Neon lighting in the PC case. Diode modding your computer


Some users believe that investing in LED lighting is an absolutely unnecessary luxury, which still does not carry any practical value. Other users, on the contrary, cannot live without an LED “disco” in the system unit of their home PC. For them, we have selected several of the best sets of LED strips that will allow you to organize a “party” in your computer case.

Lighting the inside of a PC is nothing new and has never been seen before. Light tubes and LED coolers have been used to decorate cases for decades. And now even motherboards are equipped with special controllers for connecting additional LED strips. You no longer need to play Kulibin if you want to add some “spark” to your corps.

Best Basic LED Kit

At a price of 1,200 rubles, it is one of the most affordable multi-color lighting kits. It includes two LED strips, 30 cm long and with 18 diodes each. This decision more suitable for use in Midi-Tower cases, which allow one tape on the top and one tape on the bottom inside the case. The tapes are attached with magnets, which is very convenient, and the plug is connected to the corresponding connector on the motherboard.

To control the backlight, a wireless remote control is used, which allows you to control the backlight. Note that only the entire strip can be illuminated, and not each LED individually. This way, each LED on the strip will glow the same color at the same time. The remote control allows you to control the brightness and set the speed of changing shades on the LED strip, creating a “breathing” effect, for example. You can choose 15 colors for static lighting or RGB lighting mode.

Price: about 1200 rubles

Best Digital LED Light Kit

Unlike the previous set, the kit has ten LEDs on each strip, and each of them can glow in an individual color. In total, you will receive 40 LEDs, to which you can purchase 4 more strips with the same 40 diodes. In addition, the set comes with a huge number of different cables for connecting both the strips themselves and the fans (they are also included in the set).

The backlight on the controller itself, which is shaped like a small box, is not adjustable. If you don't like it, you can simply turn it off. The NZXT Hue+ controller is two-channel, which allows you to supplement the lighting system with 4 more strips (4 for each channel). In addition, this allows you to run two different lighting effects on each channel.

All control occurs through proprietary software, which already has eight preset operating modes, but does not prevent you from creating your own. For example, smart lighting modes allow the NZXT Hue+ to automatically change colors based on CPU or GPU temperature. Audio mode activates an equalizer-style glow: the light will respond to any sound coming from the PC.

Installation of the kit is quite simple. The controller is screwed in place of the 2.5-inch drive in the HDD cage. A four-pin plug for power and a data cable from the motherboard to the controller are connected from it to the motherboard.

Price: about 5000 rubles

The Best LED Lighting Kit for Customization Lovers

Today on the backlight market there are many LED strips with pixel addressing, but it is the most convenient and effective solution when it comes to gaming PC case lighting. This huge 500cm long LED strip reel contains 300 LEDs, allowing you to cut LED strips to fit your housing. But, in addition to the LED coil itself, you will have to purchase a power supply and controller separately.

On sale you can find ready-made controllers with hundreds of programmed types of lighting, and this will be the easiest option to purchase. More advanced users can use Arduino or Raspberry Pi boards to program their own lighting effects. In our case, we decided to limit ourselves to a ready-made solution with remote control. We did not cut the tape, but simply laid it along the inside of the PC case.

Those who decide to cut out individual LED strips will have to do further independent soldering to connect the strips. We recommend using 3-pin JST connectors so you can easily disconnect the strips without having to cut and re-solder.

Price: about 1600 rubles

Probably, many people sometimes think of decorating their monotonous computer unit, which serves as a dust collector. Modern gaming computers already have built-in PC lighting. But, if judged objectively, then the housing for system unit performs the function of a “skeleton” on which all the necessary organs are attached. This does not directly affect performance. For some, buying a backlit PC case will not be economical. Then people start looking for alternative ways to decorate their corner without spending a lot of money.

Cases with built-in lighting

If you are not going to buy a gaming PC with backlighting, then it is enough to buy yourself only a case with built-in lighting. They differ in price from regular cases, but this is compensated by the fact that all the elements are already factory-made, that is, if an unforeseen circumstance occurs, you can try to return the case under the warranty certificate (besides, if a person is not confident in his abilities, then it is better overpay for a backlit PC case). And if you decide to take a regular case and stuff it with tape and glue, then it will be much more difficult to return it. In any case, everyone decides for themselves which housing to take and whether it is worth framing it with LED strip.

Illumination using LED strip

The first thing you need to do is buy an LED strip or order it from an online store. When you have the LED strip in your hands, you need to remove the side cover of the system unit case and mark for yourself where this strip will be located. These places must be treated to remove dust and other contaminants; you can use alcohol and wipe the inside of the lid.

Now you need to cut the LED strips. On most models, cutting lines are indicated every three diodes. The next step is to expose the back adhesive portion of the tape and apply it to the back of the lid.

Working with wires requires special skill, but even without it you can perform simple operations. It is necessary to measure and cut the wires, and then solder them to the tape, the most important thing is not to confuse the “+” and “-” (usually the positive wire is black/white, the negative wire is any other color). For better effect You can use hot glue to keep the wires from moving.

The LED strip must be connected to a MOLEX connector. You need to remember that in the connector the black wire is ground, and the yellow wire is voltage. After connecting to MOLEX, you need to find a free power supply plug to turn it on LED strip.

Monitor backlighting via Arduino using Ambilight technology

Background lighting via Arduino is a cheap analogue of monitor and TV screens from Philips with patented Ambilight technology. For the project you will need Arduino board Nano and LED strips. The pin connection diagram is shown in the video instructions; it is quite simple even for a beginner. A photoresistor will also be built into the circuit to adjust the light of the tape depending on the time of day.

To use the LED strip, you need to download and install the Ambibox program, and also support it in background during operation of the tape.

In some cases, there is a need to provide additional illumination of the working surface. Keyboards with backlit keys can be purchased, but if such an option is suitable.

If the price of such devices does not correspond to the user’s capabilities, it is enough to reserve time and do everything yourself. For this procedure you will need some knowledge of working with a soldering iron and connecting a diode strip.

Why do you need a backlight on your keyboard?

A backlit computer keyboard is essential for people working at night. Night owls often wonder how to achieve keyboard illumination if touch typing has not been mastered. Also, for some operations it is necessary to look at the keys, which is difficult in poor-quality lighting.

Additional illumination is necessary for:

  • IT employees;
  • gamers;
  • night shift dispatchers;
  • technical personnel testing equipment on site with the keyboard connected to the device.

Lighting the work surface is not only a beautiful fantasy for aesthetic pleasure. The need to see the necessary keys in the complete or partial absence of light requires such a measure. Care about proper operation can save time and provide an acceptable option for interacting with devices.

In some cases, the required keyboard option is difficult to obtain, or is not possible at all. Taking an option similar in configuration, it is enough to simply make backlit keys in it. This procedure will require some soldering skills and knowledge of basic principles of radio electronics.

Required Tools

Backlit Keyboard Reviews demonstrates the different options for backlit keyboards:

  • standard rectangular;
  • gaming;
  • laptop keyboard;
  • wireless analogues.

To repeat a similar experience, illuminating standard options without additional special effects, you need certain tools and materials:

  • LED strip (up to 1 m);
  • soldering iron;
  • batteries (in the case of a built-in backlight recharge option);
  • network cable (about 3 m);
  • adapter 2-4-pin to 1-6-pin;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • insulating tape;
  • switch;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue (for some options with a change in the key panel);
  • tester for the final check of the functionality of all circuit elements.

Almost all the required materials can be purchased at any specialized store. This also applies to LED strips for Multi-color lighting systems.

Backlight power supply

Any illumination option requires a power source. This task remains the No. 1 solution for everyone who wants to create additional special effects on the work surface. It is worth considering the resource consumption of the diode element, since most of the recommendations boil down to introducing a connection to the computer’s power supply.

A factory-produced backlit gaming keyboard for a computer is built precisely on this principle. Since all the elements are already enabled, they directly take resource from the internal elements of the computer. This process requires a lot of resources.

Electronics engineers suggest making a separate output for connection to the system filter socket connector, or installing an additional power supply to relieve the load on the main one. There is some truth to this, as excessive power consumption wears out your computer.

Advantages of using diode strip

Backlit mechanical keyboards are all built on the principle of using an LED strip. This approach was preceded by numerous not entirely successful experiments. The choice of diodes was based on the following requirements:

  • compact location inside the keyboard box;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • resource consumption;
  • convenience when replacing a worn-out element;
  • light source brightness requirements;
  • resistance to multiple mechanical damage;
  • possibility of adding additional colors.

The last point is important for the built-in Multi-color system. Gaming keyboards or laptop panels require contrasting backlighting. This is due to the orientation requirements of the gamer or tester during the work process. Areas painted in different light colors allow you to quickly find your way and prevent confusion. In addition, LEDs interact harmlessly with computer or laptop systems.

Is any keyboard suitable for transformation?

Any three-dimensional keyboard can be suitable for transformation. Backlit gaming keyboards of various configurations all have a certain height. Backlighting that is not based on the principle of using LEDs is possible only in factory conditions. Therefore, for an experimental project it is necessary to take a device of a certain height.

For the first experiments on installing a light element, experienced electronics engineers recommend practicing on mechanical keyboards from the following companies:

  • Assus;
  • Genius;
  • A4tech;
  • Gmej;

These keyboards have sufficient height and simplicity of design. They have a certain margin of safety, since they are designed for the average user.

You can work on a lot of them various techniques, including a complete replacement of the key area with a similar option with transparent inserts. In addition, when several options are compiled into one for decorative effects, their standard configuration allows for similar manipulations.

A backlit wireless keyboard has its own specifics related to the signal element. When adding this option to the LED component, the following manipulations must be performed:

  • make accurate measurements of all keyboard parameters;
  • distribute all mounting points of the LED strip on the diagram at a sufficient distance from the pulse supply boards;
  • choose a reliable place to mount the battery;
  • decide how the backlight will turn off/on;
  • make some changes to the housing for the button output.

The main task this process is to install the tape without damaging the key functions of the keyboard. When dismantling the key panel, you must remember the main rule, which applies to all other keyboard options:

If the rubber backing is peeled off, it will be impossible to reinstall it properly. There is an additional option for mounting on a transparent backing sheet, however, in some sensitive models this will lead to a complete lack of response of the key when pressed.

Where can I get an LED strip?

To solve the question of how to turn on the keyboard backlight, you need to have an LED strip. The standard version of the tape is sold in all construction stores and markets. If the conditions for developing a project for installing lighting require any special properties or requirements, analogues can be found through Internet sources.

The standard tape consists of:

  • elastic polymer tape;
  • a row of series-connected diodes;
  • output points of power connection elements;
  • separation zone marked with special markings.

There are some differences in the tape options for the Multi-color system. Diode pairs of different colors are connected in parallel at some distance opposite each other. Otherwise, all soldering (connection) points of twisted pair wires have a standard output.

According to the markings, one output point has 5 volts, the other 12 volts. This must be taken into account when connecting the backlight circuit to the connectors. In addition, when connecting the canvas via Charger, it is necessary to take into account that the charger must be transformer, not pulse.

Enable keyboard backlight on Asus laptop

One of the frequently asked questions is how to turn on the keyboard backlight on Asus laptop. Because models of this type have a very moderate glow. Some users are not satisfied with the quality of the luminescent element. However, the machine itself is satisfactory in terms of its parameters and quality of work.

To install an LED element, you should immediately decide on the type of lighting. For beginner electronics engineers, it is recommended to do backlighting along the contour. Because this will minimize possible damage to performance due to inept installation.

The rules for installing diode strip require:

  • disconnect the battery;
  • remove all fasteners (some are recessed and hardly noticeable at first glance);
  • carefully remove the hard drive;
  • remove DVD rom;
  • release the key panel from the fasteners;
  • disconnect the display cable suitable for the motherboard;
  • disconnect the cable;
  • remove WLAN.

The LED strip itself must be installed along the free contour of the edge of the keyboard. In this case, take into account the mounting location of the battery or any battery that is flat enough to be mounted in the case. One of the inconvenient moments of such a process will be the need for similar dismantling when replacing the power element.

No. 1 The easiest way to backlight

Attach the tape to the bottom of the monitor or the inside of the keyboard drawer. This is one of the simplest options for backlit keyboard. This method is suitable for those who are little familiar with the principles of electronics. The installed bracket has a simple connection type:

  • a twisted pair (similar to an Internet connection wire) is soldered to the output points of the internal connection of the diodes;
  • connection via a molex power connector to the hard drive;
  • the yellow-marked connector is designed for 12 volts;
  • The connector with red markings is reserved for 5 volts.

Installation can be done inside the tabletop, which provides bright illumination of the surface of the keys. In this version, you can attach a switch under the surface of the table cover, with which you can remove the lighting during the daytime.

Switch fastening

IN various systems An important point is to turn off the backlight when it is not needed. If we are talking about standard mechanical keyboards, then everything is simple. An additional groove is cut into the body, where the shutdown button is located. Accuracy and aesthetics depend on your efforts.

In models with a more complex structure, this approach does not have its functional meaning. Since damage to the integrity of the housing can affect the operation of the entire device. On laptops this option is basically not acceptable.

Factory backlit keyboards have special keys to turn off the backlight. Such keys have an additional LED located on the body, which does not light if the backlight is turned off. This principle can be applied to turn off a homemade keyboard backlight LED circuit on a laptop.

Keyboard key illumination principle

Light from the diodes reaches the surface in two ways:

  • through the gaps between the keys;
  • through the transparent parts of the keys.

You need to pay attention to this when working with the keyboard. LED lighting is considered the most optimal and correct. The light source produces an even beam that has a clear dispersion radius. This option is especially noticeable if the symbols themselves glow.

On standard keyboards, all buttons are not transparent. The situation can be corrected by cutting out the area of ​​the working surface and replacing it with a more progressive one. When performing such manipulations, it is worth considering the moment of coincidence of the location of the button area.

Also, such a process requires care when processing joints and adjusting to the hole area. A new panel with keys is glued in using specialized glue. It is necessary to carefully monitor the joints so that the structure fits tightly. In any embodiment, the light supplied by the diode is reflected from the hands, creating additional illumination of the panel.

No. 2 Installation of LEDs in the body of the 760 keyboard

Before installing the backlight strips, you need to draw up a diagram of all the exit points of additional elements. This applies to:

  • switch;
  • wires to the power supply;
  • connection of the console system for Multi-color.

Thus, the diagram must include:

  • exit points for additional wires;
  • location of rubber key pads;
  • internal fastening points for all wiring and connections.

Since all the planks are connected into one assembly, a well-thought-out plan for laying this part is needed. So that its volume does not interfere with the installation of the panel with keys.

Do-it-yourself keyboard backlighting requires some care. When installing the tape, the first task is to dismantle the housing. All fastening elements must be carefully disconnected, paying attention to possible exits various connectors.

In the case of a solid key panel, it makes sense to melt holes for the output of the diodes with a soldering iron. For such a manipulation it will be necessary to accurately calculate the location of the diode along the guide and the places where the keys are attached. It makes sense to attach the wire connected to the beginning of the circuit with adhesive tape to the main wires of the keyboard for greater ease of use.

A connector adapter for the power wires of the diode strip is mounted on the wire. We connect it directly to the power source. The button to turn off the backlight can be inserted into the place where the boards exit by breaking out one strip.

Multi-color rainbow backlight for a regular keyboard

The multicolor lighting system is based on the use of RGB diode strip. For this option you will need:

  • keyboard with transparent key symbols;
  • RGB diode strip;
  • RGB controller designed for 12v;
  • power unit;
  • mode switching remote control;
  • power connector;
  • signal reception sensor.

The ribbons are unraveled into the required lengths. They are attached in a clearly defined place under the keys. They are connected in parallel and connected to the controller. Additionally, the remote control signal reception sensor is displayed. A groove is cut into the housing to remove the power connector. When the final preparations are made, the body is assembled.

Some people hate PC lighting, while others love it. With just a little effort, you can decorate your computer with lighting, no matter the case manufacturer or design. You can find a lot on the market different options lighting, including popular fans with LEDs. In addition, you can buy classic cold cathode fluorescent lamps or simple LEDs that can be installed anywhere in the housing.

Having considered everything possible options lighting effects, we discovered several interesting solutions. We conducted testing in a completely transparent case from Sharkoon, which allows you to clearly see the result.

Such lighting will always attract attention.

For greater clarity, we have attached a video:

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Projects like this require a transparent housing.

I've been modding for years with... lighting effects. I installed every kind of backlight I could get my hands on in Sharkoon's transparent body. It sounds crazy, but I really decided to equip the case to the maximum.

The only thing I didn't think about was the big mess of cables inside. Each pair of cold cathode tubes requires its own voltage converter, so you'll spend a lot of time stashing converters and cables. In addition, sometimes cables that are too short can be an obstacle.

Another problem is power supply for backlit fans. Most fans use a 3-pin power plug. Although motherboards There are corresponding connectors, most of them cannot power more than three fans. To solve the problem, you need to buy an adapter that connects to a Molex plug.

Finally, I've learned from personal experience that too many lighting effects look awkward and strain the eyes!

Two in one: fans with LEDs

The easiest way to kill two birds with one stone is to replace the standard case fans with appropriate backlit models. As a result, you will not only give the system a stylish look, but in some cases also reduce the noise level.

Most cases use modest black fans. The right fan will shine with bright colors and add light. Fans typically come in three sizes: 80mm or 120mm, with 92mm models becoming increasingly rare. It is for this reason that we will focus our attention on the most common sizes.

The available range of lighting effects is limited - usually three colors dominate. As a rule, all manufacturers offer fans with blue backlighting, but you can often find red and green LEDs. In addition, if desired, you can find a fan with three multi-colored LEDs.

Assortment of 80mm LED fans.

Some models are capable of real “color music” - it’s difficult to take your eyes off them. Such fans first appeared at the current CeBIT exhibition in Hannover. The manufacturer Sharkoon has offered a wide range of models, each of which uses its own backlighting scheme.

Sharkoon, Thermaltake, Cooler Master and Antec were the first to respond to new user demands. Today on the market you can find multi-color and single-color models, and the number of LEDs depends on the manufacturer. For example, Antec and Thermaltake fans only have three LEDs, while Sharkoon, Logisys and Sunbeam fans have four. However, the choice is a matter of taste, but both options provide quite good illumination. By the way, it’s a shame that the popular company Papst still doesn’t produce fans with LEDs.

Cooler Mate 80mm: Standard fan with 4 LEDs.

Aspire DF1208SM is illuminated by four LEDs.

Thermaltake TT-8025T: only three LEDs.

We love the Rainbow fan, which shines in different colors. Another model called UV Strobo FAN is not only sensitive to ultraviolet light, but also creates an interesting stroboscopic effect. In addition, Logisys Computer sent us a very interesting model.

When turned off, the Logisys fan is no different from a normal fan. Taking a closer look, you can see four LEDs in a transparent plastic housing. Even after turning on, the fan does not immediately reveal its secret - you need to look at the back of the fan.

Looks like a regular fan with 4 LEDs. But where are the other five?

The other five LEDs are on a small board inside the fan. Interestingly, the impeller generates its own current - and does not use PC energy. The principle is simple and ingenious: on the axis there is a generator that works like a bicycle flashlight. It produces electricity that lights up five LEDs. A small control module constantly changes the character of the backlight. You can see all this in our video.

The remaining LEDs are located in the center of the fan. .

Sharkoon Rainbow Fan: classic "color music"

The most outstanding feature of the Rainbow Fan is the small scarf located near the rotation axis. The 80mm fan uses a plastic grille that can be easily removed. After this action, it becomes clear that another function of the grid is to hide a permanent magnet, which serves to generate current. There are several induction coils on the board. By the way, the board is attached to the fan with just double-sided Velcro. If you spin the board fast enough, the five LEDs will dimly light up. And since the fan rotates at 3000 rpm, the five colored LEDs glow quite brightly. Built-in logic turns the glow into “color music”.

Of course, the black capacitor could have been chosen smaller - it not only looks unsightly, but also interferes with the balancing of the fan. Poor balancing is noticeable. We hope this will be corrected in the final version of Rainbow. Sharkoon, it seems to us, should replace the black fan on which the Rainbow unit is installed. In addition, it would be nice to reconsider the pricing policy - still, $19 is a little expensive for a piece of plastic with LEDs.

Without power, the Rainbow FAN doesn't really stand out.

As you can see, the Rainbow fan is equipped with its own generator.

A round permanent magnet is located inside a plastic grid.

But now the 80mm fan looks much better.

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The small red fan is equipped with four blue LEDs. And there wouldn't be anything remarkable about this $9 fan if it weren't for long cable. The UV Strobe Fan is controlled by two wheels: one for the rotation speed, and the second for the blinking interval of the four LEDs. With their help, you can change the settings and get the desired lighting effect. If you try, you can achieve the effect when the fan impeller begins to move in the opposite direction - an optical illusion.

Unfortunately, the wheels are not very easy to work with - the control unit will be difficult to access after installation, of course, unless you take it outside the case. It seems to us that a module for a 3.5" or 5.25" bay would be the best solution.

UV Strobe Fan.

Once installed, the control unit will be difficult to reach.

The video captures everything that is difficult to see in photographs.

To play the video you will need the latest codec from the site .

Thermaltake UFO has an unusual design. The 92 mm fan is covered with a special silver cover, which is equipped with 6 LEDs. They are powered by a computer, so the induction effect, as in the case of the Rainbow Fan, is not used here.

The LEDs are controlled by a chip that causes them to flash at specific intervals. The rotation speed of the UFO fan depends on the temperature - the higher the temperature, the faster the fan rotates. The amount of heat does not affect the glow intensity or spacing.

The UFO fan is equipped with six bright LEDs.

The UFO FAN fan can be installed in an 80 mm mount using a special adapter.

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Review: 80mm LED Fans

Manufacturer Model RPM Number of LEDs LED colors Special Features
Aerocool Centaurus II 2000 4 Blue
Akasa Nebula 2500 4 Cyan/Red/RGB
Antec LED Fan 2600 3 Blue/ red/ green
Antec LED Fan 2600 3 RGB
Antec TriCool LED 1500 - 2600 3 Blue/ red/ green
Antec TriCool LED 1500 - 2600 3 RGB Rotation speed switch
Arctic Pro2LTC 1000 - 2500 4 Blue
Coolermaster Neon LED 2500 4 RGB, orange, white, magenta Very bright
Coolermate CMT-ALF 4 Blue Aluminium case
Cooltek Colorful UV LED FAN 2200 3 Blue/orange Sensitive to UV
Firework LED Fan 2700 3 Blue/ red/ green
Just Cooler Crystal Fan 1500 - 3200 4 Cyan/RGB
Levicom Ceramic 2400 3 Blue
Logisys 4-LED 2500 4 Cyan/Red/Green/Magenta
Logisys 9LED Blue 2500 4+5 Blue + red 5 LEDs powered via induction
Logisys Strove Fan 2600 3 Blue/ red/ green
Revoltec LED Colorchanger 2000 4 White
Revoltec LED Fan 2000 4 Red and blue
Revoltec LED Fan 2600 4 Blue/ green/ red+orange Sensitive to UV
Revoltec LED speed control 2000 - 3500 4 White LED color depends on temperature
Revoltec LED transparent 2000 4 Blue
Revoltec LED transparent 2000 4 RGB
Revoltec Neon Air Edition 2000 4 Blue In an aluminum case
Sharkoon Rainbow 2000 5 RGB LEDs are powered via induction
Sharkoon Strobe Fan 2500 4 White
Sharkoon UV Strobe Fan 2500 4 White With two adjustment wheels
Sharkoon UV-LED Fan 2000 3 UV
Sunbeam CCFL LED FAN 1800 4 With cold cathode tube
Sunbeam Silent Anodized 1800
Sunbeam Silent LED FAN 1800 4 Cyan/red/green/RGB
Sunbeam Silent UV 1800 4 Blue/ green/ orange
Sunbeam UV CCFL LED FAN 1800 4 Cyan/red/green/RGB With cold cathode tube
Thermaltake Blue-Eye 2000 3+1 3x blue, 1x red
Thermaltake Fireball 2000 3 Blue/ red/ green
Thermaltake Perfect Light 2+2 2x blue, 2x red Flashing fan grille
Thermaltake Thunderblade 2000 3 Blue/ red/ green
Thermaltake Thunderblade 2000 3 RGB
Thermaltake Thunderblade 2000 3 RGB Flashing
Thermaltake UFO 4+2 4x blue, 2x white Flashing
Thypoon Acrylic Quad 2500 4 Blue/ red/ green
Vantec UV LED Fan 2900 3 Blue Sensitive to UV

Of course, in addition to 80mm backlit fans, there are also 120mm models on the market. Their advantage lies in their lower rotation speed, which nevertheless allows them to pump the same amount of air. This not only reduces the noise level, but also makes the illumination effect more noticeable.

120mm fans cost between $7 and $20, depending on the color and number of LEDs.

Fan stand.

The Antec fan comes in two versions: with and without LEDs. At the same time, in any case, a small control unit is attached to the fan, which allows you to change the rotation speed to low, medium or high. At any speed, the brightness of the LEDs does not change. The Antec fan costs less than $15.

Antec Tricool RGB Fan: Really colorful.

The switch allows you to set the rotation speed.

A 120 mm model in a blue case is also available.

The CMT-ALF-12S fan clearly shows that plastic should not always be used. This model uses aluminium case, causing the weight to increase to 280 grams, as opposed to the standard 90 grams. In addition, the light from the LEDs is directed inward. The price for the CMT-ALF-12S starts at $19, and with the controller it will cost $25.

Metal body instead of plastic.

Two standard 120mm fans with four LEDs.

With a rotation speed of 1200 rpm, the Revoltec LED FAN can be called very quiet. And the price is only $8.

The Sharkoon fan is UV sensitive—and costs less than $9.

Review: 120mm LED Fans

Manufacturer Model RPM Number of LEDs LED colors Special Features
Antec LED Fan 2000 3 Blue/ red/ green
Antec LED Fan 2000 3 RGB
Antec TriCool LED 1200 - 2000 3 Blue/ red/ green Speed ​​controller
Antec TriCool LED 1200 - 2000 3 RGB Speed ​​controller
Coolermate CMT-ALF 1700 4 Blue Aluminium case
Just Cooler Crystan FAN 2000 4 Blue
Logisys 120 mm Case Fan 2400 4 Blue/ red/ green
Revoltec LED Fan 1200 4 Red and blue
Sharkoon UV-LED Fan 2000 3 UV
Sunbeam Silent Anodized 1200 4 Blue/ red/ green/ yellow
Sunbeam Silent LED FAN 1200 4 Cyan/red/green/RGB
Sunbeam Silent UV 1200 4 Blue/ green/ orange
Thermaltake Thunderblade 2000 3 Blue/ red/ green
Thermaltake Thunderblade 2000 3 RGB
Thermaltake Thunderblade 2000 3 RGB Flashing
Thypoon Acrylic Quad 2000 4 Blue/ red/ green

Light sticks: may the Force be with you

Cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFL) Great for illuminating the inside of your computer. These lamps emit one color, several colors, or almost ultraviolet light. The length of the “sticks” is 10 cm or 30 cm. For programming and flashing, an additional controller is required, which is usually installed in the expansion compartment. Most controllers offer five keys to perform programs that include simple flashing, transitions, and steady on. Setting your own program is usually not possible.

Cold cathode lamps come in a variety of colors and are supplied a large number manufacturers.

Boxes from different manufacturers.

Differences in length and color.

Connecting a cold cathode lamp is not very convenient, since each pair of lamps requires its own voltage converter. The devices don't have much big size, but they still complicate installation. In addition, a second or third converter will be very difficult to fit into a transparent case. The cables can be laid out using cable ties, but the converters will stand out too much. In addition, during installation you will have to arm yourself with a soldering iron - adapters for connecting cables to the converter have not yet been released.

Conventional voltage converter 85 mm long.

The Sharkoon voltage converter is slightly smaller - it will easily fit into the case.

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For small enclosures, mini lamps are best. They are 10 cm long, come in many colors, and are easily installed in the case, unlike 20 cm models. A pair of lamps will cost about $7.

These little glow sticks have a high level of brightness.

Some fans and motherboards are UV sensitive.

However, the range of UV illumination is limited.

Lighting from below.

Even during the day, the backlight is clearly visible.

In addition to fans and cold cathode lamps, you can decorate the case with mini spotlights that produce one or more colors. Taiwanese manufacturer Sunbeam has gone even further by connecting three-color LEDs to the Chameleon controller, which is installed in the free 5.25" bay. Knobs adjust the intensity of the red, green or blue of the four connected mini-spotlights. The colors can be adjusted individually, resulting in, for example, purple tint (red and blue). The controller is designed for four light sources. If you need more, you will have to install another Chameleon. At the same time, the controller does not work with other light sources.

Chameleon controller box.

The light is very bright.

You can even get white.

Choice of color combinations.

Chameleon controller from Sunbeam.

If you're going to equip your computer with backlighting, then it wouldn't hurt to have as many effects as possible. The Lightbus controller allows you to control four channels, providing 625 different effects. Each channel can be customized individually, although free programming is not provided.

As a special function, the controller offers communication with a sound card and an activity LED hard drive. If you turn the corresponding knob, sound signals will turn into optical ones. Signals sound card and hard drive activity can be linked to any of the four channels. The four knobs control the brightness of the channels, so LEDs or fans will respond differently to the Lightbus. We were disappointed that you can't install effects programmatically. However, Sunbeam is working on this problem and has already sent a prototype controller to our laboratory.

Lightbus controller box.

You can set 625 lighting effects.

Four backlight power outputs.

Control knobs.

Prototype of the new Lightbus controller.

If the Sunbeam Lightbus controller does not allow you to program your own lighting effects, then the mCubed T-Balancer does not have any problems with this. The controller channels can be easily programmed using the utility. The controller is supplied as an external module or an internal version, and in both cases the same hardware is used. The internal version of T-Balancer looks like a regular one PCI card, but it does not connect to the PCI bus - communication is implemented via USB port. We recommend reading a separate review of T-Balancer for following link .

External USB version of T-Balancer.

Internal card, but without PCI interface.

With this utility you can program four T-Balancer channels.

The new version of the utility allows you to control the backlight and fans, as well as monitor the state of the PC using temperature sensors.

In the videos below we were able to show only a small set of T-Balancer's capabilities.

To play the video you will need the latest codec from the site .

You should always approach backlighting with imagination - you shouldn’t stuff the light into the PC case every time. What are all the bodies supported on? That's right - on legs. That's exactly what Sunbeam thought of with the Case Chassis legs. You can either replace existing legs with Sunbeam models, or simply add them. Now the body will be illuminated from below. Case Chassis legs can be installed without any problems on the following cases (according to the manufacturer): Thermaltake, Chenming 601, Chenming DX, BX and Office. Retail price is expected to be $10, and the legs are available in blue, red and green.

What it is?

The set consists of four legs.

The illuminated legs look nice.

And a mini-PC with legs also looks good.

Having considered several options for motherboards, we settled on a model from Abit. Pay Fatal1ty AA8XE Comes with pre-installed LEDs on the back. But once installed, they are difficult to notice unless you use a transparent case.

Without the housing, the LEDs look good.

The motherboard is inside a transparent case.

The Aspire power supply glows blue.

Using lighting you can create impressive masterpieces. In addition to cold cathode lamps, fans with LEDs are also gaining popularity today. The latest fashion is fans whose LEDs are powered inductively. But for proper display, you should equip your PC with a transparent case or side window. But it should be remembered that the transparent case does not provide electromagnetic protection.

Our test case.

In this article we will look at backlighting the computer system unit as one of the most common types of modding.
In the first part of our article, we will look at installing backlighting in various parts of the system unit. In the second part we will look at options for connecting the backlight.
1. External lighting.
This type of backlight allows you to see all the main external components of the computer in the evening.
1.1. Illumination of the front part of the system unit with LEDs
Diodes used in this paragraph

To begin with, we solder the LEDs to the extreme ends in series, and also solder 2 additional wires of 30 cm each to them.

We select the location of the LEDs and mark it with dots.
In our case, this is the place next to the DVDRom, where all the inputs are located. Therefore, I had to remove the DVDRom, as well as the protective shell.

We drill holes. We insert a chain of LEDs into these holes

1.2.External lighting of the lower part of the system unit.
This type of lighting requires the presence of legs on your system unit, so it is suitable for experienced modders.
For this it is best to use LED strip

The tape is easily cut with ordinary scissors into pieces that are multiples of 5 cm. The pieces are easily connected to each other with wires. In this article we will cut the tape into several pieces for clarity, but you can use 4 pieces around the perimeter of the system unit.

We attach our structure to the body using a self-adhesive layer of tape and connect

The tape from this section was used. full range with all kinds of colors.

2. Illumination of the inside of the system unit
This can be done in several ways.
2. 1. Using LEDs().
We solder the LEDs in series. We solder the long leg (+) of the first LED to the short leg (-) of the other LED.

We solder the wires to the remaining two free legs.

We place the LEDs in the system unit. It is best to place them on the bottom and back wall.

2. Using pieces of LED strips.
Having LED clusters, you do not have to solder each diode separately.

LED clusters are connected to each other by two wires 5 cm long, so they can be placed either closely or at some distance. They are inserted into the holder and placed around the perimeter of the inside of the system unit using double-sided tape.

Clusters must be placed so that they do not interfere with the installation of expansion cards, disk drives and other mods. If there are not enough wires between the clusters, you can extend them yourself.

After installing the clusters in place, all that remains is to connect the power.

Clusters can be quite expensive and in most cases there is no point in using them. You can take it and cut it into 5 cm pieces. In the end you will get the same thing, only for a smaller amount.

3. Illumination using LED strip.

The installation principle is similar to the installation of LED clusters, but significantly. The tape has 2 terminals on each side for connecting wires, and is also equipped with a self-adhesive surface, thanks to which you can install the backlight without the use of additional devices. Before fixing the tape, it is better to degrease the surface.

4. Cooler lighting
This is the only type of backlight where we will use wires powered by the cooler itself as an energy source in order to do without unnecessary wiring.
To begin with, we take 2 LEDs and solder them according to the standard circuit.

We glue the LEDs on the inside of the cooler. We take food directly next to the cooler.

Now you just need to connect the cooler and the LEDs will work simultaneously with it.

Connecting the backlight.
1. To 4-pin molex connector
The 4-pin molex is the most common power connector in a computer. This connector contains four contacts: +12 V (most often the yellow wire), +5 V (red wire), as well as two ground contacts (black). When connecting the backlight to a 4-pin molex, you can choose where exactly to connect the LEDs, to 12 or 5 volts.

In our case, you need to connect to a 12 volt source.

Before connecting, you must first check the correspondence of the selected contacts with a multimeter and determine the polarity. After this, you need to solder a 120 ohm resistor to the positive contact, from which, in turn, we draw another wire and connect it to the “plus” of our backlight. The “minus” is soldered to the ground contact of the molex connector. After this, carefully insulate the wires and cover them with heat shrink tubing.

For example, let's connect a single LED.

2. To 3-pin connector
The 3-pin connector is a standard connector for connecting fans in a computer, and similar connectors are most often superfluous. Therefore, it is reasonable to use them to connect the backlight. The 3-pin connector has 3 pins: +12 V, ground, and a third pin, which is used by the fan speed sensor.

The connection principle is identical to connecting to a 4-pin connector. We also use a 12 volt pin and a ground pin. However, it is important to remember that 3-pin connectors are intended for connecting fans and. Therefore, they cannot withstand the load of a 4-pin connector. But to connect LED backlight it will still fit. Also, here we need a resistor with a resistance of 220 ohms. Otherwise there are no differences. We carry out the same operations as in the first case.

3. To the USB connector.
USB is a data connector and is generally used for this purpose, however, in addition to data, the USB connector also transmits voltage and can be used for power different devices. The USB connector has four contacts: two of them are responsible for data transfer and two more are responsible for voltage transfer. IN USB connector There is a 5 V voltage source with a current of up to 500 mA. There are 2 USB type connectors: 4 x 12 mm and 7 x 8 mm.

The differences between them are only in form. To connect the backlight there is no difference between them. In our example, the first version of the USB connector is used.

This type of connector requires an 82 ohm resistor. As in the first two cases, we determine the polarity and solder a resistor to the “plus”. “Minus” is also attached to the “ground” contact. We close all connections with heat shrink tubing.

Can be connected to a computer.

There is also an elegant solution - using flexible neon! In this case, a neon cord of different colors is pulled along the cables and connected to the inverter.