Travel and make money around the world. How can you earn money while traveling? Buying and selling


The other day I was once again asked this question, and I decided to write a separate post about it. Moreover, I would really like you, dear readers, to add to this post if you have anything.

Many people are interested in the question of how I and other traveling citizens manage to spend on the road from a couple of months up to six months or more.

How earn money while traveling? Most of us don't have wealthy sponsors, inherit millions, or rob banks. Everything is much simpler.

Here are the options known to me:

Find a job that allows long absences

Eat seasonal work, for example, work in tourism. Many of my friends work as guides in Thailand and other countries - they get hired for the season (the season is our winter), and in the summer, when there are no clients, they relax and travel. I do this myself now. Guide's work suitable for those who are not afraid of getting up early, get along well with people and know how to captivate the audience with their stories. Another option that does not require knowledge of history is the work of a hotel guide. Hotel guide sells tours and helps tourists solve problems with the hotel if they arise.

My friends- teachers travel for two months a year during the summer holidays and take short trips during the rest of the year.

Industrial climbers, instructor diving and alpine skiing also often live in this way. People having project work, can travel between projects.

Pros: Often such jobs are quite profitable

Minuses: Few people manage to leave for a very long time without losing a guaranteed job, but if you do not want to travel for several years in a row (usually you will have to limit yourself to six months), this option may well suit you.

Find or invent remote work

Travel with a laptop, periodically performing all kinds of work: transfer, program, make websites, moderate groups and pages in in social networks, study design, journalism, photography. , often starting small with the goal of gaining experience and building a portfolio of your own articles. I myself write articles to order as additional income.

There are also ways to earn money from anywhere in the world that do not involve sitting at a computer: one of my friends makes dolls and sells their online.

Pros: You may not return from your trip at all.

Minuses: requires a high level of self-discipline, internet and a lot of time

Save money and quit

A fairly popular scheme that many novice travelers use: worked, saved money, left, returned, found a new job. This method is convenient if you are able to live and travel economically and (yet) do not want to make a career, or if your goal is to make one big trip.

Pros: you are not tied to a computer and deadlines, the only limiter is money, which runs out pretty quickly

Minuses: search new job It takes time and is not easy for all professions. Professions of my friends who live and travel like this: courier, manager, exhibition employee, translator, IT specialist, journalist, editor, fitness instructor.

Earn money locally while traveling

Not all countries have this option due to the fact that not everywhere you can quickly find a well-paid job and it is difficult to look for work this way. Knowledge of languages ​​in such a situation is a huge plus.
With such work, there may be problems with the law if you work without a work visa. As a rule, work or piecework (one of my friends so sites and translations made to random customers), or not requiring high qualifications ( fruit picker, For example). Some street musicians I can earn extra money by playing on the street. Selling well knowledge of languages, but here there is a huge advantage for those whose native language is English.

Pros: new experience

Minuses: You won’t earn a lot of money this way and you won’t have a stable income.

You can also not work at all, renting out real estate and traveling with this money. Suitable for those lucky people who have property that can be rented out. There are heroes who have earned a lot of money, bought an apartment and now rent it out, but now this is much more difficult to do than it was before. They say that someone lives on interest on shares, but I can hardly imagine this, to be honest.

The following options are very difficult to implement, but often appear as ideas. Some (there are only a few of them) manage to put them into practice:

Start and set up own business, ensure that the constant presence of the owner becomes unnecessary and begin to live for your own pleasure. One of my friends has her own online store that feeds her while traveling.

Become independent guide worldwide, sold and read writer travel books, author of guidebooks, an expert who is invited to projects related to different countries. Many of my friends strive for this, but only a few succeed. Such a life requires a very high level of awareness and the presence of all sorts of talents in its owner, as well as the desire to always and constantly travel.

I would be glad to receive comments from people who live and travel for more than a month a year, with stories about how they do it, what they do, and how they got there.

If you take a closer look and abandon stereotypes and restrictions, you will notice that in fact there are a lot of ideas and options on how to make money wherever you are and finance your trip.

Some of them really provide an opportunity to get money, and some involve significant savings and allow you to reduce expenses (on food and housing, for example), but they all accurately answer the question: “How to make money while traveling?”

Participation in WWOOF/Workaway projects

If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, then these projects are for you. They involve working on farms, in hostels, and restaurants in exchange for food and shelter. This option is very popular in Australia and New Zealand. Considering the price level in these countries, savings on food and housing will be significant. And a completely new experience will significantly enrich you.

Street artists

If you know how to dance, play musical instruments, perform magic tricks, make giant soap bubbles or other spectacular things, you can arrange your own street performance. This is certainly not for the timid, but it can be a very fun and interesting undertaking. The main thing is not to forget about the laws of the country you are in, because such activities may be prohibited. If you are shy and don’t see yourself as a street performer, you can use your skills in another way: for example, give private dancing lessons, vocal lessons, and guitar playing.

(Almost)professional photographer

With the advent of Instagram and Photoshop, we all suddenly became photographers. This, of course, is far from the truth. But you can always try to sell your rough work or show it on the beach to surf and school schools, offering them your services as a sports photographer. Or take photos at weddings and other special occasions. And the coolest travel photos can be printed and sold in tourist places (the main thing is not to get caught by the police!).

Buying and selling

In Asia you can buy clothes, jewelry, books and many other beautiful things at very low prices. For example, in Thailand you can find good clothes for 5 euros, while in Europe the same thing will cost 20 euros. You can sell these “finds” online, such as on eBay.


Connect the creative streak that you certainly have in you: bracelets, earrings, necklaces, cards, paintings, T-shirts, souvenirs and anything else that you know how to make. Do it and try to sell.

Ship crew

If you do not suffer from seasickness, then this is what you need. If it's touristic, then you can search there quite simple work: waiter, maid, cook, guide. If it's a cargo ship, the job will be more difficult and will likely require specialized knowledge and training. But this way you can see corners of the planet far from tourist trails and feel like a real pirate!


This is "taking care" of someone else's house while its owner is away. Main responsibilities: take care of pets and look after the house, keep it clean and tidy. In exchange, you will receive housing and sometimes a small payment for your services. You can search for property owners who need help here:

On this topic:

Fruit picking

This option is the simplest and most accessible to everyone, although sometimes it can be tiring and physically difficult.

Work in a hostel

This is a common practice in South America and Oceania. You work in a hostel at the reception desk or as a maid, cleaner, or a combination of both positions, and in return you receive food and housing. To earn money, in your free time you can give tourists excursions around the city (for a nominal fee, of course) or organize joint dinners. What is this? Just imagine: there are 10 people who chip in $10 each. It turns out to be 50 dollars. Buying food for everyone (pizza, pasta, lasagna, noodles, drinks) costs much less than $50. And the rest is yours. True, you will need to think through the program of the evening, entertainment, introduce the guests to each other... And so you managed to earn a little today, a little tomorrow, and now you are continuing your journey.

Distant work

If you have certain computer skills, writing articles or you know foreign languages, you can work anywhere in the world, at any time and be your own boss. True, you will always need a laptop and a good Internet connection. Examples of professions: copywriter, web marketer, web designer, translator.

Do you speak English?

It's good if your English level is high enough and you also have a TEFL certificate. Then your financial troubles may be over: finding a job as an English teacher is very easy, especially, and it usually pays well. Of course, not only English is valued, but also other languages. If you know Italian, for example, you can expect that some crazy person will want to learn a less useful language (although perhaps the most beautiful in the world). And other languages ​​are gaining popularity. Go to language schools, post notices in restaurants and hotels, post online and offer private lessons.

Sell ​​food

Many travelers prepare home-cooked food and sell it at the beach or market. There are even groups of such “entrepreneurs” on Facebook.


If you are not afraid of sharks, you can get and find a job as a diving instructor in one of the hundreds of diving centers in Asia, and around the world.


In the countries of Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and other regions where there are many resort areas, you can look for work on the beach. You can become a promoter, distributing leaflets or luring visitors to a restaurant, store or travel agency, an animator or an excursion sales agent. Where there are a lot of vacationers, there will always be work.

Beauty industry

If you know how to use scissors and still look more like a barber than Jack the Ripper, then this is the job for you. It is quite easy and can be quite successful. Post notices on boards in the hostel where you are staying and in the neighborhood and wait for someone to call you. This idea is also relevant, for example, for massage therapists. Who wouldn't want a good massage after a long route?

Of course, there are many other ideas and options: to study, be a guide, a waiter, a bartender, work remotely or on holidays and festivals, write a book, work or walk dogs and hundreds of others.

When communicating with travelers, the first thing I try to do is find out how they make money while in different countries. There are people who simply moved to live in another country, and there are those who do not stay in one place for more than a couple of months.

Based on their lives, I have compiled statistics of the most common methods, and now I will tell you about them.

Ways to earn money while traveling with disadvantages

  • Employment

- I see this method quite often. When we were in Cyprus, I was surprised how many Russians and Ukrainians there were. Working as waiters, sellers, guides, etc.

Of course, it’s cool to live where you want with a stable income, but most people work in order to live there and support themselves. They have to do something they don’t like, work around the clock and have problems with permission to earn income without being a citizen of this country, and also be tied to their place.

  • Business offline

2. Business in another country- practically the same thing as hired work, only even more hemorrhoids. Basically, these are shops, cafes, entertainment and services for tourists, helping to find accommodation, extend a visa, etc. Isolated cases of production of any goods, for example: furniture, toys, decorations, etc. Well, or food processing: seafood, fruits, vegetables.

In some countries, it is prohibited for a foreigner to do business, but in others, on the contrary, it is welcomed and supported in every possible way. It is quite complex and requires a large initial investment. And in general, this method can not be attributed to making money while traveling, I also wanted to write about construction, but this is completely too much.

  • Network business

3. Network marketing. I also classified it as an income group with big disadvantages. I have the right to talk about network business, since I myself have been involved in it for more than a year. Only while in Russia. I know about a dozen people who travel at the expense of a network company, but these are mostly top leaders.

People who have built a huge team of distributors throughout Russia. A little later I will write about the network in more detail and explain why I think that it is not suitable for making money while traveling. If you have something to say about this, write in the comments and we’ll discuss it.

Ways to earn money while traveling for everyone

  • Working for yourself

- quite an interesting and popular way to earn money while traveling. This point includes those people who mainly do what they love and provide their services. These are photographers, videographers, stylists, hairdressers, trainers various types sports and spiritual practices, business coaches and so on.

They provide professional services and teach other people how to make money from it. Subsequently, as often happens, they become information businessmen - they create their own courses, write books and receive passive income from them.

  • Business online

2. Information business and affiliate programs- this method includes those people who create their own courses, training programs, books, etc., and those people who help sell them, receiving a percentage for this.

What is information business? This is information remade in your own way, some of your own experience has been added and it’s all sorted out.

3. Sale of physical goods, online store— to be honest, I haven’t met many people on my travels who are involved in this business. But it exists and is becoming popular in Lately. I can’t tell you much about this; rather, in the future I’ll interview these people, and they themselves will tell you everything.

4. Your own information site or blog- this is probably the second most accessible way for an ordinary person to make money on the Internet, and it also has a very big advantage - it brings profit 24 hours a day.

To create your own blog, you don’t need a lot of investment, you can do it in an hour. But for it to generate income, you will have to make a little effort and, possibly, investments. For me, a blog is not only a way to earn money and build passive income, but also one of the ways of self-development.

According to my statistics, only 20% of travelers do all the methods that I listed above. The last way earn money while traveling, which I will talk about in this article, is practiced by almost 80% of people who travel freely around the world.

  • Work online

5. Remote work and freelancing- this is by far the most accessible and quick way learn to earn money regardless of location. As I already said, about 80% of free travelers do it.

Nowadays, any successful business cannot do without an online presence, and this business cannot do without reliable employees. There are hundreds of professions for which you can find work online, so you can read about professions.

Remote work is also the most stable option compared to the other above-mentioned methods of making money on the Internet. Finding a vacancy for remote work on the Internet is quite difficult, I myself tried to search six months ago on sites with vacancies, but under all the vacancies for which I applied, networkers from Oriflame, etc. were disguised.

I don’t want to reveal the secrets of finding a job that I received while undergoing paid training. You can read it here. This training is just a quick way to start earning money via the Internet; within a month I earned my first money and found a stable employer.

If you don't want to pay or are afraid of trainings, try it yourself. I think you will succeed.

This is where I run out of options for how to make money while traveling. If you know any other interesting ways, share them in the comments.

I wish everyone to travel and earn more!

17.02.2017 Maria Glazunova

3.5 years ago our life changed dramatically. Until this moment, life had developed according to the classic scenario: “kindergarten -> school -> university -> office work.” Most of the time we did what our parents, teachers, lecturers, bosses, etc. told us to do.

We lived according to a schedule and within the limits set by someone from the outside. Of course, at a conscious age we have the opportunity to independently choose who will set these boundaries and even the opportunity to independently manage our time. Free. Those few hours after work, a couple of weekends a week and a few weeks a year were completely at our disposal! And we traveled! We tried to fill any free time with trips somewhere to other countries - where the sun is brighter, the sea is warmer, the sky is bluer, and the fruits are sweeter.

And it didn’t even occur to us that we could live differently. Please note that I am not saying that working in an office is bad. If work brings pleasure and satisfaction, that’s great, and it doesn’t matter where you are – at an office desk, at a machine, or at a construction site.

The other thing is bad - if you come to a job you hate every day, sit out your legal 8 hours, and at the same time, every free minute you dream of distant countries and warm lands. You read blogs about travel, dreaming of someday leaving everything and leaving, but every time there are a thousand reasons - incredibly weighty and completely valid. And the most significant and respectful of them is financial.

Let's skip now the question of the expediency of life while traveling; this is the topic of a separate article. Of course, there are both pros and cons here, but we’re not talking about that now. This article is not for those who do not want, but for those who want, but think that they cannot leave an uncomfortable environment for more than 2 weeks.

In this article, I want to systematize the ways in which you can earn money while outside your country. I recommend turning off your “inner critic” while reading and looking at each point not from the perspective of “ pfff, what nonsense, this is definitely not for me, I can’t do that", etc., and from the position " hmm, how can I apply this to myself?»

All examples are given based on the opportunities that we came across during our travels in Southeast Asia. They are not taken from my head, but mainly from the experience of our friends and acquaintances, but for obvious reasons, I will not cite almost any names in the text.

So, I propose to start with the simplest and most accessible option for everyone.

Freelancing is an intermediate option between working for hire and working for yourself, combining both the pros and cons of both methods.


  • There is no connection to place of residence. This is perhaps the most important advantage for traveling - to work you only need a laptop and the Internet, you can work from almost anywhere in the world.
  • Free schedule. Most often, freelancing is project work, where the customer pays not for hours, but for the completed order, so you are free to complete it at any time, the main thing is to meet the deadlines.
  • Having a choice. You are free to choose which orders to take and which not, which customers to work with and which to refuse.
  • More opportunities for self-development and growth. Your advancement up the “career” ladder depends only on yourself. There is no boss who can improve your mood, or maybe not, there is only you. If you work well, take on more complex orders, you will develop successfully.


  • Less stability. There may be too much work, or there may be no work at all, and this cannot always be predicted in advance.
  • High competition and difficulty in finding a customer. At first, while there is no good portfolio and reputation, you will need to “dig the ground” in search of good orders.
  • It's difficult to organize yourself. For many of those who left the office for freelancing, at first they are “mind blown” by the fact that they don’t have to live according to a schedule and it turns out that organizing yourself is much more difficult than sitting at the office from 9 to 18

There is an amazing paradox in freelancing - with a huge number of employees in any specialty, there are very few normal freelancers. The competition is huge, but it is incredibly difficult for an employer to find a good person.

We recently talked with one businessman who said that he was ready to pay 1.5 times more to someone who would work efficiently and do everything on time. But there are very few of them - performers take an order, then disappear, do not do what they were asked to do, do not want to listen to the wishes of the customer, and so on, so simply by becoming a responsible performer you already significantly increase your chances of success.

Another advantage of freelancing is the fact that here you can start from scratch, in almost any field and, with due diligence, grow quite quickly. Of course, at first you will need to take on cheap projects, but skill only grows with practice

By the way, we ourselves are far from freelance professions; for the last few years we have worked in IT sales. We wanted to go traveling for a long time and were very envious of designers/programmers who could work without being tied to an office, and we had no idea how to earn money outside the usual format.

When traveling, we often meet people who try to work as a freelancer, but at the same time earn pennies. They create a profile, place an ad and wait for an avalanche of orders to fall on them, but for some reason this does not happen.

In general, income from freelancing is potentially unlimited, but in reality, of course, it is very are tied to 2 factors:

  1. Your skills as a specialist
  2. Your skills as a person who knows how to present yourself to an employer

Almost a year ago, we met guys who took a course at the Remote Employee Training Center, where they help, firstly, to understand the variety of online specialties, and secondly, and no less important, they teach how to work competently with customers and present yourself, earn a reputation, and therefore more money.

Many of them still live in Bali, most of them came from small cities, where the average salary is 15,000 rubles and there are not many prospects

Well, if you don’t know where to start in freelancing, we recommend that you first download the book “”

Remote work

I think that many of you have read Timothy Ferriss, but few have tried to use the simplest method he talks about, namely:

Make an agreement at your current job that you will perform your duties remotely.

First of all, this, of course, also applies to initially freelance specialties - designer, programmer, etc., but we have friends who remotely perform completely different work - from designers to customs clearance specialists. Of course, you won’t be able to work remotely as a doctor or hairdresser, but with today’s communication capabilities, many tasks can be solved remotely.

At first glance, it may seem that no leader would agree to such conditions, but real examples our friends show that this is quite possible.

In my opinion, in order for a manager to agree to your remote work, you need to fulfill only one condition - to become an ESSENTIAL employee for him. And believe me, this is much easier to do than it seems.

Of course, in an ideally configured structure there are no irreplaceable people, but there are so few such companies that this is not significant.

I myself was recruiting personnel for my team and during my work I conducted dozens, if not hundreds of interviews and guess what? Finding an adequate employee is EXTREMELY difficult. Everyone thinks they are brilliant, but no one wants to work hard. So just put yourself in the boss's shoes and give him a little more than he expects from you.


  • You can live where you like, there is a good climate, there is a sea, etc.
  • Shifted schedule - the working day in Russia starts 4-5 hours later, so in the morning you can have time to do a bunch of things, or sleep longer)


  • It’s still the same job, and if it was unloved, then from a distance you won’t love it anymore

Placement in a company on site

This option does not eliminate the need to live according to a schedule that someone sets for you, but it is one of the most simple ways move to another country. Of course, find workplace It’s not that simple and, most likely, it will not be a high-level position, although there are exceptions.


  • Stability
  • Salary in foreign currency (very relevant now)
  • Legality (this is not always true, however)


  • All the same as during normal work in Russia

Popular areas for employment:

  • Hotel business (sales, customer service, advertising and PR managers)
  • Tourism (sales managers, tour guides)
  • Catering business
  • Skills training (languages, yoga, dance)

At this point, two directions can be distinguished.

Employment in a Russian (or international) company:

  • Most famous example– Aviasales company, whose office is located in Phuket.
  • Another company is the advertising agency Mevix, with an office in Samui, we know about it firsthand, a friend of ours worked there for some time.
  • Other acquaintances moved the entire office to Bali and also worked there as a team for several years.
  • Another friend of ours (from Syria) worked at Microsoft in his country, and then transferred to an office in Malaysia and now lives there.
  • A girl I know in Bali works part-time as a florist in a company that organizes weddings, designs arches and bouquets

  • Recently, in Vietnam, we met a girl who worked for some time in a casting agency in Mumbai, recruiting girls for filming in advertising and as backup dancers.
  • We ourselves were there when we were there, but they pay pennies for it, so it's just for fun. And if you, for example, dance well, you can earn completely different money. But be especially careful with this, there are plenty of scammers in this area

Employment in a local company

Here the scope for creativity is limited by knowledge of languages. If you know some local language (Indonesian/Thai) and English, then your chances of finding a job are much greater. If you are only Russian, then you should go to where there are many of our tourists (Pattaya, Phuket, Nha Trang).

Directions for employment:

In principle, this can be absolutely any field of activity.

  • For example, one of our friends got a job as a programmer in the office of a payment company (like our qiwi) in Jakarta. At the same time, his English is far from perfect, and at that time he barely knew Indonesian at all. Now he is the only foreigner in the company, he earns a good salary and is in good standing with his colleagues and management.
  • Yoga studio, dance classes - in such places there are often many teachers from Australia, Europe, Canada, so if you have the appropriate skills, then this is a pretty good opportunity to demonstrate them.
  • Another acquaintance got a job as a DJ in a restaurant in Boracay - it was, admittedly, more of a part-time job, but nevertheless it also brought in some money.
  • A couple of our friends travel around Asia, and when the money runs out, they settle somewhere in a tourist place and get a job in a travel agency, she as a sales manager, he as a guide

In general, if you are interested in the topic of local employment and want to study this area in more detail, watch the webinar by Olesya Novikova, she worked in Asia for several years and she has detailed material on this topic, which includes:

  • Review of vacancies;
  • job search technology;
  • RFP negotiation strategy;
  • pitfalls, etc.

This is generally a very popular direction. Again, we know guys who teach English to the Chinese, in the Philippines we met a Latvian who taught English to Filipinos and Thais, another friend teaches Russian to the Japanese, another works in Hong Kong at a university

Animator. For this vacancy, you don’t even need any skills at all, the main thing is that you like communicating with people.

Instructor. An instructor certificate in any sport also opens up a lot of opportunities. So, for example, we have a friend who teaches kiting, he works at a kite school in Boracay

There are a couple of diving instructors I know - one works in Lembongan (a small island near Bali), the other comes to Phuket every winter. We also have friends who work at a surf school in Bali, and in Nepal we met some guys who teach paragliding – in Europe in the summer and in the Himalayas in winter.

Work on a liner/yacht. This is another direction that can also be very interesting. You can read more about vacancies and salaries, for example, or.

Programs for students. For those still studying at university, there are plenty of opportunities to combine travel with work. The most famous Work and Travel program is great way live in another country, earn money, improve your language, and in general, a very cool challenge. At one time, we missed this opportunity and regretted it very much. In general, there are other programs for students, look on the Internet.

Fruit picking. There are regions where this type of activity is very popular. For example, picking strawberries in Finland, but this is more of a seasonal trip, for several weeks. But farm work in Australia, taking into account their salaries ($12-20), is a very good opportunity for part-time work. We have more than once met Europeans returning from working in Australia via Southeast Asia.

There are many different vacancies there - work on farms, in gardens, as tractor drivers, shepherds, etc. The work is hard and there are many nuances, but with due diligence and luck you can find very good options and earn an impressive amount in a few months.

In general, Australia is also open to more qualified employees, although mostly in intermediate specialized professions (electrician, cook, etc.). A list of in-demand specialties is available on the consulate’s website, and if you have the appropriate profession, you will have access to a simplified procedure for obtaining a residence permit.


Typically, volunteering is a form of charity, working in an orphanage, hospital, in disadvantaged areas and developing countries. There are various agencies that organize volunteer trips; you can read more, for example,.

But sometimes this simply means “work for room and board”, when the employer provides room and board in exchange for your time - there can also be a lot of vacancies here: work in a guesthouse, school, on a farm, etc.


Organization of tours

In addition to getting a job as a guide, you can organize tours on your own - this is one of the clear ways to combine travel with income.

We have a lot of friends/acquaintances who earn money in this way, both on an ongoing basis and occasionally:

  • For example, - Shamil began to conduct non-standard tours around Bali on his own, and now he has many interesting routes around the world and the guides who conduct these tours
  • Samlowry conducts original tours of Thailand, which allow you not only to see the country as a tourist, but also to take part in a real adventure.
  • There are also many friends who periodically earn extra money in this way - even without a website or any advertising, they simply recruit a small group of 5-6 people through social networks and take them to interesting places in a particular country.
  • There are also friends who lead tours around Bali. For example, you can register on the website, rent a car and drive tourists around the island, showing them your favorite places.
  • In India, on a train from Chennai to Calcutta, we met a man who had been living there for 15 years and worked as an individual escort - they were traveling together with a girl who wanted to travel around India, but was afraid alone, so such a service exists.
  • A separate direction is photo tours. If you know your way around a certain area well, know unusual places to shoot, and at the same time understand photography, this is also in demand. For example, we have a photographer friend who periodically goes on tours with famous photographers to learn from them, but sometimes he’s willing to pay just to be brought to a good place and he didn’t have to think about hotels, route, food, transport, etc.

Well, in general, a huge number of amateur photographers have appeared recently, so if you know how not to overwhelm the horizon, you are already a guru for many of them :)

Organization of outdoor events

Trainings. Nowadays it is popular to conduct on-site trainings, both open and corporate, but the trainer, most often, is not involved in the organization, and many of them will be happy to cooperate with a person who will take over the entire organizational process.

Weddings. Organizing symbolic weddings is also very popular. An increasing number of people want an original wedding, somewhere by the sea/ocean, it’s not for nothing that every tourist region already has wedding organizers, but nevertheless, there are places where the level of competition is quite acceptable. Well, or you can occupy less developed markets, for example, the Russian team organized the wedding for them

Business on site

If the previous point is a partially virtual business, which essentially does not require offices, rental premises, etc., then a separate direction is the organization of a classic business. Here, in general, everything is clear, so I won’t dwell on this too much.


  • Motorbike rental
  • Spa salon
  • Surf schools
  • Russian bath

Work with children

  • Organization of kindergarten
  • Outdoor children's camps
  • Organization and holding of children's parties

Recently we read an interview with guys who bought a small guesthouse in Pattaya and now rent out rooms in it. A simpler option is a realtor. Many people find it easier to pay 2-3 thousand for an agent’s services than to look for housing on their own for several days.

True, the Russians have noticed a love for excessive profit from their compatriots - instead of receiving a standard commission, some “black realtors” re-let housing at 2 times the price, and thereby greatly spoil the market; looking at this, the locals also begin to raise prices inappropriately.

Another option is to rent out rooms through airbnb. Since many locals are not very friendly with the Internet, you can negotiate with several owners and present their accommodation online, receiving a commission from this.

If you don't know what airbnb is, read our detailed article.

Well, don't forget to register and get first booking bonus

Public catering

Well, of course, we can’t ignore this topic. In any place where there is a flow of Russian tourists (or many expats live), there is a demand for Russian cuisine.

We met especially many Russian restaurants in Thailand (Phuket, Koh Samui, Phangan and Krabi) and Vietnam (Mui Ne and Nha Trang). In Bali, by the way, there is an excellent one. In some places, Russian food delivered to your home (dumplings, charlotte, pasties, sour cream) is popular.

Your own project or monetization of talents

Here, again, the scope for creativity is limited by your imagination and abilities. By and large, this includes much of the “work for hire” item, but only in the form of self-employment.

Photoshoot. One of the most common ways to make money is photographing weddings, love stories, surfers, and so on.

Shooting for stock photos. We have at least 2 pairs of friends who earn their living from this. The funny side of this activity is to meet your work used in advertising somewhere in an Asian airport =)

Making jewelry. We have a friend on Koh Phangan, she makes amazing things from semi-precious stones that sell like hot cakes). This also includes the creation of souvenirs, for example, paper dolls that Masha Dubrovskaya makes.

Yoga. You can organize outdoor tours or conduct yoga for “donation” - according to the experience of friends, people often pay the same amount, but more people come.

Any trainings and master classes. Voice training, culinary master classes, dancing, learning to play instruments (guitar, piano), and all sorts of arrangements, slats and other isoterics - we regularly encounter all this where Russian expats live

Beauty services. Makeup, manicure, hairdresser - all this is in demand in any country, but often a Russian person wants to turn to a master who will definitely understand his desires, so this area is also popular.

In general, you can teach almost anything, even riding a bike =)

Monetization and packaging of knowledge (info business)

The information business has recently developed a not very positive reputation, due to the fact that unscrupulous information businessmen are not such a rare phenomenon. Indeed, in order to open an offline business, you need to invest much more time and resources, and “regular” business is more regulated by law.

Promoting an information business and bringing it to a good level is also not such an easy task, but at least you can start it much easier and faster; in fact, all you need is a computer.

But in my opinion, due to the fact that there are dishonest businessmen in this industry, it is extremely unwise to write it off completely. This is similar to the infantile behavior of a teenager who, after a failed first love, believes that all members of the opposite sex are bastards.

In any case, taking into account developing technologies, the information business has already gained enormous momentum and continues to develop, but at the same time, as elsewhere, there is a place for beginners.

In essence, information business is packaging and selling your knowledge, and it can be either unique or simply structured information collected in one place. Most of them teach how to make money, but there are also more non-standard topics, for example:

  • Pickup, dancing, weight loss, cooking, healthy eating
  • 1C programming
  • AutoCAD, 3D-max, photoshop, illustrator
  • How to protect yourself from traffic police fines
  • Vision restoration

How you can make money on a blog:

  • Advertising – custom articles, banners, selling links
  • Advertising in mailings
  • contextual advertising
  • Partnership programs

The last point is the most promising, but also the most difficult - in Russia, for some reason, many people do not like affiliate programs. In essence, an affiliate program is a recommendation. I know that Vasya makes a good product and I trust him. I recommend this product to Petya, he buys it, and Vasya, as a thank you, pays me some percentage of the sale, and if Petya goes directly to Vasya, he will pay the same amount.

But many, upon learning that someone will receive money for a recommendation, immediately begin to suspect a catch. That is why we never recommend on our website anything that we ourselves are not sure of. As a rule, all the affiliate programs that we publish are either services that we use ourselves or know well about the one who offers them.

Of course, thematic affiliate programs that work best are those that are directly related to the topic of the blog. It would be strange if we began to recommend, for example, plastic windows. So, since you are reading this article, don’t forget to look for and book air tickets and insurance through us, and book hotels :)



  1. Marina

    Maria Glazunova


  2. Winter in Thailand




    Most people who are “hooked” on traveling begin to think about how to earn more money and travel to another country again. Further, their thoughts lead to the fact that there is no need to save money if you can work while traveling. At this moment, a logical question arises: “How to make money while traveling?” There are a lot of ways to make money, but I will only talk about those with which, in my opinion or experience, you can really make money.

    Before we rush into reading ways to make money, let’s digress a little. I want to convey one idea to you, and for this I need you to understand that one of the main parameters for evaluating your work is the cost of your labor per unit of time.

    Example. You know how to knit socks and spend 4 hours on one pair + 1 hour to deliver it to the customer, take the money and return home. Also, you were hired to wash the windows of your neighbors and it took you 2 hours. For both of your actions you received the same amount of money, say $10. But in the first case you earned them in 5 hours, and in the second in 2 hours, it turns out that the cost of your working hour was $2 and $5, respectively.

    In such examples the difference is immediately visible. But if you work in an office 40 hours a week and receive a salary of $1000, then it is more difficult for you to calculate the cost of your hour. According to average data, it turns out that you earn about $6 per hour. And if we add here the house-office-house road with a total duration of 2 hours, then the cost per hour will drop to $4.5.

    But in addition to the cost per hour, you need to consider the second parameter - whether you like this work. That is, if you like knitting socks and hate cleaning windows, then you will most likely be more comfortable working for $2 an hour than for $5.

    Therefore, evaluate your current activities according to these two parameters and compare them with what else you can do besides this. Perhaps the value of your current hour of unloved but profitable work is much lower than the cost of an hour of your small favorite hobby that brings you a small income. And you should just do the things you like more, giving up the work you don’t like.

    Well, now the long-awaited list of ways to make money while traveling according to the website:

    • Remote work, freelance. In this category I will include the work of programmers, designers, copywriters, translators and other specialties, performed for a remote employer using a computer, the results of which can be sent via the Internet.
    • Work at your current location. The easiest way to find a job as a “helper” is at a travel agency, store, cafe, or in one of the countless factories of rubber, silk, crocodile skin, etc.
    • Photo. There is some room to expand here:
      • If you are already an established wedding, club, or model photographer and will constantly check in in those places where this moment you are there, there will be no end to the packagers who are in the same city with you. Of course, experience and talent are needed here, but there are those who can do without it.
      • or for direct sale of photographs. It requires a very responsible approach to shooting and good photographic equipment.
      • for real estate agencies, of which there are a huge number appearing in all resort countries. It can also be included here (requires a special panoramic tripod head).
    • Maintaining your own travel blogs and video blogs. Every self-respecting traveler starts one in the hope of making money on it. You can definitely earn money, but to do this you need to write high-quality texts at least every other day. And very actively and competently engage in its promotion. In the case of a video blog, this is, in my opinion, even more difficult. An excellent example of turning a travel blog into an income source is The author of this blog earns good money from contextual advertising Google Adsense and Yandex.RYA and, even more money for affiliate programs TravelPayouts()
    • Selling travel goods. For example, costume jewelry from India, or handmade olive cosmetics from. If you don’t stay in countries for long, then this type of income becomes quite problematic. By the time customers “try” your product, you are already in another place. Also, this can include part-time work in the form of “I’m ready to send you any goods you want from this country while I’m here.”
    • Mastery. Good example— Masha Dubrovskaya, author of the blog She makes paper dolls and successfully sells them on By the way, in Heraklion they saw a backpacker selling homemade carved hair clips and some kind of jewelry.
    • Teaching. Teaching Russian or any other language on site or remotely via video communication programs such as Skype. In addition to languages, you can teach yoga, dancing, drawing, photography and much more.
    • Organization of group and individual tours. A way of earning money that is gaining momentum among free travelers. People are bored, many want to look at corners of the world hidden from tourists. Beginners take groups around Thailand, more advanced ones to Africa and Latin American countries.

    As in any business, your first efforts in a new field will never bring significant income. There is no easy money in any of the ways I have listed to make money while traveling. Only by training your hand, clients, eyes, etc., over time you will definitely achieve a decent income. Unless, of course, you abandon everything halfway.

    P.S. This may sound trivial, but a penny saves a ruble. And until you cope with planning and accounting for your finances, you simply will not understand how much you earn.

    Services we use on our independent travels:

    Search and purchase of air tickets
    Aviasales is number 1 for us among all search engines, we use only it because it is convenient and reliable, without any pitfalls.
    One Two Trip! - an amazingly convenient search engine in which you can find and purchase not only air tickets, but also railway tickets. In addition, it is also easy to book a hotel or hotel there. By clicking on our link you will receive an additional 500 rubles discount on the purchase of an air ticket!

    Search and book accommodation

    1. - a world-famous search engine where you can find and book accommodation from guesthouses to luxury villas. Have used it many times and highly recommend it.
    2. Hotellook is a service for searching and booking accommodation from the creators of Aviasales.
    3. Airbnb - booking and renting apartments, rooms, houses from local residents. Tested on ourselves, everything is honest, we recommend. When booking using our link, you will receive a bonus of RUB 2,100, which you can use to pay for your accommodation. To do this, you will need to create your AirBnB account.
    Car rental
    - an excellent alternative to traveling on intercity buses and trains across Russia. Prices are most often lower than public transport, and comfort is significantly higher.

    Service aggregator for car rentals from local rental companies. You choose a car as if at a local rental, but through the service, booking by bank card, from which only 15% of the cost is charged. The guarantor is MyRentacar. You can choose not only the car class, but also a specific car, down to the body color and radio type. But most importantly, the prices on this service are the same as if you went to your local rental company yourself!