iPhone is blocked, connect to iTunes what to do. Solving the error “Iphone is disabled, connect to iTunes”


The iPhone is one of the most beloved smartphones nowadays - it is convenient, multifunctional, everything in it is optimized for the most convenient use.

However, sometimes it can bring its owner several unpleasant surprises, such as a more or less sudden blocking, accompanied by certain notifications.

One of them contains text - how to do this when such a message appears is described in the article.



What kind of message is this, why does it appear and what meaning does it actually carry?

Firstly, it should be mentioned that such a message is directly related to device protection, which is organized very well on the iPhone.

The fact is that it is possible to set a password on your phone that will protect your data from accidental or intentional attacks by strangers.

This system works very effectively, but it can also be inconvenient for the user.

The principle of its operation is as follows - after several attempts to enter the password (and errors in it, accordingly), the device is blocked and erases all data.

This data can now only be restored using a backup copy, which is why the notification that appears when blocked recommends connecting to this system.

Important! This system of protecting data from outsiders is both very effective and very inconvenient. But it is sometimes implemented much more functionally than, which are much more difficult to restore when a blockage occurs.

How does it manifest?

In what cases does this warning occur?

It is associated with password entry attempts - if the user entered the password incorrectly when unlocking the device, the system will be locked to ensure data security.

However, this does not always happen.

The user is given as many as six attempts to enter the password. If during these six attempts an incorrect password (same or different) is constantly entered, the mobile device will be blocked for exactly one minute. It is believed that during this time the user will remember or somehow find out his password and will be able to concentrate.

If, after the first minute is over, the user enters the wrong password again at least once, the device will lock itself, this time permanently.

At the same time, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen, which is discussed in this article.

It is worth noting that this problem became rather less relevant and widespread when the main button of the device began to be equipped with a fingerprint scanner.

Now the device owner does not need to remember and enter a password every time he unlocks it - it simply recognizes the user’s fingerprint and .

Since most of the locks were caused by the owners themselves, who had forgotten the password, with the advent of the fingerprint scanner this problem almost disappeared.

However, it can still occur, for example, when trying to unlock a smartphone while wearing gloves suitable for working with the sensor, when children use the phone unsupervised, etc.

In any case, if the device is in the hands of its owner, then unlocking it will not take much time and will not be too difficult.


But the user can choose the optimal method for returning the device to functionality from the two described below.

Using iTunes

It is important to understand that this event is not actually unlocking a specific device and gaining access to the data stored on it.

This procedure essentially consists of two interconnected stages:

  • Complete data reset and return the phone to factory settings, with the deletion of all information stored on the device;
  • Restoring your device data and settings again, from a backup stored in iTunes.

At the same time, it is possible that not all settings will be restored in exactly the same form as they were before the blocking, and there is a possibility that the device will have to be configured manually again.

Therefore, it is better to be careful when entering your password. Although all data stored on the device is usually restored in full.

Advice! If you plan, in the event of an unforeseen situation, to restore functioning in this particular way, then do not forget to regularly create backup copies of the system, which.

Unblocking algorithm

In order to unlock the device and restore data on it in this way, follow the algorithm given below:

1 Connect your phone to your computer using a cable;

2 Launch iTunes on your computer;

3 Enter your password from this service, if the program requires it;

4 Find the tab Review and click on it;

5 Scroll down the contents of the window that opens to the section Backups, and click on it;

6 Create a system backup on your PC(choose a place to store data This computer is important, as it helps to create a copy not only with settings, but also with multimedia files);

7 Now disconnect the device from the computer and turn it off completely;

8 Turn off iTunes;

9 Now connect the switched off device to the PC again and launch iTunes on it;

10 On the phone Press the Lock/Power/Power button and the Home button at the same time;

11 Keep them pressed simultaneously for 10 seconds;

12 Release the button Home.

Please note that as soon as you do this, it should find the device connected in recovery mode and offer to perform this recovery.

Wait for this question to appear on your PC screen. Click the Restore button and leave your smartphone for a while.

This procedure can take quite a long time and it is important not to interrupt it. You cannot disconnect the phone from the PC and allow the PC to turn off (for example, if the laptop runs out of power). The recovery process can sometimes take from half an hour to several hours (depending on the performance of the computer and phone, the volume internal memory, complexity of settings, etc.).

Now start your device in normal mode (connected to iTunes), select the last created copy in this program and download it - this may also take some time.

Note that devices that have the most can no longer create backup copies in a locked state, so restoration will have to be carried out from the last saved one.

Therefore, it is important to periodically create a backup copy yourself, just in case.

Using the Find My iPhone feature

This feature is especially suitable if the user does not have access to a computer right now. And also when there is no full backup in iTunes and it is impossible to create one.

When using the “Find iPhone” function, data from the cloud (contacts, notes, etc.) will be used for recovery, which is sometimes quite enough to preserve the full functionality of the device.

What should be done?

1 Sign in to iCloud using your AppleID, from any other tablet or computer;

2 Find your smartphone and perform a remote erase all device data;

More details about each of the two listed methods, the principles of their operation, and the correct implementation of unlocking with their help are described in the video in this material.

Hi all! Friends are good. And friends who are jokers are already “as it turns out.” Although, in my case, it’s probably good too. Why? Because they constantly don’t let me get bored and often give me some ideas for the next article. They will take it and do something “like that” - either stand or fall. For example.

Quite recently, I had the imprudence to leave my phone out of sight (I will never do that again), and they decided to conduct an experiment on my iPhone (there is nothing else to do!) - repeatedly enter the wrong password for the screen lock. So what? This is so interesting and fun – we’ll all laugh together! Damn comedians.

But we all know very well what results such actions lead to.

First, the message “iPhone is disabled” appears. Repeat after 1 minute." But this is far from the limit! After all, if you continue to enter the code incorrectly, the interval begins to grow and increase to 5, 15, 60, etc. minutes.

I’ll say right away that I was relatively lucky - I only “snatched” a 15-minute block.

But this whole situation made me think, what to do with a long period of time - also wait? Or are there any other options to unlock the device? It turns out there is. And not alone! Which? Now I'll tell you everything. Go!

So, the blocking message “iPhone is disabled. Repeat after..." may appear for two reasons:

  1. Repeated and constant incorrect password entry.
  2. Disabling the battery and, as a result, resetting the date and time on the iPhone.

The reasons are different, but the result is the same - the device is blocked. All you have to do is wait or...

Method No. 1. Get the correct date and time information

It works if your iPhone writes about some incredible time periods. Something like “iPhone is disabled. Please try again after tens of millions of minutes.”

As you understand, it is impossible to reach such values ​​by simply brute-forcing the password. Why does this inscription appear? It's simple - when you disconnect the battery, the time on the iPhone is reset, the phone thinks that it is in the past and prompts you to enter a password in the future, many, many years from now.

What should you do in this case? Option two:

  1. Install a SIM card with working mobile internet.
  2. Connect to a known Wi-Fi source.

What is going to happen? iPhone will receive data about current date and time via the Internet, and the blocking message will disappear. True, it’s worth making a reservation that all this will only work when iPhone settings There is automatic detection of date and time.

Did you set the time manually? Let's move on to the next method...

Method number 2. Reset iOS Incorrect Password Counter

Typically used for small "timeouts". And this method would definitely help in my case - I wouldn’t have to wait time to try to enter the password again.

So how do you reset the counter?

All. We take the iPhone in our hands and see that the inscription “iPhone is disabled. Repeat in…” disappeared. And it doesn’t matter how many minutes you had there. You can try again to enter the correct password and unlock the gadget.

You ask: “If everything is so simple, then why all the other options?” The fact is that this method will only work with a computer that is trusted (the iPhone was synchronized with it previously).

If there is no such computer, then all that remains is...

Method number 3. Restore firmware

The most reliable means of dealing with any problems. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Are there any problems with the iPhone? Restore the firmware and everything will be fine." How to do it?

This way we install “clean” firmware - naturally, there will be no “iPhone is disabled” warnings (as well as screen lock passwords).

However, it is worth remembering the disadvantages this method unlock:

  1. If the Find My iPhone function was enabled on the device, then after flashing the firmware you will need to enter your Apple ID and password. Don't remember this information? .
  2. Absolutely all information will be deleted from the iPhone - it will save backup copy.
  3. The latest version of iOS will be installed - there is nothing you can do about it. This is Apple's policy when updating devices through iTunes.

As you can see, the problem is not so terrible and insoluble - you can fight it. Moreover, there are a lot of ways - from the simplest (wait or reset the counter) to the drastic and decisive (restore the software). You just need to choose the one that suits you!

P.S. Still have questions? Feel free to write in the comments - we’ll try to figure it out and find the right solution! Too lazy to write something? You can always like or click on the buttons social networks– the author will be pleased :) Thank you!

If you enter incorrectly several times in a row iPhone password, the device will be locked and the message “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes” will appear on the screen. How to unlock your smartphone in order to gain access to it and, if possible, return data - read on.

After several incorrect attempts to enter the password, the iPhone is locked and the files stored on it are completely encrypted. Thanks to this, no attacker can hack the device and gain access to the user’s photos, applications and documents.

Features of the procedure:

  1. Data can be restored only if a backup copy was made before (using iTunes, iCloud or third-party software).
  2. If the device has not previously synchronized with iTunes, then you can unlock it and reset the password only with complete loss of data.
  3. If partial synchronization with iCloud (contacts, calendar, notes) was enabled on your iPhone, you can return the data after logging in to your account. Apple records ID.
  4. If the backup was made via third party software, then before starting the recovery procedure, reset your password through iTunes.

To remove a notification from the screen of a disabled iPhone and unlock it, you need to perform a full reset. This can be done in different ways.

Unblocking via iTunes

If the iPhone has been synchronized with the computer, then it can be unlocked via iTunes. In this case, all data and password stored on the device will be permanently erased:

  1. Using a USB cable, connect your iPhone to the computer where you previously synced.
  2. Launch iTunes. If a message appears on the screen asking you to enter a password, enter it.
  3. If you don’t have access to the old password, then use another computer (to which the iPhone was also connected). Otherwise, move on to the next data reset method.
  4. Wait for iTunes to automatically sync with your device and create a new backup. If this does not happen, then click on the smartphone icon and in the “Settings” section select “Browse”. Check the box next to “Sync automatically if iPhone is connected.”
  5. Once the backup is complete, on the Overview tab, click the Restore iPhone button.
  6. A settings screen will appear, offering several options for transferring data. Select “Recover from iTunes copy” and select the desired backup copy from the list (they differ in creation date and size).

Wait until the procedure is completed. After this, the device can be disconnected from the computer and used. The iPhone will be unlocked and the data will be transferred.

Unlocking via recovery mode

If synchronization with iTunes has not been performed, then you can fix the “iPhone is disconnected, connect to iTunes” error using recovery mode. In this case, all data stored on the device will be irretrievably lost:

  1. Download and install iTunes on your computer from the official Apple website.
  2. Launch the program and connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable.
  3. On your smartphone, bring up the recovery mode screen. To do this, simultaneously press and hold the Home and top side buttons (iPhone 6S and more early models), top side and Volume Down (iPhone 7 and 7 Plus). For iPhone 8 and newer models, first press the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons in turn, and then hold the top side button.
  4. A notification will appear in iTunes that will say “There is a problem with your iPhone; it needs to be updated or restored,” which means the program was able to find problems.
  5. If the message does not appear, try turning off and turning on your smartphone again, or use another method to unlock it.
  6. Click "Update" to try updating system files iPhone. In this case, all user data will be saved.
  7. If this does not help, then select "Restore" to forcefully return the device to factory settings (user information will be deleted).

The method is suitable for cases when the iPhone was locked as a result of entering the password incorrectly, when other system errors. After a forced restore, you need to reconfigure your smartphone. To do this, log in with using Apple ID or create a new one account.

Resetting your password via Find My Phone

If you don’t have access to a computer, you can unlock a disabled iPhone without iTunes. To do this, use Apple's Find My Phone feature. The method is only relevant if it was turned on at the time the device was blocked:

  1. Using a computer or other mobile device, sign in to your iCloud account. To do this, enter your Apple ID and access code.
  2. Go to the list of available devices and find the iPhone you want here (which gives an error and asks you to connect to iTunes).
  3. Click on the “Erase iPhone” button and confirm the action.

When the operation is completed, all data will be permanently deleted. If you previously backed up files via iCloud, iTunes or third-party software, then you can copy them to your iPhone.

Reset via Tenorshare 4uKey

Tenorshare 4uKey is a small utility that allows you to remove a lock in case of an incorrectly entered or forgotten password(if the iPhone says “connect to iTunes”). Suitable when the user does not have access to iTunes and other recovery tools:

  1. Download and install the program from the official website. The trial version is distributed free of charge and is available for OS X and Windows operating systems.
  2. Launch the software and connect your iPhone to your computer via USB
  3. Wait for 4uKey to detect the device and press the blue "Start" button to clear the error message. After this, all user information will be erased from the smartphone.
  4. Next, the program will offer to restore operating system iPhone. If you already have an iOS firmware file, then use the “Browse” button to specify the path to it. Click "Download" to let 4uKey download itself the required version through the Internet.
  5. After this, the following screen will appear on your computer. Click "Unlock Now" to remove the lock.

Wait until the procedure is completed and disconnect the device. After this, set up your iPhone, come up with a new access code and specify other security settings.

Recovering data after a reset

Resetting a password involves the complete destruction of all user information that is currently stored in the device’s memory. You won't be able to return it without an access code. If the iPhone owner previously used synchronization tools and Reserve copy, then you can make a backup.

Available methods:

  1. Via iTunes. To do this, connect your device to your PC and go to the “Browse” tab. In the “Data Recovery” block, select one of the available copies and wait for it to download to your iPhone.
  2. Through third party software. This method is only suitable if you used other software for backup.
  3. Via iCloud. If you used synchronization of phone book contacts, calendar entries and notes, then after resetting to factory settings, start your smartphone. Wait for the “Programs and Data” block to appear. Find and select "Recover from" from the list. iCloud copies" and sign in using your Apple ID account.

If the device has never synchronized with iTunes, iCloud or other software, then it will no longer be possible to return user files. Therefore, to avoid losing important information, use backup functions.

What does this error message mean?

These messages almost always mean that you entered the wrong password many times (or someone else - maybe you let a child play with your smartphone?) and the iPhone has locked itself to protect itself from a possible hacker attack.

iPhone has powerful built-in security measures, and one of them is designed to prevent brute force attempts to bypass your password.

If a thief of your phone can simply guess the password - and especially if he can connect it to part software, which can guess much faster than a person - then, in the end, the phone will be hacked. Therefore, if you are using a four-digit code, then remember, there are only 10,000 combinations that a person can crack in 4 hours and 6 minutes, and a computer in 6 minutes and 34 seconds.

To stop this approach, iOS intentionally makes typing difficult large quantity incorrect passwords. Enter it incorrectly several times (up to five times) and you can carry on as usual; if you get six or seven incorrect attempts, the phone will slow you down a little, but the more you get it wrong, the harder it will become. Once you get to 10 times, that's it - no more trying.

How error messages (and time delays) respond to the number of incorrect attempts:

  • 6 incorrect attempts: iPhone is locked. Try again in a minute.
  • 7 incorrect attempts: iPhone is locked. Try again after 5 minutes.
  • 8 incorrect attempts: iPhone is locked. Try again after 15 minutes.
  • 9 incorrect attempts: iPhone is locked. Try again after 60 minutes.
  • 10 incorrect attempts: iPhone is locked. Connect to iTunes.

In other words, the way to avoid these messages in the future is to be more careful when entering your passcode, use Touch ID if your phone supports it, or not use a passcode at all (though for security reasons, we don't recommend the latter option) .

Please note that the time delays noted above are automatically enabled on your iPhone and cannot be disabled.

However, there is a related and more drastic security measure that is optional: one that will completely destroy the device if someone enters the passcode incorrectly 10 times in a row. This can be useful if your iPhone contains data that should never fall into the wrong hands.

Go to Settings, then tap ID & Password (then enter your password), and if you scroll down, you'll see a switch next to Erase Data.

Use recovery mode

Recovery mode is a more drastic method of cleaning your device, and may be worth a try if the above strategy doesn't work. Here's how to put your iPhone into recovery mode:

  1. Connect the USB cable to your computer, but do not connect it to your iPhone.
  2. Launch iTunes.
  3. Press and hold the Home button and the Power/Power button for 10 seconds until your iPhone turns off.
  4. Hold the Home button but release the Power/Power button.

Connect the USB Dock/Lightning connector to connect your iPhone to your Mac (keep holding the Home button).

iTunes should provide a message stating that "iPhone was detected in recovery mode."

iPhone disabled

Are you afraid that your iPhone freezes when you enter the wrong password? Our iPhone is left unused, locked, not entering the correct password, this is one of the worst nightmares plaguing users. This is a risk that is always present and, if it occurs, entails in most cases the loss of a significant part of our personal information stored.

With this article, we want to clear your doubts arising during the blocking process and also guide you to know what to do if you ever iPhone message disabled, then after connecting to iTunes or iCloud.

Let's start with the basics: What needs to happen for our iPhone to freeze? For our phone to freeze completely, several incorrect passwords must be entered a certain number of times. In particular, after entering 5 incorrect keys, we have a range of 6 to 10 attempts during the period of uselessness will pass from 1 minute, gradually, to complete blocking in the case of 10 passwords.

We will know that we are talking about passwords in the plural, because entering the same password incorrectly several times is only counted as one attempt.

Between 1 and 9 attempts, we will be free from danger, and, as a maximum, we will only have time without access to the phone. But, unfortunately, once you have entered the tenth contrse?a incorrectly, there is no turning back, and we can only take drastic measures to restore it.

Restore and activate iPhone locked

Solution for iPhone recovery if it is turned off, all information contained on it is forcibly deleted. Many people come to Apple Store in the hope that your employees know a way around this solution, but we must say that this is flawed thinking.

What we can do is get the data we could from the backup we made in iTunes or iCloud. Let's see the pros and cons of each option.

We must keep in mind that the process will have two stages: first deleting the data, and then restoring it from the backup. We can both implement them using iTunes or iCloud, and we can use both in the process: start with one and end with the other, and vice versa.

Step 1 – Deleting Data

Before proceeding, you are warned that you must have a backup of your iPhone because in this process we will erase all the data from the device and only you will restore the ones you have on your copy.

Via iTunes

The big difference is that deleting data using iTunes you can, that we do not have to enter our Apple ID and password again, provided that we use the same computer from which we have synchronized and, if possible, that no one has entered It's different with Apple ID.

But there is alternative method to delete data from iTunes, which will not depend on the frequency with which we have connected to the computer account we use and saves us the step of entering the password of our Apple ID. We're talking about entering DFU mode, which we already explained in another article, and we're doing a restore from iTunes, as I'll explain later in step 2.

Via iCloud

If we are already registered in iCloud and we have the Find My iPhone option enabled, before we iPhone lock, then you will be able to enter Find My iPhone iCloud.com to delete data from your device. To do this, we will start a session with our Apple ID and your password, place the terminal among all our Apple devices, and select the “Erase iPhone“ option.

Step 2 – Data Recovery

Your iPhone is still disabled and so after deleting our iPhone data from iTunes or iCloud, how to proceed depends on how you backed up: iTunes, iCloud, or you don't have a backup. You must follow the following instructions, once you see a white initial setup screen on your iPhone:

  • If you backed up using iTunes, select » Restore from iTunes.
  • If you have an iCloud backup, when you start your iPhone after deletion, the process of setting up the phone will appear, and in time will give us the opportunity to restore the information stored in iTunes or iCloud. Select this parameter to recover your data stored in the cloud.
  • If you have not saved any backups, I am afraid that you have no choice but to complete the phone settings and start from scratch, from the mobile.

Have you blocked your iPhone or iPad? Leave a comment because I'm interested to know how you unblock it.

Image: Escuelaiphone

The second method is to reset your password

If your device is already disabled or has not yet had time to do so, but still asks you to enter a password, then you should act in a more strict way. However, it will cause all information on your device to be erased. If you have a backup made in advance, that's good. Well, if not, then you will have to sacrifice all the data to unlock the device.

This method of unlocking an iPhone will be useful if you have already tried the first method, but nothing worked. Now you have consciously made the decision to completely collect the phone, including all the information on it. In case you have a backup of the device, then things are a little easier for making the decision to reset.

Attention! If your backup is encrypted, the password will also be saved with it and after restoring the device, you will still be required to provide an access code.

Resetting your password is as follows. To do this, you will need to put the device into recovery mode - DFU. Using this mode, you can completely reset your iPhone or iPad to factory settings.

All methods are indicated for Apple devices with firmware version iOS 7 and higher. Now you know how to reset the password on your device.

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iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes

Most likely, you have already encountered a situation where your smartphone displays the message “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes.” This happens if you type the wrong combination of numbers in the password field six times in a row. The proprietary iTunes program and a regular computer will help you remove this inscription. Using the software, you can reset the counter and unlock your phone if you forgot the code.

  1. Turn on Wi-Fi on the device.
  2. We connect the iPhone to the computer using the cable that comes with it.
  3. Turn on iTunes
  4. When the program recognizes the device, go to “Devices - Synchronize with” and select iPhone 4 or which one you have to decide.
  5. After synchronization, you can continue trying to enter the password, but if they are unsuccessful, we will try to reset it, read how to unlock an iPhone without a password, read in the next section.

Unlocking after jailbreak

How to remove the password from an iPhone if it has been jailbroken? About 10% of Apple devices have undergone this procedure at least once, so the topic of resetting the password during jailbreak is more than relevant.

The methods described above will not work for hacked devices; here you will have to act somewhat differently. If you install new firmware During the password recovery process, difficulties may arise when activating the iPhone, and this is another, more difficult task.

Let us remind you that without activation, it is impossible to connect to mobile operator, any SIM cards will be blocked. To get around this problem, you will have to contact service center, but it’s not a fact that even they can help.

What to do if you are jailbroken and need to recover your iPhone password? Everything is quite simple, when installing Cydia, most likely you clicked install the OpenSSH component, without it you will not be able to get into the phone. OpenSSH is an application that “listens” for a connection from a computer if a synchronization cable is connected.

You can reach your iPhone using the SemiRestore program installed on your PC. SemiRestore connects via OpenSSH, deletes settings, files, applications, leaving a clean phone without losing the jailbreak.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Install SemiRestore on your computer
  2. We connect the smartphone to the PC.
  3. We launch SemiRestore and wait for the device to be recognized by the program.
  4. After successful synchronization, click the “SemiRestore” button.
  5. The phone will reboot several times.
  6. We are waiting for the end of the procedure.
  7. We check that there is no password and that Cydia is present on the device.
  8. We restore data from a backup using iTunes or analogues of this program.


If iTunes gives you an unknown error 14 while resetting your iPhone, just don't touch anything and let them sit together for 30 minutes in this state. If your iPhone does not turn on and does not respond to charging, clean the connector from dirt. Your iPhone just died. An iPhone can cope without tuna.

And with that, thank you all, leave your comments, in case you also had similar stories)

Case: iPhone is disabled, connect to itunes

Third unlock method

If your iPhone is locked, you can unlock it through recovery mode. At the same time, we will save all user data. We connect the iPhone to a computer with iTunes (previously used) and wait for the device to be recognized. Next, we start creating a backup copy - this will take time. The copy will contain all data, including music, photos and videos.

  • Turn off the power to the device and connect it to a computer with iTunes installed.
  • Press two buttons simultaneously – “Home” and “Power”, and hold them for ten seconds.
  • Release the “Power” button and wait another 10 seconds, then release the “Home” button.
  • After detecting the iPhone, the iTunes application will offer to start restoring from the backup copy - we agree and wait for the procedure to complete.

Everything is ready - we have an unlocked device at our disposal, ready for further work.

Reasons for appearance

To begin with, it’s worth saying that this warning is related to the quality of the smartphone’s protection; by the way, on the iPhone it is organized well. The thing is that it is possible to set a password on the device, which can protect important information from potential privacy violations. This system functions highly efficiently, but sometimes it is inconvenient to use, including for the user himself.

Its operating principle is that after unsuccessful attempts to enter the cipher (incorrectly), the smartphone is blocked and all information is deleted. They can only be revived through a backup version stored in iTunes, which is why such a notification appears.

The user has 6 attempts to enter the password. Usually this is enough to allow you to concentrate and remember the combination. If not, then a notification appears on the screen stating that the iPhone is disabled, you need to connect to iTunes, and you need to look for methods to unlock it.

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How to unlock an iPhone if it is disabled and requires you to connect to iTunes

The device itself recommends connecting to iTunes, but in fact you can unlock it in other ways if the iPhone is disabled. But at the same time, restoring the system using the recommended option is the simplest and most convenient. Although it’s up to you to choose how to make it easier and faster.

Using iTunes

It is worth immediately noting that in reality this procedure is not unlocking a specific device, gaining access to the information stored on it. This process consists of two interconnected stages:

    resetting the iPhone to factory settings, deleting all data stored on it;

    restoring the device information and settings again from the backup version stored in iTunes.

You must be prepared for the fact that not all parameters will be restored in the same form in which they were originally, you may even have to make the settings manually. So be more careful when entering your password. But usually all the information available on the device is completely reanimated.

If you think in advance that in an emergency you will restore operation using this method, do not forget to regularly create backup copies and save them to iCloud.

How to unlock: step by step instructions

If a message appears that the iPhone is disabled and you want to unlock it through iTunes, the algorithm will be as follows:

    connect the smartphone to the PC with a cable;

    activate iTunes on your computer;

    enter the password for the service, if necessary;

    look for the “Browse” tab and tap on it;

    Scroll the window that opens to the “Backups” item, click on it;

    create a backup of the system on your PC (you should select “This computer” as the storage location to create a copy not only with the settings, but also with multimedia files);

    disconnect the iPhone from the PC and turn it off;

    turn off iTunes;

    reconnect the switched off phone to the PC and activate the iTunes device on it;

    On your smartphone, simultaneously press the lock/on/off buttons and the key;

    hold them in this position for about ten seconds;

    release the key.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that after completing the steps, the iTunes service should find the device connected in recovery mode and offer to perform this recovery.

Wait for the question to appear on your computer monitor. Tap the Restore button and leave your iPhone for a while.

This procedure can take a long time and cannot be stopped. There is no need to disconnect the device from the computer and allow the PC itself to be turned off.

The recovery process sometimes takes from 30 minutes to several hours (it all depends on the power level of the equipment, memory size, settings, etc.).

Then start the smartphone in normal mode (connected to iTunes). You select the latest backup in the service and download it - this will also take time. It is worth noting that phones with more recent versions of the operating system are no longer able to make backup copies in a locked position. So the restoration must be done from the last saved one. So, just in case, make your own backups.

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Find My iPhone feature

This option will be useful if the user does not currently have access to a desktop PC. And also, if iTunes does not have a full backup and there is no way to make one.

When using the “Find iPhone” function, information from the cloud storage is used for recovery, which is quite enough to preserve the full functionality of the gadget. What to do?

    Go to iCloud using your AppleID, this can be done from any device;

    Look for your phone and remotely erase all information from your iPhone;

    Perform the initial setup;

    Access to the data is now open.

If you receive a notification: “Your iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes,” you need to unlock it. Follow the instructions or watch the video below.

Counter reset

Since the phone offers to connect to iTunes, the logical step would be to follow this recommendation and connect the device to the computer.

This method will only work if you connect your iPhone to a computer with which the device has already been synchronized. If the specified method does not help, proceed to other troubleshooting options.

Restoring from a backup

This method is suitable if you regularly created backups, and at the time of one of the backups there was no password set on your phone.

If there is no suitable backup, or it is password-protected in the same way as current system, then there remains a radical method - resetting the iPhone by resetting settings and content.


Resetting settings and content will delete all user information from your phone. You can restore it from a backup copy - the main thing is that it is not password protected.

Wait while iTunes downloads and installs latest firmware, then restore the data from the backup or set up the phone as new.

A factory reset can be performed remotely, provided that Find My iPhone has been enabled on your phone.

After deleting the information from the device, the error will disappear. You can restore data from a backup or set up your iPhone as new.

When purchasing, we most often choose reliable devices, but during use we often encounter all sorts of errors. Some are caused by software glitches, while others are caused by incorrect use. Usually the screen displays: “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes” if the access code has been entered incorrectly several times, which removes the screen lock.

How to Set a Passcode on iPhone

Almost everything mobile devices for security, they are equipped with the ability to protect personal information from the wrong hands, including iOS gadgets. In the device settings, in order to be able to set protection, there is a “Password protection” tab. There you can set any protection configuration, for example, set the period of time after which the device is blocked. An interesting feature is the ability for the device to self-destruct all data if the password is entered incorrectly 10 times. However, it is not recommended to use this function for those who have a lot of necessary information stored on their device. This menu item appeared on the iPhone 5, in the firmware iOS operating system system version 7.1, which appeared in March 2014.

What happens when the password is entered incorrectly. "iPhone is disabled, please try again in an hour"

In order to correctly determine the algorithm of actions, it is necessary to see in practice what will happen if you enter the password incorrectly. The data below is for an iPhone 5 with firmware 7.1.

  • After 6 incorrect entries, the device displays a message indicating that you need to try the entry in a minute.
  • After 9 incorrect code entries, the device will be temporarily blocked for 1 hour. The message will look like this: “iPhone is disabled, please try again in an hour.”

Almost all devices have a limit on attempts; it may vary. The number of attempts depends on the model and type of device. Once the limit is completely exhausted, you will see the following message on the screen: “iPhone is disconnected, connect to iTunes.” Many novice users worry that it will be difficult or impossible to restore the device’s functionality.

How can you reset the password entry counter?

If you have not made backup copies of your data in advance, then in order to save the information, you must select a password manually. It is possible to bypass the specified limit by resetting password entry attempts. So the device says "Connect to iTunes" and full formatting and returning to factory settings is not possible due to the fact that a unique or important information. Most often, users do not want to lose data from a tablet on which a message appears: “iPad is disabled, connect to iTunes.” In this case, you need to connect the device to your desktop computer and reset the password counter.

How to install iTunes

In order to download the software installer for working with the device via a personal computer, you need to go to the official website of the Apple manufacturer. There you can download the most latest version Software in which all errors are corrected and the newest services are added. You can install this program on both Mac and Windows, and it is distributed completely free of charge. To start downloading, you must click on the “Download” button. Upon completion, if you do not want to listen to music through iTunes by default, you must remove the checkbox from the corresponding item before completing work with the installer.

Synchronization problems with iTunes

The need to restore access to the device may arise at any time outside the home, far from the computer with which the gadget has already been synchronized. The password entry counter is rolled back, as mentioned above, when iTunes Help. Typically, this method is used after the message appears: “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes.” If you currently cannot access your PC, you can try establishing a connection with another. When you connect to a copy of iTunes with which the gadget has not previously been synced, you will see a notification asking you to allow the computer to access the information stored in the device’s memory. After you allow access, the program will try to synchronize, but to complete it successfully, you must respond on the smartphone or tablet itself. If there is a message on the screen that the iPhone is disabled, it is impossible to respond from it. Since this is impossible in your case, it is possible to quickly restore access to the device only when the device is detected in the program or by performing a full reset (in this case, the information will be lost).

How to reset the password counter if the device is detected

To begin, as in the first case described, you need to connect the device to your desktop PC and launch iTunes on it. To connect, use the cable supplied in the kit. In some cases, the message “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes” may disappear immediately after authorizing the device in the program; in this case, no other manipulations are necessary. If this does not happen, then you need to continue working. To make it more convenient to interact with the program, you need to turn on the left one. After the connection is established, an image of the phone will appear on this panel, as well as basic information about it. Right-click on the picture symbolizing the device, and from context menu select “Synchronize”. The top panel will notify you that the synchronization process has begun; a bar and a message about the start of the process will appear on it. However, there is no need to wait until the end, and synchronization must be canceled by clicking on the cross. Usually after this procedure it is possible to start password selection again. You can do the same with your tablet if a message appears on it: “iPad is disabled, connect to iTunes.”

How many times can the counter be reset?

The procedure can be carried out any number of times. Users have verified that the reset occurs whenever the gadget interacts with iTunes. After the number of attempts has expired, you can reconnect the device to the computer and reset the counter. By asking the iPhone to connect to iTunes, the manufacturer is telling us a solution to the problem of a forgotten password. If you even vaguely remember what the password was, or hope to remember it quickly, then this method is suitable for you. However, if you still cannot remember the password after a long time, you must resort to a complete reset of the device. If you have it, you can restore the information after the reset.

Data backup

There are two ways to create a copy of information from any gadget:

  • Through the application in the iCloud device itself.
  • Using iTunes.

For the first method, you will need to register an Apple ID account; the information will be stored on a cloud server. It is possible to synchronize a device with it only through authorization in the application. In order to store a copy of information in iTunes, you need to synchronize your device with it. This procedure The developers recommend that owners do this periodically so that the information on the computer is up to date. If the iPhone is disabled and needs to be restored, the data will not be permanently lost.

Putting the device into DFU mode

Update Mode - device debugging mode, in it it is possible to restore the device to factory settings. When going to this mode It is possible to install the device's operating system from scratch. In instructions for restoring the device's functionality, if the iPhone asks to connect to iTunes, this mode is often mentioned.

To enter recovery mode, you must do the following:

  • Connect your device to your PC and launch iTunes.
  • Press the power button and hold it in this position for several seconds.
  • Then, while continuing to hold the power button, press Home and hold them together for a while.
  • After about 10 seconds, release the Power button and continue holding Home for a while.

If all manipulations are performed correctly, iTunes will display a message stating that a device has been detected in DFU or recovery mode.

How to regain access to your device using recovery

Almost all of us have had cases when we forgot passwords for our own devices. This not very pleasant situation can happen to any owner of an iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. A message appears on the screen: “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes.” What to do in this case? More on this below.

Everyone knows that Apple devices are reliably protected against those who try to crack the password. And with several incorrect input key, phone or tablet can go into this state.

If we forgot the password for the device, then we start going through everything possible options, but under this condition it can easily block an iPhone or iPad. What does this mean? After entering the code incorrectly more than six times, you will no longer be given attempts, and the following warning will be displayed on the device screen “iPhone is disabled, please try again in 1 minute”.

And after entering the wrong password for the ninth time, you will be asked to connect to iTunes or try again after a longer amount of time - “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes/ “iPhone is disabled, try again in 60 minutes”. All the following actions with devices were carried out with iOS versions 9.2. In other versions, if the password is entered incorrectly, after a certain number of times, the device constantly increases the time for the next attempt. This means that the user has to wait longer and longer, rather than having the problem solved.

Here's how the mechanism works:

  • 5 incorrect attempts in a row - iPhone is disabled, repeat after 1 minute
  • 7 incorrect attempts in a row - iPhone is disabled, repeat after 5 minutes
  • 8 incorrect attempts in a row - iPhone is disabled, repeat after 15 minutes
  • 9 incorrect attempts in a row - iPhone is disabled, repeat after 60 minutes
  • 10 incorrect attempts in a row - iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes (or all data will be reset)

If you are faced with such a situation, do not despair. This can happen to anyone, but Apple company provided a course of action for users. You can return the device to functionality quite quickly if you follow one of the options described below. The methods are relevant for iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 8, iPhone 7. Older models are also suitable.

iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes – how to unlock?

So what should you do when the iPhone says: “iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes” or “iPhone is disabled, try again after (a certain amount of time)?

If you have not backed up your device to your computer in advance, but it is important for you to save personal data on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, then this method will be useful to you. You will have to reset your password manually via iTunes.

For this method to work correctly, the program must recognize the iPhone. If the device was not recognized, then nothing will be reset. Also, nothing will work when connecting to someone else’s device. The fact is that with such a connection, you need confirmation of permission to read information from the device, both on the computer and on the iPhone. And to confirm the action on the phone, you need to unlock it, therefore, nothing will work.

In order for everything to work correctly, connect your phone to the same computer that your iPhone previously worked with. If this is not possible, you can immediately proceed to the method described next.

If everything works, then follow the further instructions:

Launch iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone to it. Right-click on the phone icon or on the special “sync” button. As soon as the synchronization process is started, immediately close it with a small cross. However, sometimes to complete synchronization you need to click on the arrow that appears immediately after clicking on the cross.

The password counter on the lock screen has now been reset. An iPhone or iPad that previously asked you to reenter your password after an hour or more has now reset the counter so you can keep trying. This procedure can be carried out as much as you like until you remember the desired combination.

Even if a message appears asking you to connect to iTunes, we do the same thing. This is not the only option for what you can do if it says “iPhone is disabled.”

The second method is to reset your password

If your device is already disabled or has not yet had time to do so, but still asks you to enter a password, then you should act in a more strict way. All information on your device will be erased. If you have a backup made in advance, that's good. If not, you will have to sacrifice all your data to unlock your device.

Resetting your password is as follows. You need to put your iPhone into recovery mode. Using this mode, you can completely reset your iPhone or iPad to factory settings. Here's how it's done:

Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes.

  • iPhone 6s and older, iPad or iPod touch: Press and hold the power button and the Home button at the same time. When the Apple logo appears on the screen, do not release the buttons. Keep holding them until the recovery mode is activated. Recovery Mode.
  • iPhone 7 or 7 Plus: Press and hold the power button and volume down button at the same time. Keep holding them until the recovery mode is activated.
  • iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X/XS/XS Max/XR: Press and release the Volume Up button, then the Volume Down button. Now hold down the side button. until recovery mode is activated.

After this, iTunes will detect your iPhone in recovery mode. The recovery will take some time, and then you will need to set up your smartphone again or restore your data from a backup.

Third method: how to fix the problem via iCloud

  • On your computer, open the site: icloud.com/find.
  • Log in using Apple ID and password.
  • At the top select All devices.
  • Select the one that is currently disabled.
  • Click EraseiPhone and confirm the action.