Diablo 3 freezes in the second act. Diablo: Hellfire won't launch? Is the game slow? Crashes? Buggy? Solving the most common problems


Unfortunately, games have flaws: stutters, low FPS, crashes, freezes, bugs and other minor and not so minor errors. Often problems begin even before the game starts, when it does not install, does not load, or does not even download. And the computer itself sometimes does weird things, and then in Diablo 3 there is a black screen instead of a picture, the controls don’t work, you can’t hear the sound or anything else.

What to do first

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download via direct link) - this is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers on the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to current version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install Advanced System Optimizer(download via direct link) and enable game mode in it, which will end useless background processes while launching games and improve performance in the game.

Diablo 3 System Requirements

The second thing to do if you have any problems with Diablo 3 is to check the system requirements. In a good way, you need to do this before purchasing, so as not to regret the money spent.

Diablo 3 Minimum System Requirements:

Windows XP, Processor: Intel Pentium D, 1.5 Gb RAM, 12 Gb HDD, nVidia GeForce 7800 Video memory: 256 Mb

Every gamer should have at least a little understanding of components, know why a video card, processor and other things are needed system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that provide correct work computer.

You should start with the drivers for your video card. Modern graphics cards are manufactured by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product drives the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the latest driver package:

A prerequisite for the successful operation of Diablo 3 is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to download easily and quickly latest versions drivers and install them with one click:

If Diablo 3 does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or putting the game in antivirus exceptions, and also check compliance again system requirements and if something from your assembly does not correspond, then, if possible, improve your PC by purchasing more powerful components.

Diablo 3 has black screen, white screen, color screen. Solution

Problems with screens of different colors can be divided into 2 categories.

Firstly, they often involve using two video cards at once. For example, if your motherboard has a built-in video card, but you are playing on a discrete one, then Diablo 3 can be launched for the first time on the built-in one, but you will not see the game itself, because the monitor is connected to a discrete video card.

Secondly, color screens occur when there are problems with displaying images on the screen. This can happen for various reasons. For example, Diablo 3 cannot work via outdated driver or does not support the video card. Also, a black/white screen may appear when working at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

Diablo 3 crashes. At a specific or random moment. Solution

You play for yourself, play and then - bam! - everything goes out, and now you have a desktop in front of you without any hint of a game. Why is this happening? To solve the problem, you should try to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If a crash occurs at a random moment in time without any pattern, then with a 99% probability we can say that this is a bug of the game itself. In this case, it is very difficult to fix something, and the best thing to do is just put Diablo 3 aside and wait for the patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash. In addition, you can download a Diablo 3 save and bypass the departure location.

Diablo 3 freezes. The picture freezes. Solution

The situation is approximately the same as with crashes: many freezes are directly related to the game itself, or rather to the developer’s mistake when creating it. However, often a frozen picture can become Starting point to investigate the deplorable condition of a video card or processor.

So if the picture freezes in Diablo 3, then use programs to display statistics on component loading. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life or the processor is heating up to dangerous temperatures?

The easiest way to check the load and temperatures for the video card and processors is in the MSI Afterburner program. If you wish, you can even display these and many other parameters on top of the Diablo 3 image.

What temperatures are dangerous? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards they are usually 60-80 degrees Celsius. For processors it is slightly lower - 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, then you should check the condition of the thermal paste. It may have already dried out and needs to be replaced.

If the video card is heating up, then you should use a driver or an official utility from the manufacturer. It is necessary to increase the number of revolutions of the coolers and check whether the operating temperature decreases.

Diablo 3 is slow. Low FPS. Frame rate drops. Solution

If Diablo 3 is slow and the frame rate is low, the first thing to do is lower the graphics settings. Of course, there are many of them, so before reducing everything, it’s worth finding out exactly how certain settings affect performance.

Screen resolution. In short, this is the number of points that make up the game picture. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. However, the increase in load is insignificant, so you should reduce the screen resolution only as a last resort, when everything else no longer helps.

Texture quality. Typically, this setting determines the resolution of texture files. You should reduce the texture quality if the video card has a small amount of video memory (less than 4 GB) or if you are using a very old one. HDD, whose spindle speed is less than 7200.

Model quality(sometimes just detailing). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be used in the game. The higher the quality, the more polygons. Accordingly, high-poly models require more processing power from the video card (not to be confused with the amount of video memory!), which means this parameter should be reduced on video cards with low core or memory frequencies.

Shadows. They are implemented in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, that is, they are calculated in real time at every second of the game. Such dynamic shadows load both the processor and the video card. For optimization purposes, developers often abandon full rendering and add pre-rendered shadows to the game. They are static, because essentially they are just textures overlaid on top of the main textures, which means they load memory, and not the video card core.

Often developers add additional settings related to shadows:

  • Shadow Resolution - Determines how detailed the shadow cast by an object will be. If the game has dynamic shadows, it loads the video card core, and if a pre-created render is used, then it “eats” the video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smoothing out unevenness in the shadows themselves, usually this option is given along with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it loads the video card in real time.

Smoothing. Allows you to get rid of ugly corners on the edges of objects through the use of a special algorithm, the essence of which usually comes down to generating several images at once and comparing them, calculating the most “smooth” picture. There are many different anti-aliasing algorithms that differ in their level of impact on Diablo 3 performance.

For example, MSAA works head-on, creating 2, 4 or 8 renders at once, so the frame rate is reduced by 2, 4 or 8 times, respectively. Algorithms like FXAA and TAA work a little differently, achieving a smooth image by calculating only the edges and using some other tricks. Thanks to this, they do not reduce performance as much.

Lighting. As with anti-aliasing, there are different algorithms for lighting effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. They all use video card resources, but they do it differently depending on the video card itself. The fact is that the HBAO algorithm was promoted mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), so it works best on “green” ones. HDAO, on the contrary, is optimized for video cards from AMD. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting, it consumes the least resources, so if it's slow in Diablo 3, it's worth switching to it.

What to reduce first? Shadows, anti-aliasing and lighting effects tend to take the most work, so these are the best places to start.

Often, gamers themselves have to deal with the optimization of Diablo 3. For almost all major releases, there are various relevant forums where users share their ways to improve performance.

One of them is a special program called Advanced System Optimizer. It is made specifically for those who do not want to manually clean their computer of various temporary files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the startup list. Advanced System Optimizer does this for you and also analyzes your computer to find ways to improve performance in apps and games.

Diablo 3 lags. Large delay when playing. Solution

Many people confuse “brakes” with “lags,” but these problems have completely different causes. Diablo 3 slows down when the frame rate at which the image is displayed on the monitor decreases, and lags when the delay in accessing the server or any other host is too high.

That is why “lags” can only occur in online games. The reasons are different: bad network code, physical distance from servers, network congestion, incorrectly configured router, low Internet connection speed.

However, the latter happens least often. In online games, communication between client and server occurs by exchanging relatively short messages, so even 10 MB per second should be enough.

Diablo 3 has no sound. Can not hear anything. Solution

Diablo 3 works, but for some reason does not sound - this is another problem that gamers face. Of course, you can play like this, but it’s still better to figure out what’s going on.

First you need to determine the scale of the problem. Where exactly is there no sound - only in the game or even on the computer? If only in a game, then perhaps this is due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

If there is no sound at all, then the problem is definitely in the computer settings. Drivers may not be installed correctly sound card, or maybe there is no sound due to some specific error in our beloved Windows OS.

Diablo 3 controls don't work. Diablo 3 does not recognize mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Solution

How to play if it is impossible to control the process? Problems with supporting specific devices are inappropriate here, because we are talking about familiar devices - a keyboard, mouse and controller.

Thus, errors in the game itself are practically excluded; the problem is almost always on the user's side. You can solve it in different ways, but, one way or another, you will have to contact the driver. Usually, when you connect a new device, the operating system immediately tries to use one of the standard drivers, but some models of keyboards, mice and gamepads are incompatible with them.

Thus, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find its driver. Devices from well-known gaming brands often come with their own software packages, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all functions of a particular device.

If you don’t want to search for drivers for all devices separately, you can use the program Driver Updater. It is intended for automatic search drivers, so you just need to wait for the scan results and download necessary drivers in the program interface.

Diablo 3 slowdowns can often be caused by viruses. In this case, it makes no difference how powerful the video card is in the system unit. You can scan your computer and clean it of viruses and other unwanted software using special programs. For example NOD32. The antivirus has proven itself to be the best and has been approved by millions of users around the world.

ZoneAlarm is suitable for both personal use, and for small businesses, is able to protect a computer with an operating Windows system 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attacks: phishing, viruses, malware, spyware and other cyber threats. New users are given a 30-day free trial.

Nod32 is an antivirus from ESET, which has received many awards for its contribution to security development. Versions of antivirus programs are available on the developer’s website for both PCs and mobile devices, a 30-day trial is provided. There are special conditions for business.

Diablo 3 downloaded from a torrent does not work. Solution

If the game distribution was downloaded via torrent, then in principle there can be no guarantees of operation. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official applications and do not work over the network, because in the process of hacking, hackers cut out all network functions from games, which are often used to verify the license.

Using such versions of games is not only inconvenient, but even dangerous, because very often many files in them have been changed. For example, to bypass protection, pirates modify the EXE file. At the same time, no one knows what else they do with it. Perhaps they embed self-executing software. For example, when the game is first launched, it will integrate into the system and use its resources to ensure the well-being of hackers. Or, giving access to the computer to third parties. There are no guarantees here and cannot be.

In addition, the use of pirated versions is, in the opinion of our publication, theft. The developers spent a lot of time creating the game, investing their own money in the hope that their brainchild would pay off. And every work must be paid.

Therefore, if any problems arise with games downloaded from torrents or hacked using one or another means, you should immediately remove the pirated version, clean your computer with an antivirus and a licensed copy of the game. This will not only protect you from dubious software, but will also allow you to download updates for the game and receive official support from its creators.

Diablo 3 gives an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with missing DLLs arise when launching Diablo 3, but sometimes the game can access certain DLLs during the process and, not finding them, crash in the most blatant manner.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is using the program DLL-fixer, which scans the system and helps quickly find missing libraries.

If your problem turns out to be more specific or the method outlined in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our “” section. They will help you quickly!

Thank you for your attention!

And departures. Immediately after the game was released, numerous bugs and crashes began to be noted. Here is a list of all errors and possible solutions. First of all, if you have problems with the game, we recommend that you restart your computer, update everything possible drivers and reinstall this game.

If that doesn't help, here are all the known errors and how to fix them:

1). Problems with graphics on AMD video cards.
The solution is to download and install the Catalyst 12.4a hotfix.

2). Can't launch Diablo 3.
The solution is to try to launch Diablo 3 Tools in compatibility mode with the XP SP3 operating system.

3). Error in form (acceptable for digital version).
The reason for the error is the loss of some files. The solution is to restart the download, which will solve this problem.

4). Diablo 3 and Error 108.
The reason is due to file corruption when installing the game. The solution is to use a download manager to scan all the game files. It is necessary for the manager to launch the installation himself.

5). I can’t start the installation of the Diablo 3 game itself (nothing happens when I launch Diablo 3.exe).
Solution - you need to make sure that Windows Service for Secondary Logon is enabled. This can be checked by going to Toolbar > Administrator Tools > Services. Next, scroll down and find a service called Secondary Logon. Right-click - settings. Now you need to make sure that Startup Type is not disabled.

6). There is a hang when updating installation files.
Solution - the fifth point will help.

7). Diablo 3 - Crashes.
The solution is to make sure that the following list of programs is not running for you at this moment:
EVGA Precision
MSI Afterburner
Airfoil by Rogue Amoeba

It is advisable to turn them off or try updating them.

8). How can I delete all Diablo 3 Beta files?
Solution - you need to use uninstall in Windows folder. Then you need to delete the Diablo 3 Beta folder itself.

9). Error related to Tom. Appears as Tome Error (appears when installing the game).
The solution is to restart the Diablo 3 game download manager, thereby checking all the files. Run the game installation again.

10). Error as "Unexpected Decryption Error" (due to file corruption).
Solution - the same steps as in point 9 will help.

eleven). The error appears as "Error 3003" or "Error 3003". This happens because the game itself cannot select the desired location when logging in.
The solution is to make the choice yourself.

12). Error 3004 or Error 3004.
The solution is to restart the game.

13). Error 37 or Error 37. Appears in the case of a large number of players making their way to the server.
The solution is to try again later (this is a temporary error that will be fixed soon with updates).

14). Error 12 or Error 12. Appears when an attempt is made to connect to another region.
The solution is to go to your own “home” region. If the error also appears in your region, then wait for the game update with a fix.

15). Error 108 or Error 108. Cause of file corruption.
Solution - the actions from point nine will help.

16). Errors 34200 and 33. This means that the server is in maintenance.
The solution is to try to log in later.

17). Error 24000 or Error 24000. Appears after login. The developers are solving this problem.

18). Error 3008 or 3007 and 3006.
you need to check the status of the servers used
restart the modem/router
open ports 1119, 80 and 6881 – 6999
update Windows
Also, check which apps are running in the background.

19). Error 315300 or Error 315300.
Solution - you need to check that there is no extra spaces in your account information before and after the email. If the error remains, then use the steps in paragraph 9 (checking language files). If this does not help, then create new account admin, and then log into the game through him.

20). There is no option to initialize streaming.
The solution is to turn off your antivirus program or any other program related to the security of your computer.

21). Agent.exe - updates are being carried out for some system files games.
Solution - you need to turn off the firewall and delete all existing agent files.

22). Why does my PC restart while I'm playing Diablo 3?
The solution is to update all drivers and reinstall the game.

23). Agent.exe crash.
- turn off the installation if it is running
- wait 2 minutes and check that the agent does not participate in the processes
- now restart the installation
- if this problem is not fixed, then you need to delete the entire C:ProgramDataBattle.net folder and enable the installation again.

24). Error like BLZPTS00002.
Solution - you need to transfer the file "diablo3_enus" from the next section C:ProgramDataBattle.netSetup to another folder. After that, you need to run the installation file as an administrator.

You can also try the actions from 23 points.

25). Display drivers stopped working.
The solution is to simply update the drivers for your operating system and your video card.

26). A black screen appears along with sounds.
The solution is during login, you need to go to the game settings and reduce its resolution.

Another option is to open the game in windowed mode. You can do this as follows. Go to My DocumentsDiablo IIID3Prefs.txt. In this file you need to change the following line DisplayModeWindowMode “0R43” to the following DisplayModeWindowMode “1R43.

27). While installing the game, it got stuck at 0%.
Solution - the steps presented in point five will help.

28). Can't launch Diablo 3.
The solution is to delete the entire section in C:ProgramDataBattle.net, and then reinstall the game again.

29). The game stopped working or froze.
Solution - everything that was described in paragraph 28 will help.

thirty). Errors related to Diablo 3 MPQ files.
- Forced to delete installed game, download new client from the Battle.net you are familiar with (from the section of your account).
- Now we start the installation again
- We are forced to delete the MPQ file
- Now, run C: Program Files (x86) Diablo III Diablo III Launcher.exe as administrator.

31). The game is asking for a new operating system.
The solution is to run it in compatibility mode and, if anything, it’s better to update the operating system.

32). Diablo 3 game download is too slow.
Solution - go to Control Panel –> Internet Options –> Networks –> LAN settings –> turn off Automatically detect settings ( automatic detection settings).

If you play computer games, you should know that mistakes are something you can never avoid. The fact is that games are the same programs, only much more complex and demanding, so the likelihood that something will go wrong is quite high. And at the same time, the problem may not lie in the game itself, so it is unlikely that a claim can be made against the developer. Most often, the causes of the error are hidden directly in your computer, in your operating system and in the software installed on the PC. Therefore, you need to be able to fix all the errors that may occur in the game you want to try. From this article you will learn about all the problems of longevity of this project Diablo 3 (error 3, 3007 and others). First, the most famous of them will be considered, and then ways to fix problems in general will be given.

Error 3

So, the first thing gamers ask about when they sit down to play Diablo 3 is error 3. It occurs more often than others and brings a lot of trouble. And if you want to figure it out, then you first need to answer one simple question - did you purchase a license? The fact is that the third part of Diablo became one of the first computer games that, even for single-player play, requires Internet verification. And if you downloaded a pirated copy, you may not even hope to launch it successfully - it’s impossible. This system protection assumes that some of the game data is located on the developer’s server, so if you do not verify your client via the Internet, you will not have access to this data. But this error can also occur on licensed versions of the game, only in this case it can be fixed. The fact is that you may have entered your username or password incorrectly during verification, so check that the input is correct, and if you are sure that you are doing everything correctly, delete the Battle.net folder that contains temporary data - perhaps it has become corrupted or outdated, so you will need to enter your information again. In Diablo 3, error 3 is not something very scary, since the problem is solved very quickly and simply, but its enormous popularity is caused precisely by the fact that many gamers try to run a pirated version of the game.

Error 316611 and others like it

A couple of years ago in Diablo 3, error 316611 caused an even greater stir than the third one. It occurred to absolutely all players who updated their client with a new patch. And then the game stopped working, which caused a wave of dissatisfaction from players who paid a rather impressive amount for a licensed copy of the project. Naturally, the reason was due to malfunctions in the released patch - they were quickly fixed, but the problem remained for many gamers. However, in this case, it turned out to be easy to solve - you only needed to update the game cache for the changes to take effect. Thus, if you ever download an update and encounter, if not this particular error, then some similar one, then you will need to update the game cache, and then you will be able to play again. Thus, in the game Diablo 3, error 3 remains the most common one existing today.

Error 3006

Another very common error is 3006, which appears in quite a few cases, however, as error 316611 often appeared in Diablo 3 at one time. Only this time the reason is completely different - if you ever see it in front of you when you start the game message about such malfunctions, then you do not need to worry. In this case, the problem is not with you, but with the server you are connecting to. Luckily, game developer Blizzard is one of the largest in the world, so you'll find a large number of servers to which you can connect. Accordingly, you should simply go to another server that is not too far from your location and play on it until the work of the one closest to you is restored. You can find out about this either by checking its functionality yourself or on the developer’s website. You should not send this error code to the game administration, just like error code 3. Diablo 3 is a popular game, so technical support has already created a whole section dedicated to errors, and these codes are among the top ones.

Error 3007

An extremely common error is 3007. Diablo 3, as mentioned earlier, requires an Internet connection even if you do not plan to play with other gamers online. Accordingly, if you do not have a network connection, then you will not be able to play. This is what causes this error- if you do not have an Internet connection or it is unstable and constantly disappears, then you will receive error message 3007 constantly. Accordingly, you need to fix the problem yourself - reboot network card, reconnect the router, contact technical support of your Internet provider. And then Diablo 3 streaming connection error, error 3007 and other network related problems will be instantly resolved.

Error 53

Error 53 is something that every gamer fears, and it has nothing to do with the functionality of the game itself, or the configuration of your computer, or network connection. In Diablo 3, error 53 means only one thing - you have been banned. If you want to understand the reasons, then you should contact technical support or the game administration, but you should understand that the flow of messages to them is quite large, so it is quite possible that you will have to wait for some time. The most important thing is not to be rude, not to get angry, not to blame anyone until you understand the details, since rudeness has never helped anyone solve the problems that have arisen. You first need to find out why you were banned, and then prove your innocence using cultural methods or serve your sentence if you are really guilty. But you need to understand that this is far from the last Diablo error 3 - there can be a lot of them, so you should consider a few general points that will allow you to avoid complex and unpleasant cases.

Required System Requirements

A huge number of problems not only with this game, but also with many others, arise due to the fact that the user’s computer does not meet the system requirements specified by the developer. People still try to run the game, although they see that their PC is too weak and cannot handle such a load. And then they complain to technical support that Diablo 3 is a bad game, it slows down, freezes, crashes or doesn’t start at all. This is not surprising - system requirements are created for a reason, but so that gamers know whether they can count on running the game or whether they need to update their computer. So make sure your PC is good enough to play Diablo 3 beforehand.

Game launch features

Sometimes you have to work hard to make this game work. To do this, you need to change some launch features. First of all, you need to enable the game as an administrator. Sometimes projects don't have enough permissions to perform all the actions that are required - so raising permissions gives you hope that everything will work as expected. You can also try if your operating system is not optimal for this project. If everything succeeds, then you can set the settings so that the game always runs as an administrator and in the appropriate compatibility mode.

Contacting technical support

The last step you need to take is contacting technical support, but for this you need a serious reason. So first, check all the above methods. And only if nothing works, contact technical support. However, you should not post questions and codes there that have already been covered more than once on the forums, such as error code 3. Diablo 3 is an impressive project, so it may have a lot of errors, but many of them have long been revised and disassembled into components by knowledgeable people, and the solutions are in the public domain.

After the release of the third part of the Diablo game, the developers had the difficult task of resolving a flurry of reports about all kinds of crashes and errors. In particular, the biggest load was on the support service, and according to statistics, the most common error in Diablo 3 was error 3003. We will help you solve this problem and tell you how you can detect this 3003 error.

Some problems that may cause error 3003 to appear:

1. The problem may occur when the client is unable to connect to the server. First you need to check hosts file– it contains a list of connections to services/servers. Look for line, and simply delete everything under it.

2. This error 3 can also appear when your connections are blocked. They can be blocked antivirus programs or a standard firewall. All you need to do is add the game to the exceptions list, or turn off something that may well be blocking the connection.

3. This error can occur when the server crashes, i.e. developers turn off servers in order to update them or debug some function. In most cases, servers are turned off to perform optimization.

4. Effective method To combat such an error, in addition to option 3, you will only need to reboot the computer at the same time as the router. Then enable the game with administrator rights. Error #3003 should disappear.

So, let's look at the key problems that arise while playing Diablo 3

  • Error 1 - service problems. This problem occurs most often when active programs parental controls. They do not allow the game to connect to the Internet. To test the connection, you should remove such programs.
  • Error 12 - Diablo 3 is not associated with this account. To select the correct region: Login screen - Options - Account – select the correct region in this menu. If this doesn't help, write to support.
  • Error 33 - The Battle.net server has been shut down for maintenance. Please try again later. Wait until maintenance is completed.
  • Error 37 - On this moment the servers are busy. Try later. This message is displayed only when the server is overloaded. Log in again after 5-10 minutes or continue trying to log in - you will not be able to log in the first time.
  • Error 3001 The service cannot be accessed. We are aware of this problem. Our development team is already solving it.
  • Error 3005 occurs if a large number of players try to connect from one connection. Try logging into the game one by one.
  • Error 3007 in Diablo Part 3 can occur if your computer is not able to maintain an optimal connection to the Battle.net server. The connection to Battle.net runs in parallel with the connection to the Diablo 3 servers. The tips below can help you solve your current problem.

1. Don't use a router. To do this, you should run the cable directly from your modem to the computer. If after this, error 3005 does not disappear, this will mean that your router did not support the required connection to the servers. It is quite possible that you should update the router firmware or replace it. Information regarding the router firmware can be found on the website of its manufacturer.

2. Join a common communication channel. Joining this channel can help you maintain your connection. To join a chat channel:

— Go to the game

— Click on the gear-shaped icon in the upper left corner of the chat

— Click on Join Public Chat

— There select General

— Enable the Secondary Login service. Make sure it is active first.

3. Deactivate programs designed to protect your computer. Security programs or other programs that support connection to the Internet can interfere with the connection to Battle.net servers and, as a result, error 3007. Disable all programs that run in the background, and security programs should also be temporarily turned off.

3008 Check the status of the Diablo 3 servers page, the servers may be located on maintenance or reboot. Thank you for your patience, we will make every effort to get the servers up and running as quickly as possible.

3014 If you took part in the Diablo 3 beta testing, we recommend deleting all files trial version before installing full version games. After uninstalling the game, make sure that the directory C:\Program Files\Diablo III Beta was deleted.

2012 Check the status of the Diablo 3 servers page, they may be rebooting or are currently undergoing maintenance. We will try to launch the servers as quickly as possible, thank you for your patience.

In Diablo 3, we already know error 5012. Our developers are working on a solution.

300008 Timeout expired. Try again.

317002 It is not possible to install game settings that would allow you to join or create games. This problem has been resolved.

395002 Error loading hero. Please try again. If you encounter this problem on the character selection screen, exit the game and log back in. This operation will update the character selection screen and provide you with the opportunity to enter the game.

Also, a list of the most popular errors in Diablo 3:

BLZAPPBTS00001. The error is unknown. Try again. Restart your computer and try again. This type of error usually occurs due to temporary difficulties.

BLZAPPBTS00002. Unable to connect to the update service. Please check your Internet connection and try again. Articles regarding disabling programs and solving connection problems that are running in the background can help you cope with this difficulty.

BLZAPPBTS00003. Loading of required files failed. Contact customer technical support. The Diablo 3 updater was unable to connect to the update server. Please note that the game must be launched with administrator rights.

BLZAPPBTS00004. The required program cannot be installed. Check your Internet connection activity and try again. If you are installing from a disk, make sure the disk is unscratched and clean. If you are downloading a game, check your Internet connection. Try downloading the game client again. We also recommend that you pay attention to the pages: Downloading games and Difficulties with connection in Diablo 3.

BLZAPPBTS00006. The download of the required update failed. Please check your Internet connection and try again. Check your Internet connection. Try downloading again and reinstalling the game client. We also recommend visiting the following pages: Game downloads and In-game connection difficulties.

BLZAPPBTS00007. The required program failed to start. This problem indicates difficulties in the operation of the Agent.exe (Blizzard Update Agent) program. Restart your computer and try again. If this problem cannot be resolved in this way, please refer to the advice in the Battle.net Update Agent article.

BLZAPPBTS00008. Unable to extract necessary files from the archive. Please try again. This message indicates that your hard drive may contain corrupted information. Check first hard drive for error 3. Detailed information You can find out more about this on the page: Defragmentation and disk scanning.

BLZAPPBTS00009. Error writing to hard disk. Check what's left on your hard drive free place, and repeat the operation. Make sure there is free space on the disk and that write security programs are not blocking access. Temporarily disable security programs. Execute hard check disk for errors. You will learn more about this on the page: Defragmentation and disk scanning.

BLZAPPBTS0000A. Cannot create the desired folder. Make sure you are running the program in administrator mode and try again. Perhaps the program was not launched as an administrator. Please pay attention to the Run as administrator page.

BLZAPPBTS0000B. The required file cannot be created. Make sure the program is running in administrator mode and try again. It is quite possible that the program was not launched as an administrator. Visit the Run as administrator page.

BLZAPPBTS0000C. Archived files cannot be extracted. Try again. Something is preventing the launcher from working correctly. Restart your computer and try again. If this does not resolve the issue, delete the Battle.net folder as it may contain damaged files. Check out the article Launching Blizzard Launcher.

BLZAPPBTS0000D. Unable to update Blizzard Launcher. Check your Internet connection and try again. The launcher cannot connect to the server. Reboot your modem and router and check your proxy connection settings. It may be helpful to review the following pages: Diablo 3 Connection Difficulties and Blizzard Launcher Update.

Games that have received cult status are attracting more and more players with the release of a new part, which serves as a continuation of the series. Of course, system requirements are growing much faster than fans' gaming equipment is changing, so no game is immune from sudden bugs. This is the fate of Diablo 3. Error 3 is one of the most common. What other failures may occur will be discussed below.

A little history

Many gamers learned about Blizzard from the Warcraft and Starcraft series of games. The release of the online Games World Of Warcraft. Number of people willing to dive into virtual world was so large that the developers almost burned out their servers from incoming requests. Nevertheless, the company survived and firmly staked out a place for itself in the gaming industry market.

Project Diablo III can be purchased via digital in-app purchase from Blizzard Entertainment.

Will Diablo 3 run on my computer?

The system requirements of the game are not very high:

  • The game will run on a Pentium at 2.8 Gigahertz with the operating system Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7.
  • Video card required NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, analogue from Radeon (X1950 Pro, for example) or higher.
  • The game takes up about 12 gigabytes of disk space, while requesting 1GB random access memory for owners of XP and as much as 1.5 gigabytes for owners of Vista or Windows 7.
  • Of course, those who own the disc version will need a DVD drive.

Experienced gamers advise using these characteristics as the minimum at which to run the Diablo 3 game. System requirements that provide a more comfortable pastime differ from those indicated by the presence of a broadband Internet connection and the presence of two gigabytes of RAM.

These characteristics will allow you to avoid crashes with an unstable Internet connection and avoid graphical bugs.

Pirate version

It is strongly recommended to purchase the Diablo 3 game only in a licensed version: using an online payment (followed by downloading from the official website) or buying the official edition on disk media - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to resort to installing a hacked version, which is distributed by all kinds of torrents.

The fact is that a full hack of the game never happened. Pirate version is completely devoid of any balance in the game, and the intelligence of the bots is simply reduced to zero. In fact, this looks quite deplorable: bots simply walk around locations without interacting with the player in any way, and the most powerful weapons can drop out almost at the beginning of the first act.

The game completely discourages the desire to play through it, because few people are interested in immediately getting a “killer stick” with which they can run through all the levels.

What does "Error 3" mean?

In Diablo 3, this means that the license confirmation process failed, or the player simply did not confirm it after the next game update.

To resolve the problem, you must use one of the following methods:

  • check that the login and password are entered correctly;
  • delete the Battle.net folder and start the game again;
  • change region in settings;
  • make sure that the game is launched on the computer as an administrator;
  • You can also resort to synchronizing the authenticator.

If all of the above methods did not help, and error 3 still appears in Diablo 3, then most likely the license has not fully come into effect. In this case, you can either change the password and just wait a while, or contact technical support on the developer’s official website.

The most malicious bugs

It just so happens that error 3 in Diablo 3 is not limited to error 3, and failures marked with the number 3 usually cannot be fixed manually by the player:

  • Error 37. This indicates unavailability beyond the player's control. game servers. There could be several reasons for this problem: engineering works on the developer side, a planned update or a critical failure. In any case, you just need to wait until the problem is fixed.
  • Error 3007 means the Internet connection is interrupted. It is necessary to check whether all the lights are lit in a “favorable” blue or green color on the router. As a rule, it will light up red, indicating a problem with the Internet. The reasons may be the following: the cord has come off the connector, problems on the side of the Internet provider, the Internet bill for the next month has not been paid.
  • Error 3006 in Diablo 3 indicates that the player's selected region is unavailable. There are two ways out: either simply wait for it to be restored, or simply change the region in account.

There is also a malicious error that does not start with the number 3 and is a consequence of incorrect actions by the account owner himself - this is an error 53 . This indicates that the user's account has been blocked. You can learn about the reasons from the letter, which is necessarily sent to email player. Typically, this is a consequence of using cheats, using profanity towards other players, or any other violation of the license agreement.

Removable bugs

Most errors can be avoided if you already have the latest drivers and updates installed on your computer. operating system. However, all sorts of system bugs can occur.

For example, if Diablo 3 freezes, this can be treated by disabling third-party software that slows down the game and the computer as a whole. In other words, if a number of programs are running in parallel, many browser tabs with various sites are open, movies are being downloaded from the Internet, and suddenly the player decides to play his favorite Dablo 3, of course, the game will freeze.

If an error occurs when starting Diablo 3, you should check whether your computer configuration meets the system requirements of the game. It should be noted that it will not start only on a very old machine, so other reasons are possible. For example, files were not fully downloaded. This may be due to unstable internet connections. In this case, you just need to download the game again and reinstall it.

Another reason is that the operating system is not fully updated. In this case, you can either set compatibility with XP SP3, or still update the operating system.

Other incidents

There are minor bugs that prevent you from entering the game. For example, a black screen accompanied by background sounds. To fix the problem, it is recommended to go to the settings at the login stage and lower the resolution.

Any error that occurs with the .MPQ file can be corrected by uninstalling the game, reinstalling it, and deleting the specified file. It is recommended to run the game as an administrator.

Slow downloading of the game is also an error, but it can be fixed very simply - just disable automatic detection of settings (Start - Control Panel - Internet Options - Networks - LAN Settings).


All of the above errors can be eliminated one way or another. Some can be cured immediately with just a few manipulations or “dancing with a tambourine”; some depend on the developers.

In any case, you should stock up on three things: patience (to wait for the bug to be fixed technical support), a good modern computer (to eliminate the possibility of errors due to outdated hardware) and a stable high-speed Internet connection.

The game is worth spending half an hour updating drivers on your computer and installing operating system update packages. In the end, the project is not too demanding, but very interesting; any fan of the Diablo game series will definitely appreciate all the delights of passing without crashes and freezes.