The laptop turns off by itself. The main reasons for a laptop to suddenly turn off


A laptop is a very complex device. Structurally, it is much more complex than a desktop computer. At the same time, the laptop is mobile device, users constantly carry it with them, which means it is subject to shocks and shocks. Therefore, laptop failure is far from uncommon. One of the most common problems is sudden shutdowns. The laptop simply turns off by itself and the user cannot influence it in any way. In this material we will look at the main reasons that can lead to the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Reason No. 1. Overheating.

Modern laptops have very powerful hardware that emits a lot of heat. Add to this the thin plastic body (which doesn't dissipate heat very well) and you'll realize that cooling a laptop is a very difficult task. Therefore, overheating of individual components is far from a rare occurrence for a laptop. If the temperature exceeds certain limit values, the laptop will turn off.

So if your laptop turns off on its own, then the first thing to check is the temperature of its components. Particular attention should be paid to and, since these components are most susceptible to overheating. For this you can use free program.

In most cases, the cause of overheating is a breakdown of the cooling system or a large amount of dust in the laptop. It is impossible to fix such a malfunction on your own. Therefore, at the first suspicion of overheating, you should immediately contact a service center.

Reason No. 2. Battery.

If your laptop only turns off when running on battery power, the battery may be faulty. In this case, the battery needs to be replaced with a new one or repaired. If you are sure that the problem is with the battery, then you can replace it yourself.

Reason No. 3. Power supply.

Another common problem that can cause your laptop to turn off on its own is a broken power supply. If the problem is in the power supply, then the laptop will work fine on battery power and turn off after connecting the power supply. Also, failures in the power supply are characterized by shutdowns when the load on the laptop increases. For example, a laptop may work fine with office programs, but as soon as you start a game or a demanding program, the laptop turns off. Like the battery, the power supply can be replaced without visiting service center.

Reason No. 4. Software problems.

Problems at the software level can also lead to laptop shutdowns or reboots. The reason may be virus infection, damage system files, conflict between programs or drivers. Typically, software shutdowns of a laptop occur along with the appearance (or so-called BSoD).

If you see a blue screen of death and then your laptop turns off or reboots, then you most likely have software problems. Check your computer for viruses, remove recently installed programs and drivers. If all else fails, try reinstalling Windows.

Reason No. 5. Problems with the hard drive.

A hard drive is a rather fragile device; it does not withstand shocks and shocks. Therefore, in laptops hard disks break down much more often than in desktop computers. If, along with shutdowns, the laptop experiences freezes when working with files, then there may be a problem with the hard drive.

Hard drives cannot be repaired, but they are easy to replace. In most laptops, the hard drive is accessible through a special hatch at the bottom of the case. In one of our articles we already talked about.

Reason No. 6. Other malfunctions.

There are other reasons that can cause the laptop to turn off on its own. For example, a laptop motherboard may develop microcracks. Such a defect can only manifest itself from time to time, so it is very difficult to diagnose. If you cannot determine why your laptop turns off by itself, then you should contact a service center.

Any user at least once in his life has encountered the fact that his portable PC suddenly stops working on its own after a certain period of time after being turned on. Don't wait for the problem to solve itself - diagnose your computer immediately.

Reasons for spontaneous shutdown

The laptop may turn off spontaneously during operation if one of the following reasons exists:

To identify the above problems, you can take your laptop to one of the service centers.

However, by the way it turns off, you can determine the cause of the malfunction yourself.

  1. firstly, if, when watching movies or running heavy games, the device overheats and suddenly turns off, then obviously a lot of dust has accumulated inside it or a virus has entered the programs;
  2. secondly, if during work a blue screen often appears, incomprehensible inscriptions are displayed, after which the screen darkens, then a problem has occurred system error or failure of a separate part;
  3. thirdly, if after turning on the laptop immediately turns off and emits abrupt sound signals, then the problem is in the components, motherboard or BIOS settings;
  4. fifthly, if the PC stops working when disconnected from the network, its battery has failed.

In 90% of cases, the reason why a laptop computer stops working is because it overheats. The answer to the question why a laptop heats up and turns off is most often due to contamination, a broken cooler, or the penetration of a special virus.

Video: Optimizing your laptop

If you encounter one of the difficulties listed above, do not hesitate. So far, any of them is a signal to the need to fix minor problems.

  1. In case of spontaneous shutdown, immediately disconnect the computer from the power supply;
  2. unscrew the bolts on the back panel of the device and remove the cover;
  3. blow out the cooling mechanism with a conventional vacuum cleaner in the “blow” mode;
  4. carefully clean the cooler grate with cotton swabs;
  5. screw the back cover back on;
  6. turn on your laptop and check if the cooler is working by placing your hand on its back panel.

If after these measures the laptop still heats up and turns off, then the thermal paste on the microprocessor will probably need to be replaced. It is better to entrust this procedure to specialists.

It is better to transfer to experienced computer technicians the correction of such problems as:

  1. replacing the battery, which usually completely fails after 2-3 years of laptop operation;
  2. diagnostics and elimination of breakdowns of individual parts and motherboard which can occur due to viruses or mechanical damage;
  3. cleaning the system from malware, which can not only delete system folders and disrupt the operation of the OS, but can even contribute to overheating of the case and components.

To prevent spontaneous shutdown of a laptop computer, experts also recommend following the following operating rules:

  1. get a special cooling pad for your laptop;
  2. Blow out the cooler and ventilation holes from time to time;
  3. do not leave the operating device on soft fabric surfaces: it perfectly absorbs dust during operation;
  4. protect the laptop from sharp shocks and impacts;
  5. install reliable virus protection.

Photo: special cooling pad for a laptop

If a laptop computer stops working on its own, you should not actively disassemble its case and internal parts without having special knowledge to do this. All laptop components are very fragile, so it is better to leave problems to professionals.

Possible mistakes

Any user will have to face problems with a laptop PC, so it is better to establish in advance how each of the errors manifests itself, leading to its shutdown.

System clogged with dust

The heating of a laptop during operation can be explained by simple laws of physics: electricity passes through the wires and generates heat. Than with higher frequency the processor is running, the more powerful the heat dissipation will be.

In this regard, modern laptops have:

  • strong built-in coolers;
  • special ventilation holes in the lower part of the case;
  • additional cooling pads.

However, if the ventilation airlocks become clogged with debris and dust accumulates on the cooler blades, the system will no longer cool properly, resulting in:

  1. when launching heavy games and programs backside The PC becomes hot, after which it suddenly stops working;
  2. when turned off, the laptop does not make any sounds, does not display a blue screen and does not display any messages on the display;
  3. 10-15 minutes after startup, the computer slows down, the front panel gets hot, the fan starts to make a lot of noise;
  4. in just 30-60 seconds of operation, the system temperature, which can be viewed in the BIOS settings, approaches 80-90 degrees.

There can be only one solution to the problem here: complete cleaning of the housing from contamination.


Malicious programs can enter a PC when a user visits certain websites, connects infected external media to a laptop, or opens emails with dubious content.

Shutting down a laptop computer when infected with viruses can manifest itself as follows:

  1. The message “ Windows system blocked”, after which the device stops working;
  2. the operation of programs stops and a blue screen appears;
  3. When you launch any browser, the “The computer will turn off in a minute NT:AUTORITET/SYSTEM” window appears.

Certain types of modern viruses force the processor to work in enhanced mode. Which leads after a few minutes to the case overheating and restarting.

In any case, there are only two ways to solve this problem:

  • If the PC can be started for at least a few minutes, then it will need to be checked and cleaned using one of special programs Kaspersky, ESET Nod 32 or Dr.Web;
  • If the device turns off immediately, you will have to reinstall the OS.

To prevent such problems in the future, you should monitor the maintenance of the action antivirus program up to date.

Incorrect laptop settings

The basic parameters for the coordinated activity of all devices on a personal PC are laid down in the BIOS.

Therefore, by installing a new OS on a laptop, cutting-edge software or expanding RAM You may encounter one of the following problems:

  • the laptop reboots on its own and displays a blue “screen of death”;
  • in case of spontaneous shutdown, several abrupt sound signals are heard from the case;
  • Once turned on, the lights go out and the device turns off or goes into Sleep mode.

There are several ways to resolve this situation:

  1. check the proper functioning of all components and the motherboard;
  2. correlate the parameters of the installed software and system requirements;
  3. reinstall the video card drivers if you notice that the computer reboots after startup graphics programs or movies.

The last resort in this case can be considered flashing the BIOS and re-installing operating system . Also, you should try disabling everything external devices connected to the PC: speakers, modems. Sometimes they turn out to be too powerful for a given model.

Why does my laptop turn off without charging?

The desktop in the lower right corner shows the full battery charge and the PC is working properly. However, as soon as you disconnect the device from the network, it turns off by itself. The reason for this may be the failure of the autonomous battery.

To replace it you need to do the following:

  • at the top back cover there is a small plate that protects the battery: it should be carefully opened;
  • Carefully remove the battery and look at its model;
  • purchase a similar part from a service center or specialized store;
  • insert the new battery into the connectors and close the cover.
It should be noted that the cost of a laptop battery is about 8-12% of the total price of a PC. In addition, sometimes the battery connectors simply move away from the contacts, which causes the system to stop working. Therefore, initially you should simply remove the battery and then carefully return it to its place.

Thus, there are many reasons that can cause a laptop to turn off spontaneously, each of which has its own specific solution.

If you are not sure what exactly caused the problem, it is better to take your PC to a service center for professional diagnostics. Reasons why your laptop turns off when you turn it off Charger

, maybe several. Some of them can be solved with simple manipulations, while others are a reason for serious repairs or even the purchase of a new device.

  • So why can a laptop turn off spontaneously:
  • Technical problems with the device itself;
  • Strong processor heating;
  • Cooling system contamination;
  • Laptop battery failure;

Software infection by virus programs.

Why does my laptop turn off when you unplug the charger? Sometimes a device shutdown can be caused by a simple overload. For this phenomenon to occur, it is enough to open several simultaneously complex programs

. Laptops with low-capacity batteries are especially vulnerable. In this case, disconnecting from the power supply provokes a rapid loss of battery charge. Another indirect reason for sudden shutdowns is the maximum screen brightness mode. At first glance, this is a small thing. But in fact, it is incorrectly selected brightness settings that provoke rapid battery wear. When purchasing a new device, it is recommended to immediately activate optimal settings screen. This mode

It will protect the user's eyes and extend the battery life.

Please also pay attention to the condition of the charging cord and connector - perhaps the battery charge has not been replenished due to incorrect connection or damage to one of these elements.

Troubleshooting Methods

Having identified why the laptop turns off while charging or when it is turned off, you can fix the problem yourself.

  1. Overheating of a laptop is often caused by improper use - placing the device on a soft, dense surface leads to blocking of the ventilation holes. Avoiding this is quite simple - you need to place the laptop exclusively on a hard surface. The ideal option is to use a special inclined stand with a cooling fan.
  2. In addition, the ventilation grille may become clogged with dust. Small particles accumulating in large quantities, form a dense felt that prevents air movement and causes overheating of the device

Battery malfunction (if the laptop turns off when running on battery power)

If the laptop works fine from the network, does not turn off, does not reboot, but while running on battery power, suddenly turns off, then most likely there are problems with the battery or charge level controller.

You can try to check the contacts on the battery, maybe something got there, but in 99% of cases it’s a problem with the battery and you can’t do it without a service center.

Problems with HDD

If before turning off you heard strange sounds under the keyboard, squeaks or clicking sounds, then most likely your HDD slowly dying. This is especially common with old laptops that are more than 5 years old.

Laptop is full of dust

The laptop shutdown may also occur due to your laptop being clogged. The internal temperature rises, which triggers the overheating protection. The laptop needs to be cleaned.

Read how to clean your laptop at home.

What can a sudden shutdown of a laptop cause?

  1. If the laptop turns off due to problems with the processor, this can lead to its failure, the same applies to the video card.
  2. During any emergency shutdown of the laptop, the HDD suffers; systematic shutdown can lead to failure of the HDD and subsequent replacement.
  3. If the laptop is clogged with dust, this leads to an increase in the temperature of the processor, video card and internal temperature of the laptop due to the fact that the cooling system is not working at full capacity. In turn, due to the increase in temperature, any part of the laptop can fail.
  4. Shutting down your laptop suddenly may result in a black screen or blue screen of death.
  5. If your laptop turns off and won’t turn on again, the article “The laptop won’t turn on: causes and solutions” describes in great detail common situations and provides actions that can help you.
If none of the points helped you, describe your problem in detail and we will give you an answer to it as soon as possible.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Many laptop users encounter various problems this device. However, this does not make him any less popular. Almost two years ago I wrote an article “”. And now I encountered the same problem, but only with a laptop.

Many will say, check the temperature of the processor and video chip. I checked, everything is within the acceptable norm. However, I couldn’t understand why the laptop suddenly turns off. This happened both during normal walking around the desktop, and during the game, during the stress test Aida, . Sometimes the test went on for more than 2 days, but the end was the same - it turned off.

  1. Lack of power, charger power.


  • The laptop turns off a few seconds to a minute after turning it on
  • Laptop turns off while playing
  • The laptop turns off on its own for no reason


Try to choose an original charger according to the characteristics of your laptop (indicated on the case V, A, W).

  1. Laptop turns off when turned on

If the image manages to appear at startup, then the problem is most likely in the BIOS.

If there is no image, it restarts (the laptop turns on and turns off immediately) - a problem with the north bridge.

If the problem appeared after disassembling and reassembling the laptop, then most likely you either forgot to remove the battery and began to disassemble the laptop, thereby shortening the mother; or one of the cables was connected incorrectly. Pull out the cable, look at the connectors, maybe one of the needles is bent.

If one of the solutions helped, I would be grateful for a repost on social networks.

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