A program for automatically entering blocked captcha. RuCaptcha-Bot: a program for working on hand-captcha

  • Captcha recognition using recognition services and built-in tools also works in free version programs
  • Quote Wikipedia
    (from the English. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart - a fully automated public Turing test to distinguish between computers and people) is a trademark of Carnegie Mellon University, where they developed computer test, used to determine whether the user of the system is a human or a computer.

    Increasingly, on the Internet, when working on automation, registration, adding messages, comments, advertisements, and so on, we are faced with a test for recognizing who the user of the system is: a person or a computer. This computer test is called "CAPTCHA" and it is often becoming more and more widespread every day, accordingly, the algorithm and complexity of this test are constantly being improved to reduce the vulnerability of bypassing the test and its recognition.
  • As a result, on this moment we have different kinds I will describe the main captchas that are most common below:
  • №1 yaCAPTCHA

    This is one of the earliest and most common types of anti-spam protection. Usually it is used for registration on forums and websites. For blogs, I would not recommend installing it, since the captcha is quite complex, and some users, simply because they are too lazy to recognize and enter it, simply will not want to leave a comment. #2 Anti Spam Image

    Very similar to the first type of captcha, but here a note is displayed next to the picture, for example “enter only red characters”, or “enter only numbers” or “enter only letters”. Thus, if spammers have a robot that can recognize characters from a picture, then it will logically enter all the characters, and not exactly those required in the note. №3 SI Captcha Anti-spam

    Just like the first 2 types, this plugin displays captcha in the form of numbers and letters, but here you can listen to what is shown in the picture.
    #4 reCAPTCHA

    Another type of captcha with symbols output, here it is also possible to reproduce symbols in the picture. Typically, a captcha form consists of two words. This type is also more suitable as a captcha for a site where registration is required than a captcha for a blog where you just need to leave a comment. #5 Simple CAPTCHA

    The captcha displays various symbols, they cannot be heard, but if they are not visible, then by clicking on the adjacent button the symbols in the picture can be replaced. At the same time, without refreshing the page, that is, without losing the written comment in the field. #6 Math Comment Spam Protection

    Here, on the form with a captcha, two numbers are displayed, but you need to enter not them, but their sum. Again, if the robot can recognize the numbers in the picture, then adding them up and entering their sum in the field is already problematic for the robot. №7 WP-NOTCAPTCHA

    This is a pretty funny and simple captcha for a human, but difficult for a robot. Here you just need to move the slider under the picture so that the pictures are arranged vertically. #8 ImHuman

    This is also quite an interesting form with a captcha, and at the same time very difficult for robots. Several pictures are displayed here, and you need to select one of them, which is written in the note. #9 Checkbot

    This type of captcha is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to protect against spam. Here you just need to select the person with his hand raised. #10 Dcaptcha – I am not a robot (YA-ne-robot)

    This is the simplest captcha for blogs. Here, as you can see, to confirm that you are a human and not a robot, you just need to check the box. But our Human Emulator program can handle all this routine of solving captchas with the help of appropriate captcha services.

    The operating principle of these services is simple. You register in any service convenient for you, top up your account with the amount you need. In your account you will find the “captcha key”
    aka $api_key
    – this is the recognition service key that must be specified in different programs, including ours for connecting the appropriate service. This is how it works this algorithm similar for most captcha services:

    1. Your application uploads the captcha to our server and receives its unique ID. (Via HTTP POST, multipart or base64 methods).
    2. We wait 10 seconds (the average minimum time for which our employees enter the text from the captcha).
    3. Do HTTP GET
    request with captcha ID to our server. You receive either the text from the captcha or the code CAPCHA_NOT_READY
    , meaning that she is not ready yet.
    4. If you receive CAPCHA_NOT_READY, try again after 5 seconds (step 3).
    5. If you received OK|SOME_TEXT_HERE , then SOME_TEXT_HERE is your captcha text.

  • Human Emulator has eight functions for captcha recognition, such as:
    - recognize a picture from the disk as a captcha.
    – recognize captcha images through the anti-captcha service
    – recognize captcha images through the rucaptcha.com service
    – recognize captcha images through the captcha24.com service
    – recognize captcha images through the ripcaptcha.com service
    – recognize captcha images through the eve.cm service
    – recognize captcha images through the service bypasscaptcha.com
    – recognize captcha images through the captchabot.com service
  • For clarity, let's look at an example of google captcha recognition using the antigate.com service
$xhe_host = "" ; // The following code is required to properly run XWeb Human Emulator require ( "../../Templates/xweb_human_emulator.php") ; // Go to the captcha example on the google website$browser -> navigate ("http://google.ru/sorry" ) ; //Recognize the captcha and enter your individual api_key echo $captcha = $image -> recognize_by_anticaptcha ("/sorry/image?id=" , "C: \T emp\1 .jpg", "$api_key is your recognition service key", "http://antigate.com" ) ; //Enter the captcha result into the required field$input -> send_keyboard_input_by_name ("captcha" , " $captcha ") ;
  • // Quit $app -> quit () ;
  • Below are links to a description of objects containing functionality that allows you to use API services for recognizing captchas.

    Nowadays, services for working with captchas are increasingly relevant and in demand for their use in various Internet resources and services, they are rapidly developing and increasing their functionality, at the same time, the HumanEmulator program is trying to keep up with the times and is increasingly introducing them into its internal structure functionality for working with these services. Summarizing the above, we can confidently say that when working in tandem (bundle) of captcha services and our software, you can easily and confidently solve most types of captchas presented on the Internet. But there is no limit to perfection and therefore we will be happy to add and implement everything new that will be related to these services and functionality.

    Antigate is a service for automatic captcha recognition. If we connect it to the script, then when a captcha is found, Datacol will not give it to the user for input, but will send it to the service for recognition. Typically, Antigate processes the image from 7 to 15 seconds, after which it returns the processing result.

    Don't want to enter the captcha manually every time? After watching this video instruction, you can automate the captcha processing process and significantly speed up the parsing speed.

    Let us remind you that in Datacol you will also find ready-made parsers:

      For online stores:

      Let's change the previously created script to connect Antigate to it. Select the captcha processing action. Set the Antigate recognition method. Now it is very important to set the properties of the current captcha. Thanks to this, the automatic recognition process will be clearly faster and, most importantly, more correct. Our captcha is Russian. In addition, the captcha is case sensitive.

      Now all that remains is to enter the API key for the antigate service. It is set in the antigate_key script parameter. Let us remind you that this parameter was automatically created when adding a standard captcha processing block. The key to the service can be obtained in the user panel of the service.

      I recommend increasing the maximum bid setting to at least $10 per 1000 recognitions. You can read more about this and other service settings in the user panel. Well, don’t forget to top up your balance.

      All that remains is to test the created script. Let me remind you that it will take some time for the service to recognize the captcha. Everything worked perfectly! Please note that in some cases the service may not recognize the captcha correctly. However, thanks to the repeat conditions we set up in the script, recognition can run up to 3 times for each page.

      Let's save the script. Let's launch a campaign. We see that the captcha was automatically processed and we received the necessary data. Note that on most sites, after entering the correct captcha, it does not appear for a long time.

    When a captcha appears on a site in front of you, most people want to do without entering characters. Universal bots often fail to cope with the task of entering a captcha on a specific site, so today so-called scripts are being developed that make it possible to enter a captcha on a specific resource automatically.

    Most often, automatic input is needed when performing multiple tasks on a website. For example, there are resources that allow you to receive rewards for user activity every hour. These are sites for currency exchange, withdrawal of money, and financial transactions. Users are offered a bonus for completing certain tasks, but going through manual checks all the time will be a tedious task, which is why special scripts have been created.


    Scripts also help with multiple registration on sites. So, if you want to create tens or hundreds of accounts on a specific website for business purposes, then completing this task manually will take several days, while a bot can create hundreds of accounts in an hour using automatic script input.

    What is a captcha script

    A script is a programmed task that is performed automatically on a website.

    For example, a programmer wrote a script (small program) that is capable of independently registering on a resource and creating account, or the script can receive bonuses for you for visiting the site, send out advertisements on the forum and perform more complex tasks.

    As a rule, a separate script is required for a specific resource, since each site has its own operating scheme: making a universal script turns out to be too difficult. The script can be either automatic or semi-automatic, requiring user support.

    There are special scripts that can pass the captcha test: usually they use information from the database and select the correct answer to the captcha, but it happens that the script takes advantage of some site vulnerabilities and bypasses the captcha entry.

    How the script for entering captcha works

    Most often, the script is not separate program, but code for existing programs for working with scripts. One of the most popular programs in the world for using custom scripts is called Tampermonkey. This is foreign software, which is distributed free of charge and allows you to use many scripts on one site at the same time.

    Watch the video - Installing a script using Tampermonkey:

    In fact, the script does not work on its own, but is only a special command code by which external software performs specified tasks. Developing a script is a complex task and requires reworking the code of a specific site. Certain adjustments are made to the code, and thanks to this, it becomes possible to perform special tasks.

    Where to get a script for entering captcha and how to use it

    First of all, in order to use the script, you need to install a program for working with scripts. If Tampermonkey is an option for you, this browser extension is free to install for Chrome and Opera. All that is required for the script to work is to add its code to Tampermonkey and enable it.

    If we talk about the largest sites offering scripts for entering captchas, then first of all we should highlight antigate.com. The site requires you to register, pay the cost of the script and install it according to the instructions. The problem is that many sites block the use of scripts, so developers are forced to constantly update scripts to bypass the protection, and you will need to download new versions of the script.

    Well, there are special scripts for bypassing or entering captcha - they allow you to make the entry automatic and simplify the task for the user in many cases. All that is required for the script to work is a browser extension and a unique code that is offered by script developers on specialized sites.

    How to use a script to enter captcha: example

    Here we will look at an example of how to install a script with Antigate, using the example of a cryptocurrency faucet.

    Anti-captcha service for manual recognition Real people work on captcha recognition, so the service can handle everything that a person can recognize:

    text captchas, graphic captchas: ReCaptcha V2, KeyCaptcha, FunCaptcha, etc.


    If you are interested in making money by entering captcha or other ways to make money on the Internet, go here - 50 ways to make money online

    Nobody wants to work, but everyone wants to earn money. Therefore, the Internet is constantly looking for programs that generate money passively.

    Every day there are more and more of them, but they rarely provide a big profit. On the other hand, if you don’t need to do anything at all, then you can be happy with any amount.

    Automatic earnings from captchas became available in the summer of 2018.

    The popular captcha recognition service has launched a new program that can be downloaded and launched by every registered user. absolutely free. True, auto mode does not work for everyone.

    A little about the RuCaptcha service

    The Rukapcha project has been working for a long time and stably. It was created for simple income and for users who have no time to solve captcha.

    You can connect to the system, pay money and launch any bots. Captchas will be solved by the performers, for which they will receive a reward.

    U of this service There is foreign analogue with payments in dollars - KolotiBablo.

    The rates are floating; they depend on the system load and the number of performers. Currently they pay for regular captchas 42 rubles/1000 recognitions, and for 1000 recaptchas for 160 rubles.

    Hundreds of thousands of performers sit on the site and enter symbols from pictures for small rewards:

    You can also work through the site, but the stakes here are not so high. The only way to increase income is to invite new members. 10% is paid on their expenses and income.

    Today RuCaptcha is the most popular service of its kind and it has several separate projects.

    Automatically enter captcha earnings with RuCaptchaBot X

    In July 2018 at official blog Rukapchi there was a post about the launch new program for automatic earnings by entering captcha. They could run it themselves, but it requires many different IP addresses to work.

    Only recaptchas can be solved via RuCaptchaBot X (checked by Google):

    Despite the fact that it is easier to solve such a captcha (you just need to check the box), the performers are paid more.

    Because in addition to the tick appear Additional tasks(select road signs, pictures of cars, etc. from the image). Here the rate also fluctuates, at the moment they pay 66 rubles for 1000 recognitions:

    You really don’t have to do anything in the program, but it doesn’t work for everyone. automatic mode. There are some subtleties, in particular, it is connected with the IP address, there is even its own rating system, more on that below.

    Instructions for installing and launching the program

    To use the Rukapchi bot, you need to register in the system and log in. After that, go to this page and download latest version programs. No installation required, just open the archive and select the .exe file:

    A program window will open and you will need to enter your key. It is located on this page and in your profile settings. Do not give it to anyone, because with this key you can spend money from your balance.

    After this, the program window immediately opens, which is divided into two parts so that you can work in 2 threads.

    A captcha is displayed on each half, and at the bottom there is a function for turning on the sound and a button for Start or stop work. The captcha appears frequently, the rates for it vary from 6.5 to 12 kopecks:

    Please note that many users have already been blocked for negligent work. You need to try to solve captchas.

    You may not have access to automatic earnings from captcha, in this case you will simply receive increased rewards and will be able to work on 2 streams, i.e. The Rukapchi bot is still worth installing.

    Setting up RuCaptchaBot X

    At the bottom of the program there are two buttons that provide settings. The first one with the Gmail icon allows you to link Google account. In reviews, people write that this helps increase Score:

    The second button opens additional options. It is not necessary to go there and everything will work without settings.

    However, you can also help by entering the UserAgent string (this is described on the page where you will receive the key) and you can select streams, sounds or proxy activation:

    Proxy settings are only useful to experienced users. It definitely makes sense to use them, because auto mode and income directly depend on the rating of the IP address. You need to change it until the program displays a high score.

    What is Score and what does it depend on?

    It is this indicator that determines whether you will have access to automatic earnings on captcha. It is updated every hour and is displayed at the bottom of the program:

    The developers themselves cannot explain what exactly this indicator depends on. But in The official blog has the following explanations:

    • at Score 0.1 only manual mode is available;
    • with Score up to 0.3 the program works automatically, but the stakes are not the highest;
    • with a Score of 0.9, the program generates income without user participation.

    According to statistics, only 5% of users have a Score of 0.9, and 91% of users have a score of 0.1. The only way to increase the indicator is to try to change the IP.

    Connect to networks at work, use Mobile Internet. Expect changes every hour; many people write that logging into Google helps.

    How much can you earn and how to withdraw money?

    Now the rate for Recaptcha is 66 rubles/1000 recognitions and the captcha receipt time is 1 second. Theoretically, you can enter 60 captchas in a minute, and in 15 minutes you can enter 1000 captchas and get 66 rubles. But in practice everything is different.

    Firstly, there are not always available offers, and secondly, it’s not realistic to solve them in a second.

    The developers claim that even with Score 0.3 you can receive 50-150 rubles every day. In practice these are slightly different numbers.

    On some days, he doesn’t even get 10 rubles. So far there are few real statistics and most only have manual mode available. Therefore, profitability remains questionable.

    The most anticipated and large-scale update of this year: the mechanisms for processing new versions of forum and blog platforms have been updated, the database of answers to anti-bot questions (text captchas) has been increased by 60,000 new text captchas, thanks to which the efficiency of XRumer has increased tenfold, as comparative tests have clearly shown. The update includes over 100 improvements and fixes.

    August 20, 2019

    XRumer 18.0 - 18.0.1

    Major update XRumer program, in which the logic for registering profiles on a variety of platforms has significantly evolved, work with the Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress Forum, MyBB, VBulletin, XenForo platforms has been improved, a mechanism has been added for modifying the sent text depending on the theme of the recipient site (new #theme macro) , the attached databases have been updated and enlarged - the total volume has exceeded 8 million sites, work with HTTPS and Google ReCaptcha-2 has been improved, and much more...

    January 26, 2019

    XRumer 16.0.18 + SocPlugin 4.0.63

    The attached databases have been checked and updated, the total volume has been increased to 8 (!) million supported resources - blogs, forums, guest books, boards, BBS, CMS, and other platforms. The database of known text captchas has been increased by more than 2,000 new answers to anti-bot questions and now amounts to 324,000 text captchas. The stability and speed of operation have been significantly increased, resource consumption has been optimized: the ceiling reaches up to 500 or more threads (depending on the operating mode). Improved work with HTTPS. And the main, key improvement: the efficiency of sending personal messages has been greatly increased - MassPM mode. Plus, many other improvements and fixes :)

    September 14, 2018

    JavaScript must be enabled for the site to function correctly.

    Captcha recognition / automatic captcha entry

    Surely almost everyone has already encountered the inscription when registering on any site: “Enter the number you see” and a distorted picture. This is a captcha (CAPTCHA, pictocode, ticket) - a graphical protection designed to distinguish between people and programs.

    During its operation, the XRumer program is able to recognize captchas, automatically downloading the picture and decrypting it. As practice has shown, decrypting this kind of captcha takes no more than 1-1.5 seconds, and usually even less on a computer with a processor with an operating frequency of 1 GHz. This requires very little traffic, because... Such pictures “weigh” no more than 3-5 KB.

    But that's not all! New XRumer 19.0.3 Elite is now able to recognize and bypass even such types of captcha as ReCaptcha and DLE! A The total list of recognized types has more than doubled compared to XRumer 5.0:

    And these are not all types; quite trivial captchas that were used in earlier versions forums and still remain on many of them. XRumer automatically recognizes the type of captcha and uses the appropriate algorithm for this type.