. We are looking for VK groups with a super-target audience VK search for groups find a group


The VKontakte website is intended for active communication. However, this social network has many communities and personal pages where you can read information: both useful and not so useful. Posts are posted on the walls every day. If you once saw a useful post, but didn't read it, and now want to return to it, you need to try to find it on the wall.

It is quite possible to find a certain post on the wall among their infinite number. You can search through posts in a VKontakte group by keyword or phrase, as well as date.

Follow the instructions below to run a search for posts in a group:
1.Go to the “Groups” block. It is the fifth item on the menu. Go to the community you need.

2. Click on the magnifying glass above the wall.

3. Write a query in the search field. This could be a key phrase or word. Click Enter on your keyboard. The results will show matches.

Let's expand the possibilities a little

This method allows you to find a post on a wall by date.
1.Click on “Community Posts” above the group wall.

2.Launch the “Search by Records” section. Here you can select a date on the calendar if you know what date the post was from. Standard method search is also available here.

Using these two methods, you can also find your post on the wall in groups, since you will know exactly when it was published and what exactly was written there. Unfortunately, you cannot set, for example, a parameter such as “search by people who published posts on this wall.”

When to search by dates and when by keywords? It is better to look for publications with pictures by date, as they are not always accompanied by text. Accordingly, entering key phrases from the text in the pictures is useless.

Enter a date that precedes the one you need if you don’t know what date the publication was made. For example, you remember that the desired entry is in January, select the end of December. This will display part of the tape starting from the specified date. All you have to do is scroll a little.

Search on personal page

Data on personal pages is located in the same way as posts in communities. Searching for information of interest by scrolling through the wall, if there are a lot of publications and if it is some old post, does not make sense - you will simply waste your precious time. By the way, you may never find it.

Looking for news publications

You can also search for an entry in your VKontakte news if you are a member of a small number of communities and follow several people. If your news feed is updated every minute, the chances of success are low if you just scroll through the feed.

If you don't know which group a post is from, click on the "News" section in the main menu, and then move your gaze to the list of blocks on the right. There, click on the “Search” option. The general system feed will open, but with a search bar at the top. There you can enter keywords and phrases.

Just below there will be a “Search Options” section. They are as follows:

  1. Post type: comments only or copies only.
  2. Attachments: notes, photos, videos and more.
  3. Number of likes.
  4. Link mentions. Enter the page address if you have one.
  5. Content mentions.
  6. Geolocation.

If you know which community the post is in, go directly to it and search for the group’s news.

Searching on the wall is a fairly simple and convenient option. With it you can find the necessary information in just a couple of minutes - just enter the query and that’s it.

The social network offers a convenient and flexible search tool desired publication. If you know approximately when it was posted, you can easily find it in the feed. If you don't know the dates, remember the keywords contained in the post.

Searching for a community or group on VKontakte usually does not present any problems for the user. However, this situation may change radically due to certain factors. For example, in the absence of a personal registered page.

Of course, no one is stopping absolutely any person from going to the VKontakte social network site and using the most common registration in VK to gain access to the full functionality of the site. At the same time, there are particularly problematic cases when the user simply does not have the opportunity to register his own page or use the standard search interface.

There are several ways to find a VKontakte group. In most cases, the user is required to register to access this functionality of the social network.

The community selection interface works equally well both on a computer, through any browser, and from mobile devices.

Please note that registering on VKontakte is an integral part of your ability to interact with other users. Thus, it is recommended to have your own page.

Method 1: Search for communities without registration

Despite the fact that most modern society actively uses various social networks, including VKontakte, many people still do not have their own page. It is recommended to solve this problem, and then begin to search for a group or community.

If you do not have the opportunity to register on VKontakte, then there is a way for you to find the necessary communities.

This option for selecting VKontakte communities and groups is suitable for absolutely any user of the most common browsers. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether you are registered or not.

Method 2: standard search for VKontakte communities

This method of searching for VKontakte communities is suitable only for those users who already have their own page on this social network. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to go to to the required section main menu.

This option for searching for groups and communities that interest you is the best in all respects. Even if you do not use the VKontakte social network for communication, it is still recommended to register, at least to gain access to such a search.

Method 3: Search via Google

In this case, we will resort to the help of an entire system from Google. This search option, although not comfortable, is still possible.

To begin with, it is worth saying that VKontakte is one of the most popular networks in the world, which means it is in close contact with search engines. This allows you to find some of the most popular groups and communities without going to the VKontakte social networking site.

It is also possible to perform a more in-depth search using the selection functionality within a specific address.

This method of selecting material is the most difficult and least convenient.

With such a search, there will be matches with the VKontakte site only at the beginning. Moreover, if the community is not popular, is closed, etc., then it will not be displayed at all.

We wish you good luck in finding groups and communities that interest you!

VKontakte communities are groups of people united by one common interest. It publishes various posts - text or with attached photographs, audio and video recordings.

Why do we need VKontakte communities?

There are communities three types:

  1. Groups.
  2. Public pages.
  3. Activity.

“Groups” are intended for the exchange of opinions. In them each participant can publish posts if allowed by the creators, comment on posts, add media files (photos, videos, audio). It is possible to create “Discussions” in which users can communicate freely. All these functions are basic, they are emphasized, so they are located at the top of the page so that they are clearly visible.

“Public page” is more suitable under Doing Business or news feed. All of the above functions also work in public pages, but they are located on the side, further down, so as not to draw attention away from the posts.

“Events” are true to their name: they are created for organizing events and meetings.

  1. Doing Business. VKontakte has a large audience, so selling products and advertising them on this social network is profitable.
  2. Publication of creativity. These can be either your own works (poems, drawings, recorded songs) or someone else’s work.
  3. Bringing People Together a general idea, such as: passion for a common book, film, desire to keep abreast of news, etc.

Search for a VKontakte community

VKontakte has its own detection algorithm public To do this, you must first go to “My Groups” (the page is only available if the user is registered). On the right is a column where you can select "Search". You can also search right away if you start entering text in the desired column, where “Search by communities” is written in gray font.

After entering, results will appear that satisfy your request. By default, the sorting method is " By relevance" This means that publics whose names are similar to the entered phrase are first displayed. But VKontakte also analyzes the user’s interests, the list of his groups and pages, friends, so the most suitable results, in VK’s opinion, will appear in the first lines of the result.

The second sorting method initially displays the publics with the most participants.

VK also suggests localizing the location of the community, specifying the region(country, and then city).

In the “Community Type” column you can select:

  • communities (that is, groups and public pages);
  • Events.

Initially column installed“All”, that is, both publics and events are displayed.

After entering a phrase, its words will be highlighted in gray in the names.

The result can be seen in the screenshot above.

Search without registration

There are two main ways to search without registration.

For the first method, the built-in VKontakte function is used. To do this you need to follow the link:

The following window will appear, which first displays popular and approved groups by the social network. In other words, what it recommends social network specifically to the user.

Advanced search without registration is the same as for registered users. The only limitation is that closed groups will not be displayed if the user is not authorized In contact with.

The second way is to search using the Google server system. Since VKontakte is quite popular and global network, all search engines interact with it. Therefore, to search you need enter a request according to the template: “VK Public Name”. Instead of the word “Vk”, you can also enter a link to a social network: And if you know the address of the public, for example new_group, then just write its search string or indicate it in the address bar in the format:

How to search for posts in a group

To facilitate the process of finding the necessary information in the public, there is a search algorithm for records. To do this, you must first go to the group and open home page. Next to "Community Posts" is magnifying glass icon which you need to select.

After this, you should enter the desired request in the column and click Enter key. The page will display all records that contained this request, partially or completely.

Also, many communities have their own hashtags, which you can use track topics post. Hashtags are entered through the “grid”.
If you enter it into the search bar, all entries on this topic will be displayed.

Any social network (social network) consists of users, like you and me, and various kinds of publics (groups). They can be in the form of online stores, flea markets, or simply an informative page for a specific catering establishment, a creative association, or a “skillful hands” circle.

Human psychology is such that in any community - real or virtual - he tries to find his place and his group (the effect of the so-called grouping). It is this feature that marketers use to attract customers to a particular area.

Selecting public sites according to personal preferences

Whatever one may say, anyone who loves to draw will still subscribe to art supply stores, pages of artists or galleries, communities dedicated to the history of art, etc. A musician will probably look for flea markets with instruments, video tutorials and performers with whom he would like to play together or from whom I would like to learn.

VK provides this opportunity at a higher level than any other available social network. Surely you can easily select the best VKontakte groups just for yourself, based on your hobbies. But is this where all the possibilities end? Where are the great advantages of this social network?

Why VKontakte?

Let's look at how VK can especially attract users.

  1. Russian speakers all over the world, unite! The ru domain is accessible from anywhere in the world. Therefore, its capabilities are much wider than those of
  2. Simple interface.
  3. Access to music. The second and third points may seem surprising at first glance, but the first time you test such options in other social networks, everything will fall into place, and it will become obvious to you that was simply created for this.
  4. What to see in the feed and what to turn off is decided by you, not the statistical module.

List of groups everyone should join

The best VKontakte groups are publics with millions of people. Despite the fact that groups breed like Australian rabbits, sometimes a large group - 20 thousand subscribers or more - can simply collapse out of the blue. For a millionaire, this is almost impossible. And the main secret of these public pages is that they are created for women. Because regular readers of VK are representatives of the fairer sex.

Many so-called boy groups have target audience- girls. Just ask yourself how many men will subscribe to a public page where clothes and outfits, even male ones, are discussed? How many women will choose a group where breasts and butts are constantly flashing?

We offer only some of the best VKontakte groups. Their list is constantly updated, but for the last year and a half they continue to hold their leading positions:

  • (life hack and everything connected with it);
  • (RIA Novosti, news in Russia and the world);
  • (good news, stories from the lives of those who were helped and those who helped);
  • (humor).

Men's choice

The best VKontakte groups for guys, to which 99% of men and only rare women subscribe, generally do not carry highly intellectual information for the most part, but among their posts there are purely masculine topics.

All this is just a cunning marketing ploy, because the majority of men are also not particularly distracted by the naked butt flashing in the feed, but news about his online game will only be in such groups.

A striking example of this is, because there are not many girl gamers among us. And even those public pages where the description contains the word “male” may not be interesting to this entire contingent, for example: - a men’s group on VKontakte dedicated to fashion.

5 best examples See these groups below:

  • - "Quoter Cynic";
  • — “The boys will understand”;
  • - "Academy of Decent Guys";
  • - a men's group for Ukrainian boys, if you speak the language, you can subscribe - the posts are relevant in every country;
  • - this page was put here for a reason - it is with its help that you can monitor the emergence of new official pages of public people dedicated to cinema, music, cuisine, etc.

The last public is not so much included in the list of the best as it keeps track of which are the best VKontakte groups. Its beauty is that it contains dry facts, strict censorship and, of course, news. If you don’t already know movie news, you can easily track it, because before the premiere of a new film in theaters, its official VKontakte page appears.

Deep dive into the network

Do you make money online, do you have your own store or do you freelance? Then you need to follow a huge amount of news. Remember that not all publications are displayed in the feed, because the Internet is very oversaturated. And the further it goes, the more and the more expensive its use on the part of both the user and advertisers. And if the first one does not think about the fact that he is being “heated up” for 6 rubles, then the second one spends 10 thousand to “heat him up” for 6 rubles.

So, you've decided to take a deep dive and start promoting. Then the best VKontakte groups for you are official:

  • - VKontakte team. All legal and controversial issues of publics can be found here. This is where the initial publication of updated instructions and rules occurs. So you need to study it inside and out before you start creating any VK element.
  • - the first sign of the appearance of a new online game is sent here.
  • - all VK applications for Android. Information, bugs, features, etc.

Advertising on VKontakte

Every VK user cannot complain about blatant advertising on the network. But we are not talking about its complete absence. Advertising - publications on your favorite public pages, which somehow force the reader to subscribe to another group where the product is already being sold. Such indirect and unobtrusive persuasion is very pleasant, because everyone believes that they are making an independent choice.

If you want to buy a publication, remember that there is such a resource on the network as - a group of reviews about public advertising sites. Check reviews here to avoid any trouble. From time to time it’s a good idea to look for reviews about yourself. If you find a negative one, that’s also good, because you’ll know what else to work on. And of course, to develop the resource, you should leave your comment, good or bad - it’s up to you to decide.

Online store or business page

Did you want to make your own website to promote products and services? You can use the free VKontakte platform for testing. In order for a search engine to find it, you need money, but from the very beginning, so that everyone around you knows about your products, this is the most best option. Over time, many people do not switch to other resources because of convenience and cheapness.

Fast and a lot

In conclusion, we suggest paying attention to promising pages where they talk about making money with a minimal investment. You remember, as mentioned earlier about an overabundance of information? This is the reason why you won’t be able to promote your page honestly and quickly.

Today, people quickly gain subscriptions with the help of promotions: “Publish, like, and “random” will choose a winner.” But among such promotions there are thousands of pages that do not give anything for free. They don't give anything at all. And shares are often with fake photographs from various kinds of flea markets (like OLX or Avito). Their goal is to get as many publications and subscriptions as possible. After 20 thousand they sell the page for further promotion of another topic by completely different people.

So, you choose the best VKontakte groups yourself. No one will forbid you to unsubscribe if the further material is completely uninteresting to you personally. And after reading the article and searching for the necessary information, you will already see an impressive list of public pages of several dozen. Only over time will you be able to understand the productivity of each of them.

That's all. Have a good mood and inspiration from VKontakte!

Hello friends!

In today's article I will talk about the settings of the VKontakte group. Where to find them and what needs to be indicated in them in order to promote more effectively in VK. In general, the information will definitely be useful, so read below.

What are the settings for and where are they located?

Initially, when you create communities, you immediately go to the VKontakte group settings and there you need to set all the necessary data. In addition, usually the group settings constantly change depending on the tasks, and I’ll tell you where to find them later.

In the screenshot below, I showed where you can get to the settings of your community, namely by clicking the “Manage Community” button under your community’s avatar (in the case of a public page, it will say “Manage Page”.

Basic settings of the VKontakte community

Let's go through the basic settings of the VKontakte community.

Other community settings

Now let's look at the other tabs. “Participants” tab. Here you can see who is in your community, and also, if necessary, remove someone from the community.

These are, in principle, the basic settings of the VKontakte community. You can easily figure them out yourself, but if suddenly you don’t work in social networks at all and you need promotion, then you can safely contact us.

I provide consultations and also help promote VKontakte communities.

I hope you found this article helpful and will share the link on social media. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates to stay up to date with all the events.

That's all, bye everyone!